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E MBAssy of the plurinational

State of BOLIVIA

Washington, DC, May 7, 2010


Dear friends of Mother Earth,

The Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia would like to express its gratitude for
your valuable participation on the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and the
Rights of Mother Earth that took place this past April in Cochabamba, Bolivia. It was
great to receive in our country peoples from all around the world (More than 30.000 from
the 5 continents) and also to feel the unity to try to save our Mother Earth from the
disaster of Global Warming and the future of our next generations.

President Morales really appreciated your fruitful participation, all your interventions and
interest in this key negotiation process. We would like to thank most of you who have
sent us written communication of support and appreciations to our country, as well as all
your proposals and initiatives for steps to move forward, all of them are very welcome.

It is our pleasure to present you the final documents of the Conference translated to
English. You will find attached the Peoples’ Accord along with the final conclusions for
each working group.

As you may know for the media, today in New York, President Morales is meeting Mr.
Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, in order to personally present
him the Peoples’ Accord from Cochabamba. Among the most important aspects of the
People’s Accord are a project for a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by
developing countries for the 2010-2017 period; a draft Declaration on the Rights of
Mother Earth; a proposal for a global referendum on climate change; and
recommendations for the creation of an International Climate Justice Tribunal.

Furthermore, the Bolivian Government wants to express solidarity with the nations and
peoples affected by the unfair migration law in the State of Arizona. Together with the
UNASUR Countries we are presenting our serious concerns to the State Department and
requesting the US Government to act in order to stop this situation.

We will be in touch in order to coordinate another meeting of our Committee on Climate

Change here at the Embassy, please feel free to contact us for any suggestion from your
All the best,

Erika Dueñas
Chargé d’ Affaires

3014 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20008 Telf.: (202) 483 4410 Fax: (202) 328 3712

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