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The Cartoon Roleplaying G Designed by Greg Costikyan Developed by Warren Spector Chapter 1: Welcome to TOOM! TOON is set in the crazy world of cartoons. In this world, anything can happen. The laws of physics work only when you notice them. Mice, rabbits, ducks, and ‘moose all speak perfect English. Characters spend most of their time plotting to cheat ‘each other, blow each other up, eat each other, or otherwise commit mayhem. But nobody ever dies! Now TOON lets you get in on the fun! This book will tell you everything you need to know to play all your favorite car- toon stars, After reading through TOON, you'll be able to play the part of any car- toon character you've ever seen in a movie theater or on your television screen. And, best of all, you can make up your own characters and adventures too. TOON is roleplaying game, You may already be failiae with these “let's pretend” games. Its, fel free to ship this section aad move on (0 the next chapter. If you're not sute what roleplaying games are all about read on Ina roleplaying game, you pretend to bea hero, pirate, space pilot, oF whatever . just like when you were a kid. The difference is that you have rules. Roleplaying rules can be simple (and they don't get any Simpler than TOON), oF the ea fil several volumes, It doesn't mater. Roleplaying fs just “let's pretend.” ‘You need atleast two people to play TOON. Three or four people make up an ideal group. One person the Animaror, runs the game. The ‘Animator ells the players what sort of cartoon world they're i, stho (OF ‘what ives thee, and what happens. The Animator picks the adventre from the Short Subjects and Feature Film inthe back ofthis book, Expe Fenced Animators can write their ow adventures! ach of the other players pretends to be a single cartoon character in the Animators adventure, Here's whete the roleplaying comes in. As the ‘Animator descris the setting and events of the adventure, each player Feacts, describing what his oF her character daes. The Animator dete. mines what happens because of the players actions. The players respond. ‘and so on until the end of the cartoon, ‘And that's all there fo that! A Special Message For Experienced Roleplayers TOON isn't like any other roleplaying game you've ever known, In ‘most RPGS, the ide ito plot and plan ~ to think before you act — and tormake sure your character survives, thrives, and becomes more proi- cient at everyting he or she does. FORGET ALL THAT. Survival? Who cares? You can't ever really die, so you've got nothing to lose by jumping righ nto the thick of things and having fun Think before you at? No chance. Ifyou take the time t think every action through, the game's going to get hogged down and nobody will have any fun. The action ina TOON game shouldbe fast — insanely fst Remember, you're supposed tobe a cartoon character. When wat the last time you sas a cartoon character do something logical? ACT betore you THINK. Here's something else that's special about TOON: It doesnt mater how stupid, weak, of inept your characteris. Poor die-oling doesn't ‘cana bad character. Half the fun of TOON is filing. because ofthe Silly ehings that happen when yo fail! So bad” characters ae jus a ‘much fun — maybe more fun ~ than “good” characters, So, to rept: RQROET EVERYTHING YOU KNOW and ACT BEFORE YOU Chapter 2: Whatthe Heck Does that Mean? Roleplaying games have their own strange language. “‘Attributes."* "'Skills."” “Roll 2 dice plus 2."" What do these mean? Let's explain a few terms. Dice Al you need to play TOON are a couple of six-sided dice (like the ones found in any ordinary game). Sometimes you'll roll one die, or two, oF three. In some cases, {you might also (for instance) roll 2 dice and add J to the result. This is called rolling 2 dice plus 1." Sometimes you will get to make a special “tens-and-ones" dice roll. This means you roll one die and say: “That's the tens."" Then you roll another die and say That's the ones.” Instead of adding the rolls (the way you normally do when you roll two dice) you read the two rolls one after another. For example, if your first roll isa4 and your second rolls 3, you've rolled a 43 (nota seven!). This system gives you a number from 11 to 66, which will come in handy when you are choosing one item from a long list. Characters "Acharacter is any person or being in the Animators sory. Thee are Player Characters and Non Player Characters. A Player Character fsa harater consoled by a player Prey sneky, nigh?” A. Non-Payer Garacter (sometimes abbreviated NPC) i any character contlled by the Animator, Attributes Esch character has four Atiutes — numbers that describe his o he basic abies These are Muscle, Zip, Smarts, and Chutzpah, Muscle 8 simply how strong a character. Zip includes speed, alertness, dexter and coordination. Smarts i fast what sounds ike intelgence. inowledge, that sort of thing. Chutzpah i hw "pushy" your characte is (For all you non-New Yorkers, fs pronounced jst ike i's speed except thi the "chs pronounced a Hf you's clearing your that.) A haractr with os of chutzpah has alot of neve ‘Chuper 4 wil show you how to determine your character's Atibuts The Character Sheet ‘The Character Sheet is a form that lets you record everything about your character. At the beginning of & game, the Animator should give ‘ach player a copy ofthe Character Sheet on page 68 of this book. Feet free to photocopy it for your own use. You should record everything, about your character of the sheet. The Animator has the right to Took at any player's character shoot any time he oF she wants to. Players may Show their character sheets to other players they ike... but they don't have to! ‘So much for definitions. Let's play TOON! Chutzpah Chapter 3: Getting Started ‘To speed you along on the road 10 fun and all-around cartoon silliness, here are some introductory rules and a beginning adventure — The Cartoon Olympics. With the ready-made characters on pages 13-14, you can start playing right away. There's fots more to TOON than this — but this adventure will get you into the spirit of the game, show you some of the basic rules, ach you to read a character sheet, and a lot of other useful stuff Now, gather a couple of close (and crazy) friends. One of you will act as the Ani- mator for The Cartoon Olympics. Each of the other two should choose one of the ready-made characters. I's easy to start playing TOON for the first time, even if you've never been in a roleplaying game before. All you need to know right now isa little bit about Skills, and a litle bit about the role of the Animator. Skills You use skills to do things tothe other characters. They use their own skills to do things to you. Some skills can also be used against inanimate ‘objects — rocks, lampshades, walls, end so on. (For the most par, rocks, lampshades, and walls can’t respond when you do something to them but in TOON you never know!) Tn TOON, you have 23 different sis, Each has a number, or level, ‘between I and 9, This tells how good you are at that sil ‘The higher the skill evel, the beter you ate at using that sil, You use «skill successfully when you rol es han or equal othe skill’ evel on {wo dice. (This is sometimes called “rolling against” a ski.) For example, if you want {© throw a dart at 2 dartboard, you roll against your Throw ski. Ifyou have a Throw skill of 6, you wil have to roll 26 oF lesson two dice to hit the target. There are no dans oF dat: boards in The Cartoon Olympics, but don't worry. You'll find plenty of things to throw (and lts of targets) before the champion is chosen. Rolling successfully against skill number is sometimes called “mak- ing your roll.” I you have a skill level of 6 and you rola 6 oF les, you've “made your roll,” which means you succeeded at whatever it was You tied to do! Ifyou rolled anything over a 6... you missed. Sorry About that Remember: High skill numbers are good. Low skill numbers are not exactly bad; they just make you fal more often! Fighting (One ofthe mst importnt skills in The Cartoon Olbmpice (and all through TOON) isthe Fight skill. This skills what you use to Hight her characte obvious) Ho characters want to igh, they Both toll wo dice agunw thelr ight kil: Ie both of them make (heir Fight skill ells, nothing happens. They bath sed both ell higher than thee Fight kills, nothing happens. They both sissed again, Tone ofthe characters makes his or her Fight sil roll and the other doesn, the character who made the socessfal ol his the othe one and ‘does damage. “Damage” i explained more fll on page 8 ‘Bt old on. Wha if your character doesn't want to fight? That's okay a yu have fo dof say “I want to get away" OF cous, int ‘ge as Spe ws that While you are geting away, your opponent es {ty one last Fight olf that Fight rol i socesfa, you fet nae one Tas time (and fake damage) before you escape Fighting (Mack Attacks!) Fd te Fight sl on he chara tec see for Mack the Mowe (ape) Macks Fg sl of 8, neh means he's gute a tle crapper. Now look a Fre Bulg’ characte set Gage 18). Fed ial bff est ough, tthe as 1 Fees of ony 4. Sie be it ‘ep goal Tih. he sould probaly Sind ter ways to get wha fe a Let's sy Mack feeling mean toy. be wasup Fred andes na he fou Thats sie fo a a fight The ‘soar tele Mack aod Bed to ol gis tel Fig sls. The Test ine ‘ound, Fred lls a9 and Mack rolls a 10. Boi of them led higher than tit Fight ls, so ner del any rage (he est would ave been he same (RS mae he Fgh ee) Bot of oor heoes ato Lap Bit ing sty ol api, The second pu of risen for Pre lure ada 3 for Mack (aces). This ans Mack Shas Fads The payer paying Mack rls foe de to determine fom tach le dbesto poor Fed. He llsu6. Ouch rad sara frome Hit Pit F'8. He wil only be able to uke (0 ‘Bor its efor he Fls Down. Taking Damage & Falling Down (Better Fred than Dead) “uke another lok at Mack the outs Gunter set None the fumber “12 afer te words Hit Print” That ears Mack can take 12 pm of damage etre Fai Dow Now fad Fred Blog's Ht Po Si is A Wah tenon in Bind lsum ote gh we red ice ht we sm Mack and Fed Mack had use wallop Fred 0 he one ot'6 Ms Subvacing 6 fom reds eloning Hi Pon a ff ees hn wth ely 2. Ante seis of ress Fret a enuccess (1 and Mack t Success 2 he rescaly rodent), Fred takes anther de of damage. This ine Mack ea, Fredo om alana tke fs Fred Falls Dow and reds pisyer ma tothe next tre aes ‘tthe game, The fig end ah Mack ‘Seking pectly and Fre ning there ‘Soeeeye wile dp Seu dane ing tmind hehe Doing Damage ‘Whenever you hit other characters (or fun ove them, or blow them up, of defesate tem, of whatever) you do damage ‘The amount of lage determined by rong dice sully, by rolling just one de ‘The number rolled isthe numberof Ht Points the ohee characterise. ‘Uh oh! What ate Hit Pons? Hit Points determine how much damage your character an take, Every character starts out wth acerain number {tit Poin, During the cours ofan advent, You wil gent Gas, falloff cif, and ave cif fallon you. You will get hi, crushed, mangled, chopped sliced, diced, and posily French-fed, Fortunately, you wont die ach time something ba happens to ou, you may be hurt (or “take damage’ When you tke damage, youl sstact some Ht Poi om Your Hit Point ta. When all of your Hit Points are gone, You Fall Bown eS Falling Down In the world of cartoons, characters never di: they just Fall Down, ‘When you take more hits of damage than you had Hit Points wo start with, you Fall Down — which i bad, but not very bad Tn cartoons, al sor of terrible things happen tothe characters, but they bounce right back in the next scene. In TOON, characters who Fall own retum tthe game afer siting out for three minutes. Thats wert repeating “When you Fall Down, you're not dead; you're just out ofthe game for thee minutes? (Hf the game is being played by the Animator and one player you can ignore the three-minute ime los and just keep playing.) ‘Afer three minutes, you're back inthe game. You'll be exactly where you fell down (unless oer characters move you, or the Animator wants Sou to be somewhere else) and you'll have all your Hit Poins back, ” Other Skills ‘The same system used to Figh is used forthe other skis. Roll your stil evel or lesson two dice and you sueceed: ol higher than your skill Tevel and you fail In The Cartoon Olympics, you'l get to do more than duke it out ‘You'll get to Run and Throw things ~ and even Fire Guns at your un suspecting opponents. You'll also learn how to Dodge something that's ‘Thrown at you, You'll learn to Fast Talk other characters into doing foolish things. And you'l learn how wo Resisa character who's tying to Fast-Talk you into doing something you don't want, Lets take a brief Took at each of these shill: Running you want 0 un, you simply sy“ suing and rol wade. I you make your Run ral you ran seesflly fon the thee hand, you Toll above you Rom skill evel. you dont ru scceasfly- You trip over Sour own fet or something equally sly. What does happen i upto he “Animator. but suggestions fom the players ae welcome. Just keep them i ‘What if you stan runing and anoer character decides to race with sor chase you? Running works st ke Fighting. Bath players involved n'a chase (or race) roll wo die: IT bosh players make their Run rls, the chase continues, with neither character gaining ground on the oer TF both characters fil thei ols, nothing sll happens — they both keep running The chaser runs successfully and the chased doesn't, the chaser catches up wih the chased and may Hara figh — or do Snyhing ese he or she can tink of Tf the chased uns successfully andthe chaser doesn’, the chased gts away andthe chase ends Both players may ov try Something new x Throwing “The Throw sil ase whenever anyone wants to how something a any target (inluding snoter character). The Animator must decide ‘niche or oot the characters siong enough throw apaticuar object. Don't ty tothrow anything ridiculously lrg just ye aun Inte in te ook) Ifyou want 0 throw something rol aginst your Throw ski. Wf you fall your Throw rll, the objet mises sappearing offscreen") you Inake your Throw ral you ht your target sual youve towing somethings anorher Character the Target gs & chance to leap out of he way using hs or her Dodge sil page 10) 7 Racing & Chasing (Fred's Revenge) Mack the Mouse Bas Roing i of 3 Hes very. vey ows Bat Pred Bulg fas a Ronning sil ofS he's 2 spend denon. Fed decides be an “naughga om Mack. He sks op ‘mc fster and epi Toning ere ean ite mane, Mack doesnt ‘tev ace that yar. Hern, 0, ‘Macha ol against ir Ram sails: ed lea slong hs Ran incrediy. Mack ls a3 so mang ‘Neral Bash characters tose the che ean sone fred wats Io Hedoes —aferall Mack os made im Fal wna moment apo Inthe sc fond ond of rly Fredo 44 (ae se) an Mick vie 12 (sr a Se) Fred exces op to Mack and an Fipk wah nyse, or do whatever TP Mick, who was ing che, ad sme his il and Fred he she’ Rad Jaed is Mack would ave goten sa ‘Re ch woul en, leving oth Fred (nd Mick fe odo someting ee) Throwing & Dodging (Mack Strikes Back!) Mack is poked up bik and i The Bee and egal ws Show al toro Une Bd mes 1 Dodge races abe o get brane By 2 bet Fred hs a Dodge al eve of nly Heroleand—okeb! — geo {Tavs ger han hs Does et Pow Te bck ht im sig one ie oti a | | | I Fast-Talk And Resisting It (Fred Takes a Long Trip) Mack, ho say. cally, snd ter iy meen, wut ok pose, ang Fred uldog imo wang off + ei. (Linen, Fred you've pat 2000 Sis Th wind wl eae you ad Boy McCiner s Fan Tal aneging 10 ‘al under hs FasTak ak of So 0 ‘ies He suoceds whan Fred han ony one coe — t's pot tomes Ret Fa Tat ol Fre ile two sie, tng voll Resi Fst Takaaki fetakestwa die of damage hgh li), or which move ihn Bett Et ot Fred Fle Dow (api). He shiver inthe ground up to hs neck ‘When ne pls hf at he hs een unpre oa ery wie, sce tudo Bs Rel bea eg nthe net | Dodging ‘When you're he target ofa successful Throw rol, you rll wo dice and compare the rol to your Dodge sil. I you make your Dodge roll, ‘you manage to duck out ofthe way of the thrown object. yo fa! Your Dovge rol, you get hit Fast-Talk Cartoon characters often talk themselves out of trouble (and, occa sionally, into i). Sometimes, one character wil try 10 talk another into ‘doing something really dumb or incredibly dangerous. In TOON, you do this with your Fas-Talk skill If you roll your Fast-Talk skill oF lower, Your opponent wil do one really dumb or dangerous thing... anything You want... unless he or she makes a Resist Fast Talk rol (sce the next Paragraph). If your Fast-Talk fils, your opponent isn't fled, and no Resist Fast Tak roll is necessary. You can try to Fast-Talk a character into doing something over and ‘over again until you fail. Once you fil that character will never again {al for that line. For example, let's say Mack the Mouse Fast-Talks Fred Bulldog into jumping offs cliff, A few minutes later, the wo characters find themselves atop that cliff apsin. Mack could try to talk Fred into jumping again. IPhe makes his Fast-Talk ell, he could try again ater in {he adventure. Buti he failed, Fed would be immune to that line of Fast ‘Tak forthe rest of the game. (No sr, I'm not gonna do it No I'm not. You can't make me jump off this elf again. Nope...) Resist Fast-Talk IF you've been Fast-Talked successfully, this is your chance to save yourself. Try to roll your Resist Fast-Talk silo lesson two dice, Ifyou ‘Succeed, you'll conte to your senses before you do anything foolish, ‘Otherwise, you'll be at your opponent's mercy. Fire Gun The last skill you'll need in The Cartoon Olympic i Fire Gun. In onder to ai, fire's gun, and ht an unmoving target, Yoo simply cll st your Fie Gun skill If you make the el You it your target it you're being shot at, youcan try a Dodge ol get ou othe way of the bles. Ifyou make your Dodge voll you dont ge i “The damage a gun does depends on its size ~ starting atone die of damage for litle gum, and poing up from there. All guns have an nlmited supply of bulls, unless you're Wold otherwise These are all the skills you'l need for The Cartoon Olympes. (There ate Jos of other skills in TOON. You'll learn more about those in Chapter 5.) ‘But so far we haven't talked about the object of the game. What are you trying to accomplish in TOON? ‘Of course, the main ding you're trying to do is act ily But you're also trying to get Plor Points and have fon =o Plot Points Plot Points are given out by the Animator whenever you do something really funny or clever, or when you complete an adventure successfull ‘They're called “Plot Poins” Because they go tothe characters who do the most to advance the “plot” ofthe adventure, Tn later chapters, we'll alk about Plot Points in more detail, For now, all you need to know is thatthe more Plot Points you get, the better you played. The Animator ‘The Animators part storyteller, par refere. As Animator, you keep the game moving and make seal the players get sn onthe fun- One as) way 10 do tha 1 tthe payers sina ice. Go from one the text, and ask cach payer wht his or et characteris doing. Give each Playerone acon andthe move onthe net payer (who also gets one a tion and so 0. Tn TOON, an ation i defined as everything a player says he she doing, up tthe pint where tat player res one Skill Rol. Each payer can do as much ashe or she wants, bur once a player makes a Skill Rll 1's the next player's tro say what he or se doing. IW aoher player tas to makes Skil Rll because of what you di for stance, to Dodge Something oo threw, orto Resist your Fast Talk), tha est count ss an action for the second payer 'Non-Payer Characters are not bound by the Action system, They act whenever the Animator thinks is appropriate or funny (Ot course, you're an experienced roleplay and you Want 0 wse a iter system, go abead. at bear mind that somethings in TOON ‘spend upon the Action system, and plan according.) Tre alo the Animators jb to give ut Plot Poi. To repeat: Payers act Plot Points for achicving the goals of an adventure. Tey aso gt Por Pointeach ine they do something especial isan, funy or lever. For Animators Only! IF you'ze one of the players in The Cartoon Olympics, stop reading hort I you're going 10 be the Animator Keep going. The Animator Should read through the whole adventure below, an help each player pickacharacter. When everyones ready to start the Animator decries {he Opening Scene outloud = and ply begin! "As ule, the players ean be od everthing about each scene 3s s00n as they ener i, except the information specially described ‘ect. Ofcourse evrything in an adventure sa secret unt it hap pens: ole players find things out for themselves, For example, in The Cartoon Olympics, te characters will fight a pack of circus monkeys. But don tel them tht unt the monkeys show op. “Anytime you're not sure how an NPC al react, oF whats going to happen next, redace the station to a “yes-n0" quesion ~ Do the moneys like banana dais? Des the concession stand sel popcora? Once you've bated the stuation down to a yes-ao question, rll one die Ont 1, 2, oF 3 the answer i"Ver-" Ona 4, 5:0 6y the answer is “No. This called the Fity Percent Roles really handy" Pinay. remember i's our cartoon. Feel fee to change or add anything you want —ue Shooting & Dodging (Bang! Bang! Fred faw down, go Boom!) Mack he Mouse rely fing msy today He's managed et boo uP to take some po bs a poor pupae ros Mick buss Fre Gum tof prety tere at worth at. He spot Fred and BLAM! KAPOW Boles fy al ver the pace. Mack rls 23! Uness Fed manager 0 Dodge (good luck he's gong to be pvr och. He vols 27 (gst a Dag of Sy The ballets ht and re tks oe de of danuge, Mack sicher letly ‘wha fa yes hag! ‘Short Subject: The Cartoon Olympics by Warren Spector Cast of Characters “The easiest way to run this adventure is with one Animator and two players. If you really want to have three or four players, you can, but some events (especially the boxing match) will have to be divided into rounds, and will tke longer. Players can pick any of the characters provided on pages 13-14. These are not “complete" characters — they have only the skills required for ths simple scenario. Tf you want to, you can round them out later and use them for other adventures. The Animator will take the part of the Non-Player Characters — a pack of mischievous monkeys that have escaped from the circus. He or she wil also play the Contest judge —a nearsighted mole who signals the stat of each event with a shot from his pistol. But you never know where the pistol’s going to be po the Animator can piay the audience — cheering and booing at the cl viding sound effects, and being as silly as possible Location The adventure takes pace nthe Anytown Anydome, a rinky-dink ite sporting arena which int dome at al Is just an oval-shaped, outdoor track d field arena, and i's center days, The Anydome hes Bleachers allaound the outside ofthe oval tack jut Below the Beaches, and a gras fe in the mide Object Of The Adventure “The cartoon characters will compete in three different events. There willbe boxing match, so they ean use ther Fight skis, A javelin toss Will allow them to use their Throw skill. This wil be followed by a footrace. so the characters can use their Run ski ‘The winner of each event gets Plot Point. The character with the most Plot Points atthe end of the comest will win a shiny new Ford Motors sports ca! The Plot ‘Keep al ofthe information that follows secret until you think it's ime forthe characters to find out the hard Way” ‘Remember that cach event begins with the nearly-blind Judge Mole {nga pistol. He thinks he is aiming inthe ar, so he doesnot have o make histo it roll, But each character must rll adie, The low roller is the accidental target of Judge Moles pistol and must make a Dodge roll ~ or be hit for one die of damage. ‘Don't mention this othe players — but anybody who thinks of it can tey a Fast Talk rol o get the judge to give up his pistol. A character who {ets thepistol can shoot it atthe other characters, oF at any monkeys who show up. Opening Scene ‘Weleome to The Cartoon Olympics! The banners are fying high over the Anjionn Anydome, The weather bemil and Oe crowd is trating caer forthe opening ceremonies to get underway The stat of the sporting even ofthe century junt moments say! Te torch is about bet. whvops wath hat torch! Lookout! OUCH The Boxing Match The fs evens et nthe boxing ing, This located in he center of the Anydone's gry fell, Fave ie to characters unr of the terra the ing Te objet of the mah isto ake your opponent Fall Down or ge up. The fst canbe accomplished by making succssal Fighrralsasaing” of couse your opponent als). setond canbe Schived by Fat iting sour opponent and conning him or er there's na chance for sco. Pagers might aso ty to Fast Talk (or Fight wit the referee, inthe hope that he wil come overt ther ie and sart pounding onthe ober character involved nthe gh -B- Mack The Mouse Description: Mack ita iar smoking ‘moun rm Broke. He bigger and (oupher tan tow mace Ordnay, be ‘ters ao clang, but ing be Catone Oly bel Wear 2 track ett and Pre ako) ‘alts & Goal: Mack loves com ‘aber chancies ou of thet posestons fd bg aout Hes hora Have a san bids. Give hm» pon sue gets ener apy = i Pinus Towa Pata 4 hin Packs 9 Rest Pa Ta: 8 > Olga Hippopovna Description: Olga is a very lag, seprheny Rosia ipopotas.She Same tee (hough never Smit ho abe Says wens ack las" "She tls "everoee she's fale She aways was on ee Hind ees ‘Belts & Goals: Ola beleves tat senting Is beer in ssn She wl cnt complain aout De shat It ti Ardem, he bad wenn he Ba fad. She wi ry to commie all srs of rye sce and ten lane 29> ‘neta apps om another etre it Poin 10 Bip: Tes? Doge: 3 Pre Pastas $ Rest Fat Talk: 9 C Fred Bulldog Descipon: Fats 2 very proper supa) Engl tally. He an wo oor fut lege Hes dog sve Or ‘ai Re ar oly his derby hat, Bu Grin the Carton Ops, hel wat ‘lee cles Belts & Goals: Fro beicvs tha eeman sever witout hs ate {bese sat aor ings one SS po lt of fod ad pe Hes ‘onmaly nt aggenave, the wil oo {Bsr of ol ngs protec some: Goes sus 0 ned bp. it Pine eke ‘Tomes Run Faa-Tale 6 Resat FawTak: 3 Fifi La Feline Description Fifi 2 French cat. Ste ixeatre. She an walk on 0 ot our (ition and tees i expensive per finer Forte coments sel west 8 evening track su Male characters fal al ver hemes t npress her Belt & Goal Ff tke he's the ‘mos gorgeous care onthe face of Be th She may be ph. She cap resist tos She wil o anyiing onan prove the French ae mutual saps. ht se pert) ae it Pines 7 Fake 3 Thom 6 Dove: # Pre Gon: 2 Fae Talke 9 Reset Foe Talk: § ‘After each player has taken three actions, a monkey will leap into the ring and start bouncing around causing trouble. It will Throw a cream pie atone character. If the pie hits ts target loses one ation. The monkey ‘will hen grab a pair of boxing gloves and try to Fight the other character Ifthe character it chose to Fight Falls Down, it will ure its attention back to the other ‘The players can continue to Fight with each other in order to win the event, Or they can try (separately or together) to make the monkey Fal ‘Down. IF the monkey Falls Down, it will not return 1 the boxing ring, and the character ho put inthe last pont of damage gets a Pot Pont. “The last player Tet standing inthe rng i the winner and gets a Plot Point The Javelin Toss ‘This event is also held on the grasy area in the center ofthe Anydome. ‘The object is to throw your javelin at big bullseye, ‘The contest ends when one player has hit the target thre times (by making three successful ‘Throw rolls). ~ Each time a character hits the target, the Animator should rol oe die to determine how "good" the throw was, This is the score given the Player by the judge. The player with the highest score atthe end of the ‘contest wins, and gets one Plot Point. Players can concentrate on hitting their target; they ean Throw the jvelins at eachother (doing one die of damage when one hits) eying 10 ‘make ther opponent Fall Down so they ean make lot of Throws rolls and ‘win the contest while their opponent is out of action; they ean try to Dodge javelns thrown at them: they can try t Fast-Talk the judge ino ssiving them six points every time they hit the target (one Fast-Tak rll per hit, please); they can throw thei avelins atthe judge though there ‘est’ seem 1 be any advantage to doing $0); they ean try to Fast-Talk their opponent into trying to carc the javelins; they can Fight; they can ‘bo anything they want. The Marathon This event is held oa the tack. Contestant line up on the starting Hine. ‘The judge raises the stating pistol (assuming no one’s talked him out of ityand fires. The race ison. The race consists of six suecessfel Run cols. The first player to make six Run rolls will win (though players rll a the same time, so its possible forthe race to end ina ti) are Players should keep track of the number of successful Run rolls they ‘make. This will allow them to ell how far ahead or behind they are, (ot txample, let's say Fred Bulldog has made five successful Run rolls, and ‘Mack the Mouse only four. That means Mack is one behind. Mack will have to make a successful Run roll, and Fred will have to miss one, in ‘order for Mack to catch up.) Any time two players are “even” (in other words, they've made the same numberof successful Run rolls) they can Fight, Fast-Talk each other, or do anything else they want ‘Aer thee rall ofthe dice by both runners, two monkeys will appear ‘nthe track and start running in and out between the characters" leg. ‘One monkey will atach itself to the leg of each character. making it impossible for ether 0 run. Each character will have to get rid of his or het monkey by making it Fall Down) before finishing the last three rolls ‘of the marathon. Tr the players have a lot of trouble geting rd ofthe monkeys, Judge Mole wil scar them off by firing his pistol epeately. After three sbos the monkeys will scurry off, and the event can continue (unless the char- acters decide to give chase). Each time the Judge fires, the players must roll (the Animator will oll for the monkeys) 10 see who has to Dodge! Players can run single-minded toward the finish in: a player with gun can take pot shots atthe other: whenever the two runners are together, they can Fight or Fast-Talk; they can do anything else they can think of. Furthermore, the tack is Tiered with balls, javelins, discuss, shorpus, rocks, and all sors of things characters‘can throw at one another The (Big?) Finish When he thre events are over, the player with the most Plot Pins is ecard the wincr. The prize ceremony begins witha eeremonial Kiss ftom the Queen (or King) ofthe Dy. ‘Seer: the Ring Queen wears a wil and has a stunning physique, bu removing the vi teveas an absolutely hideous face, THE Rss doe One {ae of damage tothe character who on Sdge hole hands the winner the Keys toa beautiful sons car. Che dosing player can ty to FastTalk the winner nto handing over the ys) ‘The character who drives off in the car will find it falling apart, piece by pices a "The End" appears onthe screen and the cardon sven in Judge Mole Description: fdge Me is 4 mole owt he fet tl Be walison hind lege He meas cry thik pases Een wit hs glss, be can Srey se He dessin be sped jerey an black pants of ale comet joe Beis & Goals: ope Mote kes bis roe at jie eros He wil take mo pl from te players, He wil esr Ibu a and eifout o Fae Tak ‘ii Poi Fi: 6 Toro Dodge: 8 Pre Gun: 2 Rune PacTak 2 eit Fa Talk ugg Mole wil begin each comest sd iso shot as explained i ce ext ‘tte advent on what happens fone St the characters manages Fas Tak ‘hedge ito png op Bi ele gan? ‘Te Tage hf snl the wart ta Tee le i tl el etn wih sa taroks (uric dest dice of am {go ah lows the soa, bel in ‘to the man and ten» Rags (ch does thee pois of dumage 0 Sone ity i: fhe ses he singsot, te trecrn with tow and srw tc thet one i of dame) ie ows he wanton, tbe Anime shoud mine to price ever toe ost es weapons, Use your inapitation The Monkeys Deseripcon: Tes re just monkeys — they can alk ey can aly irate. fight cach monkey will do [wo poims” of damage when is. They ab sole tan tmpacees. They've exaped from 2 oe ces. There reat any ofthe athe A Forrest keep te acto el. Belo & Goal: Al hese lite guys seats ve fan They do sy cau Toca of tb othe als ak tine Cano Ol. Hit Pinte spece Bi: 6 Pre Gun: 3 Not apie Reset Fam Tale NA. HNRLESS: Chapter 4: Creating Cartoon Characters Now that you've played TOON once, you probably can’t wait to start creating {your own characters, writing your own adventures, and getting into the real heavy= ‘duty stuff. So — LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACT . . . wait a minute. Not yet Before you step in front ofthe cameras, lets take a station break to talk some more about Character Generation, Skill and Shick use, and being an Animator. SUPERSTAR RULES: This symbol indicates an “advanced” rule {you can use after you've mastered the basic game. You can use these ‘or not, as you wish . . . they're for cartoon Superstars who are really serious about their fun Creating A Character ‘Until now, you've been using characters whose skill have already been defined. Now it's time to talk about filling in the numbers yourself. Got a blank Character Sheet handy? (You ean copy the one on page 64.) Then let's go. ie First you devide what kind of creature you want 19 be — you can ‘choose any Species you want. Is your character a mouse, a moose, a rab- bit robot, a toaster? YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT. if you don’t know what sort of character you want tobe, use the al purpose Species Determination Table on this page. Roll two dice in a tens-and-ones die roll (See page 4). When you've made your rol ending up with a result between IT and 66) check the result against the chart 19 determine what sort of character you'll be playing. ‘A human character needs an Occupation. You can pick something you like — hunter, orchesta conductor, policeman, Civil War general —or you can make another tens-and-ones roll and check the Occupation Table fn page 18, (IF you sant to play an animal character with an occupation, {hat allright foo!) Attributes ‘The next step is determining your Atributes. Just roll one die four times. The first rll gives you your Muscle score: the second gives you your Zip: the third gives you your Smars: and the fourth gives you your Ghutapan. Tha's tha If you don’t want 10 rely on the dice, you can choose your own atibuts this way Start with 14 Atribute Points. These can be divided among the four basic atuributes (Muscle, Zip. Smarts, and Chutzpah) any ‘way you want, The onl limitation is that you eat put more than six points into any one atrbute Hit Points [Next you figure out your Hl Points. Roll one die and add 6 to the ‘number rolled. This is the number of “hits” your character can take ‘When you take as much damage as you have hit points, you Fall Down, Record the result of your I die plus 6 coll on your character sheet in the space marked "Hit Points Description Now wit Up ari description ofthe way your character looks. IF yon're an ais you might even want draw a prcture of your character Inthe space provided) Obvicanly, Rabbi" ithe star of desertion, butts no enough: Does your rab un sound in fry bth Shit? Does it wear ute poe sit and cary ago pocket ack? It fabbitsize, humanize. monstously big or sda smal? Does it op around on four legs o wal ont? Natural Enemies Now decide whether your character has any Natural Enemies. Satural Enemy is a kind of create your characte is out 19 get — or ‘which out to gt You! Natural Enemies get Plot Points (see page 42) for ‘making one another Fall Down, A few obvious sets of Natural Enemies: == Species Table bor Ant Bn inle Green Man Rober Rabo ce Doe Goyore Goria Bors Pie Cow Chicken Roser Dos Parakeet Ghicke Hawk ‘Canary Bar Sen Serpent oer RRDGRORMERN SES ESSERE EE REE REERE SSeS Occupations Baby nis [No Appares Osspation Mika ‘Stoptore (ay nd) ‘Game Warden ae Semi Farmer Dect Ranger ih Rete General ‘Astor (had f couse) Shope Musi Conran Worker Pre Conboy Traian Cook French Chef Talon Bast Payer Risgmaser Hobe Onter Dogs & Cats Hunters & Animals Cals & Mice ‘Beats & Park Rangers Cats & Birds Police & Criminals Coyotes & Roadrunners ‘Tasmanian Devils & Everything Players can, if they choose, adopt less obvious natural enemies. For instance, a lite green man from auter space could choose cats as his ‘natural enemy. There's no obvious reason for this... so make one up! ‘What the heck — these are cartoon characters we're talking about, If someone wants to adopt an unusual Natural Enemy, the Animator should listen to the player's reasons . . and, if they're funny enough, allow them! ‘Natural Enemies are not required, but they make things intresting (to say the ess) Beliefs & Goals Now, decide how your character is going to behave and what sort of personaity thas. What does your character want out of life? How does it Feact to various situations? Is it nasty or nice? In TOON terms, each ‘character must have a clearly defined set of Beliefs & Goals. Cartoon characters are not terribly deep, and players don't have (0 chore complicated Beliefs & Goals. character can have as many or as {ew Beliefs & Goals as you want. However many you have, they should be designed to get your character into the action, not out of it For example, an obvious goal fora policeman might be to arrest char acters who break the law. rabbits goal might be to get carrots at any ‘ost. A policeman’s goa shouldn't be to stay near the jail and guard the prisoners — then he couldn't go on adventures! And you woulda’t have ny fan playing a rabbit whose goal was to avoid trouble at all costs Ttcan bea lot of fun to pick Beliefs and Goals that are totally opposite from those you would expect from the character. Mice are supposed to be timid — and Mack is funny because he’s so nasty and tough. How about a timid elephant, a friendly shark, oF a policeman who is realy the world's reatest jee! thief in disguise? ‘Don't make your Beliefs & Goals so specific you're not likely to use them in all the adventures you play. For example, don’t have as a Goal that you will make Mack the Mouse Fall Down whenever possible. What happens if Mack doesn't show up in a particular adventure? You're ou of Tuck Instead, say you'll make mice — any mice — Fall Down whenever possible. Get the idea? “To help you out when you're creating your character, we've provided a list of typical Beliefs and Goals. Feel fee to think up your own, but here are some ideas Beliefs 1. My species is superior to all others. A character with this Belief isn’ going to be terribly friendly oF cooperative, and is going tobe fooled by.a lot of Disguises atone time or another. 2. Tm the greatest. This sort of character always wants to be the boss. [An egotistical characteris likely to be unspeakably obnoxious. 3 Thate — cats, dogs, people, elephants, whatever. A prime mot ‘ator for eartoon characters. Anytime acat spots a mouse, a chase is sure to begin 4. job should be done well or nota all. character with this Belief will never leave a job unfinished, even if t means geting into trouble. —18— 5. Pain is bad. Ths charactor might bea coward... . oF he might do brave things, complaining all the time! 6. Work is bad. Ths character will spend alot of time and energy get ting others to do the musce-work, either because of laziness or pride 7. Evervone should be polite at all imes. This character would prob- ably spend alot of time arguing with the other characters! Use of many of the nastier skills would violate this Belief. But you could be downright dishonest and sil be polite Goals 1. Find and eat something — geraniums, rabbis, carrots, bananas whatever. Hunger isa great motivator for cartoon characters. Players iit specify what they Want t0 et. 2. Find (but don't ea) something — love, money, companionship, a good poker game, whatever. Players must specify what they are looking for. '3. Prevent everyone else from achieving their own Goals. Cartoon characters tend to be mischievous. This one can be a lot of fun — if ‘you're playing with very good friends or very bad enemies, ‘4. Cheat anybody whenever possible. This is for the Fast-Talkers, CConning people out oftheir most prized possessions can be fun! 5, Educate others inthe ways of the world. This one works best when the educator” knows less than the characters being taught 6. Defea illains. This characte is Good Guy and will thwart any satempe to break the laws (whatever they may bein the Animator's world land the mind of the player. This may mean thwarting fellow players! 7. Save or help the helpless — humans, cats, rabbits, whatever. These ‘characters will et off on all sorts of foolish quests to full thei Goals. 8. Protect my own property (or that of another character) a all costs Here's one for al those true due, faithful dogs out there. ‘9. Collect anything that might come ix handy. This character is going to have bulging Back Pockets! 10. Learn things. This cha {just an incurable snoop, IL. Inspire panic and destroy property. That about says it all! What could be more cartoony? Beliefs & Goals In Play Beles & Goals help plyers remain in character during game, bu what effect do they have onthe outcome? For one ting, he determine tow players get Plo Points. And Plot Pints ae of get iportace to the development of your character ‘Now that you've played The Cartoon Olympics, you know that the Animator awards Plot Points for dong something especialy funny or Ske, as wel as for completing an adventure succesfully. The An fnator should also give you Plot Points for acing in manner consistent sith your character's Blies & Goals especialy ithe result is lever orsilyt elics Goals help you stayin character; they lead to Plot Poits: Prot Pins lead to improved shls (se page 22). Fortis eason, Beles Goal are very important ter could be a scientist, «detective, or (Congratulations. Today, you area characte. —19— Just Being Yourself Beliefs & Goals In Play eee Pp is very wellmeneret felons on f Peer’ Ble a oe should ays be pte. He and sve ‘the fends ave Scored tea o's and of desperdoes. The ater care {er wan fo rsh ale the ands by Sop, and capt tem before they fave mchnce nea, Peter, on the and inks ts woul be fly rade Soke ocr and knocks polly om the tore te bane hoo Ti i sly ing todo, bat Per Pg unenaly tne i chase. 50 he should be ‘aries Por Pin frst asa one of is Gone ae wl wk gr ny complet acne ke fds 8 Shemp oan everthing here 0 Kom. (Evening? Do ou hear me? Eventing! Hahabohone eta in takes agar, and repro oboe ‘0 wil spend the ro of an aSetre Thus prey lever “ad's tery mach in keping with the good doctors Beets ‘& Gost: Dr Natok soul gt Pot Poin, “Normal” Things To Carry Rope om Marches Batons Sparing ower Pues of Fury Bucket Pou Shera Pos Penc and Per ‘Marbles cening Gum Coote nip Cookies ote ‘While Rober Bands Niro Boni of Pertime Lipsick orca Unusual Things To Carry (a few modest suggestions) uaety Net Siedgtaminer ler Sats “Two-Heaed Coin Compute Preset Ninos mask Dynamite Baar Tap Stor Telephone fy Gan ‘Egger ‘Als Clock Fah owt wth Pama "ihe Power Mapai Gls Anil he ater mt of common se) Possessions By now the op prof your Character Sheet shoul be prety ul bat theres one mor bank on Right therein the mide, youl ind space marked Poucsions Thats where you wrt down athe sult Sour character carrying, You can carry up to ight items when you set ‘ion each adventure At Teast fur ofthese mst be normal” things The other lou can Be amthing, utes othe Animator approval. Cartoon characters don't always wear clothes, but for game purposes, assume all characters have Back Pockets” that can carry an amazing (in Fact, viewally unlimited) variety and number of tems. Mack the Mouse carries a human sized gun in his Back Pocket, Fred Bulldog caries big Stick, lots of balloons and firecrackers, matches, a sack lunch, and a Squirting Rower. (Use common sense when you pick your possessions. Unless the Ani- rmator gives the okay, you can't Keep a fully-stocked refrigerator, an {encyclopedia st, oF atoll booth in your Back Pockets. And no fai ad ing things ater an adventure begins, unless you find usefubtems along the way. Things you pick up during an adventare do not count against {your total of eight possessions. Eight is usta reasonable limit for things {o start with, Make sare you've writen down everything you want to ‘carry Before each adventure IT you pick a smal, common object, like matches, balloons, oF rubber bands, you will ave an unlimited supply. I you pick larger things, you are onl carrying one ofeach unless you specify otherwise — and then teach item counts seperately ‘Under normal circumstances, you will not lose your possessions. However, if you Fall Down, your enemies (or friends) may take your possessions away from you! ‘There are two Superstar rules regarding possessions. \ First, depending on your character, you may’be able to Za count some unusual tems as “norial." For instance, Sheerluck Holmes, the famous detective, caries a eo, magnifying glass. Fora detective, that's perfectly nor- G7 inal— So, although it counts as one of his eight items, ‘doesnt count as one of his four “unusual” tems, Second, if you Fall Down and another character tres to take your possessions, e or she will always overlook something — especially if You are going tobe imprisoned, You will always be left with something ithe Animator decides what that can help you! —20- Chapter 5: How To Do We're coming along, but we've still got some blank spaces on the Character Sheet! Let’s earn a little more about how things are done in TOON. As you remember from The Cartoon Olympics, you can't do a thing without Skills, And you have a for more skills than you've used so far. Skills There are actually 23 skills, which are listed on the Character Sheet, Each character has a Skill Level between | and 9 in each skill. The higher your character's Skill Level, the better the chance you'll have to use that skill successfully In the lst that follows, and on the Character Sheet, the skills are grouped according to the four Antibutes. There are Muscle Skills, Zp Skills, Smarts Skills, and Chutcpah Skills Each skill begins at the evel of its controlling Attribute. For example, a character with a Muscle of 3 begins with a Skill Level of 3 in all Muscle Skills. A character with a Zip of 5 begins with a Skill Level of 5 in all Zip Skills. And so on ‘You also begin with 30 Skill Points, which may be added to any skills you want ‘Adding one point toa particular skill increases that skill by one level. Example: Fred Bulldog has @ Zip of 3. His Running skill, then, began a 3. as well. He spent 5 of his 30 Skill Points to inerease Running from 3 o 8. This left him with 25 Skill Points to Spend on other skills ‘The 30 skill points are used only to increase skill levels, not Attribute levels, It is possible to alter a character's Attributes, but only under very special circumstances ‘The Animator — or the author of an adventure — can set up situations which will increase or decrease Attributes for the duration of an adventure. ae ~ List Of Skills Hee i it of al he Sls ou can have in TOON, grouped scoring 10 ir conoling Atte: ‘Muscle Skills Bresk Down Door Cine ap Zip Skills eve Voie mae on swim Smarts Skills igo Hiden ‘Ment Dangerous Thing at Rest FveTale Seer Snel SceDwarm Trp Treki Cover Treks Chutepah Skills rebate ind Sit = List Of Shticks ‘These are the Sick that are deen don pages S36. along i ee elaine i Sh Pols. Remember Sat you uke second bck wll foat sepsis te tha usta you fake oa new Shick, he Ani ill fell you hove much wl sow Your ar Bag of Many Tags) “change Sage 8) ‘Detect tem 2) ving Hypaoss 8) Incede Syed 6) ince Seng (5) (quick Change Doe) “Teleport @) Inceie List (3) Keep track ofthe Skill Points you spend, writing the amount spent on cach skill beside that skill on your Character Sheet, When you've spent All 30 points, write your final Skil Levels on your Character Sheet. NO Skil Points can be Saved No Skill Level can ever Be raised above 9, so there is no point in allocating Skill Points to a sill whichis already ‘at Skill Level 9 No Skill Level can ever be lower than 1 ‘A player who makes a kil roll of succeeds in using that skill even if the character has a Skil Level of 1. In other words, a rll of 2 is an 1a player rolls a2 when trying to use a skill, the tar {et of the attack doesn't even get a chance to respond (Thus, st your characteris fighting with another cha acter, and you roll a2 on your Fight roll, you automat ically hits your opponent doesn't even get to make & Fight rollback!) A skill ol of 2 always suvceeds Shticks In addition to skills, some cartoon characters have amazing abilities which allow them to-do things not normally permitted under the skill ules, This is where Shols — stange, special, super powers — come in. For example, the “Bag of Many Things" Shick allows a character (0 pall just about anything that might be needed out of a bag that character Carries. None of the skills could account for an ability like ths, so a Shick was created. A list of suggested Shiicks appears on this page. Payers shouldbe encouraged to come up with their own Shicks (subject, fof course, to the approval of the Animator) In order to gain a Shick, a player must spend Skill Points. The exact number varies: some Shticks cost more than others. A second Shick may be acquired at a cost of an extra 5 Skill Points (over and above the printed cost ofthe two Shticks). For example, let's sty you want to, “buy” the Hypnosis Shick at a cost of § Skill Points and the Flight Stick, which costs 4. The eost in ‘Skill Points for those to Shicks would be 3 plus 4 plus an advional $ ‘points for total of 14. Hey, no one ever said being a cartoon star was Boing tobe cheap! ‘All Sticks begin at Skill Level S, This cannot be improved until char acters begin to accumlate Plot Poinis. No character may ever have more than two Shticks, and no Shick Level can be raised above 9. ‘When a Shick is selected from the list (oF made up by a player), the player and the Animator should agree on exactly what the Shick does, ‘Any special power to which the Animator agrees can be a Shick. ‘Record your final Skill and Shiick Levels on your Character Sheet. Improving Skills And Shticks Now, you may be wondering if you can increase your Skill and Stick levels after you've crested your character. OF course you can! Here's where Plt Points come i ‘As an adventure unfold, the Animator will award you Plot Points. At the end of an adventure, you can trade those Pit Points infor increased ‘Sill Levels! Fr every 2 Plot Points you spend, you can raise one skill by one Skil Level, Ifyou want wo increase a Shick, you'l have to spend Plot Points to go up one level in the Shick —ne- For example, let's say Mack the Mouse ended an adventure with six lot Points. (That's quite few. by the way; Mack must have been in rare form.) He could spend four of his sx points to raise his Hypnosis Shick from 5 10.6, and then spend the other two to fase his feble Break Down Door Skil fom 3 to 4. Or he could spend ll sx points to raise his Break Down Door Skil by three points. Or he could save the points for later. Superstar players can use their Plot Points 10 buy “temporary”” Sticks, You can spend 3 Plot Pots to acquire one exra Shick (above and beyond the basic ‘maximum of two) which will last for one adventure. [At the end of the adventure, the character loses the {emporary Shick — even if it was never used. Tem- porary Shticks are always at Skil Level 5. They can't be increased, Any Shtick on thelist (or any new ones you dream up) can be temporary. and they all cost 3 Plot Poins when purchased for one adventure! The Animator can jus give a character a temporary Shick — or the character canbe given & magic item or wonderful gadget embody- fing that Shick, Once the adventure ends the item or gadget goes away’ [Now that this does mor count against the imi of eight staring Possessions Muscle Skills Break Down Door ‘This sil is used to break down a locked door or similar barrie. Its used successfully, the door is broken, and your character stagers into the room on the oer side. This can also be used o breakthrough a wall {eaving hole in the wall in the shape of your character) My) one tot te rn ed al he Na) Safty ia aa eae ocala eu bay aero OF Be ce a ake Se SiR Seba nae tion an oie Senne Set Bing Sop fain ne ny Sarco eae OE pat Pooresrecehoartr ican oer tn teach sitnenneiiwodce Wired eee ce se alent Sete Roch tee Sons see Tiss: Freee hater ae dv de aa bs a a ee A ah Set ne et tg or anes ive ua eradath Sot eb salto Tiecace ilo hiner kal son Climb: ‘Any character can climb over an obstacle up to his or her own size without needing to make a roll. For larger obstacles, you must make a Climb col. Ifyou make the roll, you succeed in cliibing the obstacle, regardless of its height. IF you fail to make this roll, you fall to the ground, taking oe die of damage. (The Animator may add an additional Point or more of damage if you fall from a really dizzying height.) —23- ‘These basic climbing roles can be modified. For ‘example, 2 greased ladder, of one with glue on the rungs, would be much harder to climb than a norm ladder. If your character tres to cli those ladders — ‘or any particularly difficult obstacle — add two to your roll, making i harder to climb successfully Fight “The Fight skills one ofthe mont often used in TOON. (Se, your swother was igh ~ cartoons are filed with senscexe violence!) This SKils used wen one character wants to figh with nother, But the FRM Skil used for more than jus punching. Iis wed whenever one charae= ter testo make physical contac (of any kind) with another character tho doesnt wan it Thus, he Fight sil would be used when one cha dete tries fo ea bow te on another character who doesnt wat i "You fight simply by saying you're atackng (or embracing. or what- ever) another character. When you dots, you andthe oe character {urn ito blur of motion, fom which random ts, fs, stars and St tan be seen fying, The character you staked has four ehoces ght tack runaway, teleport aay, or do moshing (and get beaten Up) ‘Diring a fight each ofthe opposing characters attemps Fgh sil rol f bath a for if bth succeed) nothing happens. If only one Character succeeds, tat character does one de of damage tothe ther. ‘This number i sbracted from the opponent's Hit Pins ia Fight gocs fr tc action with rite character doing damage thecsher(nater mond, ifboth player mss — or hit each ther three times ina om), the combatants sink tothe ground, exhausted. The both ins ther nent ation The fight end, andthe two characters wl have to find something ele to do when they return fo normal ‘new the three-aton limi reached a Fight continues util oe of the combatants escapes or Falls Down ii there are more than two characters involved in 2 fight, you mus announce which character the target of your ack. YOu can" atk tore than one chaaccr ata time. bu several characters can 0 they hoose, gang up on anoter character, (No One said cartoon characters advo pay fair) IT you atack a character who's Busy fighting someone the, you auoratical inflict damage if you make your Fight oll. This works the other way, too, If you are atacked by a characte and YOu Gon stack that character back, you automatically take damage if your Stacker makes successful Fight rl if you want o fun avay om Fight, you can do so simply by saying syou't leaving, As You gol opposing characters ge ee swing at OU "you cat tun away snd Fight back a the same tine TFanyone wats to golfer you, you'r na chase and al character in volved start making normal Ron ros. I a0 one goes afer you when Youre escaping from 2 fight, you've goten away scot tes ‘Characters can choose fo fight wih thei Dare bans (or paws, a5 the case may be) or with weapon ~ bascball ba, cane, purse, of whal faveyou, A character cannot pick upa weapon, of change weapons, in the midie-of fight (hough dropping @ weapon and ighing Dre finde is okay. Some weapons do exta damage "NOTE: Gun and thrown ems se completely diferent sil, and are not considered "weapons" forthe purposes ofthe Fight sil rules 24 — Pick Up Heavy Thing ‘Most ordinary items can be picked up without making any kind of a rol This silo sed topck up ars, boulders airplanes and hings ike tha you mea Pik Gp Hey Tung rol jou succeed. I you fal the fol you fall pk the thing up, and ou cannot 9 A character who tries a Pick Up Heavy Thing sll, and rolls a 12, smanages to get te thing up into the air and ten i falls back down on top of them, dine 1 ie a damage Tre ol he weight character can tr 1 FR, If 1O4on rook falls on you and you get squashed you can il et up, balance the reek on your shout, and Sager ot from underneath i 900 Iake # Pek Up Heavy Thing rol ‘Generally, harass cana pick up anything tached tthe ground, bur these ae cartons afer all Ihe Arimator dees» chaste an Dek upa house by one comer, ta’ okay! “Tere is nomi tothe amount of weight you can i if Nf) sou'etacky'and rll wel Bu vere are to Pick Up eg is ine Serr ie which on mat ig thing alt oe re Sener the Siertr rls the heave somethings, Pic harder tno pekup ifthe object weighs tece that your charatr weighs, add 1 the number you rol when you try topic up IF weigh tre nes your weight 2482 {othe rol ft weighs four times your weight, add 3 the rll; and 30 For the purposes of this ule your characteris human-sie, assume a weight of about 150 pounds if your characte is signifier large ot Sale (a mouse or an lepant, 5), ts weight should be determined by the Animator and incoded on the Chrate Shet with your character dsscnption, A mousesize character won't be able 10 ih much. (Of Course mouse with the Incredible Stength Shik i another sory ently) “Te sco Superstar rule allows t¥o or more characters to combine ther Pick Up Heavy Thing skis to it someting tremendous. The “Animator decides how many characters can get around the object. All dhe Skl Levels are combined Into one umber and one player rls wo hee the result lest than or equal to the combined Pick Up Heavy ‘Thing number the objet ean be cari bythe group. An em picked up {ya rou of chute can be cared around bark cannot be tow Throw ‘The Throw skill is used to throw anything you can pickup. Ifthe target can't move {if i's a rock ora wall for example) all you have to do is rmtke your Throw roll in order t hit it 1 you rol higher than your ‘Throw skill. you missed you're throwing something at another character, the target character can ty t Dodge the thrown item. You make Your roll, you hit your target. In that case, the thrown item may do damage, Most items — rocks, knives, hatchets, blenders, boomerangs, bricks, fine china, and the like — do one die of damage, IMPORTANT NOTE: Cream Pies do no damage a all! However, they Boggle anyone they hit. For mote about Boggling, see page 41 as Zip Skills Dodge “This sued whenever a character neds to get ou ofthe way of someting ‘Te something can be a bull (se Fire Gun skill below) a objet thrown by ane payer ce Throw sil page 25), «runaway Steamroller or ay her inanimate object tis alowed to avod being ‘en by anoer character ee Ree skill page 27). Make a Dodge rol to pet ou ofthe way “The Dodge skill can also be used to get out ofthe way of a character running toward you — If your Zip is higher than that ofthe other character. If you have a higher Zip, you can choose to run away (and get into a chase) oF you can Dodge. If you make your Dodge roll the other character runs past you, or trps or runs off & nearby cliff — whatever the Animator wants. If {you fail your Dodge roll, the ether character catches you ahd you lose ‘your next action, Drive Vehicle This skills used for vehicles of all sorts ~ cars, trucks, fire engines, steamrollers, spaceships, jet planes, et. Every ime you want to operate A vehicle, get in, start i up, and try a Drive Vehicle rol. If you make your rol, everything's fine and you can drive the vehicle safely. If you Jail your roll, he vehicle does something wrong — Backs up instead of going forward, wens and drives off a cliff, or something. equally Dutrageous. The Animator decides what happens. Ifyou fil to drive a ‘ehicle successfully — and you survive — you can Keep making Drive Vehicle rolls until you Fall Down oF succeed UF you Fall Down while driving vehicle, you have MM) Seco tat venice cannot be eed again unless Fel See sly inter wa «Dean Traps) to gett ding spin Ite inking roll PEGG? faethe vel is reduce oa pile of scrap, and is tialy wonbles Fire Gun ‘This skill is used to fire any missile weapon (handgun, bow-and- arrow, bazooka, cannon ray gun, etc). Ifyou make a succesful rl, the target is hit unless he or she makes a successful Dodge roll. I the Fire {Gun roll fais, you miss, andthe bullet (or whatever) vanishes off-screen, [ftwo characets fire at each other atthe same ime, and both make suc- cessful rolls, they both hit each other and do damage! Different weapons do different amounts of damage: ea Shooter — 1 point ‘Shotgun ~ 1 die plus 1 ‘Water Pistol — 2'poins Bazooka — I die plus 2 Bow & Arrow — 1 die Cannon — 1 die plus 3 Handgun — Tdie Ray Gun —2 dice Animators may add to this list as they like! —2%6— Ifa character manages to plug up the barrel ofa foe's No) gun (uit s finger rock ‘or whatever) a fled Fire En it ehcp epg an the er thing weer damaged pan normaly Ses. The fun then be sles, QP ict! you ake your Fie Gun ol and your target Dodges sues: your bullet wl isc and may ti someone te. Bah payroll ode (netuing the age toile sot. Te fo or ms then makes Dodge rll o be ht Dy the reottig bl Jump “This kil canbe used jmp up ot of hole, down frm height, of acres or over en oie Any Ghrce cu ump apt gt Seng up (ih mp or sagt sad (broad un) without mang Sol 'youneed toveap frber asics Jump all il tou Sump upto twice your ov beght (hater tat) ether sah poe Sg cons it you atempt a Jump rol and fil, your character wil plummet back ww can dam io the wal or whale, aking one Geo damage Ride ‘A character uses the Ride skill when trying t0 ride an animal (or another character). If your Rie roll fails, you're bucked off (aking one die damage). If you make a successful Riding roll, the animal oF character can ty a Dodge roll to buck you off If the Dodge roll suc ‘ceeds, you're bucked off and take one die of damage, Only if your Riding roll succeeds and the Dedge roll fils can you Ride suocessflly. Tf you want to Ride an animal and the animal chooses not o buck, you automatically Rie stocessfilly. You don't need to make a Riding rll Run Under normal circumstances, all characters can run. (Babies crawl very fas; snakes slither; watermelons roll. Same thing.) The Run skill is used only when there i a ace or when ope character chases another. ‘When this happens, both characters roll against their Run skill. If both {ail or oth succeed, the chase continues (unless the chaser decides to call itquits. If the chaser fails andthe chased character succeeds, the chased character gets away. Ifthe chaser succeeds and the chased fails, the ‘chaser catches up and can start Fight or do prety much anything ese). Swim “The Swim skill i used when you want 10 cross a body of water 00 ‘wide to jump and too deep to wade across. If you make your Swim roll, you swim. Ifyou fal to make your Swi roll, you fail to swim and take ‘one die of damage, but you sill manage to reach your destination Ifyou fal your Swimming rll, you filo swim and \ take one die of damage. You must kep rying vo make 4 successful Swimming roll. Each time you fal. you take another die of damage, until you succeed (in ‘which case you reach your destination) or you take {enough damage to Fall Down. (Blub, biub,biub » .) ‘You re-enter the game threo minutes later, washed ashore where you wanted to be in the first place -27- Smarts Skills Hide/Spot Hidden "You use this silo avoid detection, setup ambushes, and to hie (or camouflage) items you possess. Any em not hidden is clearly visible ny eharacier who isnt hidden (or Sneaking) canbe sen by anybody "You cannot move while you're hidden. Movement oratacks make You visible. (To move without being sen, you use the Seeak sil) Tnorder thie youre (oF someting in your possession successfully syou'must make a successfl Hie rll Ifyou roll higher an your Hide 3kin evel, your'e fled to hide yourself or the Hem). Tn order Yo spor something hidden, You mist Toll against your de/Spor Hidde sil I you make the rol, you spot any biden ems ‘r-characers, Ifyou fal the roll the Animator just wont tell YOU Stheter there’ anything hidden inthe immediate vicinity king something sno the same a setting 3 rap. For that, you will ase the Se/Disarm Trp sil ce page 29). : fo fil your Hide roll while atempring to hide your self or an item, you immediately make & second Hide toll, If this roll succeeds, you realize you are badly hidden (or the item is visible), and you can ry again. But if your second Hide roll fails, you don't realize {you (ofthe item) can be seen by anyone. This second Hide/Spot Hidden roll doesn count as an action Identify Dangerous Thing “This sls used o en someting threstenng. For example, sp- pose Dr, Nuzcnboli hands yous seaming stoking drink. The dink is Ergot of couse but your chat wor ele tat ules you make ‘Goce deny Dangerous Thing rl. Or suppose you ha ht dl snker, Mach the Souse, ound lack thing th sputering fe ‘soul the sab: bt Mack wil ut tae at tu explodes, Ales he kes a sucess deny Dangerous Thing rol "You nso use Menfy Dangerous Thing o spt taps iden aps, camouflaged taps any hind of tap. You don ane fo say you Te ook ing forte tap. fa rp ie nay, the Animator wil tel yout ral (or will for yu) Ifyou make your rl, you sense that raph been et Id can ty wo avo or don ie SoD Trap pe 2) NOTE: I youre tying to detect something Which Hidden but nt dangerous. az determined bythe Anmator, you tse Spo Hidden, ot deny Dangerous Thing Read ‘Most characters can read most ofthe time without making a skil rll (Only when you are confronted with an unusval document oF situation do you roll against your Read skill, Unusual documents might be writen in Egyptian hieroglyphics. or any language the Animator decides the players don't understand. Unusual situations include trying to read inthe Sark, of while running, oF while plummeting from a skyscraper. —28— \When your characteris presented with a document (r sige, oF map, or anything eke) the Animator has determined cannot be read normally, you Imist try @ Read rol if you want to read it Ifyou make your roll you Understand the dacument. I you roll higher than your Read skill level, you cant figure it out If your Read rll fil, the Animator makes a second (secret) Read roll against your skill level. If this sec- ‘ond rol is successful (in other words, if the Animator rolls under your Read sil), your character can figure ‘out what the document sais. Ifthe Animators roll fails, you misunderstand the document and the Anima tor decides how you misunderstand it. For example. a note saying “Mack the Mouse is fiend” might be misread as Mack the ‘Mouse is friend." Or a treasure map might be misread so that your character paces off to the left instead of the right, and searches for Treasure inthe wrong place. The Animator should not reveal whether the Second rol suceceded or filed, but should just tell you what you think the sign says, based onthe rll, This second Read roll doesn't count as an section Resist Fast-Talk ‘You use this skill 0 resist the effects of Fast-Talk, When a character tempts to Fast Talk you, you can try to shrug off the verbal assault by making a Resist FastTalk rll (see Fast-Talk on page 31). Resist Fast ‘Talk rolls do not count as actions. See/Hear/Smell ‘This is generat perception skill. Its wed whenever characters have the opportunity to spot something which isnt hidden, but which might scape their notice, Tt, for example, wo characters involved ina chase fun past a sign, they should each’ be given an opportunity 10 make ‘See/Hear/ Smell oll o see if they notice it. (OF course, they might stil have to make a Read roll to understand what the sign sas.) "The See/Hear/Smell kil is also used to detect characters who are Sneaking. Ifa character tiesto sneak around you, the Animator gives you. a chance to make i. See/Hear/Smell roll. If you make your See/Hear/Smell roll you detect the Sneaking character, If your ‘See/Hear/Smell roll fils, the Sneaker is not seen or heard Set/Disarm Trap What woulda cartoon be without afew traps? Camouaged pits. bid seed piled igh on the ground with nan suspended overhead, bith thy cake witha frecracker int Any sort of trap youcan imagine can be created in TOON. All you have todos think up the dtl of your ubotal wap- make a sucesfl Set/Dkarm Trap rll, sit Back, and Gatch the fun (ut watch ot = i youe Set Disarm Teap wl als the trap ges off to soon, snd you're caught vit yours) ‘When characters fist approach a trap, the Animator wil el ech one to try an Kdentity Dangerous Thing oll. if one of them makes the roll, the [group will Know there's trap and one of them can try to disarm it wing his of her own Set/Disarm ‘rap skill. I you don’t make your Identify Dangerous Thing roll, you blunder ino the tap. —29- ‘When you do identify 2 trap in time, you can do two things: go around it, or uy to disarm it. Often, there will be no way to go around. (The ‘Animator decides whether of not players can avoid a tap.) Sometimes the only way to go around will involve an attempt to Climb or Jump — and, if you fail the Climb or Jump oll you take damage from the fall (or ever, and fall right into the rap. So disarming the trap may be a ‘ood idea ‘To disarm a trap, roll against your Set Disarm Trap skill. Ifyou sue ceed. the tap is disarmed and useless Ifyou fal, the trp goes off imme- ‘ately and you take the damage the trap was designed to do (usually one ‘ic, unless the Animator decides otherwise) “The Set/Disarm Trap is also used as a general Tinkering skill. Any time you want to fiddle with any kind of machinery — taking something apart, repairing something. or building something from scratch — roll against your Set/Disarm Trap skill, I you make your roll, you've done ‘whatever you set ut to do. I you fal, you end up witha Useless ple oF nuts, bots, and machine pars. Under the Superstar rules, if yu fil you Set Tap Tol nae a second vl If he second rol is essa, you rez the trap wont work and you can {tytn set ieagam as your ns action the second all fn the trap hs gone of oo soon a you've been ‘hight in taking the Gamage yours” ‘Also, Supers player cary to rest aps, rather than disarming hem, I you enya ap. you can make a SetrDsarm Seay rol reset the era so wl be primed forte nee character 0 Slander ot This ines the character ho set the epi the St place’ you make a sucess rol the tap ready forthe next itn, TF Sour rl fl, sow'e sought im the trap yours and take whncver dang i vas signed 0. Track/Cover Tracks ‘This kil is used to follow any kind of wal left by another character — footprints, tre tacks, ttn tacks, whatever. You can even follow the tracks of someone walking on concrete or flying theough the at! Ifthe character you want to follow made no attempt 10 cover his or her tacks (or failed the Cover Tracks roll), no Track rolls necessary; you can fol Tow the tucks with ease. I'you want to track a character who di cover his or her tacks, toll against your Tracking skill. If you make your roll, you can follow the ‘character's tacks even if the tracks were covered, (Only one attempt per ‘haracter!) If you fil your Tracking roll, the covered tracks can't be followed You can also use this skill to cover your own tril. IF you make your roll, your tacks can only’ be spoted by a character who makes a success ful Tracking rll. You can't take the time to cover your tracks While you're being chased, If you fll to make your Track roll, the Animator makes a second roll against your Track skill Ifthe Second roll succeeds, your characteris stil on the tral, If the second oll fails, you believe you are till fn the trail when infact, you have been sidetracked ‘onto another tail — thal of a vicious beat, for i= stance! The Animator wont tell you until its too lat.) ao ‘Chutzpah Skills Fast-Talk Th skill used to convince other characters to do something especially something they don't want odo. Te includes the ability to make {realy moving speech, and the ability to talk so fast and so confusingly your vitims have no idea what you're saying! You can use Fast-Talk to on your way pasts guard, talk a grocer out of a load of carrots, or con- Vince everybody to vote for you for Mayor. someone tiesto FastTalk you, you can tr a Resist Fast-‘Talk rol to see if you can shrug off the effects. If you make your Resist Fas-Talk roll, you don’t fll forthe doublealk. If you're successfully fasttalked land fil your Resist Fas-Talk you have no chotce . . you must ry 0 do any one thing that the Fast-Talker want, "You can be Fast-Talked into doing the same thing over and over uti, the character doing the talking fails a Fast-Talk rol. In other words, you can be talked into shooting yourself several times, but once the character doing the talking fils, that character will never be abe 1 talk you into ‘Shooting yourself again, J) Ti Amat shuld have you ge your sesh or \ real, subtracting 1 from your Fast-Talk die rol ifthe speech is particularly good, and adding to the rol if wr BP ___ The thing you'te trying to convince your vietim to do should also affect the ie rol. I the tsk is appeal ing, the Animator should subtract 1 or 2 from the die ‘oll (aking it easier to roll under your Fast-Talk sil level). Ifthe task {is unappealing, 1 or 2 should be added tothe roll. There should be very linle chance of persuading people to blow themselves up, bul 2 g00d ‘chance of persuading them to take free money! Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods “There are times when a player will want o obtain some piece ofequip- ment — a cannon, dynamite, rocket powered roller skates, anything at all The Animator should let characters buy just about anything within Teason, (Aircraft catiers and space shuttles are to be discouraged.) It Shouldn't be hard to get things. And unless the adventure background says otherwise, the Animator should assume that characters have enough ‘money in their Back Pockets to buy anything they need or want. layers can get things easily, but there's a catch! Goods will often be shoddy, and shoddy goods always blow up (or otherwise malfunction) at the worst posible time 'f you decide you want something, the Animator should decide where ‘yu bave to goto gett the Half-Baked Bakery fora cream pie, the Bu ‘M-Up Demolition Co. for dynamite, et). Then the Animator rolls one di, secretly. On aI, 2,03 the store tries to Pass Shoddy Goods; on a 4,5, 0r 6, it ofers good” goods Now the Animator knows whether the goods are good . .. but you ‘don't. Any time you want to acquire something, the Animator will ave you make a Detect Shoddy Goods rol. Ifyou make the rol, you'll be told {he truth about the goods, If you miss, you'll be told “Everything looks perfectly all eight.” 16 If you successfully Detect Shoddy Goods, you can reject them, oF you an accept them (with an eye toward passing them on to another charac ten). Ifyou fail your Detect Shoddy Goods rol, you aecept the goods, not Knowing whether they're good or not. (You'll find out when they Blow up in your face.) ‘Stores arent alone in tying to palm off shoddy goods. One player can try to pass shoddy goods t0 another. IF this happens, both players roll against their Pass/Deteet Shoddy Goods. If both characters make their rolls, the buyer accepts the shoddy goods, but senses something wrong ‘ith them — he or she willbe suspicious. (This may keep the buyer from geting hurt — see below.) If the buyer succeeds and the seller fais, the buyer realizes the goods are shoddy and can insist on getting good goods I the buyer fils and the seller sueceeds, the buyer accepts the shoddy goods without a second thought. I the slier falls to make a Pass Shoddy Goods roll, the bayer doesnt even have to make a roll and can slat & Fight, call cop. or ignore the seller completely ‘When a character uses shoddy goods, they will invariably backfire to hur the user rather than an opponent. For example, let's say a character buys dynamize and a plunger and ses a tap using the dynafhite. When the plunger is pushed, the box will explode instead ofthe dynamite! The ‘Animator is ee to decide precisely how shoddy goods misfire, but mis: fire they ‘will 'A character who is suspicious of shoddy goods will not be hut by the misfire. (The hissing of the fuse in the plunger box will be heard, for example, and the chaeacter ean un away from the explosion.) The mis: fire wil sill occur, however, and the character will still have wasted cffor Sleight of Hand The Sleight of Hand skill i used to palm things, pick someones pocket, cheat at cards — anything which involves sistacting people's tention while doing nasty things Yo hem, Ifyou make your rol you've de what yu set ut odo yout rol als the sleigh of Mand his Deen tnsacessfa, you've been caught, nd yu can't ry again — you only gt ‘ne shot a Being sneaky If you are the target ofa sleight of hand attempt, col against your See/Hear/Smell skill 0 determine ‘whether jou notice the character tying to pick your Pocket (or whatever). If you make your roll the Sleight of hand has been detected i it fis, you don’t notice thing ‘Sneak ‘This valuable skill allows you to go from tee to tree. bush to bush, oF ‘anyplace to anyplace without being seen. You can even walk right in Front of another character in broad daylight, without the other character rating. OF course, there's the risk of being spotted, but what's life ‘without afew risks? Here's how it works TF you want to travel from one place to another without being seen, roll, agains your Speak sil Ifyou fal yur rol, you're potted automatically, If you make the roll, you cant be seen by another eharater unless that character makes a siccessfil See/Heat/Smel oll —2e- “The Shticks Bag of Many Things ‘You have a magical bag (oF hat, or whatever) in your Back Pocket at alltime. (This doesnot coun against your limit of 8 things atthe adven- ture’s beginning!) K only works for you. Any time you wish, you can try to pull something out of the bag. Everything imaginable exiss i this bag ‘shovel, a wad of S100 bills a rhinoceros, an airplane, a can of spin- ‘ach, you name it— assuming the Animator approves te item you want Here's the catch: In order to pull the desifed item from the bag, you must roll your Shick Level or less on wo dice, I you make your roll, {You get what You want. Ifyou rll higher than your Shick Level, you get ‘something else. The Animator rolls on the Random Tem Animal ‘Chart inside front cover) o determine what hasbeen pulled from the Bag, Change Shape ‘Caras wih his sik an change hei sz, shape, olor, texte Sy aspect of ter psial appearance (she sil easing allo the tora hand arts), Tes: varpre can ur in ian at fama being can shrink wo the sic ofan ana parakeet can grow tothe Sof ancephunt. You can tin nf ball ors boomerang ra, oF stand of spoget A character with ed frcan change at at pu ie sas or whatever it wants Tyou make your shiek rol you sceedin changing your shape. IF sh ol fay he shape change fa aswel, You urn in something ee fbr three actions. The Animator dcies what you tur ot 0 ral the Raion Is’ Anal Cart othe Species Table, or by making Something up") After tc tos, your character rian 0 nora “Tis aly ino te same athe Quick Changs Disguise stick Ccuracies wo Change She ate vay dena as themacves and anv masquerade as anyone or anything ce The way they canbe en fled depends onthe character. Whatver he becomes, a varpire wil fvays have his vampire fangs and lowdshot eyes. And if ood OH Fred Bulldog were to Team ow to change shape: he would aways wear that by hat mane wha Detect Item ‘With this stick you can detect a particular item — chosen at the time you choose the stick — no matter where it may be If, for example, your ‘haractr isa rabbit and you love careos, you could take Detect Carros. ‘Then you could tll instantly if any carris were to be found ina given 'f'you make your sick roll, the Animator will tll you whether or not {your item can be found anywhere onthe scene of an adventure, and the [Eeneal direction tothe stem, IF the roll falls, you just don't know if the item canbe found inthis particular area. ‘This slick is bit ke radar, and is needed only to detect items out of {your sight If you can see an item, there i no need 0 rll fo locate i —B Flying You can fy! When you want, you can lap into the ar and Gi you make your a) stay there I'yo ol your sick level or less, you an fy wo my dean you wants The Anite deces how” fr yout Sarat ean fy. No caret can fy t0 Outer Space fhe rol Sou plummet 10 ears taking damage scoring fo how far pou fell {Gruly one dic, orto defor a ely long fa. Each tine you try w change drection or do something white ying (ike king someting at of your post, o dropping ook), Make other shtck roll If tas soecteds there's no preble ta,Jou termina bute ation fas: You hed inthe wrong Seeton; yout pockas empl themoaves ot the ground; the weigh the ek age Jou to earth and soon ‘Note ata charater can sometimes “walk on ait" jgnorng gravity. Ths fs completely independent of the Flying shick (oe gia Logi" on pee 4), Hypnosis "Yucinhypatize anyone ino dong your wil. This shtick works ke asiper Fat Tashi When Jou te Ryo anaereharate,ou Ion ter ees and ray, Yow ae oie sesy apy Sey or word tothe. Then you a apa post i rol sucess te eharactr spaced aa will anyieg you a fnswer questions (nw monotone, walk off cl ih arma seed cust tea, i your Hype rl fais, tha’, You can't try wo hypotiz the same racer nto doing sming re han one. Of cour yo can {to hyoie ante characters you ca yf hypotine he ft Rare doing someting Yost ay mor than on fet parcuarchnere to coo pata hing ey tie you ode out hyped save © do something wich cov dangerous, you hve toy ater sll pst Hypo If thssucves hc hypozed charac has ocho at cone. fs the hypotied character saps ou ofthe ance. Chara wil ths come ou fa tape ar ang damage ove oe poo am fe wil do fa lypmazed character can do anybing the hypoter sys. This what fer he Hypo sick ren te seal i you {ela hypouzd characte be cn sete dak heean real sen he {ark pe tll your itn she en fy se ean fy automate it is pone fora Hypnos tempt to buckle yu ty Bypass and rola 12 ot ony i you fh but you ase. hyped tows. You ae nom ate Power of te carats you were yng © Rypnotte, and you wil rman th save ol yu ake damage Gr be Pls the an you odo ot tee share 06 [A superstar hypnotist can try {0 hypaotize almost anything — not just other characters. OF course, it's harder to hypaotize something unusual. The Animator ‘add to the hypnotist’ roll, depending onthe intended Vietim. You might add 2 for a non-tlking animal, 3 for a carnivorous plant 5 fora robot. This also makes aa backtice more likely! oe ‘Incredible Speed You can run increaibly fast —evenfster han a character who makes a successful Run sil rol, If you make your Incredible Specd roll you Svtomatially get away from ~ or catch anyone or anything excep, toher character with Incredible Speed "Anyone you rn pasts spun around and knocked ta he ground by your jecsream. Any ehiracers you knockdown in this way Tose the ext TT your Incredible Speed rll fis, you trip or run ino the nearest stale (character, walle, et), come toa sudden halt, and tke one div-of damage yoursel. The obsacle takes no damage -~ a character Stck is fot ou and tipped you: the wall barr than you arse an spring back and absoro the ipa, ee “Two characters with Incredible Speed can chase eachother by making Swick calls jut ike fora regular race orchse- one makes andthe oiker does, the one who made the roll gets aay (or catches up), If bos mae theierolln the one with he higher Running kil et away (or aches up. If bot Tall a ake thir ell, they both take one die of amaze. t described above ‘Wren you choose Inredible Speed, decide wheter it works on land sea, orinibeair.Youcan choose only one of there This means ast pen could have Ineedile Speed nthe water (but nt on land or in the 5n:a raalrunner might have Incredible Speed on tnd (ou not water rain and Soon ou wast Incredible Speed on land and inthe a or fiand water, and soon) you an buy the Incredible Speed Shick twice, paying total of 19 point forthe two Shick Incredible Strength ‘Using this Shick, you cn pick up and throw almost unlimited weighs ifyou ake your Shick rll you dont make your el you're quate flamer hana pancake and you Fall wn Your lis are let upto he Animator Here is oay io et ridiculous ~ maybe hat super strong Aenean pickup tat lepton wn he Fh sil Pk Up Heavy Things kil or Throwing sili called for, you have the option ofrolngapnns ei the appropri Mosc hl or your Ince Strength Shick Tis shik at ect On Break Dow’ Door or Climbing) Thee arc rks volved in rollng ‘Saint his sick, but he renars ay make the rak worth it you make a sucesso Shick rol ia Fight and our opponat aise you 3 pin of extra Gamage. You opponent i sem Cig inh in bc air by te force of your blow and hits the pound, Boggle Tt you mi our Shik ol va Fgh and your oppo mses is or ter Pgh rl. you're spun aru by Your ov Ow and Boggle isha player volved ina Fit ake (ormis) teil there's no effec Bot blows msoed or wer nercepe. Quick Change/Disguise ‘You can change near instantly nt a convincing costume of just about anyone or anything — wth af limitations. You can change any Spe of your personal penance, but ot your bas sie oy Welgh, A ‘lhary cold digs saa parker, ro mouse or pttaps Sven Sat or # tiny litle skphan It couldnt ongue nlf tsa fled Stephan. Aman gould disguise himselt asa bear ora small horse of iaybe large cathe cout shrink tthe sie ofa canary oF prow these of dina a ‘You have to be hidden in order to make a quick change, but you can go almost anyplace to hide — a telephone booth, behind a rock, etc. (No Hide rol 1 necessary, either.) In order to change into disguise, rol against your Quick Change/ Disguise Shick. If you make your ro Soule diyguised. In order to see through your disguise, ther characters ‘ll have to make See/Hear/Smell rolls If your Quick Change/Disguise roll als, the Animator secretly rolls ‘one die, Ona | or 2, you emerge from your hiding place wearing nothing but striped undershors. On a.3 of 4, you appear inthe wrong costume (e.g.,aballerinas tutu}. Ona5.or6, you believe your disguise is in pace ‘other character will see through it immediately. 'A disguise or costume lasts until you decide itis gone or until something happens that might damage it — it gets wet, for example, You take damage. If ether of these happens, you must ether abandon the disguise or make another shtick rll determine whether the disguise is stl in place Characters with Quick Change/Disguse are assumed to have Timi less supply of costumes and disguise material in theit Back Pockets, Teleport Youtan elport — thats, “lnk intany — fom place to pace However youn on) got places you can se, All takes sa ESSE Shick oll If you make pour rol, you tlepor, vanishing Gout in pul of snk) and reappearing where you want ob TTyou fl, the Animator llsone de On 12,03 you resi ph tee you stared Ona 5.or 6, ilepor someplace aneapected ihe wort psstble place wihin st. Where you en up fle 0 ne. esl Teleport ls determine by the Animator "You cum lop ot of gt. Whenever you think youre abou o gt clobiered, you con telson says making your opptets ook sil ftng away empty space hat very digi. and caving the fine tr nek acon: Bese you raise, they dont ee as ‘ance to hit you they would you simpy a way. Incredible Luck This Shick gives is possessor a chance to avoid danger before it strikes, The Incredible Lick Shvick roll may be used instead of a Dodge roll when the chatacters the target of a gun, for instance. Instead of ‘oxging, the lcky character bends down 10 pick up 2 dollar bill — and the shot goes overhead ‘When the “lucky” character is faced with a great hazard (avalanche, runaway truck, stampeding buffalo, of whatever), the Animator can low roll to ee if something lucky happened. The Animator never has to allow a roll; nobody is Tucky all the time fan Incredible Luck roll is allowed, and is sucessful the Animator should describe what strange thing happens to save the lucky character. If the rolls failed, the Animator can deseribe cha. °“The rocks are flling fll around you, but none of them hits you. They ple up all around you. The dust clears, You climb over the rockpile -- and the last rock fall down and hits you on the head.” Incredible Lick can help out in another way. Once per game, when the Animator is about to decide something randomly. a lucky character can Say "I fect lucky!” and try the Shick roll. A successful roll means that the Animator bas to let that character decide what happens! A failed roll means the character's chance is lost for that game ap. Chapter 6: Fine TOONing ‘You know everything there is to know about creating cartoon characters. You're ready to play. Now, what ifyou want to take a turn as Animator? Here ae some hints ‘which will help you to be a great Animator — and a better TOON player too. Before a session of play begins, the Animator (usually the person who owns the rulebook) sets up an adventure. The more players in an adventure, the longer the {game will last, For a Short Subject, allow 20 minutes per player; a Feature Film runs 30 minutes (or more) per player because there are more things to do init. the “Animator is running two players through a Short Subject, the game should last about forty minutes. Ifthe same two players run through a Feature Film it will last an hour (or more, if the Animator wants it 0) ‘At some point, you will probably want to write your own scenarios, but for now, it will be simpler fo use one of the adventures provided with these rules. ‘A good TOON scenario includes several elements. The most important ofthese are Cast Of Characters, Location, Situaion, Goals, and The Plot. The Animator must sive some thought to each ofthese. You'll want to tell your players some of the infor- mation in advance — but don’t give away any surprises! —7- Places To Go TOON peorrpty i a line wee Cares Cas ut fn Moose J ‘ort Dats nd end up o he moon ih the Bink of an je and one wg tur a Albee inva Teads to wowe Tn TOON you can ave ove of oar att Toeians Anjos, Oude of ‘Town, The Gy, and Ove! Spe “Anjtows te ener ofthe TOON sree ep ile hamlet wh all {Se amitown charm your cares (Sud dene There's rom oral teak, several ore, aber. ira tnd ltt of people busts. pl ‘Eas shop-Canpers, jou name Any town eam be pny ich wheter you ‘sotto be (excep go) you art out characters an ino a covsrunon stem, a sway sper ig pen bli rou tebe, 2 shpeey. ball depart Slows ang cow, sen hm The Cy “And then there's Oude of Town ‘rere you'll nd suburban develop ‘een ams, ing county, re fe inspid be bu oul also fi’ Sherwond Fores, Dukes Aca {and Lighes Aiea), ied Tesla your carer a 10 80 the Sone ‘Age, jst se them Ouse of Town. ‘Suite they be bek n the Stone eof yor sam fem 10 tun ito 8 [Big i Sning amor joe have em fal Oueie of Tow, ad they be ck inthe dye of Ring APD Eten thing oe Ears ta tm Ajo or the iy cane found ute of Tove ‘bat there's more 19 the TOON ‘ene then bur own baker plant ‘her Space yl fl the Moo, be Parcs he Milky Way andthe ete Enters! Just seb your characters othe ‘chee Lunch Pa (och a5 you've to dost pune. Ouse of Town) and Shao ea ew a anything, an tie, oF any pace you can tho be TOON titers. Remeber, aon sharers ‘in go anys ‘The Cast Of Characters isa list of Non-Player Characters the players ‘will run into, Pick your NPCs so they seem at home in your adventure, Important NPCs should be created just like player characters — give them full and complete character sheets, (Us okay to pick the Aturibute Levels for your NPCs, and you can ignore the 30-Skill Point mit. You can even give them Skill Levels higher than 9. though you shouldn't do that often.) Lesser NPCS can be sketched in a bit less detail just write down their attributes and those skills you expect them to need during the adventure ‘You will also need to figure out what the NPCs will doand how they will react tothe players, Give all NPCs Beliefs & Goals “The cas list should also include some guidelines about the number and kinds of player characters appropriate othe situation, For example, The Better Housetrap (see page 57) 82 lot more fun ifa couple ofthe payer characters are Natural Enemies. Also, ifthe characters need to have any special possessions (Fay guns, grandfather clocks, whatever), this is the place to mention it, Ifthe players are going to need any particular abilities for this adventure, you'll have to tll them in advance, "Now describe your Location. Is your adventure set in TransyWania, on ‘a desert island, or i the jungles of Africa? The setting will often deter mine the sors of characters your players will want play, as well ws the NPCs they'll mest. (You're unlikely to ind a ferocious tiger in Tran sylvania, but You re quite Iikely to un into a vampire ora mad scientist.) ‘There are four basi locations in TOON — Anytown, Outside of Town, the City, and Outer Space “The Situation is just what it sounds ike — a broad outline of what you expect to happen to the characers. Ifthe location isa desert island, how did they get there? Were they shipwrecked? Are they hunting treasure? Did they take a wrong turn and end up lost with no way to get home? ‘When you set up the basic situation, you should tell he players exactly what their Goals are, Make sure You players know exactly what thy Supposed to do during the course of an adventure. Are they supposed to find their way home? Ace they supposed to make a monster Fall Down twice? Are they tying fo get into a well-uarded mansion to deliver & message? Make sure our players know, Otherwise, they'll just flounder fround, running into random traps and NPCS. Finally, spice things up a bit in your description of The Pot. This i ‘where you flesh out the adventure, putting obstacles in your players” paths, What problems do the players have (o solve? How can they find fhe rare bird they've been sent to catch? What sons of trouble can they txt into as they search? How can they convince the bird to come with them? What sorts of defenses does the bird have? And so on "When you actully sit owen to play, you'll want to give your players a “briefing,” telling them the basic station and their goals, If you have move than three or four people playing, you might want to el players to ‘work together to achieve thoxe goals, even if this conflicts with their ind Vidval Beliefs and Goals. This will help Keep the characters working and travelling together, whichis important when a large group is playing? —38 — ” Uh Oh! I Didn’t Expect That To Happen! ‘Animators will often have to invent NPCS, descriptions of terrain ot buildings, and soon, on the spur ofthe moment, Itisboth impossible and ‘unnecessary to think of everything before the game begins, Ifyou'te ever confronted witha totally unexpected situation or you're unsure about ‘what 10 do next, use the Fifty Percent Rule: When in doubt, roll it out! ‘Any time you can‘ figure out how an NPC will react to something the characters do, oF any time you don't know precisely what will happen next, reduce the situation to'a Yes-No question, Are the keys to the jail cell hanging right next to the cell? Can any of the characters reach the big red button marked “Do not push"? Docs the store have any carrots in ‘stock? Are there any people on the street? ‘Once you've reduced the situation toa Yes-No question, roll one die you rol 1,2, of 3, the answer is "Yes." Ifyou roll a4, 5, oF 6, the answer is "No." Shout, rol Your ees, and generally act ersay. and the players may not even notice you've just pulled something from thin ‘This is a really handy rule, so don't forget to take advantage off. (OF course, this should not substitute for preparation on the: part of the ‘Animator. Use the Fifty Percent Rule only when necessary.) "But what happens, you say, if situation arises where none of the ‘Skills or Shuicks seems to apply? The Fifty Percent Rule won't solve that, problem. There will be times when a player wants todo something which Isn't covered by any ofthe Skills or Shuicks — for example, there is no Sil or Shick for balancing ona tightrope. It wouldn't be very fair just to give every character ity percent chance of balancing. When a situa ion lke this arises, you can do one of two things. You can pick te Skill or Shick that seems closest to what the char acter wants to do. The player would then make a normal Skill Roll against that Skill to determine whether the attempt succeeds o fils. 2. You can have the player make an Atibute Check. In this case, the ‘Animator decides which of the character's Atributs affects what the player is tying todo. Inthe case ofa tightrope, this would be Zip (which translates, inthis case, as dexterity. The player rolls two dice aginst the chosen Aitribute Irth player makes the roll, he or she succeeds, just as though it were a regular Skill Rol, Failing to make the roll means — you guessed it — failure For example, a character with a Zip of 4 who tries to walk a tightrope would have to rol 40 less to balance sucoessflly on the tightrope; on 3 roll of -12, the character would fal off ‘You can vary the number of dice the player rolls in raking an Airibate Check, Just ne die is roll ifthe feat is easy to perform. Roll two dice for an "ordi nary" task. Roll three dice for something just amaz~ ingly dificult. A mouse trying to balance on that tight- rope would rol ust one die: hippo would definitely Ihave to roll thee. — Sound Effects WHOOSH!!! ‘KABOOM!!! SPLAT! ‘SPROING!I! [A gae of TOON sould “el” as much ike a eafoon as posible Rules (aa tel you howto crea characte sad Stations bt ely you can make funy es, Ad oy poses will ake eve ‘ne fee ey rea cannon “Teves eaching ke swell ed KABOOM! en up 4 TOON see Son A poo SPLATI wl ave even ‘oe rong inte aes. And 2 “gb, 1h ss edhe uke fled Stim roll memorable. ete ae se goa! cartoon sounds Av pproprint ines orig the cure {Sr Sentre, youl want diver 1 te topof your lungs. Don be Tf Sour atta don complin, you're ‘ot yag TOON sig Zap! . ‘ble RUMBLE, "RUMBLE, THUD! on Suest Sine 2s Teockem poste pcke Baseraee Bering! Goncccac! bbb ob edb ‘Schonno0p! Zaza (sul followed by OUCH, a ‘SPLASH! Serpe, re ue Yeowe! AaceaAINMIEEEE01 ‘Weeecoooenieo = Popopopopepopererstt) ‘Thess wo, if yo did’ trecogize them are) te lng, lr, hing ‘ound fs curate fling" a fal Ing and fling ad nding ad (infamous Bron chen, ane Use your mapinsion, Drop oar nh: dons. Ast eran and doef a5 ou can Cartoony Things Ls of things tape in atoms hat yoann ee neal wor. Thats Jerofthe fnofcatoos. Here's ito Exton sings you ean ioorporat ino sour TOON yas. Instant Mail How many ties Rave you see a orate pat leer on mab td Fo eine cone Ip Haypes al the ies Ts car teen an or al Sos of gods by nn rps. aps bese, arta Pils unos enyeopedi se ans Bruty tol boobed oursel Slane is, yo mame “ot curs bat gute as simple a svg, Hey ant oma ete Tn “Aytoumoe the Cy tee anys be 3 ‘mab hand. Ouse of Town oF in ‘ter Spee Anon sold se he Pity Penei Rule deemine wheter tee’s a bor in te igthorood. ‘Once you've Fount 2 mao, you can prot leer order ab ead wat or FBepsckageio aren tin fr yournest Bu there's sik volved, Foe one hing oe aways thei ht a tr company wil ty 20 Pass Shy ‘Goda ustopecting character. The SKnasor me forthe compar) eich ‘Rly Pave Sbatty Goods on ara of Tihmagh #on ned Te per one Ing he prosct muse mae a tet ‘Soa Goode ro be take in Illogical Logic Characters can sometimes do things which are “impossible.” but which poses cir own bizarre logic. For example. an ostrich Being ‘hused might stop and plonge Hs head into the sand. In this ease, the ‘chasers might stop, look around, and fail to Se the ostrich! Even hough ihe ostch iin pain view, convinced thai a see is pursues, they cannot see it. In the TOON universe, tere’s & Chance the ostrich might he ht Ti you want ory something ike thi, roll two dice against your Smarts score. If you fal the roll you rol higher han your Smarts score — Sour action succeeds Becalse you'e smart enough 10 realize i Shou work! Bat you make your Smarts rll, you'r 0 Sma for Jour ovn good, The acon doesn't work, becase you're smart enough is elie won't For example. gravity ony affects characters who realize it ought. If you run offa cif on onesie ofa chasm, you'll be able to run clear Boros tothe other sie, unless you realize there's nosing but air unde- {Sor Ths she kind of sition in which you wil ll wo dice against Jour Smarts score, If yu fal your rll, your characier notices nahing ‘Mong and can continue running on ale. Ifyou rol Tower than your ‘Smarts score, you te bright enough to realize you should fal, youl stop, Took down, ad plmmet to your doom. “Another example if you're underwater, you can roll aginst your Smans score 1 see Hf You noice” you make your roll you nouce Jone underwater, ake one di of damage, and pop the suface sput isting for ai If you fal the Smars roll, there's mo problem — you're 09 spt eae W's igen yen Beate urea por “These ae st fe examples of Mgical Logi: others wll erop ups You ply. Just remember hs simple ale Samevimes being dumb is a good thing ~ especialy in TOON Cause And Effect ‘What works for one character in TOON won't always work for another, Just because your character gets across a iver by hopping ito a Cannon and shooting across, it doesn't follow that another character can do the same, (The other character may find thatthe cannon blows up, or something equally sly.) Or le’ say you get involved ina fight and blow 8 whistle. The first time you ty this, you may find a dozen policemen fushing to the reseve. The next time you ty the same trick, the same policemen might show up and beat You senseless with their nighisics. Similarly, the expected won't always happen in TOON. A character who steps out into the street to hail a cab may actually get a cab... . Dut it's quite possible that an ocean liner or an airplane will show up. ‘The Animator decides what happeas each time a character tris some- thing. Ifyou don't have anything specie planned, you can roll one die, On |, 2, of 3. the expected result happens; on a 4, 5, or 6 something totilly unexpected (r exactly the opposite of what is expected) happens a Cartoon Coincidences ina cartoon, coincidences are normal f you set tap on jungle tall has sate ob the a everyone ce will walk down, youd Hole randomly, you nay ind the ease onthe first try Anyone You meet can ive jou tection to anyplace you want ogo. The Animator Ein sretch "accident and coincidence beyond al feason anytime take something sly happen (or even i it jas vances the pl). Boggling ‘A character whois presented with something totally unexpected wil be Bopgled. A Boggled character can wse 0 Skil or Shcks, Bu mat Sand stock sl staring off tothe distance, wearing a foolish expres Sion, The Bogled characters loses one action the other characters feta fre ation wile the Boggle character stands Helpless! ‘The Animator determines when a characters Bogeled Ir, however, a player (nora character) breaks down a bystercallauate, that player's haracer is defintely Boggled. Similarly, ia payer (nt characte) is Struck speechless for & moment, Because somthing Totally unexpected tas happoned ha players characters Boggled. Anda Cream Pie nthe face mil always Bogle someway! Characters And Non-Characters In the TOON universe, there are animals and there ate animals Payers can fake on the roles of animals with Attributes, Skil, and pethaps, Sticks. But there are jst plain “teal animals 1. Any that talks is a character; any aimal that doesnt tlk is just an animal Real animals cannot Read, Fast-Talk (or be FastTalked), oF Pass/ Detect Shoddy Goods. Other decisions on what they can or cannot do are eft to the Animator “This becomes important in eases like this: What i Fed Bulldog fell in love with a "real French poodle? He might ty spouting love poems 10 her, but that wouldn't get him anywhere — all she wants i a Bone. Or ‘suppose Fred is « matador ina bullring. The bulls he fights wil probably be real bulls — dumb and mean. And the chickens you'd find in a farmer's back yard would probably just be chickens, Chances ae they wouldn't have any direct elfect on the outcome of an adventure 'AS a rule of thumb, if t would slow down the adventure to make an ‘animal a character, i should be a real” animal instead Inanimate Objects Blenders, clouds, electric pencil sharpeners, et, do ot normally ive Atibes or Sls, ane are not generally conser carat. ‘The Animator may permi payers ous inanimate objects as characters, {ving then 2 full complement of Atbues and Skil, bu this shoul be Kept to an absolute minimum, jun int much um ouie avery ited Set of encumstances. “Thete may be tines, however, when having inanimate objets come lite a Animator controled characters ean be Tot of fun. (See fOr trample, The Beer Housetrp, the Festate Film on page $7.) So ice the inanimate characer to minimum, but don't be afta o ave tha tester come te when the sivation cls fori —41— Independent Shadows Ifthe Animator bones, shaw an ome and et nent ‘Saracter nh cn them (Ti pars Stary efleive i character "shagow Bosng "Asad aiid mo ies leave the aries bee at fon. Bua long reins ots fice sad ha a he Maclean Zip ‘teow can antiga CGaracer who eso bite shadow its thesis en om tad nd aes ‘ve poi of damage. Shadows ar aways player wbove care ca the shadow [tis pgeion cana mor or re Instant Fine Print No one ver seats the fe pit co scum a0 wis oy whats we tentereand wnatian Thecancome ins yu happen to have brougt one ‘omy aw bok, o someting of Tn ower tse fine print 10 your alvanage posi he coeren, re fn pie of paper what is you vant ‘arc oo ad th a Fas Ta raf goa mae your Fast Tak rl he fine pint. The character rst obey the ‘onc tn do whatever sou we feo the Fas Dow Fling Down ca (iv any an al neu spree It yon lose the erst ih he Fe Panton the arene fal eae: a 'A charter who refines to aide by the term fs cnt rity Spe by» dre pena ean "Ye limited in the umber of ines you can use Dis etek = ony once fer adventure (ness tbe ANAOE Sys you can ao move than once ofr Bis agen. Sawing Holes/Sawing Through Branches ‘Ay tne & character ams hein ‘oor or though a teeanch, eA Ianto aplies the Fifty eres ue: On (berollet 12, or the shart se foie in the floor toh the ee ‘ranch — ic falls" Om 5, oF 6, oor sarrounding te aa Being sed fl, lewing sclera Peosed i isin -orte re fl ad {be branch remains hanging sn mir. Cartoon Gimmicks Every cartoon should ave few serange pric. Here ae some class Sfatyou can fd moe wih Satay ‘momig of esearch in rot of ye TV {These ower gets od for A ‘torte pea aun he Sene ofa Sivemor. Chace thot be alowed {o'r wih ar mou ove of these exe “pes pmmicke: When hy nd some (hag, do fat ell hen “Earganke Pil! ayaa ae bre of purple pil” ade wha hey do wi het Compass "always pos wberever ou wan 0 goiter a hr ay re he compas will po te ‘ip deaon, OF eoune, he comps fo end of ble) if aber cete preaches witha mage This ery pert em, an Anima ay want {thin tice bore tey allow chars Dehydrated Water Sst al war a hs power tre ino el coo rtesing we Atay Seles im, pone wl ke et sone buy 1) unless Fas Tak alls mae "Te perfec em for caine some eve nee “Arter kind of Ded Water is imc ener Tut dopo water o 8 Poh the aan or ares nd tari wer, Nong he ine Disappearing Ink Tre something ti, and the sword wil dapea a scons the ee Temes the scene, Wonder for saret rreugee, ts, onc or grates cota) and ger conta Earthquake Pills ach hse will cts amir earth uae nica ton othe prow. you ‘alow one, you hake, te, al tnd ic two di of damage, Tn akon, lor you tke Jour text ‘on, yu burp aig eabagh ofan amgiate to hac al piyer to the ‘round (A Zip roll wl alow them 10 ‘eman andig) Moving In TOON Time How characers get wherever they"te gong is upto the Animator. IF characters want to g0 10 Darkest Afica, the Animator can allow them jus o Walk Outside of Town and be there If the Animator wants, the characters might have to figure out a fun- rir ar more inleresting way to gt there. Imagine a moose Iryng to buy a plane ticket, or a mouse slowing away on an ocean liner. Getting there Feally can be half the fun. How your characters travel is up to yOu, ‘But how long does allthis take? In TOON, geting from anyplace to anyplace takes one action, unless the Animato’ makes it take longer. The point of the game is action... travel takes up time if and only if ‘You, the Animator, want to make it part ofthe fun. Passing Out Plot Points ‘The primary goal of TOON players i to acquire Plot Points. This is part of the fun ofthe game, since Plot Points ae given out for acting ina Fanny or clever fashion. Don’t be stingy with Plot Points. OF course, you {don't want o be foo free with them either: they should be earned, From time to time, you will take away Plot Pints. Make sure you give eut ‘enough so that everyone comes out at last even. Some guidelines 1. Each time a character makes another character Fall Down, the character who does the las bi of damage gains a Plot Pint, andthe char- fcter who Falls Down loses one point. A characters also loses a Plot Point if a Non-Player Character makes him or her Fall Dove "2 Any player who reduces the Animator to hysterical laughter gets a Pot Point 3, Give a Plot Point toa player who gets hurt doing something consis- tent with his or her character's Beliefs & Goals. Similarly, a player ‘Should fse a Plot Point for acting “out of characte, or in Violation of| his or her Beliefs & Goals, “s. Each adventure is worth set number of Plot Points which are divided among the characters when the adventure is ver. This might be fs few as two for a particulary simple adventure, or as many as five or six for a dificult one "At the end ofthe adventure the Animator should divide the available Pot Points among the players. A player who was no help at all should receive fewer points than one Who was Very helpful in completing the Scenario. Generally any player who was at all helpful should receive at least one point. , Players get a Plt Poin each time they make a Natural Enemy Fall, Down ina clever way. 6. Finally, the Animator should fel fre to award bonus Pot Point to any character who acts in a particularly clever or entertaining way! —42— The Perfect Animator art of the ar of being an Animator i transmitting the proper atmo: sphere tothe players. In otder to make the game Feel ikea cartoon, you should wave your arms about wildly, bounce up and down, speak in funny voices. and make sound effects — KABOOM! SPROING! SPLAT! The Silieg the noisier, the muti you act, the beter. ‘The most important shng 0 fememiber about being an Animator is that ‘you ae in charge. Anything You say goes. Be open enough to take good {@e.,funny) suggestions trom your players, but never forget who's run ing the show Feel free co make someone's Skill roll, Shick rll, or Attribute check easier of harder. depending upon what they are trying to-do. Subtract & point (or more) ifa characters tying something easy. I should be quite Simple fr a character using the Set Trap skill to set a mousetrap, so the ‘Animator might subtract two points from the player's die cll (making it easier to roll under the character's Skill Level On the other hand, & Character who tries 10 set an elaborate Rube Golaberg-type trap might have three points added w the die rollin order to make things more di fel Keep the characters together whenever possible. I they get separated, find some way to ceunite them. If players get bogged down, throw ina few random traps or some hinis © get them back on tack oF to spice things up. ‘And act crazy! The Final Fadeout A game of TOON can last anywhere fom 20 minutes to thre hours, depending on the number of players and the adventure being played There are two ways to end the game. ands up to the Animator to choose which way a paricular adventure will end “The first way i just to play Uni the characters reach the goal of the ‘adventure, whatever that is. In The Cartoon Olympics, the goal was 10 ‘Win the championship. andthe final fadcout showed the winner driving coffin the “prize” eat. Ifyou choose to play this way. then you, as the ‘Animator, will ave t0 help the players out once nA while. Use hint Cartoon Coincidences, oF whatever i takes to make sure they reach the goal — somehow “The second way to end the game is by time limit, Allow 20 minutes per player fora Short Subject. oF 30 minutes per player fora Feature Film, ‘Look a the clock before you stat. and when the time is up, the time 's up! Each player is thea given one Action to do something for a good Punchline ending, The players) who succeed in coming up seith a funny ending will gt an extra Plot Point, Obviously. ifthe players did not reach the goal ofthe adventure, no Plot Pints will be given out for succes. Buf you sil have alo ofthe adventure to go, You could just say “Con tinued Next Week!” "Aad ow, on to the adventures Eraser ‘As jo igh expe, x anon ese ‘ Capac ‘of eran characte ask nde. pasn baw anything a SID" Eraiy bjt ses) Jost say owe doing it oer eas anor Shnater make 8 sacs ARbue (Check agains Zp 1 cach the target {Gnd wo 2p rl} to ese acter hae. ‘ster compley Yor soul speci, wheter you're staing to crane something rm op oF stom. Shrscer who op med ‘ont Fight can Ran one hose bt fom ie crod cunt Ron burcan Pp A Character nb i totally reed wll fecome a dmb vice ut e or She sin pet somone with pent 0 ‘pir the Guage one of he cara ‘expat ther mising thee sets) Flag-Gun “his weapon makes gue “Pop!” an oats sgh earings ice of {Cert andthe word BANG! Figs do damage uss oe of the fharaer thine to remove theft Stace from the ag, this ove, te pour of accker becomes ral Frcrcher™~ Ins and ct expo er fe acon dg ane aie of Gamage Sone ing ort by iH Pen/Pencil/Brush “Tete are tof oma pens, pec, an ruses aro att in Speci h émwe "real ings — ay" thing from scarto stun! bere here ‘estoy Bask wal The Anise thing he more elaborate he Sag the longer kes Por example,» fie ‘racket woul ake sone od age ‘une! emrance te, A fllge icon {ve might ake (wo, three, o ven for rounds Cy old pen‘ pens ean te Ut to eduw an ered carat and bis lesa mach ime a ook ee be charaseein heft pce) Portable Hole Allows a carter to walk toogh wal lp dough ors, whatever Si iy lace te poral holon he Moo oF Sa wall ad becomes a hole. A Shara an pss tough i, eve nd ol up for fur se Chapter 7: WP “ The Adventures ‘To help get you started playing TOON, we've provided four cartoon adventures for you to play, with all sorts of action, Eventually, you'll probably want to write adventures of your own, but you'll find it easier after you've played through these. Each adventure begins with a suggested Cast of Characters, and brief discussions of the Location (where the adventure takes place), the Situation, and the Object of the whole thing. Following these will be a detailed description of the Plot of the cartoon adventure. ‘The adventure ends with The Big Finish — the ways in which the cartoon can end — and guidelines for passing out Plot Points What To Tell The Players “The players should not read through the adventure beforehand. That would give everything away! ‘The Animator should read through the whole adventure carefully. The Cast infor- ration the parts the Animator will play — shouldbe kept asa surprise forthe play~ rs. Any Location and Situation information not specifically marked Secret can be revealed before play begins or as soon as players ask for it, a the Animator chooses “The players should be told the Object of the Adventure as soon as they begin. “There may be some secret notes forthe Animator in this section, Don’t reveal those! Reveal the Plot information, and the Secret stuff, only atthe appropriate times in the adventure, Some secrets should never be revealed at all — they are guides forthe ‘Animator to help make the adventure more fun, but the players will never need t0 know them "The Big Finish, and the ways to earn Plot Points, are the biggest secrets of al Don’t tell the players about alternate endings, or about the things they were supposed to do for Plot Points, even after the adventure is over. Afterall, you might want to play i through again sometime ‘And now, at last i's TOON time! Have fun! 44 — ” Short Subject: The Cartoon Olympics Strike Back! by Warren Spector Expanding The Adventure ‘The Cartoon Olympics is a simple adventure — but it doesn't have to be. An expe rienced Animator can add Toto this litle competition. Although this adventure was designed to work using ony a few basic rules, there's no reason not t go back and run it using al the rules and all the skills Cast of Characters ‘The Animator can add more non-player characters — such as contest judges who play favorites, a fast-talking promoter selling Official Cartoon Olympics Tie Tacks, and a hero-worshipping member of the audience who gets in everyone's way. Make them up — draw their pictures — have fun, More Events (Other good Cartoon Olympic events to add would be weightlifting (using the Pick Up Heavy Thing skill); pole-vaulting (using the Jump skill — or Sleight of Hand to steal your opponents’ poles as they start their jumps); Bicycling (like the footrace, but using the Drive Vehicle skil); or anything else you want Plot Complications Maybe the Badly Brothers want to steal the gate receipts. Maybe a giant gorilla, escaped from the 200 along with the monkeys. Maybe the insane Dr. Nutzenboltz has built an AlL-Purpose AVletic Robot to enter against the other characters. Who knows? a45— Short Subject: I Foogled You! by Kyle Miller SL Wee ERY Cast Of Characters “The Animator and up to three players. The players are free to play whatever characters they like; they may work together or separately "The Animator plays Johnathan T, Muggsworth, a wealthy fellow who starts the adventure off, and Muggsworth’s butler, Jeeves The Animator also plays the Fogle Bird, whose primary task is to avoid being captured. If the Animator wants, the Fogle Bird can allow itself to be captured in ‘order to turn the tables on its captors. The Animator also takes the part of Monkey Bars the Jungle Man; his mate, Ms, Monkey Bars; a large ape; and two tigers — one ‘an old, toothless fellow, the other an identical-looking, ferocious, cartoon-character~ cating brute Location ‘The characters begin in Anytown. During the course of the adventure, they will trek through the jungles of Darkest Africa. There are lots of vines for swinging on or for seting traps. There ate lots of boulders for dropping Situation Zillionare philanthropist Johnathan TT. Muggsworth has offered a reward of one billion dollars to the first character who can return from Darkest Africa with the last of the Foogle Birds. All the world is abuzz with excitement, Who will be brave fenough, stiong enough, stupid enough, to try and outwit the Foogle Bird? Object Of The Adventure “The players must return from Darkest Africa with the Foogle Bird. This will be sore than a litle difficult — the Foogle is one tough customer. ‘Secret: The characters can achieve their goal in at least two ways, They could imate the Foogle Bird Fall Down, so they could tie him up and carry him back a prisoner. But it will probably prove better to use brains rather than brawn in dealing ‘with the Foogle. Traps, Fast-Talking, and trickery should be much more effective. — 46 — Plot Like the characters, Johnathan T. Muggsworth lives in Anytown, ‘One day, signs spring up all over town telling about the Foogle and the reward Muggsworth is offering to anyone who can bring it back alive ‘The players have to apply at Mugesworth's home inorder to qualify for the reward. They can find his house without any trouble ‘Secret: The application process 18-0 ploy to keep all the characters together atthe Start of the adventure. Muggsworth’s Home Mgswort ives in palatial mansion on te outskins of Angtown ‘hen he characters arve thy willbe preted atthe door by Seve the but. leeves will be pole, ut very specious. He wil wher the into wang room: When all the player characters have aed, Moggsworth will cnr te room andl bet everything kno about the Foose ‘Unfortonatly, he doesn't ow mach. Faogles ae so rare he's never seun on. He doe even kw what they Took Ihe. No photograph fxn. He has head that the Fools rociosy tong beyonl. ag ing and eas meat. Maggrworth doesn't know anything che south bir ekep tht there's supposed wo be oe living n Ace Darkest Af, tobe pros. ‘Ase cratr leave eves wll emerge from the manion’sKich- cn and sive cach o the a Seas wrapped package "Provivons foe our tap f you pase” ~ tobe opened when he Fach Dares nce Secret: The players shouldbe reminded of the packages ax soon as they reach Africa. When they open them, they will find that, in spite of the ‘beaut wrapping, each contains only a can of soda pop and a banana, ‘Make sure the players say what they are doing with this disappointing ‘meal . if someone happens to save a banana, it will come in handy later! In Darkest Africa In order to find the Foogle, the characters will have to journey 10 Africa (located just Outside of Town, of course). Once there, they will hhave to work their way theough Africa to Dark Africa, and on into Darker Aftica and finally to Darkest Africa, Needless to say, there will be signs to point the way. Ithey make a wrong turn, they wil windup in ‘Deepest Aitica, which isthe wrong place, and they will have to go back Secret: The Africa... Dark Africa... Darker Africa... Darkest Africa bt is usta gag, something to get the players into the spirit ofthe ‘game. Don't make them work 10 ge to the home of the Foose. ‘The players can find the Foogle Bird in a variety of ways, layers who think to make a Tracking roll wil pick up the Foogle’s wail without any difficuly. The Foople is self-confident enough that doesnt bother cov- ring is tracks (which look lke they might have been made by a giant chicken.) Also, any character who makes a See/Hear/Smell oll wll hear ‘monstrous cluckcluck-cluck sounds far off in the distance. Both the tracks and the thunderous clucking can be followed directly 10 the FFoogle’s lair a Jeeves, The Butler Deseripon: Ives tj» bute He'loka ke baer. He sts ie 9 Ser ‘Beles & Goals: Jere is ple m0 saster bow he Is prvole. He is sot hove a condescending sees and then however i Pont 2 Mose: 1 Bre Down Door 2 imo: Rew? ik Up Heaey Thing: 2 Tow! 7 TE ip: 6 Dose: 6 Drive Veil: 6 Fre Gun. Samp: Sein 6 ‘mare § ie! spo Hiden: $ een Dangerous Thing: 9 Read Bosuneat 9 Resi Fat Tak: 8 Seller Snel: 8 SeDinm Tap $ Track Cover Tks § Paral 2 Pass /Deet Shay Goods: 8 Shp of Han 2 ‘Seek 2 Johnathan T. ‘Mugesworth Description: Avery eathy old eatenam He droves ama. He tae a a wie mowache "helt Goals” Magesworth collector He always Seeing he rest ‘hing in the sod ‘Once he eas Snevere betes beter sg Inve word be vee tre in Boe ‘in someting be the est thing he ‘sone AE this Scena Deg. e's ‘Somined the oogle Bid te rr ‘ing ie Pin: 10 Muscle: | Bie Down Doo: 2 Chins 2 Fat 2 Pek Up Henry Ting: 2 Tow! ip Drive Vice: 2 Pre Gun 3 Samp: 2 ae? Sei: 2 Smarts ise Spo Hiden: 6 cn Dangerous Thing: 6 eat Document 8 Resa Rae Tat 8 Sete Snel: 6 Frac Cer Tacks: 6 Chutpat: § Peta 7 as Dat Shady Goods: 6 Sreaks If the characters wander around long enough, they'll tumble through the encounters deserved below just like characters who do think to make “Tracking of See/Hear/ Smell rolls. They'll just wander around in circles for awhile. (A clever Animator could throw in some random traps 10 Tiven things up. and some amusing descriptions of aimless, circular wandering ought wo keep people giggling.) Eventually, even the densest players will find clues which wil lead them (othe Foogle Bird A Meeting with Monkey Bars ore arznag a the ithe charters will meet Monkey Bars the sungle Man sh wi blow igh and sing rom he ees no the ms nothing them aside ike bovlng pin (Song mo Suma) Monkey rs wl it hat characes leave is gle inet Whey reftse he wil bellow hoarely and a huge ape wil arve Hover the apes sation wb pound the ung Mm nto the round, casing hin to Fal Down tity ‘There isa chance the giant ape will turn is attention to the characters afer pounding the Jungle Man. The Animator should make a Fity Pet- ent roll, Ona roll of 1-3, it aacks. Only a banana, or something ‘outrageously clever, will alm it-On a 4-6, ignores the characters and leaves, ‘Neither of these characters will be any help in finding the Foogle ‘Monkey Bars knows nothing, and is too dumb fo make any helpful sug- pestions even if he wanted 10, The ape can talk —it sa “real gorilla, Tiger, Tiger ‘fer thie encounter wih Monkey Bars, the characters wil come ups sping ge The ie looks sroway as ifthe etn for Tits mat que ld and totes. Waacked it will pat wpa sicurasoggle, bur nomic Once the character subd the er they taht ifor ciectons. or information. A character who offers (0) foc jun mae ast Talk rol wl have ade a fend frie. The ther wl ceerflly pom tem inte Gitecton of he Foogle' ar and stovcr whe questions an “fh oper daeition ofthe Foogle Bird soold be ttl ferent, from Muggsworths The gr wl lhe harcters that the Foals tiny ieee tally fares, a egcanan asked oscar purty the carat te tier wil sears Nol No! Anything tha Trl rotjoin he expedition unless is dragged, kicking and screaming. eal who witout he poor old ger. the characters wil cn sin inthe rection of the Fong lr, Afer a wl they wil come tpn anther scan tier. ooking for al the work ential the oe they cocounered awhile back hie ger mean ico and very hungry. wil atack anything stat moves t's posible to Steak around the ger witht oicing. Ahr ger ses characters, they wil ave to del with somehow. Hall the eharactrs FalhDown oto aay, te tger sil pt on 2 igh lds on ns diner tle ant prepare 10 eat i vin — when Stoney Bus swinging though the wees. wl ccigemtly ose his Be drs vie an land on the sie, Both the Sgle Man and he igee Wil Fall Down andthe characters cam ecpe a “The Danger Signs Eventually, the charters wil come pon sigh after sign reading ~This way tthe last ofthe oogle™" After sping one ofthese signs (oo rll quired, the characters will stumbleupon large, feshly-made, ‘hiker ike fotprins. Te prints ae afoot aross and several inches ‘eep(Geep enough that a mousesized character wil fall into one and have to cin cu! Shorty afer finding the pins, the characters will hear &horiyngly loud clcking sound, the sound gigantic chicken might make, The sound comes from neaby. Not Him Again! (Once the players are totally rated, Monkey Bars will show up agin, jst ke las tie, He wil end the characters ying and init tat they Teave his jungle. He wil sar to bellow agai, but stp himself usin time! The Animator should provide an aperman bellow that quickly tall off no a frightened squeak Ifthe characters atark the Tangle Man wil ight back —febly — for 2 few rounds Arson ase fred two hits (ores), Ms. Monkey Bars will show up and try to whip the character, calling them Maly ames the whole ie, and then drag her mate off by the ea ire characters choose to lk to Monkey Bare, Wey wil find him quite ple his Resist FastTalk sore pitiful. He won't be mich feip, beng que stupid, bu he wil fellow anyone who makes a Fast Talk rll doing whatever the character ll him to. Ms. Monkey Bars willbe qe diffiut to Fast Talk her Rest Fast-Talk score good. The Foogle’s Clearing Eventually the mighty hunters wll rach a learing and come upon the Foogi's ar The Fool ives ina larg cave ca io the bas of cif. Thordeo each he cave entrance (ote bse oth if the chara: ters moa fist cos the huge pie of bores which carpets te clearing. ‘These shouldbe describe the reais of eter Foogle hanes Tien amongst ie bones ae three trap The Anno should roll thee timesom te Random Trap Chart sie front cover) before allow Inu the cartes to ener the cave or shimb techie, From within the cave, te characters wll bear the loud clucking sounds of te Foogc “The characters wl have to goin the cave and get he Foogle — it wil mat eave te cave on smn, mo mater how much nose te charae= ts mie =e Monkey Bars, The Jungle Man Description: Monkey Basis human (qovghbuey, Hewes lopard sin Te swings rough he jangle ewng rst ep of ian. He okt (rset he's eal qe np ‘elet “Gon” Monkey Bas hry "Hk Pins 9 Bre Down Door 2 Chins 6 Fate 4 Pek Up Heay Thing: 2 Torow 2 Bip: Dodge: 4 Drive Vie: 4 Pe Gan Sup smart: 2 de Sox Hiden: ¢ enuf Daegeous Thing: 2 eat Bose: 2 Resse Pt Tak 2 Sele Snel: & ScD Tap 2 FekiCover Take & CChutpad: Postale: $ Sigh of Hanis $ Soe § — f 4 « Whe . ) a we g Ms. Monkey Bars Description Like Monkey Bas, Ms, ‘Monkey Bas bura (an jet bar Iysete) Ste dese eon Belt & Goa She wats noting spore than fo protect hee hun and toy des he aed pret). "it Pate 9 Mase § ‘Bre Down Doo 5 Chin Ben? Pek Up Heay Thing 5 Them? Zip: 5 dug. 7 Rises Ron Sim's Sars dei Spot Hien: 9 nity Dangerous Thing: $ Read Bocumes:$ esr Fat Ta 9 SeHer Snel SsuD Trap: $ Trnki Cover sks 8 chutpat: 6 Paw tak: 6 Ps Detect Shady Goods: 6 Sige of Hand 6 ‘Sct 6 In the Foogle’s Lair “he Foogle's cave i wel by torches set inthe wall, Tete are no furihingse= jst ts bones ~ and two more taps led on the Ri dom Trap Cha). After the characters encoun he taps, the cave wl Steg and open oto a lange cavern, Thee the characte wil dcover the Foogle She Poole looks ikea iat, bloated parakeet. Te bid il be di covered reclining ona feuer bed, I is ending af od, wellshnbed oy of War and Peace. "The Foogle is incredibly ineligen, immensely song, alarmingly quick snd psinfly poy. 1 ls aw sls an shiks a early sper fre icvels iis tough isso characters wil probably have 10 Be Sneaky an set ome kind of ap for The Big Finish TF the players fal to cach the Foople, and ime is eunning out, the Animator can let the Foogle catch them! ‘The carton canrend with Ie players on display in Darkest Aftca's biggest 20, looking mourauly Eetween the bars while the Foogle sells kets TT the Foogle is mae to Fall Down (othe Foogle allows itself be captured, or the players manage to convince the bird todo what they Want {hrough Fast Talk or Hypnosis) the characters can bind it and take ito ‘Muggewort. The alionaire pilanbropist wil be mote than happy to fork over the revard. One the Foogle Bird is ofically his, he will Ooh and Aub oer itfor awhile and then release (He jut wanted to see what the Foogle looked ike.) “the Foogle wil ip the reward money from the hands of the characte holding and fly off cluckang gleefully, int the seting um. Easy come, casy go! Plot Points Ifthe characters manage to capture the Foogle inthe alloted time, two points should be given to each player involved in capturing the Foogle Bird. One plot point should be given to any player who participated in the