Renovation Technology How Can We Change It?: Pasadena City College

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Pasadena City College

Renovation Technology
How can we change it?

Dalaina Valenzuela
English 1A STACC
Professor Ogden
17 April 2016
In this research paper examines the cause and effects on technology of social media and video
game playing.The first part of the paper examines of how much it is better to communicate and

connect with other people because getting involved with one another can make a difference.The
influence of technology is what the youth mind desires. The youth uses the technology in a
different way that can prevent them by using the tool in a negative way. Changing or flipping the
switch so that the youth can work in a positive way for themselves. Throughout the creation of a
organization The connection between a young adult and youth will give more of a understanding
toward them and have a brighter future.

Thesis : Having the ability to speak your thoughts is an amazing thing to have. Because it's the
authenticity in your heart what formulates to whatever you're speaking to. The voice, you have
so many advantages for example speaking up for what you believe in, expressing your love with
one another, or even singing your heart out. Those are few of the many things that a voice can
offer. Not only speaking can be called a voice but, also other forms of expression can be called a
voice too.


A. Having a bond being united with people.
B. Form good relationship with each other.

1. Ted talk Natalie Warne
2. How can I make a change?
3. What in my communities that needs help?

III. My Ideas
1. Technology is consuming our world.
2. Teens are all about gaming and social media.
3. There is a distraction from school.

IV. The creation

1. University Student who are majoring in psychology.
2. Student who are attached to technology.
3. Flip the switch to enjoying school.


The Benefits
1. The student from the University will gain experience
2. It won't affect the child record.
3. Learning from one another.


Emotional Part
1. Having a connection with someone who is somewhat young who can get you.
2. Realizing that the youth are losing spare time with their loved ones.
3. Looking for guidence to look up too.


1. Have charts that show proof.
2. Having back up information to make my statement true
3. Have further interesting information to show.


Personal Experience
1. Former family member who is my cousin.
2. Don't have a great relationship at all .
3. Too much video playing is distracting him from bonding with his own family.


Having the ability to speak your thoughts is an amazing thing to have. Because it's the
authenticity in your heart what formulates to whatever you're speaking to. With a voice, you
have so many advantages for example speaking up for what you believe in, expressing your love
with one another, or even singing your heart out. Those are few of the many things that a voice
can offer. Not only speaking can be called a voice but, also other forms of expression can be
called a voice too. For example step off the rock of absolute certainty and test the waters of their
own minds.(pg.20). Meaning to be open with your thoughts, don't shelter your ideas because
maybe the idea that you have can make a difference.With a voice comes empowerment to
become a agent for change. Changing or helping to be part of something is what the world desire
of need. For example Natalie Warne a young activist who volunteer for a organization called
Invisible Children voices her thoughts and encourages people to donate money to be part of
the organization so that they would help save war children from the evil leader Kony.

Natalie Warne knew she had a mission, she knew what she wanted to do something. Having
the grit on helping other people what made her unique. Part of her identity is what she love to do.
From her act of thoughtfulness made me realize that it's never too early to make a change. So by
learning and grabbing some inspiration from Natalie Warne. The idea for the organization that I

will create will be something different from what Natalie Warne has done with hers. Mines will
be a mentoring program for teenagers who have an absorption of technology. I will apply a
system that will turn in their social media, and gaming into a positive way for their greater good.
From my experience there has been great changes for younger youth from elementary schools.
For example they implied learning games that you can physically follow around as exercise. I
have seen change through their eyes and a difference of how the younger youth are eager to go
back to school. And why not do the same to the youth but in a different way that will make them
focus into school more. For example instead of playing violent video games they can play
memorie games that will improve their memory. It's making a switch into luring them into the
educational path that will inspire them into becoming a leader of their own responsibility.

In the organization of Renovation Technology there will be people that you can trust.
There are here to help with anybody because, everybody needs therapy in their life at one point
to set a stepping stone. So that young people can have an idea where theyre going in life. The
mentors will be people who are in the University who want to pursue a career in psychology. It's
a program that gets the best of both world. It will be a learning lesson for both side about fixing
problems or learning to give advice to each other, so that the mentors can have more experience
in the future.

When you're young you don't really know who you are yet. Having that emotional
connection with a therapist who is quite young and can understand you in your level is quite nice
because sometime it's hard to get through people who are older than you. The youth are in the
process of growing and learning new things. Sometimes it's a struggle for younger generation to
set on a good path because all the technology that they're consuming is damaging their brain for

example, ADHD which unable to control their impulse, another obstacle is computer vision
syndrome that affect the eye to become irritated or soreness. These are the many things that can
affect your health because of the seduction of technology.

As a child you always have the tendency to look up to someone for guidance. It's a
natural thing to have because you're figuring out if you're doing the right thing or not. Some do
need a little more guidance than other and that's okay.groups develop their own conventions for
those genres in light of their desired goals(pg.467).This nonprofit organization will not have the
benefit on putting the information on the record for the individual person that asking for help.
For example Mary Pipher Wrote Writing to Change the World. Tells us that having a therapist
or writing are similar to each other because it helps the person out with their individuality to
focus and get in touch with themselves rather than getting lost in the clouds. Having a mentoring
program that will improve the educational system, and show a difference in teenagers. For
example teenagers will be attending school more often, focusing in class rather
than fooling around with their buddies. Mary Pipher quotes Engage in honest conversation that
often lead to personal transformation(pg.89). Having a bond with someone you trust will lead to
knowing more about yourself better. You want to trust someone because you want to be able to
hear your problems out and get feedback.

Having a organization for teenagers and mentors is a great idea because it create a great
community for the teens. For example, genres and the conventions that guide them change as
the community discovers more efficient adaptations(pg.467). The teenagers will look back at
their past experiences as a learning lesson, they will memorize points that will stick with them
throughout their lives. Obtaining those memories will improve their ability to act independently

for themselves and have the odasity to communicate and help with one another. Hopefully
enlighten themselves and others to becoming a better them and for their community. With the
organization called Helping Hand, it will build students self-esteem and help student to achieve
their academics.The effect on excelling the youth educational career explains the lack of
confidence of agility to finish their own work or have the courage to go into a classroom to
consume knowledge.

We live in a information age which gives young minds isolated from their family. It's the
seduction of Youtube, Instagram, and SnapChat and video games that consume the youth minds
Teens are diversifying their social network site use.(pg.3). Technology becomes easily
accessible to young minds as an opportunity to escape from reality of discomfort with whatever
they're going through. It's the cause of being part of the social atmosphere and the effect on not
participating in school.

Temptation of interesting advertisements suck in the youth interest. It's all about the increase of
violence of video games or how many followers you have in Instagram and Twitter.The people
give the youth what they want to better their company. It's all about business and what good for
their company. The more money they get from the youth it increases to make better product for
the youth, because the youth always wants the latest so they can be up to date to be part of the
social circle. Having or knowing about the latest app creates more involvement of upgrading to
the next app. For example like Candy Crush they will give you free 5 levels or more after you
pass them all you have the temptation to buy the app because it's start to get addicting. You will
want more because your friends bought the app and now you get the peer pressure from your
friends and acquaintance to buy the game app. So you buy it and then thier a new one and then

want more because your friends bought the app and now you get the peer pressure from your
friends and acquaintance to buy the game app. So you buy it and then thier a new one and then
you buy that one too it's like a cycle. It keeps on repeating over and over again like a fashion
trend. Here are two diagram from an article called Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview
2015 by Amanda Lenhart. That show two different scenarios of social media and videogames
that is popular and least popular in the diagrams. First diagram shows the most popular site.
From the looks of it Facebook is popular which has 71% and the least is diferent media sites.

In this diagram It shows that boys are more likely play video games more than girls are. From
my experience majority of my cousins that are boys are always in their rooms playing video
games till morning and until the next day. The girls are more likely to be on social media than
boys are reason why its because of the fashion, traveling, and DIY.


Treating technology in a wrong way can affect themselves and the community in many
different type of ways. There will be less kids outside playing at their neighborhood and
neighborhood parks. The orua of the places like these will have less emotion of vibrant spirit.
Another thing there won't be enough communication and connection to form community events
for the city's. With cell phone it's easy to take them everywhere you go for example the dinner
table which is disrespectful to other people that are on the table sitting next to you or across from

you. Communicating with words with other people are things that lead us to do more stuff
Engage in honest conversation that often lead to personal transformation.(pg.89). But using
the technology in the wrong way the youth start to lose interest in school, by having difficulties
paying attention to the teachers lectures or completing task such as school work. Less student
will come into class, the less money the economy will gain from. It will be much difficult for
schools to get school supplies. The district for example whiteboards, tablets, and textbooks.
Another thing teachers will start to lose there job because of cutbacks.
Its has alway been the desire of human to find the light from the end of the tunnel. It can be
good or it can be bad such as technology. But there is always a way to teach the right way before
it decreasingly turn out annoying and there is ways they try to improve it by putting up fun
educational apps step off the rock of absolute certainty and test the waters of their own minds.
(pg.20). But in ways social media and video games tend to succeed the youth expectation of
entertainment which affects the connection with themselves of their goals for their educational
path.With those expectation there will be no roede for them just laziness.

Nicolise Sanders is one of the five brothers of his family that has a lust over technology. A
nineteen year old boy who can't let go of social media and video games. It's a net that has tied
him to the screens. His passion for gaming was greatly influenced by his brothers that are
considered to be gamer as well who have pass the torch to him to continue on the gaming.
Nicolise has a life of indoor indulgment that distracts him from ever thinking about his
dream,goals, and his life ahead. Its an addiction that's blinding him of ever getting back to reality.

Playing twelve to fifteen hour a day is what seem a usual day for Nicolis. The typical day is
eat and play games. Nicolis always has his pj's and his messy bed head throughout the whole
day. Right by his night stand is a bottle of eye drop because his eye get pretty dry due to the
extensive amount of playing. As he walk out with his zombify face out to the dining room it
seems that he has developed a hunch on his back that's making it difficult to sit up correctly. It's a
feeling of discouragement of wanting to help out a person that being possessed by gaming.
Nicolis sits on the dinning room chair sluggish and said Are you in college already? As if he
heard it from the grapevine. I said casually yes, and you?. Nicolis face scrunch up awkwardly
and appalled and said wait you're in college already?, I said yea right after high school I
enroll myself for spring. Then he answer so you just went right into college no gap, or
anything?. I said, yup I just went right into college. Then I said you should enroll yourself
into college, there are many opportunities in college in a encouraging voice. After that he said I
will think about it. Then Nicolis got up struggling and went back to his room to play more video
games. It was a quick conversation that hopefully open his mind to thinking about going back to

Nicolise grew up in Pomona, California. Who live in a small, adorable trailer town that has a
tiny signs for each street like an average street would have and a pool that sparkles only on
summers. At the age of 10 it was the start of acknowledging that he loved playing video games
because, it was an escape from the drama of school that was occurring to him. He played video
games with his brothers and there it continued on out. He graduated from Pomona High School
and stop going to school because of the extensive hour of gaming that has pulled him in which
lead him to forget to register for college. For Nicole's, growing up in the information age there
are always new devices being created and there are so much temptation on getting his hands on

those devices. Currently he has removed his books from his bookshelfs for his games and his
desk that was actually for his school work has been converted into piles of wires and also gaming
devices. It's like going into a dysfunctional computer.

As it seem that nicholis doesn't want to be a professional he devotes his time for just
recreational purposes. Nicolis never thought about being professional because he never thought
about it that way . The reason to be is the lack of communication and inspiration from his
parents. He never had the push to do something out of his house for example to get a job, hang
out with other people, or outdoor activity of such sort. The only way to socialize is by internet or
by his gaming earphones.The feeling of relating to someone make him feel accepted toward
them rather than talking to someone who has different preference from him, because it make him
feel self- conscious. With video playing he can relate to other people and he doesn't feel the
needs to put on a face for other people. His personality is very strict for example his attitude
seem to be grouchy rather than a inviting presences. I believe that violent video games are the
trigger of stress load and increase of anger issues because it comes from the tension of getting
pass through to the next level from the game. But study shows that Once corrected for
publication bias, studies of video game violence provided no support for the hypothesis that
violent video game playing is associated with higher aggression.

Nicolis will soon realize that there is much more in the world than just playing video games in
his room all day. He said that he is planning on enrolling back to school and taking it easy.
Because with too much gaming it messes him up on the way he thinks. You just have to have lots
of motivation on getting through it and the process on getting back to reality. Because that the
only hope is school because as he starts to age I don't think he would want to live with his parent

forever also when he get older he should be taking care of his parents not the other way around.
It's time for a wake up call for nicolis before time fly past him. Having in Renovation
Technology will help him in many ways.

Work cited

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.Teens are diversifying their social
network site use.(pg.3)

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.step off the rock of absolute certainty
and test the waters of their own minds.(pg.20)


Pipher, Mary. Writing to Change the World. Riverhead Books; Reprint edition (May 1,
2007). Engage in honest conversation that often lead to personal transformation(pg.89).

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.article called Teens, Social Media &
Technology Overview 2015 by Amanda Lenhart

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015. genres and the conventions that guide
them change as the community discovers more efficient adaptations(pg.467)

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.
Teens are diversifying their social network site use.(pg.3)

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.
step off the rock of absolute certainty and test the waters of their own minds.(pg.20)

Pipher, Mary. Writing to Change the World. Riverhead Books; Reprint edition (May 1,
Engage in honest conversation that often lead to personal transformation(pg.89).

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.
Article called Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015 by Amanda Lenhart

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.
genres and the conventions that guide them change as the community discovers more efficient

Warne, Natalie. Anonymous Extraordinaries Ted talk, Apr 13, 2011.

HASSAN, IHAB. "The Educated Heart: The Humanities In The Age Of Marketing And
Technology." Antioch Review 73.4 (2015): 600-611. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Apr.

Correa, Teresa. "Acquiring A New Technology At Home: A Parent-Child Study About Youths
Influence On Digital Media Adoption In A Family." Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic
Media 60.1 (2016): 123-139. Business Source Elite. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand: Class Matters. New York: Routledge, 200 print.

Pipher, Mary. Writing to Change the World. New York: Penguin group, 2006.penguin
Engage in honest conversation that often lead to personal transformation.(pg.89)

Annotated Bibliography

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 1-9.Print.

Bell mention that she lived in a small concrete house that couldn't hold up memorize. Bell came
from a hardworking family that never gave up. Her mother never complained about money
issues she didn't want her family to know that the family was struggle. Her mother was a
teenager when she got married to her husband. So it was a lot to take in for a young mother.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 10-23.Print.

Bell is now starting to question herself about class and how it has been a confusion on whether or
not class was important or not plus the manipulation on what her mother would teach her. Now
traveling and meeting and seeing more people she starts to wonder on how class portrays people
actions, and characteristics. Then going to a all white college was a hug for her and her family

because she got to succeed on what she wants to be. But soon realize what she did not like what
her professor was teaching her.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 24-37.Print

Her family would go to church every sunday. The thing that she would was how simple life
people for example the lower class people were closer to god rather than the upper class
people.And that being in a community is a good thing and giving and sharing one another's
goods is the right thing to do. And Solidarity is what bell thinks that it will keep us together as
a community.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 38-49.Print

In her home town it was not the best of towns. Many of the families had a difficult time to keep
the family together and the relationship between their love ones also. The younger kids new what
siuation they were in because they would see other kids that had new stuff so the lower class felt
ashem and embaressed of what they had or did not have.You see that Bell got accepted to
StandFord University were she witness higher class level of action and characteristics which
made her felt discourage.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 50-62.Print

Talk about greed,and discussing the new age how everyone can have whatever they want. People
now in these days it's very materialize in a way that people what to feel they're in the higher class

or be part of it to feel that there in the society. Then the new generation get blind from money
and become narcissistic with the material. And that the rich are getting richer and the poor are
getting poorer.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 63-69.Print

This chapter Bell explains how rich people want to become more wealthy and the poor stays
poor. Bells said that they incorporated the class into media for example sitcoms about the lower
class of what they think how it is presented and also the rich side too. She include that the media
love to enhance of what the scenario would look like to gain the public eye interest. She does
not like how the classes are portrayed for example rich people as heroes and poor people as
victims. Then bells tells us that being rich converts you on becoming a greedy person.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 50-79.Print

Bells talk about the youth and how they're the largest consumers. The youth is
always interested in the media and think about being lazy and relax but in the reality they
have to work for what they want. Bells say that the youth does not know politics in their
minds they think of money is life. That educator don't educate the youth with basic
fundamental rights.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand : Class Matters. New York: Routledge,200 80-88.Print

Bells discuss how black people were the first one to discover America. And
people who were travelers were mistakenly labeled as lower class people than originally
middle class people. Then she discusses that the how the owners would favor the light
skinned black people than the darker. Because it was part of their child so the child had
much more rights than the darker people.Then Hook combine of of her materials that she
research to implicate or back up her claim.

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.

PewResearchCenter. Publication date April 9, 2015.

The research evaluates the criteria of how each ethnicity family treats their own
child with technology. It give you different perspective how the family uses technology.
Then It give the readers the combination of education for example, they say that student
who have the smartphone are less likely to pass the ACT test. Having the best devices is
what make you the cool kid in the block. It's more of a materialistic rather than learning
on how to use technology in a useful way rather than using it in a way of just pleasure.

Pipher, Mary. Writing to Change the World. Riverhead Books; Reprint edition (May

Writing to change the world formulates the author ideas to what she wants to accomplish.
She not the only one who view her point about bettering the society but also had back up
information that had a different way of approaching the situation of class. Pipher want to
lead the world into a better place of compassion and trust with one another. Discussing the

points of what can be the solution to the problem is what is her goal. It's a leadership and
great step of what the author wants to be doing.

HASSAN, IHAB. "The Educated Heart: The Humanities In The Age Of Marketing And
Technology." Antioch Review 73.4 (2015): 600-611. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22
Apr. 2016.

It's a article that resemble of how technology has taken over our humanity. It gives us a
brief timeline of how we involved with technology. Then the author gradually integrates
the schooling into the article which really expands the problem and the root to the problem
which was the youth. Just starting from the bottom which were youth because they are the
one who are being effected from the start of it which gradually technology stick with them

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