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A frightening night

Yesterday was the worst day of my life, I will never forget that night in
Bieber Street. I was with my friend Mia; we were going to Kims house
to watch Breaking Dawn part 1. We were very excited, but while we
were walking through Bieber Street we heard a strange noise.
At first we thought that it was a cat or a dog, but we heard it again.
We immediately look backwards and it was terrifying. We couldnt
believe it, but it looked like a vampire. Before we knew it, it was two
feet away from us. We were petrified, for a minute a thought that it
was going to bite me. But Mia took me by the hand and we started
running. Then the vampire shouted, but I didnt understand him.
Fortunately we saw a shop and we went inside.
After a while we went out the shop and the coast seemed to be clear.
We arrived to Kims house I told her everything. Surprisingly she
started laughing and Mia and I didnt understand anything. Afterwards
she told us that the vampire was her brother and it was just a joke. At
the end we felt very release.

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