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The Vampire Bible Unternational Coppright Temple of the Vampire AU Rights Reserved Biithin lies Cact and tancp, truth and metaphor. Biseviminate toith cate. Contents The Vampice Creed The Bragon Speaks The Calling of the Cdead Gods The Secret Methods of Vampirism The Predator of Humans The Book of Breaming The Coming Apocalypse The Vampire Cre = J am a Vampite. J worship mp ego and J worship mp life, for J am the onlp God that is. Jam proud that Jam a predatory animal and J honor mp animal instincts. J exalt mp rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason. F recognise the difference between the worlds of truth and fantasy. ¥ acknowledge the fact that surbival is the highest lat. J acknotuledge the Powers of Barkness to be hidden natural laws through twhich J tork mp magic. JX know that mp beliefs in Ritual ace fantasy but the magic is real, and J respect and acknowledge the results of mp magic. FD realize there is no heaven as there is no fell, and J biets death as the bestroper of life, Therefore J will make the most of life here and mot. Ham a Vampire. Bow down before me. The Dragon Speaks Dam thine Inmost Self. D gase out upon thy world of colored lights from the Darkness behind thine epes. B reach out through thy hands-anb touch The sott pleasures of thy living world. J am the most Ancient Gne, the Creator of the Gods. J am the Changing and Changeless One. And whenever thou gazeth into the epes of another, there! Lot J Gaze back at thee! Dam the Source of AU That Ist Be who recognizes fle as his oum Sell becomes also the Source And is, in Truth, a Sorcerer. He tubo allows the flow of $y Being Co Wirithe through the sinews of his body, to Touch and Change All in accordance with his TALL, 3s, in Truth, a Magician. And My Bragon Magic is sweet tor I Grant thee thy Wishes. In what thou calleth. dreams, J Gather My Forces. In what thou calleth reality, J Stage My Breams. J Grant to all who seek My Being and fly Power the Right to seek their oton Pleasures! D am the True God, the One God, the Only God Wihich Is. Dam thee and thou art fe. Bea, eben Aly Spmibol is the Mirror! And knot well My Name for by honoring Ft in all thy Actions thou twilt Be and remain worthy of $y Bragon Magic. The Calling Of The Undead Gods | PVampiric Communion Through Magical Ritual Aevicoing tye Vampicie Condition ceauices atteacting and obtaining Communion with the Wndexd, those Vampires twho no longer walk in flesh tut ace astrallp tree. These Cndead Gods habe shed the limitations ot the pbpsical bodp and can ‘communicate tity and appeac to those tho still have libing phpsical bodies. ‘The achievement of becoming a Diving Vampire oc, even higher, of entecing the ranks of the indead Gods upon the death of the physical body, celies upon this Communion with the Bndead. Tt is Theic intentions and Theic desires twhich must be accepted and appeased. Entec notw into the suspension of Disteliet. Enter the world of fantasy without prejudice. For true magic cequices celease fcom the Limiting beliets of that ix ceal and unceal, possible and the grip of the closed mind and embcacing the reality of other tnoclds. Bere you nots open the Gates of Polver and summon the Bndead Gods through the ritual of ‘The Calling. The Sacrifice i { | ] | impossible, For the hep to magic and the achievement of magical polwer comes from Loosening 8 Bo teue magical citwat the Undead ace summoned to be present with the Libing Vampice tor the purpose of Communion. To entice the Gindead by means of ottering litetocce energy is the ber fo successtul magical citual. Further, ovlp the Living Vampire’ s personal stoce of litetocce till serve this pucpose. Bo not believe that sacrificing the Life of any other being will serte anp purpose in ritual magic! Sucther, the Destruction of a physical lite does not sere any purpose Tmbatsoeber and is twastetul of the Litetocce. Such waste is abhorred ty the €ldec Gods and can, in tact, ineuc Their wrath. Aevec mucdec humans. Hever twaste food. Hever incur the wrath of the Gnbead. Ait the same time, the successful Libing Vampice will offer up his om gatherings of lifetorce as a gift and an enticement to deato the attention and thicst of the Gindead. Jn the pcesence of these teue Gods, the Litang- Vampire is himself gradually tcanstocmed or even taken, bodp and soul, with the Gods into Theic abode. Although it is relatively cace for such immediate translation to the full ampicic Condition to-accur, it is not unknotwn. Again, the Gndead Gods do as They ‘wil! Thus, the (illest peepacation foc magical cituat is to gather litetocce feom humans through pecsonal effoct in order to fabe a worthy sacrifice to offer the Qtndead Gods. The Ritual Chamber Tie eating of the winders Gods must be etd tere it till not be Deited bp the eves of the peotane human. This is not mecely to protect the Living Vampire who has not achiened immortality, tut because the Gndead twill not be Deaton to the presence of Those Bho ould Rise twhile there ace pcesent those toho ace cobeced with the stench of mortality. Therefore, close the Door and Lock it, Seal the place of pour Working fcom the casual and merely inquisitive. ‘Let no one tho is not an active member of the Temple be present nor participate in this most sacced of all acts of magic! ‘WAcap the chamber im darkness. Ft the chamber is located in a natucal setting at night, this is enough, ithin a structure, natucal oc actificial, reduce all lighting to the minimum of just one oc ttuo canble flames. Less light is better and to work in absolute darkness is best. The Cndead find the darkness comforting and appealing for manp reasons. Ene superioe source of Light is to utilize the flame fcom a single container of canned feat such as stecno. It more light is cequiced foc the reading of notes ducing a group ritual, the use of a lol mattage red light commonly used bp photographic supply companies can serve without bamaging the atmosphere. Symbols of Magical Ritual Done veess should merge withthe theme o€ Dacness and sactce. Come to the Blndead as tcue Bitches and Glarlocks. any twill shoud themselbes in black capes and cobes while others will sheoud theic todies in only the darkness of the night itselE! In any case do not dress to distract pour mind trom the task at hand but to enhance its purpose. Jetuelry is as ‘muich an option as clothing but it pou ace not of the priestiood tear no icon, tor the qualities of icon cam offend the Ginvead Gods. The wearing of the Tlinged Shull of WR as cing o medallion pleases the @ndead and entances the poluer of the citual. in altar is anp flat surface to cest the fet implements of ceremonial magic upon and represents the firm foundation of the eacth upon tbich te mobe and lite. Tihen possible, place the altac to the test. Shove the altar, position a miccor at epe Lebel or higher. The miccoc acts as a tisual point of concentration, often acting ag a gateway to the astral. The mand can be anp toooden cod oc statt. Che purpose of the wand is to help focus the till of the celebrant. Candles offer light ‘oben needed and are black to symbolise the polwers of darkness or ced to spmbolise the blood of the lifeforce. Incense also rests upon the altar. Frankincense and other scents teaditional to funerals and death ace appropciate. The chalice represents the human bodp and the liquid twithin spmbolizes the litetorce of the bodp. The black-hilt knife (athame) or sword is held only by the onlp tp the priesthood and arts as a spmbol of the taking of lifetocce (ax a weapon) and as a cemindec to the priesthood of an Inner Gemple Mystery. Beums, cattles, bells and gongs can be used especiallp well in a group ceremony. BBith modern stereo equipment the celebrant neeh not-tait for the auditory poter of a thunderstorm. Care must be taken that the words of the celebrant not be oberpotueced by other sounds however. Group Magical Ceremony Tre caiting o€ the Gindead altsaps possesses moce power in a group Due to the inccease of abailable lite energy toc the sacrifice. Jn anp such gcoup ritual it is necessarp that only one celebrant leads through the Seven Steps of Ritual while the others support the celebcant as a proper congregation. The Seven Steps of Ritual 1 €ntecing the Chamber. 2 The Declaration of Sele. 3. The Calling to the Four Blinds. 4, Che Sacrifice. 5. Vampiric Communion. 6. Restocation of Power. 7. Leaving the Chamber. L Entering the Chamber. The place of magical ritual may be indoors oc outdoors but must be secuce Crom intectecence {com the pcotane. Lock the doors or post guards. Bisconnect telephones. Close shades, curtains, ete. Have all ceremonial tools prepared and positioned abead of time. Entering the place of magic enables pou to sepacate pourselt from the profane tworlb of eberpbap life. The phpsical act of going into the chamber enhances the mental and emotional decision to enter into Bampicic Communion. Ft is test to be able to use the magical chamber for this pucpose alone, ax this further sanctities the room but it is better to habe Communion than not in herp case, Again, pou do not mereip enter a phpsical chamber but entec a chamber tree of disbeliets. Here pou choose to fullp beliebe in and accept the cealities of magic and the Gndead Gods pou shall summon. Bece pou Leave behind pour doubting skepticism and open pourselé {ullp to the celebration of that tobich pou ace: a Liting Vampire, Master of the @locids both Seen and ‘Unseen, Magician Supreme and Dedicated Wlocshipper and Servant to Those Wiho Fave Risen! 2. The Beelaration of Self. BF acing vest towaed the miccor (the dominant focus of the dicction of the ritual shoulh be tooard the mest, if possible) the celebrant of the ceremonp bristlp claps hand twice in rapid succession. This is a sign that all attention be directed tullp upon the citual. Then the celebcant declares bis status as a Zibing Vampice and the purpose of the ceremony in bis oton mocbs. ne example: ‘Bear me nol JI am a Yampice a peevator of fumans! J fate enteced ferein to Call the Gods of the Bndead into this sacced place. I babe gathered litetorce trom fumans. I an filed (@ otertlotwing! I ottec up this lite essence to the Yampice Gods, Chase Wiho Bate Risen. I am bere to (eed and be drained! J am fece to die and be reborn. I am bere to cise trom deat ‘into lite! J am fece to strengthen mp bond with the true gods of this woridl I am a Pampices" 3. The Calling to the sour Winds. Tre eeebrant of the cecemonp taces each of the tour points o€ the compass in the fllating order: south, east, north an test, Ait each Dicection, the celebrant caises a twand or statt oc other tooden implement toward that horizon and, in his oto words, calls the Gndead Gods to come forth to join in this cecemonp. Bhe Calling must be honest, direct and filled with tmotional pote. here is just one example: Face the south "Of Great Undead Gods! Of most potwectul and Ancient Vampires! Of true Masters of this earthl Join me hece! Be with me in this place! J Call Bou motel” Fate the east- "F call to pou, the only true gods, and otter up to pou mp lite essence! Come! seed upon met J €all Bon now!" Face the nocth- "YT seek Bour Company! J seek Pour Wisdom! I sect Pour Polver! Enter treely into this place for Bou ace most toelcome! J Call Bow note!" Face the west- "Bet aside Bouc doubts tor I am sincere! I otter up to Pou mp lite! Take! Catt Beink of me! For Fam Boucs to use as Bou will! I Call Bou notel” 4. The Sacrifice. Boece the ceteveant diceces the accumulaten litetorce to the Wndead Who ace present. It the celebrant has not developed sufficient astral atvareness to directlp sense the Presence of Those Who Wade Anstveced the Calling, he should dicect the force though the miccoc. Che micror acts here as a Gatetuay to the other world. Jn a group ceremony, the other participants should dicect theic lifeforce sacrifice to the celebrant, focusing upon the midsection near the solar plexus. Jn such a group ritual, the celebrant ther acts as a lens to further focus and project the stream of life to the Bndead Wiha map first visually manifest as images in the mirror. The litetorce is exhaled theough the mouth with a Long, slow and contcolled hissing sound. The ‘Living Vampire Literally pumps the lifetocce out of his todp in a continuous stream of potner by repeating this sequence of (1) inhaling deeply thcough the nostcils and then (2) exhaling slotolp and completely through the mouth. The effoct to expel energy must continue with no thought of personal suctibal. Exhaustion is to be expected. Ehe effort needs to continue until there is good evidence that the Cndead ace accepting the sacrifice. Che more one can gibe and the moce one empties self of the litetorce, the more return flot of transformation and aid can be ceceibed. Remember that nothing is tree and the Cndead must be moved bp your offering tetoce Thep map choose to assist in Crue Initiation. The members of the Priesthood of the Temple ace initiated into a Dighee Sacrifice which has the outwach form of less effort but requires an inner discipline ot a Digher Grdec. Such is cedealed at the right time to those found worthy though their dedication and personal sacrifice to the Temple. Some of the Signs that indicate the Presence of the Undead include: 1. The feeling of mobing aic, as in a cool breese (he Coming of the Winds). 2. Tingling sensations in the tingectips and tace in particular, 3. Unusual pulling sensations at the solar plexus. 4. Sudden upsurge of mixed emotions of jop, lobe, worship, fear, ete. 5. Feeling of cobtoe strands being laid ober face oc hands. 6. Ringing in ears. 7. Visual sense of the coom filling with misty vapor. 8, Sensations of being touched or stroked. 9. Beacing one's name spoken aloud. 10, Classic poltergeist effects (Lebitation of pourselt or objects in the chamber). UL Visually sighting the Eindead present first in the miccor, then in the chamber. 12, Beeams of flying, falling oc traveling theough tunnels ater the citual. 13, steal projection follotwing ritual into the Presence of the Gndead. 5, Vampicic Communion. As te atnnead accepe the “blood” of sacitie, and exhaustion neacs ot acrtes, there comes a Subtle stilt. The Vampire .Gods present having taken Cheic Cill, judge the pacticipant(s) as to their worthiness Cor tcanstocmation and Bigher Fnitiation. €ven to simply be in the Presence of the Elver Gods, hotveder, does accelerate personal ebolution. Fo those Cound twocthp in theic efforts, the Gods may choose to celease the cacetied higher enecgp of TWheic Own Essence in a return flow. It this happens (as will almost altwaps occur in the presence of an Srnec: Temple membec o€ the priesthood) then the pacticinant(s) till discober a teneloal of energy and vitality. This Rain of Mercy map be tweak or steong and map take place at anp time ducing the ceremony. 6. The Restoration of Power. FAs communion ends, the celebcant drinks front the chalice and beclaces again bis chosen status as a dedication. Bere ig an example: Raise the chalice betoce the miccor. "Bhis is the blood of mp wictins past, present. and pet to te. I deink the lite essence of those tabo exist only to seche mp tall. I deink thes in remembrance of that tobich I am, Vampire, the predator of fumans.” Brink from the chalice. Lower chalice to altac. Face the mirror and clap again twice, bristly. 7. Leaving the chamber. De a member of the priesthood is peesent, the stwocd oc tite is deabon and direct to each of the Cour points of the compass int memory of the Sost incient Pact and as a Mystery of the ‘Priesthood, the Words and Aames are Spoken. ‘Then the celebcant extinguishes all remaining fire and proclaims the Closure with words such as: "Bo it is done.” ‘Bithout another word, teabe the chamber and go into a place of brighter lights. at and drink to restore a more nocmal sense of lite. Ht in a group, celebeate and make meccp. The ritual is at an end. The Secret Methods -of Vampirism Dampicism is te ting of the litetoece of the human to empober the Vampice, In its essence, Vampirism is mecelp a more refined form ot eating. The ‘Vampire absorbs the lifeforce trom the human. Tbe human absorbs it from other animals and plants. The plants take it from the sun. The sun, too, is not the final source but a channel from other soucces bepond the scope of this teaching tabich i ceserted foc the Srnec Temple. Rotweder, the chemical teeakdoton of nutrients and its place in the biochemical cpele (the Teebs Cycle) that transters energy is not the complete stocp. Just as modern physicists are finally aware of the fact that much of the mass of the uniberse is “missing”, binchemists cemain unateace of the cole of a "missing" element in the energy spstem of the human bodp. This missing element is the so-called astral uniberse which includes the astral bodies of all bing things. ‘At the heart of eating is the concept of astral enecgp transtec. The actual transfer usually requices a discoincibence ot the astral bobp from the physical which, in tucn, usually entails a loss of consciousness. Hence after a large meal, most humans and animals twill become sleepp because it is then thep sleep that the true mecgp transter occurs. Another example of the cole of sleep in enecgy absorption can be seen in those cases of extreme danger to physical sucbital. Jt a human is crossing a desert and dping of thicst, he may slump Dobm to unconsciousness and sleep. Wihen fe reatuakens, his energy Lebel is renewed and he car continue the struggle. This happens because during unconsciousness his astral bodp sepacated to some extent from the phpsical bobp in ocber to permit the flow of stored enecgp into the tarious tissues of bodp and brain. The most cefined soucce of the litetacce energy for Living Yampices is thus found in the astcal bodies of humans while the humans are sleeping or in some other teay not nocmallp conscious. ‘THe often travel to the sides of sleeping humans to deato off the accumulated stoce of their Lite enecgp trom the deotosing astral form twhich cests near. To achieve this higher level of Vampicism cequites the Vampire to be able to cise from bis Phpsical body in the astral tmith sufficient ataceness and intention. The achievement of this conscious out-of-bodp trabel requires will, practice and the assistance of The Cndead Gods though Vampicic Communion. The Libing Vampice who can pectorm the shedding o€ fest in this way tober desiced is among Those Wiho Have Risen. r Pee ns ‘The Vampire Initiate aspices to this exalted level of Yampicic mastery pet must gather the needed excess lifefocce fcom humans first. This liteforce is offered up as a saccifice, an offering to the Undead Gods in the magical ritual of Vampicie Communion. This liteforce offering attcacts the Elber Gobs and deaws Them near to the aspicant so that he may be aided in inbisible taps in his ebolution to achieve astral contcol. Bhe Doosening of the Astral Ties (ubich bind the asteal tightip to the pbpsical of most humans) is Dealt with in greater detail as a mpstecp of the nner Temple. Bet hot can the Vampire Initiate first obtain the lite energies he needs in order to attract the ‘Gndead twho twill help him to then become an astral Vampire? The anstwec is sucpcisingly simple and, as twith most effective truths, eminently instinctual. Bihen the human is conscious, the astral bodp shares the space of the phpsical, intecpenetcating eoecp pact. otwerer, the astral, in a normal fealthp human, is usually sometobat largec than the vbpsical tobp such that it twill sucround the physical to a distance of often fettween a feta inches to sebecal feet. Those twha habe experienced a Loosening of the Astral Gies and are therefore moce capable of seeing into the astral universe have, theoughout the ages, reported the aucas surrounding different fumans. This is commonly seen in religious paintings ot Europe’ s last fifteen hundced pears which portray the so-called “halo” or “nimtus” about the heads and hands of historical religious figures (toho quite commonly tuece actuallp Libing Yampices). Thus twheneder pou touch a tuman, pou are also penetrating his astral bodp to some extent. With that penetration by pour astral of bis, it is nolo relatively easy to deato oft some of bis litetorce energy. Bt twill not permit the degee of floty, the "deep Drinking” which is possible tober peeping upon the sleeping human, unencumbered bp either pour physical or fis but this lotuest Level of Yampicisim is at least possibie. The act of deatsing the Litetocce tcom the bictim’s astcal into pour obm is, at Heact, instinctual and not teachable. Sit the same time there ace specitic phpsical-astral actions which go fand-in-band tubicl are learnable. Tere then ace the fundamental secrets of Bampirism: 1 Contact. 2 Peneteate, 3. Beato in. 4. Break contact. L Contact. Contact eters to the necessity tor some part of pour astcal body to contact the astral bodp of the human, inp physical stin-to-shin contact assures just such contact. 2. Penetrate. Dawe asteat must penetrate into the astral of the human to enable the absorption of the itetorce. he moce pour astral enters the human's astral, the moce capioly and “deeply” the force cam flotn. 3. Draw in, Tlits enetcation, the Vampire must actually deaty in the ltetoce o€ the human. This Deatwing in twill usually accompany the inhalation of the phpsical breath by the phpsical body. ‘Thus toc physical contact Bampirism, it is best to inbale deeply. Bou twill come to feel the fluid intake of the baporous, Liquid-Like Lifetocce tloto as it enters pou. In adbition, tense and deato up the anal sphincter muscles with the infalation as this stimulates the same mechanisms inbolved asteally with Bampicism. 4, Break contact. Fe is equally impoctant to withdcats completely feom the fuman’s astral tolling the Yampicic act foc at least ttuo tery good reasons. first, you bo not taish to babe a reberse floto of the precious Lifetoree back to the fuman and, second, pou do not tant to cause the physical Destruction of pouc prep by Leaving a Vampicic tendeil constantly deaining the human’ s lifetorce into pour oton We are riot gluttons and remember the ficst Vampiric Principle: ever Waste Food! Jn the beginning it is necessary to practice Yampirism consciously and with geeat intention. @rer time, and as pou develop Vampirically, the act of Vampicism becomes increasingly unconscious and automatic. ou twill find that in the presence of another Vampice this tendency foc unconscious Bampicism wll be inbibited. As pact o€ the natucal obec of things, peedatocs do not peep upon each other. This is hot mecetp an issue of satetp but o€ mutual sel{-cespect. Go treat a predator as one twould treat, prep is the greatest of insults. Los ‘When pou pectocm the act of Vampirism, atticm aloud oc silentip the act as pou bo it. SFicmly state the cealitp of pouc action as in, foc example, "J now am taking pouc life energy, pour ‘blood, pour soul.” Bp adding verbal suggestion pou are tucthec aligning pour mind as a perdator as tell as telepathically commanding the pcep to acquiesce to pour intention, to cemain limp and pielding to pour taking of the “blood”. Then Lill pour todp to overtlowing. Take and take and take until pou can take no more! Gorge pout inner todp until, like a cising fountain, you can accept no moce. nd like a fountain of ‘water rising up though pour being, the spcap of oberflotwing energy twill cise abobe pour head and then fall again upon and around pou. ‘The Signs of successtul Vampirism ave as follows to include: 1. Dour vision clears, brightens and colors become moce vitid. 2 Bou feel a refceshing, cebitalising physical ettect. 3. Bou feel a deep balancing calm within, 4. Bou expecience an increase of phpsical strength, 5. Bowe deeam recall improves such that pou experience more deeaming tubile the deeams themselves intensify in experience. 6. Bou tend to attract the attentions of the Qndead in magical ritual, The developing stages of Yampicism are four: 1. Dhpsical contact cequiced, 2. Visual contact cequiced. 3. Sspmpathetic contact cequiced. 4. Contact bp mind alone. L. Physical Contact. F com tte most casual bandstabe o¢ teush in a cet to intense sexual encounters, the kep is the proximity of pour astral toby ta that of pour peep. Remember that pbpsical contact is astcal contact. 2. Visual Contact. WGlits suttcient expecence at the phpsical Level, the aspiring Vampire can deat the litetocce from a human twithout phpsical contact in line-of-sight. The actual mechanism is the peojection of an astral tendril or elongated astral “coc” which connects to the astcal of the prep. The pectocmance ot this act usually feels as i the human wece in phpsical contact with the Dampice’ s epes, as i€ the epes could litecally ceach out and. touch the pcey. This and the folloming advanced technique twill be dealt with at the Second Ciccle level. 3, Sympathetic Contact. Toe concept of the magic of contagion and spmnpaty is found tuithin ths tebe ot Vamtpicism, Bp coming into contact bith some phpsical item, such as a piece of clothing, a pen, a nail pacing, tobich at one time toas in phpsical contact (and fence, asteal contact) with the prep, the advanced Pampice can deato lifetocce at a great Distance. This Level is dependent upon the degree ot Connection fetoeer the peep and the object as tull as the Debelopmental [eel of the Vampire. The interpenetrating astral universe is cesponsible here bp means of asteal extensions. Like Sticky theeads which cemain connected, more or less, bith tictually ebecpthing the phpsical human touches (and, to a lesser extent, bears and sees) the astral tmeb that sucrounds all of us connects to our living asteal bodies. The Vampice can learn to therefoce follow this connection and deabo lifetocce tcom a footprint, or ebert a signature. 4. find Contact. Requicing Inner Temple teaining, the Vampice Adept cam sense the existence ob peep and Dicectlp deat upon the Lifefocce without anp apparent astral "bridge". This level of sophistication ‘Steps hepond the las of phpsics as commonly tnoton and celies upon the teachings of the Aine Laws of Magic, restricted to the Priesthood of GR. Summary. Dampicism is instinctuat but ean only be achieved theough personal ettort. €ach Vampicie act selt-instructs and broadens the capacity of the astral bodp to accept enecgp. THith increased enecgp, the Bampicic powers begin to baton. As always, if the Undead Gods should choose one for speciat aid, then the learning process is shoctened. For such, the Temple's purpose has been achieved and the Vampicic Condition established, But the Gods are selective and They ace pleased most by the test eftocts to achiebe on one's stort. Therefore, learn. applp and perfect tor in this way alone comes the possibility of attainment and true Snitiation! b The Predator of Humans Toe biecacchy of Living beings on earth is based upon the food chain, Giltimately eberpthing is duced to the issue of who eats whom. Fo achiebe the Yampicic Conbition, the Yampice must Frome to a pcedatoc's perspectibe towacd human beings. Bt is impossible for one to become ‘Yampice if one is untwilling to prep upon the txtal litetorce of humans. Bet the Vampire has been ceaced in human society and has been programmed bp human values FF and human ethics. These must be obeccome and transcended in order for the possibility of Vampiric Metamorphosis to take place. Puman society is confused and holds contcabictocy balues because the human believes himselE to fe at the top of the food chain tabile remaining the peep of the Vampire. Human beings twill speak of peace and harmlessness as virtues thile ignocing the act of murder that places dead meat on theic eating tables. Sourbibal is alteays an issue of consuming food, Consuming food is the predatory act of taking the litetorce from another into one's otm bodp. Fouman beings continually display their prep-consciousness bp theic eternal denial of these fundamental facts of life. Thep do not tant to admit that lite comes from the taking of lite because, deep toithin, bepord anp conscious Denial, the humans ace aware that thep ace food for their Sasters. Hithin the lower animal kingdom we see the natucal reaction of a mouse caught in the jams of a biper. The mouse ceases to struggle and is cesigned to its fate. The rabbit, too, twill slacken fis muscles and fight no moce then the wolf has ficmlp “seised bis thcoat. Bhp is this? hp don't these creatures battle to the last breath in the stim hope that thep might escape and survive? The answer is simple. As peep, these timid creatures tnotn that theic role in the matuce of things is note to gibe up theic Lifetorce to the peedatoc tubo has caught them. 0 ton, human beings intsardly sense that they ace pcep for the Vampice. Bet, unlike the mouse oc cabtit, thece is the spark of possitilitp within the fuman. There is that bidder potential of the human to cise lip and achieve a higher ebolutionacp Uebel and become Bampice. Fo achieve the Yampicic Condition, then, requices far moce than mecely mastecing the mechanics of beating off human lifetorce into one's oton bodp. To become Vampire entails much mace ‘than to master astral flight and employ the time-honoced Vampicic Principles. It ticst cequices 4 change in attitude and vietmpoint. Ht cequices that the Vampice begin telling fimselt the truth about the natuce of the world and the struggle for suctibal. It cequices that he be tilling to Seize bis oto bootstraps and pull himselE abobe the prep-consciousness of human society, The Yampice is the predator of humans and no human, man oc woman, has achieved the Vampicic Condition tubile cetaining human entiation and human ethics. These must be Uiscarded ruthlessly With no looking tack! Bt is either sheep oc wolt It is mouse oc snake. The Vampice must choose, and twill choose, for tailing to consciously choose is a choice as twell. At you speak of these things to most humans thep twill tell pou that this is a brutal am inhuman, mocallp-bepcabed perspective as thep tite into the dead animal meat o¢ cething plant pulp at band. Bet that bo thep mean bp this? They mean that thep consider telling the truth about the cealities of Lite on earth is cruel and Gcutal. Bn other twocbs, pou are hucting theie feelings op talking about the truth! et cemember, ebecp fuman pou see oc speak ta is moctal. hep twill die, sooner or Later. Theic desice to fide trom the teuth of lite condemns them to inebitable death. As certain as the night follows the dap, the human's aboibance ot “buct feelings” will cause fim to feel instead the pain of bis otim Death. Thus the human teing has the potential to choose to cise abobe bis status as mece peep and become a peedater, something no lower animal can achiebe. This triumph of the inbibidual till bas also carcied the open respect of humankind thcoughout historp. any ace the “brutal” loarriocs and generals who, though theit cuthless mucder of other men in tar, became becaes and statesmen among the sheep tho shouted theic praises. ind make no mistake about it, there bas altuaps ‘been the general sexual attraction of the human temale Coc the male tho demonstrates predatocp characteristics. Tt is only natucal foc the human species to be driven tolward choosing predator tendencies ober prey. Che seeds of Yampicism ace sobm in the humans’ highest ebolutionary and genetic ambitions. Surthermore, it we teuly compace the Vamipice to the human, toe discover that it is the human tobo falls to Live. WBiber a moctal man eats, he ccushes into pieces tbat toas once another Lising animal or plant. Erubelp he teats and grinds the bodies of the dead and dying into the tuet ws into the bag of fis stomach. Wihen an ear o€ corn is eaten it is Destroped. ‘Che seed is filled. Wibert a beet steak dripping in blood is chetned and mixed tith saliba, the steer is dead. The animal is lost. Houerer, through the cons since the tiest rise of the Bampice. the dcabing of the litetarce has long achiebed what the human onlp pretends. Zhe Vampice does not kill the human any moce than a daicp farmer destrops His herd bp drabving off the milk from theic uddecs. The ficst Bampiric Principle is to never waste food. Che Vampire tuho seeks entrance into the Vampicic Condition must abandon the ancient fears of the human speries that being food means to be Destroped. Che world’ s ccotwded “obecpapulation” is the result of centucies of cacetully engineeced interbention it human affairs to attocd the Vampire papulation increases tue desice. The Sndead Rulers of earth babe no desice to bill off theic oto food suppip. Whe need the humans as much a8 the humans need ccops and cattle. To be blunt: The murder or farming of ang juman being o other animal tell cesult in immediate and pecmanent expulsion fram the Eemple. The peedatoc dors not maste food nar soil his ot Laic. Wibile it ix vital for the Vampire to {ree himselé tcom the prep-consciousness of bis mortal feritage, this Does not gibe fim permission to destrop the efforts of manp centuries. Today, most human beings do not consciously teliede in the existence of ouc kind, This cebersal of Deep-teld beliet bid not happen ty accident! Especially tor those twho have not achieved the Yampicie Condition and cemain mortal, it is wtal that Sitiates cultibate the Lack of belt in the cealitp of our kind among humans. This principle (s known as: The Truth of the Lie. The “Lie” is the existence of Vampices, which most humans note believe to be onlp folklore and superstitious fantasp. The "teuth" is that the Vampice is vecp ceal and it is this teuth hat ors the basis of all @uter Temple teachings. Is is cevealed to higher Lebels twithin the Innec Temple, thece ace several dittecent purposes bebind the execution of this manipulation of human belief but suffice it foc not to simply understand that it is not tuise to abuse the powers twhich come with the Bampicic Condition. The Crdead twill simply cut you of€ feom {ucther association it pou bo not abide bp these simple and cibilised principles. Such exile is a Death penalty for anp mortal, for only though the Vampiric Condition can immortality te achieved. ‘Witat is cequired of the Vampice is to move silently through the human moclb as a true predator ‘oho does mot alert the hecd to his presence and dors not betcay the trust of bis pack. Tle expect pou to remain innocent of crime as defined bp human society. Ble expect pou to become wise and strong enough to aboid unnecessacp altercations with fumans and to take their litetocce in a cobert and cautious manner. We expect pou to rise above the becy pcopaganda our kind hate created and not contuse the fictitious bload-sucking "sampice” with the noble ceality of the Cindead Bulecs of this torld. At you do not abide by these expectations twe twill not punish pou noc chastise pou. Tle Will only tithdeats the Cup of Immortal Lite and allow the end of pour lite to speed pou to mortal cblibion. ‘The predator is patient. The lion twill wait motionless tor hours until the moment for action has come, $90, too, the Vampice seeks to abandon the restless motion of the Herd and fix fis mind upon the goal of the Bampicic Condition. Cease nots to think of pourselt as a bitin! Wibile ‘we Demand an obedience to the laws of the human tworld, te do mot expect pou to abandon selt-detense. Quite the contcarp! Zook upon human beings no longer as peecs but as a lobwer species. Bo not tolecate the cist of pour life from a mortal, tahen pour lite has just acquiced the potential of eternity. lalk in open places with a constant bigilance for danger. Heep pour hands free. JE pou can legally cacry a weapon to detend pour life, bo sa. HE pou habe not acquiced simple physical stills for weaponless defense, begin. On a moce subtle but important level, begin to teulp rethink the obligations human beings habe placed upon pou. Challenge the ceasons given for pou to bebabe in passive and restrained taps. Distinguish between the wisdom of a ruthless predator and the bleating twild-eped mindless Lehabior of the human sheep. Then pou Look at someone, sharply look through theic epes to the Center o€ their brain. Consider pour posture as pou walk and sit. Look to the cat for elegance and grace of motion. Begin at the beginning. The toundation toc achiebing the Vampicie Condition begins with the acceptance of the mind of a peedator. Begin notw, todap, this very moment to tweed out the habits ot thinking like prep, a simpecing, selt-Depcecating victim of the real torld. Replace these ‘ought and habits ttt the nobility of a conscious pcebator. THe will be watching. Shurpu Kishpu The Book Of Breaming . From The Gral Trarition With modern commentary for the Outer Temple. Tre sspucon isto is the ancient ocal book o the Teachings of the Fiekal Tiamat, the Temple of the Vampice Weagon, The terse sutras oc: WHocbs of Potwer were commonly memocized and then expanded in oral insteuction from experienced teachers in the Great ‘Vampice Family. Becein are contained the essential elements comprising the Mpstecies of the Priesthood of UR. To the uninitiated, the unprepared and the un-Sponsored these “open secrets" remain closed to authentic understanding and realization. ece is the most ancient description of the Bridge between the Worlds. Read, learn, realize and attain! The Bream Lite Is Whe Gulp Life. The deeam bodp and the astral bodp are one. The astral Godp lives twithin the Living tlest bodp. Fhe asteal bodp animates the tlesh bodp. What pou call pour lite is this astral bodp. The Bream Beath Is The Culp Beath. When the astral body completely separates com the Elesh bodp this is physical death. Alter phpsical Death, the asteal lives on foc a time until the second death then the astral also bies. The Sleeper Js Born To Bie. The moctal is be who physically dies and then alloins the astcal bodp to also stacte and die. ‘The mortal is “asleep” to the possibility for immortality. The Breamer Js Born To Live. The Vampice is he who learns the act of taking the litetocce rom the bodies of others to aboid the second death ant lide on as an Smmoctal Being. The Vampice deeams of the possibilities of lite everlasting. The Blood Is The Life. ‘The Vampice need not drink the physical blood of the libing but takes the transmuted liteforce which is the Blood itselt to perpetuate lite. The Bream Is Made Flesh. The Vampire can make the astcal bodp solid to the touch of flesh humans bp taking enough litetocce. Bet the Vampire retains the qualities of the astral body. The Bream Is In The Flesh. The astral todp is composed of a moce refined fom of matter and is not within the bisible Light spectrum, Bence the Vampice is unseen to the eye, the microc, oc the cameca. The form of the astcal Bampice is visible to the astral eves of the flesh human though that form does mot cetlect light. & living Vampire cetains a phpsical bodp. Those Wiho Wave Bisen have attained contcol ot astral projection. The Cndead Gods have abandoned the absolute need tor physical bodies altogether. The Bream Is Gt The Mind. ‘The astral bobdp is a shapesbitter and thus the Vampire map assume anp focm. for rapid movement bp air is the shape of tat or bird. For rapid mobement bp earth is the shape of Wwolt or cat. Sfor invisibility is the form of fog or dust. The Mind Is In The Bream. ‘The Yampice best enjoys the form of the human to mecge and blend twith the human herd tor the Bunt, Some Vampires becoming arrogant and unbeeding of the reactions of mortals will openly Display their powers of flight. speed, strength, inbulnecability. Such displays harm the Hunt and alert the peep. The Dreamer Chooses The Bream. To become Vampire requires actions most mortals twill not take. To become Vampice is never a completed work for these actions must continue being taken ot the second death will Destcop the Vampice. To remain alibe in flest) the mortal must eat, deink and protect the flesh bodp trom the extremes of the elements. These actions cequice effoct and the mortal must habe a purpose foc remaining alive to continue taking these necessacp actions. The Breamer Loves The Bream. The Vampire extends like bp similac actions, Cie Vampice must lobe his oton lite enough so that thece will cemain altwaps betoce fim a reason to continue taking the mecessarp actions to sustain astral vitality. The Breamer Feeds The Bream. The Weeam Spacing otters seductive death to the Vampice, tor like an exquisite drug it otters the fulfillment of eberp wish while enecbating the astral unto’ death. Jt is Here that the mortal finds bis tantasp afteclite until fis second death chokes out this delusion. The Breamer Eats The Sleeper. The Vampice understands the requisite tabing of lifeforce fom moctals to sustain astcal lite. The Vampice will enduce as long as he takes mortal Blood (Lifetocee) and does not himselt fall prep to the pleasures of the Dream Sharing. The Full Bream Has Power. ‘The potwers of the astral bodp are responsible toc most of what mortals call magic. The living Vampire will commonly utilise magical ritual to strengthen the asteal bodp as well as to ficm bis commitment to immortality ant the Yampice Family. The Powers Of The Bream Are Five. To see with astral epes is clairvoyance. To feel with astral touch is pspchometcp. To hear with astcal ears is claicaubience. To move the phpsical titty the astral is pspchokinesis. To speak tuith the astral boice is telepathp. The Breamer Js Known By The Mind. ‘The Yampice is a mental illusion to the senses of the moctal. Thece is no gross physical shape to see or touch. There is only the pcojection of the dream body of the Vampice into the mind of the mortal peep. The Breamer Bors Not Bie Asleep. ‘The mortal Voes not habe cecourse to Destroping the Vampire accocbing to the supecstitions of tradition. A physical stake of wood though the astral feact of the Vampire causes no harm. Aerither will garlic noc human religious spmbols such as ccucilix or holp water peobuce anp cesponse in the Bampice unless the Vampice should beliede such practices potent. In such case, any pair oc distigueement of the astral bobp is produced bp the Vampire's mind alone. Ginless the Vampice believes he is truly dying and enters fully into the Beam Shacing (twbich is certain to eventually Lead to astral Death), the Vampice is unbacmed by such bentuces. The Breamer Feeds In Sleep. A the mortal does not toaken the sleeping astral Vampire, fe will encounter no bodp he can touch, ut onlp an intangible fologeaphic image. is moctal bands twill pass though the Vampice's focm since it is not teuly physical. Totmedec, the moce experienced Yampice till automatically Deatn litetocce trom the moctal eben in deep sleep. Thus the moctal twill usually faint fcom the sudden deain. The Dreamer Bors Not Die Awake. ‘Thus the steeping Vampire, it tceed trom the superstitions of human cultuce, cemains impecbious to the casual mortal "Bampice billec", The Bampice, hotwever, can pose a secious threat to another Yampice bp taking fis accumulated stoce of lite energy. The Breamers Eat The Sleepers. Bampices seldom prep upon each other in that the eltoct cenuired to do so tar exceeds the ease with which the same energies can be deaton from moctals. Further, the sense of belonging which extends tettveen Bampices elevates their usual interactions tac abobe such petty squabbles as those twhich lead mortals to fight wars and carcp out bendettas. The Dreamers Are Awake. ‘Vampires soon learn a lobe for lite and cespect for those of their otwn kind. The accumulated teisdom of centuries that an ancient ampice may shace mates bis continuation ant authentic value to other Vampires as compared twith a celatibely ignocant moctal twhose small mind is Cilled with useless tribia and superstitious nonsense. 3¢ lite is to carcy meaning, and theceb ensure the lite-choosing actions of the Bampice. then the comcadestip of those Few Who have taken the step bepond mortality is a treasuce beyond price. The Dreamer Is Not The Flesh. The Vampire map move the physical, pet that appears to be his hand caising a glass is the pspebokinetic moving of the glass apparently grasped bp the intangible astral hand. The ‘Pampice also teels be is raising the glass but it be should fail to feed upon the lifetorce and lose potver, his hand tnould fail to mobe oc even feel the phpsical glass. The Dreamer Rules The Flesh. The strength of the Vampire to move physical objects comes from the reservoic of enecap he has taken {com the libing. Thus be is not limited ty the mechanics of muscle and leverage but can directly surpass moctal Limitations. The Flesh Obeys The Will. The Vampice map also move physical objects without apparently touching them with eben bis astral bobp ty extending a filament of bis being to the object he desires to affect. As with the asteal cocd of the libing Yampice, this filament can be so fine as to be invisible to the perceptions of the moctal. From the pecspectibe of the Bampire, bis intention tould be to twist a door closed and ‘with bis UBLiLl extended, the door closes. FE he looks carefully be map perceite the filament from his body which has stcetehed out to perfocm the deed. The Hleeper Sees The Bream. The iMlusion of phpsical tocm projected to the mind of the moctal will sometimes fail to include important elements which ace allwaps present in phpsical reality. The mortal's mind till Sometimes Cail to include some common otherwise selbort noticed consequence of physical presence. The mortal map notice no image of the Vampice in the miccoc or shadow cast fom light. The Look of surprise or betwilbecment should alect the Yampice and Bill that moctal to see the miccoc image oc shades, Thus the moctal will celax as the full illusion is cestoced. The Breamer Sleeps In The Bream. ‘When the astral Vampice sleeps, his astral bodp remains in the same phpsical location. Should a moctal come upon fis focm there, the failed iUlusion of no shadots, no mitror reflection, no recording of an image theough a camera, no sound recocbing ot breathing sounds from a tape cecorber - these impertections twill alert the mortal to the ceality of the Bampice’s asteal condition. The Coming Apocalypse FF oc each morta tite thece is a phosical deatb and for each great Cprle of Kite on this twortd thece is an ending. For thousands of pears the Gindead Gods have carefully worked a scheme to create a net level of existence for Themselves and those tho truly serve Them. Civilisation is the product of these most Ancient Ones and is also an experiment. Prioc to the cibliing of humankind, the Vampire population toas checked by the Limited human population. Humans twho were simple hunters and gatherers were fein in number and subject to the dangers of a ratucal world filled twith deadly intent, Ahus the Vampice tas also endangered. Hotuerer, the Ancient Yampices rose up tcom the brutality of Theic ocigins by the sheer force of Theic immoctality. As the decades greto into centuries, the most Elder Ones gretn wiser as well ag steongec. Apart trom Theic Oto Vampicic HMastery (as celated in the Shurpu Rishou and retained as a sacced oral trabition to this day) Thep also discovered the secrets of fice, simple tools, agricultuce, animal bustandcp, metal smithing and teaponcp. Thecetore, the Ancient Ones decided to impeobe the lot of the human in the same wap that the buman impeoved the lot of cattle and sheep. Civilising mankind twas, toc the Vampice, the Domestication of the human for food. Just as human cattle ranchers breed theic hecds to improbe the stock, so too did the Undead Ancient Gods genetically manipulate eaclp man and closely gooerned bis breeding through Lats and taboos. The civlising of humankind also included breaking the human spicit to maintain control. The Ancient Ones cceated the eaclp celigions ot mankind and acted as theic Gods. With the single exception of Petal Tiamat, The Temple of the Beagon which is the Innec Temple of the ‘Poesthood of AR, all celigions of humankind habe been designed or manipulated to ceintacce fuman slabe mentality. Thep ace taught to obep and not question the Gods. Thep ace taught to sacritice thei Labocs anh theic lives to the Gods. Thep are taught that the Gods ace pertectty Supecioc to humans and that thep must alwaps submit in action, thought and feeling to the Desices of the Gods, twhateder those desires might be. Thus the creation o€ celigion for humanity has secved the Vampire amily quite well. In the tacliest times, humans would directly and pbpsicallp serve the Vampire with all the jop of anp true teorshipper of a God. fear ot punistment oc death) was seldom cequired as the human ‘would willingly seek to obep the Vampice Gods not out of duty but out of ecstatic pleasuce. For the humans openty tnetw in those times that there tas always the possibility of cising up ‘with the Gods and tecoming Vampice themselves. his dicect contact on a daily basis with the ‘Undead continued toc many thousands of pears betoce the time of the Renegades destcoped this ancient but Golden Age of Rule. The Renegades, Some of Whom cemain to this dap, were genecally pounger Andead Who had not long before joined the canks of Those Wiha Have Risen. Identified strongly ath Theic fuman ocigins, these pounger Gods rebelled against the realities of human moctals serbing the Bndead. Thep felt too much compassion for those who must serbe as food or the Gods. hep had not taken Cully the essence of true predation but cemained, on some unconscious Levels, controlled bp Their peedious celigious peogramming. In shoct, Thep had not yet outycoton the slabe mentality of the humans trom which They came. Thus came the first Great Tlacs. Here the Sons of the Gods gathered humans to attack those Undead pet with physical bodies and to ravage the ancient temples and shcines there sacritice had been the Lato foc hundceds of centucies. Gutposts bepond the Great Bark were cut aft, the Gates of Potwer destroped bp ignorant human tarbarians. Zuman blood flotsed in rivers and isolated communities of humans, devord of their Bndead leadership, waited in numb confusion for Direction. ‘Dt was during these early destructions that the first Dacvests came to pass. The celigions of the humans caused them to increasingly seek any sign of the return of the Bobs and to release twabes of Lifefocce in the emotion of desire. Multitudes mould gather on hilltops at the sighting of am atrial tattle and become obectubelmed bith Longing and besice for the great Gods to descend and cule them again. The Vampice Gods, feeling this intense flow of energy, toulk pause Crom the contlict amb often descend, tucapped in shimmering incanbescence, to drink deeply of the flood cof furan liteforce, Commonly the humans would be deained past theic sucribal needs and deop to the eacth as desiccated husks. Thousands would give up theic lives in moments and the Bindead experienced moce than nuctucance but wece uplifted, evolved, transtocmed. The evolutionary effects of this orgy of feeding, tobich came to be knoton as the Dartest, brought to the Cindead the powers of magic, and broke theic last bonds to gross material Limitations. The Innec slpstery of the Transcendence of the Weeam became a ceality and the great Vampire tamilp discodeced the existence of the Dream Sharing of the astral universes. Thus a new purpose was placed to the cibilising of humanity. Betoce, the intention tuas to ensure the sucbibal of the Vampice food stock theough the Domestication of the human. Hots the Great Purpose of Mream Transcendence created the goal of cibilising humans to cause an exportential increase of the food supply. Thus the Undead Gods struggled to deato up the human population from thousands to millions to billions. Then as the population would inccease, Barvests would come. How under conscious intention, the small Bacbests twould atteact religious enthusiasm twith fundceds and thousands to witness the coming of the Gods. These small Bacvests would offer controlled celease of highly concenteated lifetorce for the Gndead to channel foc greater magical purposes, such as opening a net Gate of Polvec to another world. Bet, the small Harbests were engineeced to cause a subsequent burst of breeding activity by the humans $0 that the population of the twacld mould ageotm to the Limits of human technology to supgoct it. Finally, in just the last (eto centuries. the Vampice-inspiced industrial cebolution opened the door to the tremendous expansion of the human herd so that tobap billions of humans eat and Live on this single planet. Sind so twe are notn approaching the Final Warvest. Like the Great Barrests of the ancient Great Wars, the human stork shall be deained in a carnage of energy celease unlike anpthing seen before. The obecabundance of humans bas reached its peak and the Ancient @nes ace preparing for a massive culling. The signs of approaching apocalypse fave been outlined tong fefore and ate upon us. And what shall the eto World hold for those of us tho have embraced the Path of Might and cast out lot with the Undead Rulers? We toho ace members of the Temple shall see a transformation of the consciousness of the Vampire so that the mastecp of magic twill be complete and enlightenment in the Dream a common bicthcight. The human shall, tcom his undeveloped stage, continue to secbe as slabe and food, but the Great Gates of Potver shall be flung apen to the facthest reaches of all possible universes and the Yampice shall be no Longer restricted to the limitations Ce have tolerated through the millennia. The Final Harvest is close upon us. The cities shall be swept up with the agonp of billions tobo, in dping, will pass forth their lite energies to a greater cause. The Great Endead Gods shall ceturn to Theic visible Thrones of Power in the world of men, and men shall again openly nolo their Rulers and their place of secbitubde in the ocbec of things, lan shall be content to serbe and the Bampice shall, toithout restriction of mattec, cule toth the material and astral. ‘Therefore it is well tor those of us who wear the Winged Shull of BHR to align our thinking ‘with the coming Apocalypse. We need to embcace the peedatoc's attitube of power and increasingly cut off anp spmpathp for the soon-to-be-dead billions twho are and shall cemain mortal. Wie must, each one of us, serve that te map Rise to be served. Eo dcink that we map filled. To shace our lifetocce that we map be found and cemain wocthp of Those Who ace the onlp True Gods o€ this morld. The time grows shoct! Work while thece is pet time! This is the ultimate purpose of our Temple! Stand tall and seize pour future. Let the true slaves of this eacth secke or die. Cucope and Asia are in turmoil. What tollows is the breaking of the Seventh Seal. inG c€b 6G cAn A! Hal Tiamat! Box 3582 Lacey, WA 98503 U.S.A. 2 = a £ a > 2 = 3 pan 3 2 A 5 a B LESH eee MS DE ATR TEES PMS

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