Ancient Mesopotamia

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By: Cameron Alonso

Date: 9/8/15


The Sumerians were the first creators of Mesopotamia,

fell to foreign invaders during 2000 B.C.

City-States were the basic political unit of the

Sumerian civilization.

Sargon set up the first empire of the Akkadians.

In 1792 B.C the new leader of for the Babylonians was



The Babylonian empire was controlled by the Amorites

(2000-1600 B.C)

The Hittites began to conquer Asia during 2000 B.C,

but only lasted till 1200 B.C.

The Assyrians started to gain strength during 900 B.C,

fell to the Chaldeans during 612 B.C.

The Chaldeans took over during 612 B.C after defeating

the Assyrians, fell during 539 B.C to the Persians.


This code made a system of strict justice, the penalties were

severe and differed based on social classes.

Principle of Retaliation (eye for an eye), if the criminals did

not catch the criminal they neither had to replace the item
them selves or pay for it with their own money.

They had consumer protection laws, so if a building collapsed

and killed someone then the builder was put to death.

Men dominated and the women stayed home.


Mesopotamia was between the Tigris and the Euphrates

river. But the Tigris and the Euphrates river would over
flow (flood) and they would destroy crops.

The land had rich soil and abundant crops.

The Sumerians walked to India to do trades.

Created the writing system in 3000 B.C.


They were Polytheistic which means they believe in

many gods, they also believed that the gods own
the city, which is called Theocracy.


Gilgamesh was a strong king, he was half man and

half god.

Gilgamesh was friends with Enkidu, they did

adventures with each other.

When Enkidu dies Gilgamesh searches for



Patriarchal- men dominated

Women stayed home, men ruled the family, if the

son had hit the father the father could cut the sons
hand off.


The Sumerians invented the wheel to help transport

goods, they also created the Sundial which helped them
keep time, they created the Arch to help them construct
buildings, and they also created a number system to 60.

The Sumerians were the first to use bronze.

3000 B.C the Sumerians created the Cuneiform wedge

system of writing.


The Ziggurat was the biggest building in a

Sumerian city, a temple was built atop a massive
stepped tower, one reason this was built was to
look at the starts to keep track of the days that go

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