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My cartoon is set in Salem during the 1600s when the witch trials were taking place.

Since our society has a tendency to be a little contradictive and ironic, I thought it would be a
good idea to in cooperate that into my cartoon. The first two panels of my drawing are set up in a
Salem church where all the town members are listening to the preacher preach a sermon on
judgment. As Christians, we believe that the only person who can judge us is our savior when we
get to Heaven, but we do the exactly opposite while we are living here on earth. We judge those
around us to harsh extents, even after we know what we are doing is wrong. Another huge part of
it is that we can identify the flaws in other people, but we have yet to correct the flaws inside our
own selves.
The second point that I wanted to convey in my cartoon is that we also have a tendency to
follow others instead of leading ourselves and others to do right by others. I illustrated that by the
people in the church agreeing with everything that the pastor says without any question at all.
These all tie in to how our views of witchcraft are wrong. We do not see them as another
religion, we see them as evil because we associate them witch sorcery instead of their religion
Wicca. Sorcery is known to be more of a dark magic where as Wicca is simply centered on earth
(Stewart 2). If we educate ourselves on the topic of witchcraft, we can make it easier to accept
their religion into our society. It would eliminate all of our perceived thoughts on witches, and
help us grow strong together as a society.


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