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April 2016
The Residents Association
Annual General Meeting
will take place on 4 May.
Please come along.

Dear Resident

Folly Hill new

Residential development of land to the west of Folly Hill

The Park View Residents Association wish to bring to your attention a
planning application, which is expected to be submitted very soon to Waverley
Borough Council. The application will be for up to 120 homes on a site that
joins Folly Hill to the east, Old Park Lane to the north and Upper Park Lane to
the west. If permitted, it is likely that this will affect you in some way or other.
Whilst the Association intends to submit a collective representation, it is
nevertheless imperative that individual residents who have strong views about
the application also write a letter. The letter does not have to be long, it simply
needs to place on record your views regarding the proposed development. It is
important that any submission is in respect of specific matters relating to the
planning application and is not just an objection.
If you would like to put forward your view on how you think the Association
should represent residents views, please come along to the AGM on 4 May.
John Hurst, Chairman

AGM on 4 May

The Park View Residents Association AGM will be held on Wednesday 4 May at
7.15pm at Folly Hill Infants School. There will be two parts to the meeting.

Part one

This will include an update on a number of items, including:

Progress on matters raised at last years AGM
Estate matters
Neighbourhood Watch

Part two
This will be the opportunity for an open discussion about the proposed Folly
Hill planning application. This part of the meeting is for Park View residents
Please come along to find out more, ask questions and meet other people
from the estate.

homes proposal
Thank you to everybody who
has sent us their thoughts
about the proposed application
to build up to 120 homes at
Folly Hill and to install a new
roundabout at the Folly
Hill/Drovers Way junction.
The committee has discussed
the matter in some detail and
will report back at the AGM.

The Residents Association
would like to pass on their
congratulations to a former
member of the committee.
Allan Maxwell, and his wife
The Maxwells live on the estate
and recently received a
prestigious Services to
Farnham award from Farnham
Town Council. The award was
given in recognition of their
services to the Farnham
community and Meals on
Wheels. Congratulations to you

Is your neighbours house

in the spotlight?
After last years spate of burglaries,
some residents have taken steps to
install security lighting.
While there are some obvious
benefits, complaints about light
pollution are on the increase.
Artificial night lights have been
blamed for disrupting the migration

patterns of birds, the breeding

patterns of nocturnal birds and

A resident on the Folly Hill side of the estate was thrilled to capture this

insects and the sleep patterns of

picture of some regular visitors to her garden.

some humans.

The badgers appeared to be enjoying an evening snack of worms!

So, if you have security lights or you

If you have any pictures of wildlife seen on the estate, please do email
them to so we can add them to the website.

are thinking about having them

installed, please do make sure they
are angled correctly and the light
does not intrude into your
neighbours house every time a cat
or fox trots past!
See for
links to more information and
advice about how to get your
security lighting right. It is worth
having a read as, if you are found to
be causing a statutory nuisance
through intrusive lighting, the
Council does have the power to
serve an abatement notice under
the Environmental Protection Act

This newsletter has been

published by Park View Residents

Are you causing a stink?

We received a request from a resident to clarify the position regarding

bonfires. While there are no specific laws against having a garden bonfire,
on a nice day when people have their windows open and washing is
drying outside, bonfires are a menace.
Although a one-off bonfire is not considered a statutory nuisance, if you
regularly affect your neighbours with ash or smoke, then Waverley can
investigate to see if a statutory nuisance is being caused.
Waverleys garden waste collection service is a very good alternative to
burning your garden material. The annual cost for a fortnightly collection
is 45. See for links to more information.

PVRA Committee members

John Hurst Chairman
Mike Downs Deputy Chairman
Julie Jackson - Secretary
Mark Baker - Treasurer
Roger Higgins

Your elected representatives

Town and Borough Councillors

Cllr John Scotty Fraser, 01252 321300

Cllr Julia Potts, 07977 443394

County Councillor
Cllr Denise Le Gal, 01252 728363,

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