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Section A
1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 D 10 B
11 C 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 C 16 A 17 A 18 B 19 B 20 A
21 B 22 D 23 D 24 D 25 B 26 B 27 D 28 D 29 A 30 C
Section B
1 (a) Plants grasshopper frog snake eagle
(b) Frog, snake and eagle
(c) i. The number of plants will increase. The number of frogs, snakes and eagles
will decrease.
ii. The number of plants will decrease. The number of frogs, snakes and eagles
will increase.

(a) To investigate how turtles and birds ensure the survival of their species
(b) i. Many of the eggs and young are eaten by predators.
ii. By laying many eggs, so that some of the young turtles are able to survive
until adult.
(c) i. Birds take care of their eggs.
ii. Its young cannot survive and its species will easily become extinct.

(a) Decreases
(b) 1. Caterpillars eat cabbage leaves
2. Birds eat caterpillars
(c) Cabbage leaves Caterpillars Birds
(c) There is no food supply for birds.
(d) The birds left will also die.

(a) Measles
(b) Microorganisms
(c) Through tiny droplets released from someone who has measles when he/she
sneezes or coughs
(d) Stay away from your friend until he/she gets better.
(e) To prevent the disease from spreading to another person

Section A
1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 C
11 D 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 B 16 B 17 B 18 D 19 B 20 D
21 B 22 B 23 D 24 D 25 B 26 D 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 D
Section B
1 (a) There are moulds growing on the bread.
(b) i. Yes
ii. Moulds are very tiny and cannot be seen with the naked eye.
(c) Fungi
(d) i. From the air
ii. The moulds feed on the bread
(e) There will be more moulds growing on the bread.
(f) Moulds can grow.

(a) 1. Have bright colours

2. Have smells
(b) Birds disperse papaya seeds to other places.
(c) i. The species of papaya may not be able to survive and will become
ii. If birds do not eat the papaya fruit, the seeds cannot be dispersed far
away from the parent plants.

(a) 7
(b) Frog, snake and eagle
(c) Sparrow
(d) 1. The number of grasshoppers will increase.
2. The number of snakes will decrease.
3. The number of eagles will decrease.

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