Andres Lopez Final Reflection

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Andres Lopez

English 150 TK
Final Reflection
Ms. Samantha Futhey
Final Reflection
Looking back on English 150, I can honestly say that it was a really helpful course, due
to the fact that it helped me write and revise my assignments more clearly. It was toward the end
of the semester that my ability to write essays more effectively started and unfortunately, that
was not until assignment #4. Before this assignment, I kept having trouble with construction of
essays, passive and active voice, organization, as well as translating my analytical thinking onto
an essay. Even though, this assignment was not my best, it helped me realize how much I needed
to learn when it came to writing. One reason for that is that I would mostly focus on a topic and
just say what it was, rather than write why it was important. There is a certain aspect that I hope I
can improve on in the future and that is making the writing aspect of the WOVE one of my top
Writing essays in general has always been a weakness of mine. I have always had trouble
constructing a thesis and organizing an essay so that it makes sense. My biggest fault though,
was translating my thoughts onto a paper. On assignment #4, I misinterpreted the purpose of the
assignment. Even though, I did focus on some analysis of my art piece, it was mostly based off
of historical events, making the assignment look like a research paper. With the feedback that I
received, it made me realize how off I was from the actual goal of the assignment. Luckily, in the
revision part of the E- portfolio, I had a chance to revise this assignment and with the feedback
that I received, I feel that it taught me so much more about the analytical thinking process.
Instead, of just stating historical facts about my art piece, I started focusing on why these facts
were relevant to the physical structure and meaning of the statue. For example, in one piece of

my original assignment I wrote about how the Statue of Liberty was considered to be the
Mother of Exiles and nothing more. In the revised piece, I stated what it was and why it was
relevant to the physical structure of the statue. I went off by saying, since the statue was a
woman, immigrants got the feeling of her protecting them at all times, just like a mother would
for her child. I feel that this statement adds more context and relevancy to the topic of the
There is always more to learn, when it comes to writing papers and the reason I say that
is because I am taking English 250 next semester. I feel that with the ideas and techniques that I
learned in this course, I will have the ability to transfer that knowledge into the next semester,
making me a better in all aspects of the WOVE process. In order to achieve this, I am going to
need help from others. I feel that peers, instructors, and the Writing and Media Help Center will
help me in achieving this goal, because of the fact that it is better to have an outside eye looking
at your assignments giving you different perspectives and feedback. I feel that English 150
opened the door for me when it comes to all of the aspects of WOVE.

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