Reluctant Learners. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2011. 66-83. Print

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Jackson, Robyn R. Understanding and Addressing Student Resistance.

How to Motivate
Reluctant Learners. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2011. 66-83. Print.

First paragraph: Summarize the source. Write an objective, complete,

and accurate summary of what the article is about and what its purpose is.


Second paragraph: Respond to what you have read. Here you'll also
include information on how the article is relevant to your project, or to
providing background or perspective on your subject. You can also talk about
why the article is weak or not as useful as you'd like.


Third paragraph: Discuss how you know this is a credible source. Look
for clues on online sources, consider reputation, authorship, location, and
content in explaining why this is a reputable source. WHO is the author and
are they reputable in their field, have they written on this topic before?



Jensen, John. Teaching Students to Work Harder and Enjoy It: Practice Makes Permanent.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2012. Print.

First paragraph: Summarize the source. Write an objective, complete,

and accurate summary of what the article is about and what its purpose is.


Second paragraph: Respond to what you have read. Here you'll also
include information on how the article is relevant to your project, or to
providing background or perspective on your subject. You can also talk about
why the article is weak or not as useful as you'd like.


Third paragraph: Discuss how you know this is a credible source. Look
for clues on online sources, consider reputation, authorship, location, and
content in explaining why this is a reputable source. WHO is the author and
are they reputable in their field, have they written on this topic before?



Khaldi, Anissa. "Motivation-Based Teaching Practices." The European Journal of Social &
Behavioural Sciences 4.1 (2013): 727-33. ProQuest. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.

First paragraph: Summarize the source. Write an objective, complete,

and accurate summary of what the article is about and what its purpose is.


Second paragraph: Respond to what you have read. Here you'll also
include information on how the article is relevant to your project, or to
providing background or perspective on your subject. You can also talk about
why the article is weak or not as useful as you'd like.


Third paragraph: Discuss how you know this is a credible source. Look
for clues on online sources, consider reputation, authorship, location, and
content in explaining why this is a reputable source. WHO is the author and
are they reputable in their field, have they written on this topic before?



Lam, Carrie. 11 Habits of an Effective Teacher. Edutopia. Edutopia. 5 July 2014. Web. 17 Mar.

First paragraph: Summarize the source. Write an objective, complete,

and accurate summary of what the article is about and what its purpose is.


Second paragraph: Respond to what you have read. Here you'll also
include information on how the article is relevant to your project, or to
providing background or perspective on your subject. You can also talk about
why the article is weak or not as useful as you'd like.


Third paragraph: Discuss how you know this is a credible source. Look
for clues on online sources, consider reputation, authorship, location, and
content in explaining why this is a reputable source. WHO is the author and
are they reputable in their field, have they written on this topic before?



Moorer, Cleamon. "The TEACH Method: An Interactive Approach for Teaching the NeedsBased Theories of Motivation." Journal of College Teaching & Learning (Online) 11.1
(2014): 9. ProQuest. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

First paragraph: Summarize the source. Write an objective, complete,

and accurate summary of what the article is about and what its purpose is.


Second paragraph: Respond to what you have read. Here you'll also
include information on how the article is relevant to your project, or to
providing background or perspective on your subject. You can also talk about
why the article is weak or not as useful as you'd like.


Third paragraph: Discuss how you know this is a credible source. Look
for clues on online sources, consider reputation, authorship, location, and
content in explaining why this is a reputable source. WHO is the author and
are they reputable in their field, have they written on this topic before?



Zhao, Lili. "Teaching Strategies of Enhancing Motivation among Ethnic Minority Students *."
Theory and Practice in Language Studies 5.10 (2015): 2176-82.ProQuest. Web. 25 Feb.

First paragraph: Summarize the source. Write an objective, complete,

and accurate summary of what the article is about and what its purpose is.


Second paragraph: Respond to what you have read. Here you'll also
include information on how the article is relevant to your project, or to
providing background or perspective on your subject. You can also talk about
why the article is weak or not as useful as you'd like.


Third paragraph: Discuss how you know this is a credible source. Look
for clues on online sources, consider reputation, authorship, location, and
content in explaining why this is a reputable source. WHO is the author and
are they reputable in their field, have they written on this topic before?



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