Lesson Plan 1 ww2 Word

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Instructional Lesson Plan

(Coded per MA Professional Standards for Teachers)

Lesson/Unit Title

World War 2 Leaders

Goals and Objectives

A. Lesson Goals
(A1, A2, A3, A5, A8, A9, D3)

What are the goals for this lesson?

The goals of this lesson for the Students is to understand who the
leaders of WW2 were and the impacts they had
How do the lesson goals integrate with unit goals?
The lesson goals integrate with unit goals by showing an example of
what the leaders effect on the war was.
Why are the lesson goals suitable for this group of students?
The lesson goals are suitable because they fit within the Massachusetts
History Curriculum frameworks for World History.

B. Lesson Objectives
(A5, B1, B2, B3, B4)

C. Curriculum Frameworks
Standards Addressed*
(List # and text of standards.)

D. Technology/Resources
(A3, A6, A7, B2f)
(Use bulleted lists.)

Identify the different leaders throughout World War 2

Understand who the leaders were so that the students
can participate in KAHOOOOOOOOT

WHIL25: Identify the goals,

leadership, and post-war plans of
the allied leaders.
A. Winston Churchill
C. Joseph Stalin
Content Resources (books,
articles, speakers, handouts,
community resources, etc.)

Software/Web Resources (CDROMs, DVDs, URLs, etc.)

Hardware (computers, TV, DVD

player, etc.)
Need a projector for Powerpoint
and Kahoot
Students will need electronic
devices for Kahoot

Other media, video, satellite, etc.

If needed Youtube video of Reagan saying
tear down this wall.

E. Levels of Critical Thinking

Check all that apply.

(Blooms Revised Taxonomy)

(A1, A2, A3, A5, B2e, D1, D2)

_x__ Remembering
__x_ Understanding

F. 21st Century Learning and

Innovation Skills**

Check all that apply.

(D1, D2, D4)

_x__ Applying
___ Analyzing

__x_ Evaluating
___ Creating

_x__ Creativity and Innovation

__x_ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
___ Communication and Collaboration
_x__ Information, Media, and Technology Skills


Instructional Plan

A. Pre-Instruction
(A4, A9, B1, D1-3,, E1-2 )

What student needs/interests/prior learning will be a foundation for this

Students should have previous knowledge of what has happened
throughout WW2 and the Cold War.
How will you engage students in lesson content?
Students will be asked a do Now question at the beginning of the class
and asked questions throughout the class.
What curriculum connections can you make to broader content area
It can be related to WW2.

A. Instruction

Presentation of new material

(B2, D3)

Teacher role
Will be giving powerpoint. Ask
students often wether they are
understanding the material.

Student role
Students will be taking notes so
they can succeed at the Kahoot
During the Kahoot game students
will need to remain as silent as

Application (moving from guided, scaffolded practice to increasingly

independent practice/gradual release of responsibility)

Teacher role
The most time the kids will be on
there own is during Kahoot, I will
make sure that kids are keeping
quite so it is a productive learning
environment because we all know
kids can get out of hand for

B. Closure

Student role
Students will use there electronic
device so that they can play Kahoot
but only for that reason

How will you wrap up the lesson and anticipate future learning in the
After the Kahoot game I will ask kids if they understood the lesson and
then close it by saying that the kids need to be ready for there end of
unit test.

C. Assessment
(A2, A3, B3b, B4)

How will you know students reached lesson goals?

I will be able to tell during the lesson via thumbs up, thumbs down but
also at the end because Kahoot tells me in real time how they are doing
and I can critique the students as we go along.
What formative and/or summative assessment strategies will you use?
I will be asking for thumbs up/ thumbs down
Kahoot is an assessment in itself
How will students be involved in ongoing assessment?
Students will give there thumbs up and thumbs down.
How will students assess themselves?
Students will be able to tell by doing the Kahoot and seeing where they
stand compared to there classmates.


Strategic Analysis of Instruction

A. Management

What strategies will you employ to successfully manage student

learning and behavior during this lesson?
I will remain vigilant walking around the room and keeping the kids on
If kids become to rowdy they may have to be separated and also if the
technology is an issue it can be taken away after a warning.

How will the learning environment support planned activities?

It is nice because the students are at there own individual desks so they
will be able to be less distracted during the Powerpoint and for the

B. Options for Differentiation

(A3, A8, A9, B2b, B2d, B3b, D2)

How will you provide for students with special needs and/or English
Language Learners?

How will you modify lesson for individual learning needs?

How will you integrate additional resources to extend lesson?

There can be a video provided on The three allied leaders meeting and
also the axis leaders.
C. Reflections on Lesson

What are next steps for student learning related to lesson/unit goals?


The next steps are for the students to prepare for there next lessons on
the WW2 with the next lesson being on the Key Battles of WW2.
What is your self-assessment of your instructional practice and
effectiveness in this lesson?
I thought I did a fairly good job on the presentation itself and it seemed
as though the students really enjoyed Kahoot.

* Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks found at http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html

** Partnership for 21st Century Skills, P21 Framework Definitions found at
Massachusetts Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations found at

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