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Lopez 1

Andres Lopez
English 150 TK
W Piece Reflection
Ms. Samantha Futhey
Written Piece Reflection
The revision of any written document is an important activity that always increases the
level of a paper. After I received the feedback from assignment #4 on the Statue of Liberty, I was
fairly disappointed, but after reviewing my assignment, it was not until then that I started to
notice all the mistakes. The goal with this revision was to add value to the paper, making it more
of a analysis based paper than a historical one.
One of the most significant changes from the first paper to the second was having the
ability to provide analytical thinking. In the first version, I received a feedback saying that my
assignment was basically, just a research paper and that there was no analytical thinking behind
the facts I provided. After re-reading the assignment, I realized that the paper had massive
amounts of historical research with no reason to why it was important to the physical structure of
the art piece, making hard to understand. In order to solve this problem, I added more of my
own thoughts and opinions to why the facts were relevant to the physical structure and why they
had such a significance on society. An example of these changes can be found in the last
sentences of the third paragraph. Instead of talking about just the facts of the broken chains
underneath the Statue of Libertys feet, I also added analytical thinking, by stating the reasons
why the chains were important to the physical structure and how they were perceived to the
public eye.
I also added another significant change to my revised assignment. This was the Annotated
Bibliography page. According to the comments in my original copy, the citations that

Lopez 2
I used did not follow the MLA style and one of the requirements for the assignment was to
follow MLA style. That is one reason why my grade was not as high. In result to that, I re-did the
Annotated Bibliography page, this time following the MLA format and to make it possible I
followed directions from The Purdue Online Writing Lab. This website was very useful to me
because it gave me directions on how to cite correctly step by step.
The most important fault that I had in this assignment was that I had irrelevant
information in my original assignment. This made me take out some information out completely.
The information provided in the revised version has relevant information to why the Statue of
Liberty was so significant and how the physical structure made the statue so much more
meaningful. After review of this assignment, I believe that I added value to my revised
assignment, making it more of an analysis based paper and less of a research paper. The
information that I changed, moved the flow of the essay into a different direction. In addition, the
feedback that I received; it helped me realize how analytical papers work and that they should
not be solely based off of historical facts.

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