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Practice 1

Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

My Hero
My dads as brave as a dad can be,
I rate him Number One,
Hes not afraid off the dead of
Or anything under the sun
Hes not afraid of a late-night film,
Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!
Hes not afraid of meeting ghosts,
Hed even smile and greet em,
And things that scare most dads
the most
My dad could just defeat em.

Hes not afraid of vampires,

Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankensteins monster
knocked on
your door,
He wouldnt let that upset him.
My dads as brave as a dad can
And hes always ready to prove
So why, when a spiders in the
Does Mum have to come and
remove it?

Willis Hall

(a) In stanza 1, how does the persona rate his dad as?
(1 mark)
(b) In stanza 2, what do you understand by the phrase a late night film?
(1 mark)

(c ) What does the personas Mother do?

(1 mark)

(d) In the poem, the persona mentions two creatures of the night that his dad is
not afraid of.
What are the two creatures?
i. ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

ii. ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

( 5 marks)

Practice 2
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

My Hero
My dads as brave as a dad can
I rate him Number One,
Hes not afraid off the dead of
Or anything under the sun

Hes not afraid of vampires,

Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankensteins monster
knocked on
your door,
He wouldnt let that upset him.

Hes not afraid of a late-night

Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!

My dads as brave as a dad can

And hes always ready to prove
So why, when a spiders in the
Does Mum have to come and
remove it?

Hes not afraid of meeting ghosts,

Hed even smile and greet em,
And things that scare most dads
the most
My dad could just defeat em.

Willis Hall

(a) In stanza 1, what do you understand by the phrase dead of night ?

(1 mark)
(b) Why does the persona consider her dad a hero ?

(1 mark)

(c ) In stanza 4, what other name can you think of for wolf-man ?

(1 mark)

(d) State two themes from the poem.

i. ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

ii. ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

( 5 marks)

Practice 3
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

My Hero
My dads as brave as a dad can be,
I rate him Number One,
Hes not afraid off the dead of
Or anything under the sun
Hes not afraid of a late-night film,
Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!
Hes not afraid of meeting ghosts,
Hed even smile and greet em,
And things that scare most dads
the most
My dad could just defeat em.

Hes not afraid of vampires,

Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankensteins monster
knocked on
your door,
He wouldnt let that upset him.
My dads as brave as a dad can
And hes always ready to prove
So why, when a spiders in the
Does Mum have to come and
remove it?

Willis Hall

(a) In stanza 1, what do you understand by the phrase under the sun?
(1 mark)
(b) What is the only thing the personas dad is afraid of ?
(1 mark)

(c ) Why do you think the persona included the Mother in the poem?
(1 mark)

(d) State two moral values from the poem.

i. ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

ii. ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

( 5 marks)

Practice 4
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

My Hero
My dads as brave as a dad can
I rate him Number One,
Hes not afraid off the dead of
Or anything under the sun
Hes not afraid of a late-night
Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!

Hes not afraid of vampires,

Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankensteins monster knocked on
your door,
He wouldnt let that upset him.
My dads as brave as a dad can be,
And hes always ready to prove it.
So why, when a spiders in the bath,
Does Mum have to come and remove it?

Hes not afraid of meeting ghosts,

Hed even smile and greet em,
And things that scare most dads
the most
My dad could just defeat em.

Willis Hall

(a) Who is rated as Number One in this poem ?

(1 mark)
(b) Which line shows that personas dad is not afraid of skeletons at all ?
(1 mark)

(c ) In stanza 4, how will dad feel if Frankensteins monster knocks on the door?
(1 mark)

(d) Do you like watching horror movies? Explain why.

(2 marks)

( 5 marks)

Practice 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

My Hero
My dads as brave as a dad can be,
I rate him Number One,
Hes not afraid off the dead of

Hes not afraid of vampires,

Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankensteins monster knocked on
your door,

Or anything under the sun

He wouldnt let that upset him.

Hes not afraid of a late-night film,

Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!

My dads as brave as a dad can be,

And hes always ready to prove it.
So why, when a spiders in the bath,
Does Mum have to come and remove it?

Hes not afraid of meeting ghosts,

Hed even smile and greet em,
And things that scare most dads
the most
My dad could just defeat em.

Willis Hall

(a) Who is the persona in the poem ?

(1 mark)
(b) What type of shows does dad watch at night?
(1 mark)

(c ) In stanza 3, how will dad react when he meet ghosts?

(1 mark)

(d) In this poem, when does dad need Mums help? Explain why.
(2 marks)

( 5 marks)

Practice 6
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

My Hero
My dads as brave as a dad can be,
I rate him Number One,
Hes not afraid off the dead of
Or anything under the sun
Hes not afraid of a late-night film,
Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!
Hes not afraid of meeting ghosts,
Hed even smile and greet em,
And things that scare most dads
the most
My dad could just defeat em.

Hes not afraid of vampires,

Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankensteins monster knocked
your door,
He wouldnt let that upset him.
My dads as brave as a dad can be,
And hes always ready to prove it.
So why, when a spiders in the
Does Mum have to come and
remove it?

Willis Hall

(a) In stanza 1, why is the persona rate his dad as Number One?
(1 mark)
(b) In stanza 4, what does the phrase he wouldnt let that upset him mean?
(1 mark)

(c ) How do you think the persona probably looks when he talks of his father?
(1 mark)

(d) How do you feel when you read this poem? Give a reason for your response.
(2 marks)

( 5 marks)


Practice 1

He rates his father as Number

Movies aired late at night.
Personas mother removes the
spider in the bath.
Vampires / wolf-man/
Frankensteins monster ( any
two )

Practice 2


Practice 4

The personas dad.

Not dad, not on your Nelly!
He wouldnt be upset / He will be
No, I do not like watching horror
movies because they will give
d me nightmares and disturb my
Yes, I like to watch horror movies
because I am brave and I feel it
is just peoples acting and not
Practice 5

It means the quietest part of the

The persona feels his father is
very brave and is not afraid of
Hero worship / Parent-child
Respecting and looking up to
Practice 3

a The persona is a child.

b Dad watches horror movies.
c When dad meets ghost, he will
smile and greet them.
d Dad needs Mums help when he
sees spiders. This is because he
is afraid of spiders and wants
mum to throw it away.

Everything he can see on a broad

day light.
Because he finds that even a
hero needs help at times. /
Because his mother is not scared
of spiders.
i. We should recognise and
other peoples strengths.
ii. We must value family

a The persona thinks his dad is the

bravest dad ever.
b It means dad will not be afraid if
Frankensteins monster came to
their house.
c He would probably look serious
and proud.
d I feel quiet amused especially
when I read how a brave dad is
so afraid of a spider. This is
because it is quite hard to find a

Practice 6


brave man who is afraid of such

a small insect.

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