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Newsletter | May 2016

Principals Message
Important Dates
May 2 Green Calgary
Presentation Gr 3/4
May 3 Woodman info for Gr
6 students re: options
May 12 Gr 6 PAT LA
May 13 Volunteer
Appreciation Tea
May 16 Gr 1/2 Scientist in
-School Council Mtg.
May 17- K Telus Spark fieldtrip
May 18 K-2 in school fieldtrip
May 19 Fun Lunch &Literary
Character Day
May 19 Gr 6 visit to
May 20 PD Day
May 23 Victoria Day
May 26Gr. 1/2 Celebration of
Learning Assembly
May 25 - Gr- 3-6 field trip to
Carburn Park - SOGO
May 25 Kindergarten
Orientation (16/17)
May 27 Genius Hour Faire
June 1 School Wide Photo
June 2 Talent Show
June 3 School Council BBQ
June 7 Bike to School Day
June 9 Patrol Picnic
June 16 Gr 6 PAT LA
June 17 Gr 6 PAT Math
June 18 Gr 6 PAT -Science
June 20 Gr 6 PAT SS
June 21 Gr 5 Field trip
ATCO Kitchen
June 24 Nutrition Break
June 27 Sports Day
June 28 Gr 6 Farewell
June 28 - Last Day &
Report Cards home
June 29 Appeals Day

It is the time of year that decisions about the upcoming school year are being made. We have
spent a great deal of time as a staff discussing and planning how to best organize the school for
next year always using the filter of what is best for students. Information was shared and feedback
gathered during the April school council meeting. The following is information that we know at
this point about next year:
Class Configuration & Locations:
We have decided to try to keep class sizes as small as possible, although this could mean less extra
support is available. Based on our best prediction of enrolment for next year, we will have about
190 students. Our plan is to have one Kindergarten class (although this could possibly be two
classes depending on numbers), three grade 1/2 classes, three grade 3/4 classes and two grade 5/6
classes. This would mean there would be one more class than what we currently have this year. To
accommodate for this, we have decided to turn our current music room into a classroom. The new
music room will be in the art room/break out space. We currently have two grade 1/2 classes
together in one large classroom space. We are still considering various factors before deciding if
we will continue to have two classes in one large classroom space or if we will create another
classroom within part of our learning commons. Moving into the space that is currently used by
Area Office is not an option at this time.
Staffing Updates:
Mrs. Pinkett, our former Admin Secretary has moved to Acadia School. We wish her all the best in
her new role. We are in the process of hiring for this position. Mrs. Lori McKeage will be in this
position until we are able to hire someone.
Mr. Eakins has accepted a Learning Leader position for the upcoming school year at West Ridge
School, which is a new middle school that will be opening next year. We wish Mr. Eakins all the
best and thank him sincerely for all of the fabulous work he has done at Haysboro School.
Mrs. Kohan will be returning as Principal in the fall. We are excited to welcome her back!
Ms. Manser will be moving to Andrew Sibbald School in the fall as their new Principal.
Further staffing updates will be provided in the June Newsletter as they become known.
Possible Change in School Hours
We are considering shifting our school hours to possibly have an 8:30 am start. This would also
mean an earlier dismissal time. We recognize there are pros and cons to this, although most
elementary schools do have an earlier start time than what we currently have at Haysboro. We will
continue to have early dismissal on Fridays, although we are also debating about whether dismissal
on Friday would be best at 12:00 or 1:00. The total number of instructional hours in a year would
not change as the provincial government mandates this. If you would like to express your opinion
about this and have your voice heard, please feel free to send me an email at
or call me at 403-777-8530.
Yours in Education,
Kim Manser, Acting Principal

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Planning for Next Year

To help us plan for the 2016/2017 school year, we are asking that you notify the school
office at 403-777-8530 or email if you will be moving and/or your
child will be transferring to another school. This information will
help us to be able to better plan for the upcoming year. Thank
Yearbook Club
Yearbook orders were due on April 21st, however, you still have a chance to get your order
in. The yearbook is subsidized by School Council so that families only have to pay $10 to
purchase a 2015-2016 Haysboro School Yearbook. The yearbook is created by the
Yearbook Club under the guidance of Mrs. Lineham and Mrs. Shukalov. Please get your
yearbook orders in as soon as possible. If you require a new order form, please let us
Kindergarten Registration
Registration continues for the 2016/2017 Kindergarten Program. Children who are four
years of age on or before March 1, 2016 are eligible to attend in September. Please
register your child at the school office.
Fun Lunch
The next Fun Lunch will be on May 19th. This Fun Lunch will be from Edo. The deadline
to order is May 12th. Please go to to order.
Student Council
As an example of the kind of things that Student Council does for Haysboro School, this
action really speaks to the Councils mission of making student voice heard. It was brought
to the attention of the Student Council that there were no nets on the basketball hoops
outside on the compound. Carter H., the student council vice-chairperson, took on the
work of investigating the situation and looking in to possible solutions. Carter looked at
where the best place to purchase nets was and decided on a local business that supplies
sports equipment. After taking the initiative to go on the weekend and use his own time
and money to get the nets, Carter graciously and generously donated them to the school.
On Tuesday, April 26, Carter and Mr. San, Haysboros facility operator, installed the nets
for all students to enjoy. Thanks Carter!
The next student council theme day which is on May 19th will be Literary Character Day.
Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite literary character.
The next council meetings will be held on May 4th and May 18th at 12:20 pm.
Physical Education Schedule
The focus in physical education in May will be on Badminton and Racquet games as well as
on Cooperative Games.
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May, 2016

Special Physical Education Programs

In May, our students will have the opportunity to try out the sport of Orienteering, which
is also referred to as Adventure Running. Our Kindergarten, grade one and two students
will work with the Special Instructors right at Haysboro School on May 18th. They will have
two stations a navigation station and a timed endurance loop. Students in grade 3-6 will
travel to Carburn Park on May 25th where there will be four stations for them to work
through: Endurance, Agility, Speed, and Navigation. The offsite consent forms for this
activity will be coming home soon.
Intramurals Ending Soon
The last day for intramurals for this school year will be on May 11th. A huge thank you to
Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs. Symington, and Ms. Russell for the many hours they spent
supervising intramurals throughout the year.
The Learning Commons will continue to be open at 8:30 am on Mondays, Tuesdays and
Supervision is provided on the playground before school beginning at 8:45 am every
school day.
Running Club
We will be trying out a new running club for all students! We will be starting Monday May
16th and going to Friday June 17th.
Every day before school at 8:45 and at morning recess 10:30-10:45, students will be
encouraged to run outside in our field. With each lap that a student does they earn a
popsicle stick. At the end of each session, popsicle sticks are counted up. Students will
receive a certificate when they reach 100 laps, 200 laps, 500 laps and even 1000 laps!
The running club will be supervised by teachers on supervision in the field, with the help of
student volunteers! How many do you think you can achieve?
Bike To School Day
On June 7th, it is Calgary Bike to School day. We will be encouraging our Haysboro staff
and students to participate along with thousands of other Calgarians by biking to school.
There will be prize draws for those who participate. Please watch for additional
information coming home prior to the event. Other days that you may be interested in

International Bike to School Day May 4th

Calgary Bike to Work Day May 6th

Bike Day in Canada May 30th

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Volunteers Needed
At Haysboro School, Volunteers are so important to us we couldnt do it without your
support! Our volunteers help in so many different ways such as volunteering on field trips,
reading with students or helping them with projects, assisting with clubs, organizing
fundraisers and fun lunches as well as volunteering at casinos or at functions such as our
upcoming BBQ. We also have volunteers come into classes to share their expertise on
various topics. The possibilities of ways volunteers can get involved are endless. We truly
value your support. If you are interested in volunteering, please consider registering for
Haysboro School Volunteer opportunities at or email the volunteer
coordinator at All volunteers are required to complete a
security clearance. This can be done free of charge. Please contact the school office for
help with this.

Some of you may have noticed that the Tumblebooks link on our Haysboro School
homepage is no longer working and we will soon remove the link. This is because we
made the decision not to renew our Tumblebooks subscription because this is a service
that can easily be accessed for free in other ways. If you search free Tumblebooks there
are lots of libraries that have active links to Tumblebooks. We apologize if this has caused
an inconvenience.
The Haysboro Choir, that meets on Wednesdays from 8:30-9:00am, will be finished on
Wednesday May 11th, 2016. Thank you for your awesome dedication and beautiful
singing! Their final performance will be at the Volunteer Appreciation Tea on May 13th.

Talent Show
We are in the preparation stage for a June 2, 2016
talent show. Students are encouraged to think about a
talent they would like to show off.
~ Not all talents are a performing art! If you have a video of yourself doing something
amazing, a painting or piece of art you would like to display, a poem to show off, or
something similar, please consider getting it ready to put on display!
~ If you have a performing talent, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, acting, etc. We
will be holding auditions in a few weeks. Stay tuned for audition dates in late May.

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Volunteer Appreciation Tea

Our volunteer appreciation tea will be held on May 13th at 10:30 am. We couldnt do it
without our many wonderful volunteers. Invitations for this event were sent home to all
families earlier this week. Please RSVP by May 6th if you are able to attend.

Birthday Club
Birthday Club provides an opportunity for students to buy and donate books to our
Learning Commons to celebrate their birthdays. Mrs. Kriekle has a large selection of
approved books to choose from. All books donated to the Learning Commons are stamped
with a special appreciation stamp with the students first name written in.
o Elle H ~ April 11th ~ At First Bite
o Ruby P ~ April 29th ~ Smile
o Raina B ~ April 30 ~ The Enchantress Returns

Celebration of Learning Assembly

The Grade 1/2 Celebration of Learning Assembly will be on May 26, 2016 at 10:00 am.
The Grade 1/2s are hosting this assembly and will be sharing some of the things they have
been learning about.

Provincial Achievement Test Dates

Below are the dates for the Provincial Achievement Tests for students in Grade 6.

May 12 Writing

June 15 Reading

June 16 Math

June 17 Science

June 20 Social Studies

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Garden Club
Gardening season is upon us! You will see big changes in the
Dreamcatcher Garden this month!
A big thank you to the City of Calgary for donating compost for us.
Also a big thank you to Sonja for the use of her truck and her time to haul the compost.
Another big thank you to Cliff Doerksen of JD Spuds for his donation of potatoes and for
allowing my family to visit his farm.
A reminder that the garden beds, particularly the raised beds, should be seen as fragile
and children should never be permitted to walk in, dig in or otherwise disturb them. There
is expensive underground watering equipment in the raised beds which is easily damaged,
plants can be trampled and soil can be compacted. The Committee is committed to
providing a connection with gardening to all the children and we can't do that if the
garden is damaged.
We are starting to organize plans for the summer, particularly arranging for families to
take care of the garden while school is out. We couldn't do it without your help, so please
consider volunteering for a couple of days: you may be rewarded with a share of whatever
is ready for harvest at the time. *wink*
Most of the vegetables and herbs that were started indoors at the end of March are
flourishing: the tomatoes are getting very big and bushy, but they will have to stay indoors
a few more weeks just in case Jack Frost visits. We lost some seedlings recently, but
everything is a learning experience: we are learning the temperature tolerances (at the
high end) and water needs of baby plants.
Garden Club activities this month include weeding, examining plants for winter kill,
planting some early season seeds, learning about hardening off, and maybe even
transplanting some of the plants we've been growing inside out to the garden. We will
also continue to harvest lettuce and basil from the Aerogardens, and watch to see if the
peppers will produce. Have you seen the time lapse video on the Garden website yet? You
won't be disappointed!
Garden Club is in need of a volunteer photographer. This person's job would be only to
document the activities in photos, and it is not necessary to have any gardening
knowledge, special talent or equipment. If you are available Thursday mornings at 8:30,
please get in touch!
As always, the Garden Committee can be reached via email at and the website is linked on the school's homepage.
Thank you for your support!
- Melissa on behalf of the Garden Committee
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Haysboro School

May, 2016

School Council
Thank you to everyone who turned out for the School Council AGM on April 18th. It was
great to see that number of parents, and we thank all the families of Haysboro for
everything you do for our School! As the school year is drawing to a close we are starting
to look at next year, and there are lots of ways to get involved. At present, the Council is
looking for a Chair, Treasurer, and Volunteer Coordinator for 2016/17. Please consider
joining School Council and sharing your gifts with the community!
The lovely Plant Sale items will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, May 25th from 2-4
The next regular School Council meeting will take place Monday, May 16th at 7 pm.
Casino Update
Thank you to all who volunteered in October. Your time and energy helped the school
raise $72,000 (or $2,000.00 per volunteer shift).
This money will be spent over the next two years on items that make learning at Haysboro
more engaging, enriching, and exciting for our students.
Our next Casino will be in the last quarter (October/November/December) of 2017.
Thank you for the wonderful support towards our school.

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Your childs summer reading plan

Its never too early to think about what your child might read during the summer break. Reading over the
summer not only improves childrens literacy and language skills but also prevents what is known as the summer
slidea regression in reading ability that can occur when children have an extended break from school.
How to help your child:

Children need access to books and other print materials to help them become consistent readers. Make
books and magazines available throughout your home (or in the car on road trips) and utilize your public

Even reading just six books over the summer holidays can help your child maintain or improve their
reading level.

Children need books that are just rightnot too easy and not too hard. Let your child choose what they
want to read. As they fall in love with books, then you can help them discover more books!

Ways to make reading fun this summer:

Get involved with your childs reading. Consider a family book club or read your childs book along with
them and have conversations about the characters and plot. Read aloud a book above their reading level
tooto build vocabulary and critical thinking.

If you are taking a vacation or visiting family, involve your child in your on-line research and vacation
planning; give them an attractive journal so they can write or draw about each days fun and experiences.

Does your child have a hobby, sport or interest they will be involved in during the summer? If so, build
reading opportunities around this as they research to start a collection, read to build skills or navigate

The CBC Calgary Reads Big Book Sale runs from May 13 to 15, 2016. This is Calgary Reads signature fundraising
event. With childrens books starting at just $1, the Book Sale is a great time to stock up on summer reading for the
entire family, keep books in circulation locally and to support our work to help children read with confidence and
joy! Find full event details on our website

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May, 2016

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May, 2016

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May, 2016

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Bike Safety and Security

Spring is upon us and with the nice weather come the bikes! It is great to see so many children enjoying a healthy and fun wa y
of getting around, but there are also a few risks to be aware of.
Bicycles are often a childs first experience with moving themselves on wheels, and though theyre usually viewed as a toy, a
bike is defined as a vehicle by Alberta law. A childs first vehicle should also come with a few rules; there are a few laws that
parents should be aware of, too.
In Alberta, all children under the age of 18 are required by law to wear a properly fitting bicycle helmet; this includes children
riding in bicycle trailers or in seats attached to an adults bike. Bicycle helmets, unlike ice skating helmets, are only useful until
they sustain one impact. An impact that can end a helmets useful life includes a fall from a closet shelf or an impact with any
hard surface. Children should be taught to take care of their helmet, not to hang it from their handlebars, and not to drop it when
they take it off. While there is no law requiring adults to wear a helmet, it is a good idea to do so, for the same reasons that you
wear your seatbelt in the car. Kids mirror their caregivers behaviour, even if they know its wrong: choosing to wear a helmet,
crossing roads only at crosswalks and other safe choices will create habits that may save your childs life.
Fitting a helmet is easy! First, it needs to fit the head, so check that it doesnt wobble or flop around without the strap done up.
Then use the 2-V-1 rule: 2 fingers above the eyebrow, a V with the slider at the bottom of the earlobe, and 1 finger of space
under the chin strap. The rule applies to all summer sports helmets, for all ages. This graphic shows it well:
Once out on bikes, its important to remember that a bicycle is a vehicle. Calgary bylaw states that no one over the age of 14 is
permitted to cycle on the sidewalk. Crosswalks are a grey area: its legal to ride a bike in a crosswalk, however since a bik e is a
vehicle, doing so means you do not have the right of way. Dismounting and walking across crosswalks is not only safer, it
eliminates confusion. When on the road, the rules of the road apply to cyclists as well. This means cycling on the right side of
the road, obeying traffic controls, and yielding to pedestrians. You can get a traffic ticket while riding your bike, and you are also
teaching your children that the laws apply to everyone.

Studies have shown that children under the age of 9 do not have the cognitive ability to understand the complexities of traffic.
Younger children simply lack the ability to accurately judge the speed and distance of approaching vehicles or predict their
movements. It is for this reason that CAN-BIKE recommends that all children under 9 should always be supervised by a person at
least 14 years old while cycling.
Bike security should never be taken for granted, especially when times are tough for so many. Most bike thefts are a crime of
opportunity and childrens bikes are not passed up. Every cyclist should have, and know how to use, a bike lock. Cable locks are
lightweight and simple to use. Keyed locks are better for younger kids with shorter memories and more trust (willingness to share
the code). A bike must be locked up correctly to avoid heartbreak: run the lock through the frame and at least one tire if possible,
then around something secure. Locking up just a wheel might result in the wheel being all that remains. Bikes should be locked to
an appropriate rack, or other secure object, never just to another bike, small tree or object that the bike can easily be lifted from.
Always lock your bike when it will be unattended, even for a moment: better secured than sorry!
Cycling is great exercise, a ton of fun and opens up a much bigger world to explore than can be reached by walking. When a few
precautions are taken, its also among the safest ways to travel. If you have any questions about cycling, or are interested in
taking a cycling course, feel free to contact me!
Written by Melissa Malejko, Certified CAN-BIKE Instructor and Owner of Safer Cycling Calgary,

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May, 2016

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Haysboro School Council Annual General Meeting

April 18, 2016
Call to Order 7:05
Present: Kersi B, Chair, Lesley R, Secretary, Nicole, Connie, Leigh-Ann, Kerry, Steph,
Cinnamon, Alice, Amira, Jason, Sarah, Sylvia, Ms. Manser, Ms. Lineham
Introductions: Margo Lineham - Gr1-2 teacher
Approval of Minutes of March 14, 2016 Motion to pass Sarah W., Jason 2


, Quorum reached

Acting Principals Report

1. Thank you for council for dinner at Parent Teacher Interview
2. Thank you for paying for Rocks and Rings program for physical education program for
the entire school
3. Jennifer Pratt is on Medical leave covered by Dan Callaghan
4. MJ Pinkett has accepted a position at Acadia School and Ms. Manser is in the process of
hiring for this position Lori McKeage, is temporarily in the position
5. Ms. Manser took Parent Council budget proposal to staff;
a. Thoughts: more into field trips because of rising costs, would like 2 field trips per
b. Possibly not needing money for agendas
c. Appreciate flexibility of categories
6. Bill 10: creating welcoming, caring safe and respectful learning environments: supporting
gender and sexual minority students how are parents feeling about the bill? Please feel
free to discuss with Ms. Manser.
7. Yearbook: order forms have been sent out, students very excited about working on the
book. To address question from last council meeting;
They are able to put school wide picture in book
We can add signature page, make available to whole school
Request to put out to parents for digital photos - please send to Margo Lineham
8. Request for funds for Patrol Picnic (45x$10=$450)
9. Coffee & Conversation Woodman Principal, Shawn ONeill, Tuesday April 19 at
9:00am in Haysboro School learning commons
10. Next Year at Haysboro (2016/2017)
a. RAM Budget for 2016/2017 year: Projected 203 our best guess to date 189
b. Next years Scenarios for class break down

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Haysboro School

Option A

May, 2016

Option B

(Choice for next year)





K 24

1-2 - 19, 19, 20

1-2 - 19, 19, 20

1-2 - 18, 18, 21

3-4 - 18, 19, 19

3-4 -28, 28

3-4- 29, 27

5-6 25, 26

5-6 25, 26

5-6 23, 24

Smaller classes
Less EA/ Resources

larger classes sizes

more EA/ resource

Next years classrooms:

Current music room classroom
Art Storage room music room
Options for additional classrooms:
- learning commons

-2 classes in one classroom like grade 1-2 class this year

d. Staffing: Presented by Ms. Manser to council. There are permanent, probationary
and temporary teachers in the school, changes to staffing a possibility, will know
more in the next few months. Mr. Eakins has accepted a position at one of the new
schools and will not be at Haysboro next year.
e. School Hours Changes:
Considering an earlier start time possibly 8:30. How would parents feel about
Early dismissal Fridays Would parents prefer 12:00 or 1:00 dismissal?
Spring BBQ
cost for bouncer cost has gone up
grocery stores have donated some funds
call for volunteers in May will go out
Presentation of Budget for 2016/17
Review of treasures budget proposal, flexibility in budget for staff
Review of School Council Operating Procedures
Committee will review and bring back to council
Nominations for School Council Executive
Chair, Treasurer positions available for next year
o Current treasurer, Lisa D, will mentor treasurer for a year.
Alice will take over as Secretary
Amira will be stepping down as volunteer coordinator

-Review of open house of schools losing enrollment due to new school opening

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Haysboro School

May, 2016

Motions of Thanks
We, the School Council, offer our most sincere thanks to the teachers and staff of Haysboro
School for all of their effort, care and diligence in providing for the education and encouragement
of our children
We, the School Council, express our appreciation to all of the parent volunteers of Haysboro
School who give their time to enhance and support our school community.
We, the School Council, offer our great thanks to Ms. Manser for her energy and commitment to
the staff and students of Haysboro School during this year of opportunity and change.
We, the School Council, express our most sincere good wishes to Principal Tracy Kohan during
her medical leave and thank her for her leadership of Haysboro School
Sarah move to adjourn 8:41

Haysboro Parent Association Meeting

April 18, 2016

Call to Order 8:41

Treasurers Report
-Treasurer away
Motions for Disbursement
Cinnamon move to pay for school patrollers picnic, Nicole 2 . 45x$10=$450
Move to adjourn 8:43

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