Wccs News March 2016

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Volume 3 Number 4

March 2016

A warm welcome to the World Congress of

Chiropractic Students quarterly report.

Our active membership consists of students

from 26 chiropractic colleges worldwide.

The World Congress of Chiropractic Students

(WCCS) is an international collaboration of
chiropractic students representing the global
student chiropractic population.

Our purpose is to advance and unite the

global chiropractic profession through
inspiration, integrity and leadership.

Presidents Message
Hello, and welcome to the March 2016
edition of WCCS News.
The 38th World Congress of Chiropractic
Students Annual General Meeting is less
than a month away! Our convening team at
the Institut Franco-Europen de Chiropraxie
(IFEC) in Paris, under the direction of our
convener Solenne de Waverchin, will be
hosting the 2016 WCCS AGM from April 2228, with the assistance of the WCCS
members from the IFEC campus in
Toulouse. They have lined up some great
speakers and planned some fantastic
cultural experiences for more than 120
student delegates that will be attending this
years AGM. Building on the success of our
three previous Alumni Events, they have
also planned an exciting Alumni Weekend
that includes the Welcoming Ceremony and
an option to attend the Closing Gala dinner!
This year we will be making a few changes to
the structure of our AGM. Learning from our
trips to the World Federation of Chiropractic
and to the World Healthcare Students
Symposium, we will be introducing new
strategies to increase our effectiveness
during discussion topics. We will also be
introducing a small Q&A forum with
chiropractic leaders from around Europe,
chiropractors who have stepped up to push

our profession forward in education,

legislation, and business, who will be able to
share their experiences with life in
chiropractic beyond the clinic. We also have
representatives from multiple other
organizations who have accepted our
invitations to come share their knowledge,
ideas, and opportunities with us as we build
both our inter-professional and intraprofessional relationships. With four
proposals this year we are excited to having
a strong balance between proposals,
education, and networking.
I cannot wait to meet all of our new
delegates and speakers, and to welcome
back so many familiar faces! The WCCS
AGM is always one of the most inspiring,
and challenging, weeks of the year, I hope
you can join us as we work towards our
purpose; to advance and unite the global
chiropractic profession
Derek Cardenas
WCCS President


Presidents Message
A message from Derek Cardenas

Pages 1

Recent WCCS events

Pages 1-2

Upcoming events
Page 3

Member Colleges
Listing of member colleges

Page 4

Past Congresses
Page 5

WHO Executive
Board Session
For the first time, a WCCS representative
attended the 138th WHO Executive Board
Session. We were invited to attend as a
member of the International Federation of
Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF)
delegation. First of all we thank IPSF for the

REPORTS | Volume 3 Number 4

invitation, which is a consequence of the

Board of Directors efforts to promote
communication and meeting with other
healthcare students associations. It is
rewarding to see that a WCCS representative
is considered a valuable element to
strengthen their delegation. The Event took
place at the WHO Headquarters (Geneva,
Switzerland) from the 24th to the 30th
January 2016.
The Session was leaded by the Chair Ms.
Malebona Precious Matsoso and the WHO
Director General (DG) Dr. Margaret Chan.
Crucial discussions like the Ebola outbreak,
other communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases were discussed. The
WHO has a huge goal: to reduce and
eradicate a lot of diseases especially in the
less developed countries, as the current
result is too many preventable deaths. It has
been extremely interesting to see how the
WHO Member states were so supportive
with the equalization of the healthcare
support all over the world. They are working
on a global strategy to increase the human
resources for health especially in the
developing countries in order to achieve by
2030 a list of Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) made by the Member States of the
United Nations in 2015.
The SDGs are a list of 17 goals with the
purpose of ensure healthy lives and
promote well-being for all at all age.
Despite these Goals are focused on major
problems as poverty, hunger, sanitation,
peace, climate change action and so on, It is
crucial for our profession to be aware of
them, especially Goal 3 (Good Health and
well-being), because we can play a leader
role in the neuromusculoskeletal prevention
and people education to healthy lifestyle.

The WHO EB Session room

You can check out the rest of the sustainable


fact, in the WHO Headquarters there is a

strong promotion on daily physical activity
for its employees.

The WCCS, together with the

Students Federation (IPSF) and
the International Veterinary
Students Association (IVSA),
participated to the invitation
made by the International
Federation of Medical Students
Associations (IFMSA) to the
WHO Member States to support
the WHOs Global Strategy on
Human Resources for Health. For The IPSF delegation: Damiano Costa (WCCS), Renato Nolasco
the first time our Corporation (IPSF), Ana Catarina Duarte (IPSF), Amber Liu (IPSF), Caroline
collaborate on a concrete action Bulstra (IVSA)
Resuming, for the WCCS this experience has
with other global healthcare students
been very useful to understand where and
how our profession can help the WHO to
An interesting discussion was childhood
make this world a better place.
obesity, which is a healthcare situation that
Finally, being part of a student team, from
has to be tackled urgently if we want the
future population to have a chance at being
healthy. A plan to integrate the ending of
Veterinary Students Association and myself)
childhood obesity and profiling of nutrient
eased the learning process as we found we
was adopted. This plan is based on
had more aligned positions in relation to our
fundamental recommendations:
prospective political organisations and
Increase the taxes on sugar sweetened
influence within our given fields. It also gives
us an advantage being able to describe
Make nutritional information available to
chiropractic to future leaders of different
everyone (nutritional literacy)
healthcare professions who can be
Educate the future generations on physical
influential in educating their student
activity and nutrition.
members. We know that by collaborating
Focus on preconception and pregnancy
with other student groups, using our time
care. If parents keep an healthy lifestyle,
and abilities of communication we will be
the risk of childhood obesity will be
able to form alliances, be part of projects
and have a greater understanding what we
need to do to become better, stronger and a
Dr Chan underlined that
more influential organisation. Hoping to
future fathers will have to
move these collaborations forward, the
take care of themselves
WCCS Board of Directors is working
(stay away from alcohol
constantly to promote
and tobacco, exercise and
the global chiropractic
reduce sweet intake) to
ensure a better future for
inspiration, integrity and
their children.
Interestingly, the WHO is
a leader on educating
their employees about a
healthy lifestyle. In


Damiano Costa
WCCS Vicepresident

REPORTS | Volume 3 Number 4

Upcoming events

38th WCCS Annual General Meeting 2016

Hosted by IFEC, 22nd 28th April
Paris, France

38th AGM of the WCCS: 22nd-28th April 2016, Paris

Hi everyone !
The AGM week is nearing and we are so excited to host you!
We hope that many alumni will attend the congress the 22 to 24 April. We found a really nice place for the party where we will be able to come,
dance and drink together ! Our team is preparing some things that I'm sure will surprise or at least please you ! Find more information about it on
the facebook event !
You might know that Paris is an expensive city and the current financial stability of many countries has been wavering, however, we have had a
huge amount of support from many individual French chiropractors who have eased some of our concerns. We can all be very thankful for their
generous donations!
The delegates should get ready for an amazing time in our great city! We have organized for you plenty of activities in Paris! The one that I'm
especially looking forward to is a wine tasting on "bateau mouche" on the Seine. Picture yourself on a fine boat exercising your II, III, VII, IX & X
cranial nerves with the sky/stars (depending on the weather) over your head and surrounded by the most breathtaking pieces of architecture
France has to offer.
We were very pleased to see that so many have registered. We look forward to welcoming you and hope that you are as
excited as we are about this congress!
Solenne de Wavrechin
38 AGM Convener


Registrations online at http://www.wccsworldwide.org/alumni-event-registration.html


REPORTS | Volume 3 Number 4

Member Colleges
Africa Region
Durban University of Technology (DUT) | South Africa
University of Johannesburg (UJ) | South Africa


Americas Region
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM) | Brazil
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) | Canada
Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires (UQTR) | Canada
Universidad Estatal de Valle de Toluca (UNEVT) | Mexico
Life Chiropractic College West (LCCW) | USA
Life University | USA
Palmer College of Chiropractic, West (PCCW) | USA
Parker University | USA
Sherman College of Chiropractic | USA
Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCUHS) | USA
Texas Chiropractic College (TxCC) | USA


European Region
Syddansk Universitet (SDU) | Denmark
Institut Franco-Europen de Chiropratique (IFEC) | France
Barcelona College of Chiropractic (BCC) | Spain
Madrid College of Chiropractic (MCC) | Spain
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) | United Kingdom
McTimoney College of Chiropractic | United Kingdom
Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC) | United Kingdom
Chiropraktik Akademie (CPA) | Germany


Western Pacific Region

Central Queensland University of Australia (CQU-A) | Australia
Macquarie University | Australia
Murdoch University | Australia
RMIT University | Australia
Tokyo College of Chiropractic (TCC) | Japan
International Medical University (IMU) | Malaysia
New Zealand College of Chiropractic (NZCC) | New Zealand


WCCS News is published by the World Congress of Chiropractic Students.

The World Congress of Chiropractic Students is incorporated in Canada with registered office at 1246Yonge Street, Suite 202/203, Toronto, ON M4T 1W5, Canada.
Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the policy of the Congress, its members or affiliations, nor does publication of advertisements necessarily imply
Contributions are welcomed. Editorial guidelines and are available from wccs@wccsworldwide.org. The editorial team reserves the right to reject or edit contributions.
World Congress of Chiropractic Students 2014. All Rights Reserved. No part of WCCS News may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the World Congress of Chiropractic Students.


REPORTS | Volume 3 Number 4

Past Congresses
2015: Life University Atlanta, U.S.A.
2014: Barcelona College of Chiropractic - Malaga, Spain
2013: Durban University of Technology - Durban, South Africa
2012: Murdoch University - Perth, Australia
2011: Southern California University of Health Sciences Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2010: Parker College of Chiropractic Dallas, U.S.A.
2009: New Zealand College of Chiropractic Auckland, New Zealand
2008: Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec Mexico City, Mexico
2007: University of Johannesburg Johannesburg, South Africa
2006: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Melbourne, Australia
2005: University of Southern Denmark Odense, Denmark
2004: Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic Spartanburg, U.S.A.
2003: Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires Quebec, Canada
2002: Palmer School of Chiropractic Davenport, U.S.A.
2001: Macquarie University Sydney, Australia
2000: Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Toronto, Canada
1999: Anglo-European College of Chiropractic Bournemouth, England
1998: Palmer College of Chiropractic, West San Jose, U.S.A.
1997: Life College of Chiropractic, West San Lorenzo, U.S.A.
1996: Life University Marietta, U.S.A.
1995: Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, U.S.A.
1994: Los Angeles College of Chiropractic Whittier, U.S.A.
1993: Logan College of Chiropractic St. Louis, U.S.A.
1992: New York Chiropractic College Seneca Falls, U.S.A.
1991: Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City Kansas City, U.S.A.
1990: Anglo-European College of Chiropractic Bournemouth, England
1989: Palmer College of Chiropractic, West San Jose, U.S.A
1988: Philip Institute of Technology Melbourne, Australia
1987: Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic Spartanburg, U.S.A.
1986: Northwestern College of Chiropractic Bloomington, U.S.A.
1985: Los Angeles College of Chiropractic Whittier, U.S.A.
1984: National College of Chiropractic Lombard, U.S.A.
1983: Life University Marietta, U.S.A.
1982: Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, U.S.A.
1981: Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Toronto, Canada
1980: Logan College of Chiropractic St. Louis, U.S.A.
1979: Logan College of Chiropractic St. Louis, U.S.A.

Editorial & advertising queries should be directed to wccs@wccsworldwide.org





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