The Voice Fall 2015 Final

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The Voice
Cumberland County Colleges
Award-Winning Newspaper

Fall 2015

Volume 29, Edition 1

CCCs Presidential search: Our future depends on it

Staff Writer

Interview provided by
CCC Board of Trustee
Chair, Ginger Chase.

On September 16th Staff
members met at a forum in the
conference center to discuss the
most pressing issue that the college
faces, finding a new president.
Lacking a president puts the college in a difficult situation. Several
issues are currently being handled
by the board of trustees and the
interim president.

A committee was put
into motion after President Isekenegbes resignation last June. The
nineteen members of the committee were chosen through nomination by association for internal/
employee committee members,
and nomination by the Board of
Trustees of external representatives. Representatives from each
association at CCC was chosen
as well as ten representatives from
the community and one from the
student body. At the forum on the
16th, Dr. Laurie Savona, ACCT
Search Consultant, met with staff
and anyone else willing to attend.

The objective was to use

Google Images

information gathered from the

staff and any students to form a
profile that would specifically define who the next president would

The forum brought the
issues on everyones mind to the
forefront. First of all, the college is
facing a daunting budget deficit.
Just recently, the staff in its entirety was offered a 2 percent raise
across the board. Every member
of the staff declined the raise. Up
to twelve positions were saved
because of this. The staff expressed
a need for a solution to the budget

problem that would retain their

positions and eliminate the need
to raise tuition.

Cumberland County
College sits between three major
cities, yet only thirty percent of
local high school graduates enroll
here. For many this college is seen
as a way to better the community
and as a beacon of hope among
the local people. Enrollment in
the college needs to reflect the
need of the community. Keeping
tuition low allows for anyone to
see the college as an opportunity
to better themselves. Not only is

enrollment down but retention is

also falling. Students are beginning their journey at Cumberland
County College but leaving before
they can graduate. This hurts the
budget of the college as well as the
image of the community.

From this forum, they
will go to two others and again
discuss the issues that the college
faces as well as what kind of leader
can help the college thrive. Using
the information they gathered
from staff and students, the search
committee will produce a profile.
This profile will serve as a means

of reference for recruitment.

Recruitment will take
place from September through
January. Then, semifinalists will be
chosen from the pool of applicants
and each will be reviewed and
compared to the profile. Semi
finalists will be interviewed by the
search committee. In mid February 3-5 finalists will be chosen
and scheduled to participate in
open forums much like the one
in September. In mid-March the
Board of Trustees will announce
the new President. In June, the
new president will begin his/her

Throughout the forum
the same ideas were echoed:
the president needs to be down
to earth and open. Decisions
regarding the college and the
students should be made open and
reviewable by the public.He/she
should be aware of of the student
body and community. This college
is diverse. Both students and staff
need a sensible president, who
can speak openly and comfortably
with the student body, faculty, and
staff. Wiht this type of leader, the
college will be well on its way to
further success.

Movies, marijuana or media: Which is the new gateway drug?

Google Images

Staff Writer

Drugs. Nancy Reagan
would want you to just say no,
but, would you? We live in a
world where drugs, and their
usage, are becoming increasingly
more casual among teens and
elders alike. Therefore, we must
re-examine what should really be
considered a gateway drug. Being
a millennial, I can tell you that
drugs are not nearly as hot a topic
as they once were. You can see
them being used or talked about
on primetime television any given

weeknight. Drugs have become

a common occurrence, especially
in places frequented by teens
and young adults who have used
recreational drugs than I have
fingers on my hands.

Most of us who attend
this college live in the surrounding area, a majority of whoms
population is made up of the
middle/lower-class.This means
that more likely than not you
have met, or are friends with a
person who has tried at least one
recreational drug. Is it really so
far off to imagine that they dont
make their way into the hands

of impressionable young college


According to the 2013
National Survey on Drug Use and
Health conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an
estimated 24.6 million Americans
aged 12 or older were current
(past month) illicit drug users,
meaning they had used an illicit
drug during the month prior to
the survey interview. Said illicit
drugs include marijuana/hashish,
cocaine (including crack), heroin,
hallucinogens, inhalants, or
prescription-type psychotherapeutics (pain relievers, tranquilizers,
stimulants, and sedatives) used

While 9.4 percent
may not seem like too much in
comparison to 100, reading in
clear black-and-white that nearly
25 million people 12 or older have
used drugs is somewhat harder to

The survey names marijuana as the most commonly used
illicit drug in 2013. It also states
that daily or almost daily use of
marijuana (used on 20 or more
days in the past month) increased
from 5.1 million persons in 20052007 to 8.1 million persons in

2013. At least a third of those millions are of or nearing college-age,

especially when the students live
in an area teeming with dilapidated drug houses. The lifestyle has
somewhat of a rebellious glamour
to it.

Almost everything someone does when it is not something
they should be doing, gives off
this euphoria. You can be racked
with guilt, and still feel a twinge
of accomplishment. Its why crime
rates rise, and offenders repeat.
Knowing you survived something,
or got away with it, has a tendency to make people think they can
do so again. They may even with
to surpass the limit previously set,
or move on to something similarly

It becomes clearer and
clearer each day that the gateway
drugs of the 21st century are not
actual drugs so much as they are
television, movies, and social media. Naturally, when we see things
through these mediums presented
in a positive, or casual, light, we
have a tendency to start viewing
such things in a similar manner.
Often this can have a good effect
but there are times, and people,
especially youths, who can be
affected negatively by the overall

perceived commonness regarding

illegal dugs and their usage. About
9.4 percent the entire United
States population over age 12
already had by 2013, up from 9.2.
in 2012. If we continue on this
route, it will only be a matter of
time until that number has doubled, maybe even tripled.

According to, the most common factors of drug use amongst
college-aged students are: stress,
peer pressure, course load, and
curiosity. I highly doubt in any
future where students, or young
members of modern-day society in
general, could remain unaffected
by at least three.

So if you, or someone
you know, is currently undergoing
a drug-related issue, please contact
their confidential, 24/7 hotline:
1-877-671-7087. Their specialists
provide access to top treatment
centers, supportive guidance, and
even financial assistance options. It
is never too late to speak up when
a life is involved.

Page 2 / Fall 2015

The Voice


CCC: Constructing the next generation

Staff Writer

We as students tend to
go to and fro from one class to
the next, involved in our campus
activities or work. We complain
about the parking, and say to
ourselves, What the heck is going on around here. Well believe
it or not, some amazing things are
happening at Cumberland County
College. According to The Daily
Journal, Bridgeton City council
recently approved a brand new
technology-driven education facility to operate out of a three story
building at 46-50 East Commerce

That facility is part of
an aggressive schedule of projects
aimed to reinvigorate the countys
financial and educational picture,
including the Center for Workforce & Economic Development
located on the other side of our
college campus. And lets not forget to mention the groundbreaking
start of construction for the new
technical high school due to open
in 2016 right on the college campus.

Mark Harris DBA, Vice
President of Finance and Admin-

istrative Services,
members, all
stated in an
of which are
interview that
foreseeing how
the master plan
the college
for the college
could best
facilitate stubegan with a
dents success.
10-year project
Harris states,
for the college as
When we una whole in terms
dertake these
of physical plans,
projects, the
maintenance, and
primary stakerenovation upholders are
grades. As part
our students.
of the general
One of the
upkeep/maintemajor changes
Craid Matthews/Daily Journal
that we made
Construction site of the new Cumberland County Technical Education Center located next to CCCs
of the buildings
is how the
and construcstudent serin the building. The employees
tion, the college
vices building
decided to complete the projects in working in the trailers are having
is now designed. It is designed
an expanded section built on to
phases based on funding sources.
to move or migrate to a one-stop
the building and will move in

Harris confirms that
shop concept, so the students can
sometime between April or May
there are phases of renovations
go to any of the new windows and
2016. This new wing will provide
already complete such as the Acaget help with enrollment services
a high level of customer service for provided by a group of employees
demic Building as well as the Adthe students.
dedicated to servicing our stuministrative building. The other

Harris also elaborated on
phases include renovating student
the vision for Cumberland County
services building (Bursars office,
While researching the
College governed by a combiFinancial aid, and the Bookstore)
countys history, servicing students
nation of different stake holders
estimated to be complete October
appear to be woven into the fabric
such as the Board of Trustees,
9, 2015. Only the employees
of Cumberland Countys culture.
the President, seating managers
currently working in the gym will
An article in The Daily Journal
and recommendations from staff
return to the renovated spaces
profiled the 43 years Cumber-

land County has been providing

technical education to high school
students and career-focused
adults from Vineland, Millville,
Bridgeton, Hopewell, Shiloh, and
Commercial, Deerfield, Downe,
Fairfield, Greenwich, Lawrence,
Maurice River, Stow Creek and
Upper Deerfield townships. According to Dina L. Elliott, Ed. D.,
the superintendent of schools for
the Cumberland County Technical
Education Center and Downe
Township School District, the
innovative career and technical
education tracks include many
allied-health programs such as
nursing, pharmacology, dental and
sports medicine.

Other fields of study are
related to automotive technologies,
con-struction trades, cosmetology, culinary science, engineering,
information technology and law
and homeland security. Elliott
shares in the article that programs
such as our allied-health curriculum are helping us to achieve our
vision, and more importantly, our
career and technical education is
providing Cumberland County
with a more capable and resourceful workforce for which we can all
be proud.

to another. So, how do you

compare textbook prices without
the hassle you ask? The answer is This website
can compare the prices of one
textbook from several sites at once.
Its a for textbooks.
Search one and done.

Whether you purchase at
the bookstore or online, you will
almost always have the option to
buy the book new or used.

Buying used textbooks
may sound lame, but it is a much
easier, cost-effective way to buy
your textbooks. According to the
Average Textbook Prices chart
on, the average price
of a used textbook in 2013 was
$59, twenty dollars less than the
average new textbook.Seven out

of 11 students in the bookstore

survey stated that they had bought
or rented a used
textbook because its less expensive. Although the condition may
not be as shiny and clean as a new
textbook, it is better to buy a used
textbook for a lesser price than to
buy an expensive new one.

Without a doubt, textbook prices will continue to rise as
long as there is a market for them;
inflation will increase and debt
will only get deeper. Always keep
in mind that there are easier, more
cost-efficient ways to buy your
textbooks for your classes, you just
have to ask yourself, Should I buy
them from the college bookstore
or online? and Should I buy it
new or used?

Better textbooks for your bucks?

Staff Writer


It depends on what is
cheaper this year, said Amber, a

It is the beginning of a
new school year with a completely public relations major from Cumberland County College. Accorddifferent schedule, new activities,
ing to the How Rising Textbook
and a new list of worries - one of
Prices Mirror Rising Drug Costs
those worries being how to effivideo on, the
ciently purchase
average price
Textbooks prices have of textbooks
risen over 1000% since has risen over
students not
1000% since
only focus on
1977, more
cost, but on than triple the
quality and
rate of inflation.
condition. In

So how do you get better
addition, students face the tough
decision of where to purchase their books for your bucks?

In a recent bookstore
textbooks. Should they go to the
survey, 11 students were chosen at
college bookstore or surf the web?
random to answer questions about
Should they buy them new or

their method of buying textbooks

for the new school year. The
majority of students stated that
they bought most or all of their
textbooks from the college bookstore because it is an easier, more
convenient way to purchase their
books. Students who used online
sources stated that they used
popular sites to purchase their
books, such as eBay, Chegg, and
Amazon. Although these sites are
well known for their good prices,
they cannot always guarantee that
they are the lowest price.

Finding an online source
to purchase textbooks isnt easy.
Gathering online sources can be
a huge headache, especially when
you are flipping from one window

C4: College completion equals academic success

Staff Writer

Completing college is
a very challenging but rewarding

According to collegeatlas.
org, about 30 percent of students
in colleges and universities arent
up for that challenge in the first
year. Thats why there is the C4
Initiative: Community College
Completion Challenge.

In essence, we are
committed to helping all of our
students to complete their college
education, stated Professor Karrol
Jordan, Assistant Professor of
Psychology and Anthropology and
a Phi Theta Kappa advisor. Of
course, at the two year level, that
means acquiring an Associates Degree. We encourage students to go

on to a four year school and even


College plays an essential
part in every students future.
It determines a students future
lifestyle, life choices, and opportunities in both their personal and
professional life.

According to the C4 Initiative web page Why Complete?
on, most
employers hire college graduates
over people who didnt attend or
graduate college. Being a college
graduate demonstrates to the
employer that he or she has the
discipline to finish what he or she

In an interview on college completion, Sarah Galzerano,
the president of Cumberland
County Colleges Phi Theta Kappa

Rho Gamma Chapter and a communications major, stated, Some

people say that college only gets
worse, but I say that it only gets
better. To those students who want
to drop out of college because its
too hard, they are too busy, or its
not for them, I would tell them
to stay strong. I have been that
student who has had panic attacks
because my full class load, my job,
and my extracurricular activities
were too much to handle, but I
stayed strong and pulled through
because these challenges only
make you a stronger person and
they help you find your way in

Not only is college
completion highly important for
yourself, but for the economy.
According to Why Complete?, the

amount of qualified workers in

the U.S. is shrinking rapidly due
to the increasing percentage of
retirees, which means the number
of tax payers who pay for public
education, social programs, and
national defense are decreasing.

In reference to Why
Complete?, some states in the
U.S. have high school dropout
rates that exceed fifty percent. As a
result, many high school dropouts
will no longer qualify for minimum wage jobs because many jobs
in the market are now requiring
employees to have a high school
diploma. Within the next five
years, it is likely that 65% of all
new jobs will require postsecondary credentials.

On Thursday, October
22, 2015, Cumberland County

C4 Initiative Logo

Colleges Phi Theta Kappa Honors

Society hosted the C4 Initiative
event in the University Center
lobby. Students signed a petition
and pledged to motivate themselves and encourage others to
complete their college education.

The choice is yours to
make: commit and complete
college or become a statistic. I
commit! Do you?

The Voice

Fall 2015 / Page 3

Dont let the flu tackle you

College Planning: 101

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Flu season is fast approaching and there are some things

that you need to know to prepare.
Influenza (flu) can start during
the cold weather season and can
take three weeks to peak and three
weeks to diminish. Flu season is
the time of year where you can
suffer with symptoms that make
you feel lousy and miserable. Influenza comes each year spreading
germs from one person to another.

So, what is the flu and
how can students tackle it?
Tejlah Cooper, Director of Health
Education for the Cumberland
County Health Department, states
that seasonal influenza, or the flu,
is a virus that infects the respiratory tract causing fever, cough,
sore throat, runny or stuffy nose,
muscle or body aches, headaches,
or fatigue. Flu symptoms usually start one to three days after
coming in contact with a person
that is already infected. Unlike the
common cold, the flu can cause
severe illness and life-threatening complications in the elderly,
young children, pregnant women,
and those with certain health

conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.

The flu is usually spread
person-to-person through droplets
that are released in the air when
people with the flu cough, sneeze,
or talk. The time in which a
person is able to spread the flu
varies, but generally you may be
able to pass it on to others before
symptoms develop and up to a
week after becoming sick. The
single best way to prevent the flu
is to get a vaccine each season. In
New Jersey, the flu occurs between
the months of October through
early April with the peak being in
January and February. October
and November are the best times
to get a flu shot, but getting one
through March can also offer
protection. However, it is best to
get one as early as possible before

the flu begins spreading in the


Most people will feel
mild side effects of the shot
including soreness and redness
where the shot was given, fever,
and body aches. Flu shots are
available at local pharmacies, physician offices, health centers, and
health departments. The Cumberland County College Health
Department offers flu shots at
CCC so students and staff can get
their vaccines right on campus.

If you get sick with the
flu, be sure to stay home and
avoid contact with other people. If
you feel as though your symptoms
are more severe, it is best to seek
medical attention immediately.
Remember, its important to cover
coughs and sneezes with a tissue as
well as wash your hands often. Because the flu can be a deadly virus,
the more education the community receives on the topic, the
more they can protect themselves
and loved ones. Be prepared this
season to tackle the flu and not let
it tackle you.

What if Cumberland CC was free?


Staff Writers

Getting through four
plus years of college is tough; all
the loans to gather and books to
buy. But what if your first two
years in a community college were
free? In President Obamas 2015
State of the Union Address, he
announced an initiative to provide two years of free community
college. According to the Heads
Up America: Free College Doesnt
Get You What You Want article on, States
would be required to opt into the
proposed program and commit 25 percent of the necessary
funding. The article also quotes,
61 percent of community college
students fail to earn a degree or
credential in six years.

On completecollege.
org, their Building High-Quality
Community Colleges: The Forgotten Piece article states that more
than 80 percent of students
entering community college say
they plan to graduate from a four
year school. Six years later, just
15 percent have done so. Also, reports that
78 percent of students do not
complete their studies within two
years. Can free community college change that figure? Recently,
a survey was distributed among a
small group of students and they
were asked the following questions:
What comes to mind when you
hear free community college?
Would you want community
college to be free? Why or why
What do you believe the ben-

efits and/or consequences are if

community college is free?
Do you believe free community college would be seen by the
majority as an opportunity or
obligation? In other words, do
you believe free college devalues a
college educations or enhances a
college education?
If free college devalues a college
education, what standards should
be set for students who want to
attend and keep their free college
education? (For example, there
could be a standard GPA of 3.0 or
there could be a range GPA)
Do you believe people will
take advantage of free college?
In a good or bad way? Why?

When the surveys were
completed, a majority of the
students presented mostly positive
answers regarding free community
college. I think it is a great idea,
answered an anonymous student.
Some people cannot afford
college. Another student believes
that it would be an incentive to
go to school, which is true in the
case of many. However, there are
downsides to the ideal of a free
community college. Student Josh
Carll believes in the potential of
hidden fees, strings attached, and
headaches. It is also mentioned
more than once by multiple
survey takers that a free community college would be financially
complex. How would the college

be funded? asks Kylee Bagley.

What was most interesting and
important in the survey was that
every student agreed on the belief
that students would take advantage of free community college in
a positive way.

Many students took note
that more people would be able to
pursue their dreams without the
struggles of financial aid or debt.
The majority of surveyed students
also agreed on the implementation
of a 3.0 GPA requirement to avoid
students who are simply taking up
space in lecture halls. While this
may sound steep to newcomers,
students already attending Cumberland County College are well
aware of all the help available on
campus to achieve and maintain
this grade point average. According to, the
United States is 12th in the world
for people with college educations
and that more than a third of
community college students are
the first in their family to go to

Heads Up America is a
site where supporters of free community college can pledge to work
hard and graduate college with
a four-year degree. They believe,
Two years of free community
college will lead to a better, smarter America. Their number of
sup-porters is 65,295 people and
counting and their goal is to reach
100,000 supporters. To make a
pledge, go online to the Heads Up
America website and follow the instructions on how to show support
for free community college. The
web-site also gives you access to
articles and updates on the free
community college movement.

Books Cell-phone
Notebook and Binder Laptop Pen and PencilWallet

You go through a
checklist in your mind to
see if you brought everything that is needed for
the day. Besides the basic
essentials, students carry
books, notebooks, pens,
and other items to class. Here
are some items to enhance your
everyday college routine.

Water Bottle: Weve all
heard the importance and benefits of drinking water. It helps
to ensure that your body
stays hydrated and remains
healthy. However, water
doesnt have to be in a regular water bottle anymore. Brita now has a water bottle with
a built in filter that makes any
source of water safer to drink.
Another way to bring water to
school is to buy a reusable water
bottle from a local retail store and
fill it with water from your house
or school water fountain.

Planner: With all the
plans that are scheduled on a
daily basis, a planner is a needed
tool that can help you maintain
your life and keep you organized. Not being organized day
to day can cause stress and
chaos. By having a planner,
you are able to avoid conflict
between your daily scheduled events and alleviate

Healthy Snack: So,
youre sitting in the middle of a
lecture trying to pay attention in
order to pass the first exam next
week, when all of a sudden your
stomach starts to rumble
and grumble. You
cant leave the class to
grab food because you
need to listen to your
professor. This is where a
packed snack can come in
as a lifesaver. If the professor
allows food/drink in their classroom, take the opportunity and
munch on a snack. By having a
class back-to-back or going from
school to work, a snack will help
you have the energy to make it
to your next meal. Whether its
walking to class, walking to your
car/transportation, or waiting
for class to start--snack time is

There are many more
essentials for college students
to carry but water, a planner,
and snacks are the top overall
choices that every student
can use. The list can be
modified to your preference. So, help yourself
succeed by bringing these
important items to school
each day.

photos courtesy of google images

Page 4 / Fall 2015

The Voice

Vote for Bernie Sanders for POTUS

Staff Writer

Who is Bernie Sanders?
Bernard Bernie Sanders is an
American politician who currently
serves as the junior United States
Senator from Vermont. He is running as the Democratic candidate
for President of the United States.
Why should you vote for Bernie
Sanders? Sanders will address
the problems of the income and
wealth inequality, racial injustice,
and the war in Iran. Sanders has
experience, he was elected mayor
of Burlington, New York where he
transformed Burlington into one
of the most stimulating and livable
small cities in America.

As mayor, the city underwent major strides in affordable
housing, progressive taxation, environmental protection, child care,
womens rights, youth programs
and the arts. Sanders understands
the importance of a decent paying
job. He wants to introduce a
legislation which would invest $1
trillion over 5 years to modernize
our countrys physical infrastructure, creating and maintaining at
least 13 million good-paying jobs
while making our country more
productive, efficient, and safe.
He also wants to create the Employ Young Americans Now Act
with represented John Conyers.
It would provide $5.5 billion in

immediate funding to employ one

million young Americans between
the ages of 16 and 24, and would
provide job training to hundreds
of thousands of others. Millions of
Americans are working for totally
inadequate wages. Many full-time
workers live in poverty. Sanders
wants to raise the current federal
minimum wage to $15 an hour
over the next several years. Bernie
Sanders is also a civil rights activist
who has participated in the civil
rights movement and has marched
in Washington D.C. He became
one of the leaders of the NAACP
ally called the Congress of Racial
Equality. He wants to help those
who have been discriminated
against because of the color of
their skin.

Police brutality has
become a hot topic within the
news and many people find it hard
to trust the ones who have sworn
to protect and to serve the people.
Sanders wants to reform our
police forces into something that
we know longer fear. He wants to
invest in community policing so
that the officers are involved in the
communities. By working within
the neighborhoods before trouble
arises, develops the relationships
necessary to make communities
safer together. Among other
things, that means increasing
civilian misunderstanding of

police departments. A police

force that reflects the diversity of
communities and federal funding
that requires body cameras for law
enforcement officers to make it
easier to hold them accountable.
Sanders has also been a longtime supporter of the LGBT
community. He supported the
Employment Non-Discrimination
Act when it passed in the Senate
in 2013. Hes a cosponsor of the
federal LGBT-inclusive Student
Non-Discrimination Act and has
consistently voted against bills
seeking to amend the Constitution
to ban same-sex marriage, while
co-sponsoring a bill that would repeal the remaining portions of the
so-called Defense of Marriage Act.
He also voted against the Marriage
Protection Amendment, which
proposed that marriage in the
United States shall consist only of
the union of a man and woman.
Sanders has the modern view of
what the future of America could
be where everyone is treated fairly
and equally no matter race, gender, or sexual orientation. What
the American people want to see
in their president is somebody
who not necessarily can win every
fight, but they want to see him
stand up and fight for what he
believes, take his case to the American people, says Sanders.

Hook ups and downs

Staff Writer

There are six types of
bullying in the world today. From
domestic and physical, to verbal
and cyber. One type of bullying is
caught in the middle and that is
sexual bullying. Sexually bullying is making crude jokes about
what someone does or what you
think he/she does in his/her sex
life. The bullies also humiliate the
target and make him/her feel very

One of the biggest forms
of sexual bullying is slut-shaming. The international pop singer,
Ariana Grande, once wrote if a
woman has a lot of sex (or any sex
for that matter)shes a slut. If
a man has sexHES. A. STUD.
A BOSS. A KING. If a woman
even TALKS about sex openly
she is shamed!

Slut shaming is an
epidemic. It is starting to become
a major problem. It has a tremendous impact and could ruin
peoples reputations according
to From the way
that people carry themselves and
dress, to what they say and do,
they are shamed.

During the 1960s,
phrases like peace, love and understanding, and make love not
war were ideas being promoted to
end violence. Acceptance of sexual
relationships prior to marriage
were expressed in the media and in
music. Many college students sup-

ported these ideals and hookups

thrived. In society today, hooking
up with others is a social norm,
but people still get slut shamed for

No matter our behavior
or beliefs, we should have more
respect for each other and that
means accepting each others life

According to expert Vern
L. Bullough, American historian and sexologist, author, RN,
and Dean of Natural and Social
Sciences at Buffalo State College,
people should have the right to
enjoy sexual pleasure as long as
they are being ethically responsible.

If, for example, you
want to be intimate with someone
when you first meet them, if you
are on vacation and want to have
a fling, if you are at a wedding and
want to have a romantic escapade,
or just a one night stand, the most
important thing is to know what
you are doing and why you are
doing it. In other words, own it,
said Dr. Jane Greer, marriage and
family therapist, and recognized
expert on love, relationships, and

So many people are
uneducated when it comes to handling the bullying of slut-shaming.
There is no special way to combat
this issue. If your friend is going
through a difficult time with
being slut-shamed, the only thing
you can do to help is to show her

Bernie Sanders, United States Senator from Vermont, is running as a

Democratic candidate for POTUS.

Heres some interesting facts about

Bernie Sanders:
- Sanders attended Brooklyn
College from 1959-1960 and the
University of Chicago in 1964. He
has a Bachelors Degree in Political
- During his time at the University
of Chicago, Sanders was a member
of the Young Peoples Socialist
- Sanders is serving his second
term in the U.S. Senate after winning the election back in 2012.

Google Images

- Sanders is the longest-serving independant politician in

- Bernie Sanders parents were
Jewish immigrants from Poland.
- Sanders served eight straight
years in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991-2007.
- Sanders will be the first Jewish-American President if he
wins the election.

- Sanders won 71 percent of the

vote in that 2012 campaign.

The Voice
The Voice is the student newspaper of Cumberland

County College and opinions expressed therein are

not the opinions of Cumberland County College.

Joshua Carll/Staff Photographer

CCC student, Peter Moran approaches

CCC student, Georgia Salvaryn in the
FPAC hallway to help break the ice and
make her laugh. Respecting each other
creates a strong relationship.

support and remind her that she is

not alone.

According to Pew Research Internet Project:
- 27% of Internet users have been
called offensive names.
- 19% of Internet users said
they witnessed someone sexually
- 16% of women age 18-24 have
been stalked online.
- 25% of women age 18-24 were
the target of online sexual harassment.

Enough with the judgment of society, we need to come
together and fight for the respect
that every human being deserves,
no matter what his or her life
choices. Lets get together and end
the shame.

The Voice welcomes responses to our editorial pages

and strives to present its readers with accurate and
fair reporting. If you should wish to submit a letter
to the editor, request a correction or contribute a
story idea, please email the faculty advisor directly.
All articles and letters submitted to The Voice may
be edited for clarity, professionial standards, correctness and space restrictions.

Staff Writers:

Kylee Bagley
Josh Carll
Tamaris Cooper
Yvonne Curry
Adriana DeBartolomeis
Russell Garvey, Jr.
Makinzi Hinkle
Owen James
Mallory Johnson
Amber Murray
Marla Newsom
Tim Payton
Eliud Rivera
Georgia Salvaryn
Steve Turner


Kylee Bagley
Josh Carll
Yvonne Curry
Adriana DeBartolomeis
Jenn Hallgren
Makinzi Hinkle
Owen James
Amber Murray
Joe Parker
Tim Payton
Georgia Salvaryn
Steve Turner
Amy Vurganov

Faculty Advisor:
Renee Post

The Voice


Music review or music revolution?

Fall 2015 / Page 5


Staff Writer

Staff Writer

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Google Images
Google Images
Google Images

NoName Gypsy

NoName Gypsy is a
rapper on the come up from the
Chicago underground scene. Her
breakout into music was back in
2013, when she was featured on
Chance the Rappers mix tape,
Acid Rap. Gypsys sound is
deceptively casual, but her flow is
intentional. She uses her voice to
raise questions and make waves,
succeeding at just that. Her beats
are light and idyllic as a way to
counteract the impulsive verses she

She handles serious issues
with light humor such as in her
single Sunday Morning where
she mocks the government: Universal mind control, let me see you
robot. Racism construct, let me
see you robot.

Her latest work is her
feature on Chance the Rappers
new song, Israel where they meet
their peers in their questions by
playing off of Bible verses saying,
Excuse them, they know of what
they do. The 24 year-old lyricist
has been working on her promising debut album Telefone, due to
drop any day now.

Twenty One Pilots

Twenty One Pilots is the
duo of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun
from Columbus, Ohio. They released their signed debut, Vessel
via Fueled by Ramen in 2013 and
released their second album, Blurryface this past May. Their music
is a mix of Indie Pop with the use
of alternative Hip Hop beats.

Throughout their songs
they create fluidity by mixing
rapping and singing, but always
return to their original genre of
alternative pop that their listeners love. They use pieces of every
genre from Pop to Indie to Hip
Hop as a way to create diversity in
their songs. This only backfires on
them occasionally when hearing
all the genres at once proves to be
too much.

On the lattermost
produced album, the songs Ride
and Lane Boy, among a few others, give a nod to Reggae influences in a form of experimentation
that for the most part, fans seem
to enjoy.

Frank Ocean

Frank Ocean has been
out of the public eye for a minute,
and everyone wants to knowwhats good, Frank? Where the
album at? The 27 year-old singer
has taken an unofficial three year
hiatus since his last album, Channel Orange dropped. His new
album was supposed to come out
in July 2015.

People are not handling
the Thinkin Bout You artists
news well at all. Fans are taking
to social media saying, Im still
bumping Swim Good in 2015, I
dont deserve this. Many people
are even threatening to make their
own Frank Ocean diss tracks.
Franks previous work is pulled
from the inner corners of his soul,
pointedly his tracks We All Try
and Bad Religion.

No singles or album artwork has been produced to soothe
eager fans and there are only hints
at the name Boys Dont Cry for
his new compilation of work.
Keep an eye out for this thing people, and let me know if you hear

The Front Bottoms

Here is a band thats
been around since 2007, but
has just been signed to their first
major record label (Fueled by
Ramen) and released their first full
length album. The Front Bottoms
newest album Back on Top was
released in mid-September and
has been getting all the love in the
world from their diehard fans, and
even some new ones too. People
love the relatable lyrics The Front
Bottoms are known for, such as,
I'm only human with my flaws,
just a fool without a cause (From
their new song, Motorcycle).

Their lead singer, Brian
Sella, writes poetically, belting
out metaphorical lyrics that deal
with everyday life that almost
everyone can understand and
relate to. Their alternative sound
works well for them and they are
able to use it across the spectrum,
bouncing from occasional pop
punk influences to a harder rock
n roll sound. Unlike most other
punk bands, The Front Bottoms
songs all have an upbeat vibe to
them and look on the positive side
of things, letting us know, its all
going to be okay.

Welcome to the 60s! Hairspray is coming to CCC

Staff Writer

The eight-time Tony
Award winning musical will be
gracing the Luciano Theatre at the
Fine and Performing Arts Center
from November 19 to the 22.

Based on the 1988 John
Waters film of the same name,
Hairspray is set in Baltimore,
1962 as a young Tracy Turnblad,
an obese high school student,
dreams of making it on the very
popular after-school dance program, The Corny Collins Show.
When she gains the popularity to
win a place on the show, upsetting
many of the popular students
already on the show, she uses this
opportunity to help bring change
and equality to Baltimore with
the assistance of some of her new
Corny Collins Show friends.

Perry Award winner
Deborah Bradshaw will be directing her cast with the help from
musical director Rosalind Metcalf
and choreographer Mariah Frost.
Having been involved with over
30 productions at CCC, Deborah
comes from an impressive theater
background that most recently
includes Les Misrables and the
Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. Hairspray will be her 20th
musical production at the college
- including 28 dance numbers!

When discussing the
musical message Bradshaw states,
Its about racism, prejudice, acceptance; it is a coming of age of
this young girl and people taking a
sort of confidence in what is right,
following their heart as opposed to
what the popular thing might be.
They accept this girl for who she is
and dont judge her, it is all about
that, its great and the students
need to hear about that and we
talk a lot about it at rehearsal.

In her first starring role
on the Luciano stage, Melissa
Haddock will be bringing the
character of Tracy Turnblad to life
with her amazing high energy. A
secondary education major in her
sophomore year, Haddock is no
stranger to the stage having performed as Mrs. Potts in the Beauty
and the Beast and in Shrek: The
Musical. In CCCs last musical,
Little Shop of Horrors, she played
one of the urchins.

Tracy Turnblad is the
role Haddock has always wanted
to play since first seeing Nikki
Blonsky in the 2007 musical adaptation. Its going to be a really
great show. Its going to be very
high energy, its a lot of dancing,
and were all going to bring it
together very smoothly, said

The rest of the cast
brings every character to life.

Cumberland County
College has a wonderful campus
and offers a variety of programs
and activities. One of the most
popular programs is our music

I had the pleasure of
interviewing Dr. Piccone, the
Dean of the Arts and Humanities Division. I asked him some
very important questions, and he
responded with insightful answers.
Q: What is your role as the Arts
and Humanities Dean?
A: I am the overseer of the music,
theater, and arts program. When
I was given the management position, I thought Arts was a good fit.
I also teach a few online classes.
Q: How many schools or colleges have you directed over the
A: Ive overseen five different
Q: What has been your greatest
moment here at CCC?
A: The greatest moment or thing
to see is the students graduate. A
students success brings me a lot
of joy.
Q: If you werent an arts and
humanities director, what would
have been your next job?
A: If I werent an Arts and Humanities director, I would have
gone on to become a professor in
arts and music. Teaching is one of
the most rewarding professions.
Q: What are your goals for the
students in the music program?
A: In the music program we want
to prepare the students for the
next four-year college. Its important that we prepare the students
correctly, to make sure that their
music skills are sharp.

Georgia Salvaryn/Staff Photographer

Chrissie Capece, Steven Calakos, and Melissa Haddock rehearsing for Hairspray.

Link Larkin will be performed by

Steven Calakos, Chrissie Capece
is playing Amber Von Tussle and
in the drag role of Edna Turnblad,
Tracys mother, is Kevin Kolva.

The Broadway musical
production was adapted into a
film in 2007 with John Travolta
in the drag role of Edna, Michelle
Pfeiffer as Velma Von Tussle and
in her first film role, Nikki Blonsky as Tracy Turnblad.

Hairspray, in its original Broadway production, won
eight Tony awards including Best
Musical, Best Original Score, Best
Direction of a Musical, Best Book
of a Musical, Best Performance
by a Leading Actor for Edna
Turnblad, Best Performance by a

Leading Actress and Best Costume


Tickets are available now
for $10.00 - $15.00 at the Luciano Theater box office, call 856692-8499, or in person, Box Office Hours are Tuesday, Thursday
and Fri 10 am 2 pm, Wednesday
4 pm 7 pm. Students can show
their college ID at the box office
for a discounted price of $5.00.
Also available online at http://

Q: What are your views on

instrumental practice?
A: It depends on what type of
instrument the student has. Some
instruments require students to
practice inside and outside the

Piccone attended Glassboro State College now, Rowan
University. Piccone transferred to
Michigan State and majored in
music composition.

Dr. Maud Goodnight

played a major role in Cumberland County College establishing
a music program. In 1996, Goodnight contacted Piccone and asked
him to come to Cumberland
County College. Piconne came to
Cumberland County College and
helped expand the music program
to what it is today.

Page 6 / Fall 2015

The Voice


Nothing minor about

Millville native, MikeTrout

Google image

Angels outfielder and Millville native, Mike Trout, helps Thomas Walkup with his
swing. Trout gives back to his community inbetween his busy MLB schedule.

Staff writer

Many people dont know
who Mike Trout was in high
school. During his high school
baseball career, he definitely
made his mark. Leroy Hallenbeck, Trouts high school coach,
said that Trout holds the record
for runs, hits, batting average,
doubles, triples, home runs, total
bases, slugging %, stolen bases,
walks, RBIs, and strike outs (as a

As a graduate from Millville Senior High School, Trout
was drafted in the first round of
the 2009 MLB draft. In a recent
interview with Hallenbeck, he was
asked how he was as a person and
a player.
Q: How was Mike on and off the
A: On the field, Mike was the
biggest, strongest, fastest, and best
player at any game or tournament
he was attending. Off the field, he
acted just like any other player I
have had over my 18-year career.
I used to tell scouts, If you didnt
already know who he was you
wouldnt be able to pick him out
based on how he acts, hes just one
of the guys.
Q: As each season passed, did he
grow as a player and a person?
A: Most players will experience
one major jump in talent and
maturity during their 4-year HS
career. Mike seemed to make that
jump every year. He just kept
getting better.
Q: How was he as a player?
A: He currently holds these school
career records. Runs 151, Hits
142, Batting Ave - .464, Doubles
25, Triples 6, Home Runs
31, Total Bases 272, Slugging
% - .890, Stolen Bases 70, Walks
87, RBIs 121, Strike outs (as a
pitcher) 255
Q: What position(s) did he play?
Has he always played outfield?
A: When he was younger he was a
pitcher and a short stop. I moved
him to center field for his senior
season. He fit there much better
with the draft coming up.

Trout is known for
helping people but the most

recent deed hes done was help his

number one fan make his dreams
come true. It was early August and
Thomas Walkup was headed to a
regular eye doctor appointment.
But Walkup is like no other 8 year
old. He was born with Congenital
Nystagmus, as known as shaky

Susan Banks, his mother,
realized that the surgery Walkup
needed was in California and there
was no way the family was able to
afford a near month long trip.

Luckily, the insurance
was able to cover the surgery, but
they needed to pay for the flights
and hotel room for a family of
four. Banks decided to ask the city
of Millville to help her out and
Millville answered by fundraising
$16,000 in a week worth of time.
Debbie Trout noticed the story
about Walkup and forwarded it
to the Angels VP of Communications, Tim Mead.

On August ninth, the
family of four flew out to California and stayed until August 28.
The three-hour procedure was set
for August 13. Banks planned on
taking Walkup to an Angels game
on August 20 or 21 and when he
left the hospital, he was wearing
his Trout jersey.

When the day came,
Walkup was on the field for
batting practice and he sat right
behind home plate for the game.
During batting practice, Trout
approached Walkup. Walkup was
nervous and excited.

One of the things they
talked about was their favorite
place was to eat in Millville. Trout
answered, Jims Lunch and
Walkup said that he preferred
Arbys over Jims Lunch.

The Angels lost the
game, 9-2, to the Toronto Blue
Jays, but it was one of the best
days in Walkups life.

Google image

Angels outfielder Mike Trout makes the

catch of the year extending his reach
over the wall against the Baltimore

Namaste in school, stress free

Staff writer

Lets set the scene, shall
we? You had a full day of classes, went straight to work, came
home and had three exams you
needed to study for, two papers
to write, and lets not forget the
fact that youre hungry and havent
eaten all day. You feel extremely
overwhelmed and at this point
you feel so stressed and exhausted
that schoolwork is the last thing
on your mind. All you really want
to do is lay in bed, put on some
Netflix, and sleep. Sounds about
right, doesnt it?

Trust and believe that
you arent the first, and you
definitely wont be the last college
student to encounter these feelings. College can be very stressful,
and when you add in the extras of
work, trying to stay healthy, and
trying to maintain somewhat of
a social life, it can almost feel like
youre being pulled in a million
different directions and you just
want to scream. If only there was
a healthy outlet to let go of all of
these feelings. But wait What if
there was?

Meditating is a practice
that has been around for hundreds of years and has been used
by millions all over the world.
Meditating is defined inWebster
Dictionary as, thinking deeply or
focusing ones mind for a period
of time, in silence or with the
aid of chanting, for religious or
spiritual purposes or as a method
of relaxation. Its something you
can do anywhere, at anytime, for
any duration of your choosing.

When you meditate,

facebook image

you shut off the distractions of

the outside world, allowing you
to temporarily silence your mind.
You can physically measure the
changes your body encounters
during meditation. In the book
The Best Meditations On The
Planet, author Dr. Martin Hart
explains what happens to your
body and brain during meditation.

During meditation,
your respiration and heart rate
slow down. Your brain wave frequencies also slow down. Usually
your brain operates at 13 to 30
cycles per second. When meditating, your brain waves are reduced
to 8 to 13 cycles per second. This
brings you to an inward state of
being where youre relaxed, and
no longer focused on external
distractions. Youre simply focused
on you and relaxing.

There are many benefits
to meditating. It lowers your
blood pressure, stimulates cell
growth, decreases the need for substance abuse, aids weight loss, improves your memory, and boosts
intelligence and academic performance. A study done at UCLA by
neuroscientist Dr. Eileen Luders,

proved that meditation can increase the size of the brain. Other
clinical studies have shown us that
meditation strengthens the part
of your brain thats linked with
positive feelings which helps fight
the issues of stress and anxiety.

Now that you know
all of the benefits of meditating,
Im sure the next question youre
asking yourself is, How do I meditate?. Its actually very simple.
You dont need any hard preparation or a specific setting. All you
have to do is find a spot where you
can get comfortable, and start off
by sitting or lying down. You can
meditate at any time of the day,
wherever you are, by yourself or
with others. Give yourself some
quiet private time.

from basically anywhere on the

court. He had a pretty impressive
shooting percentage last year at
46.8%. On top of that, he was
a good scorer. By the end of the
season he was averaging 10.5
points per game. This kid has
a very unique skill set. He can
create space on the floor and
most importantly, he can hit
three-pointer. Hackett finished the
season at 35.5% from three-pointer territory. That will be a pretty
huge factor to this teams success.
Hackett is going to do great things
this season, keep an eye open on

is an efficient scorer and I wouldnt

be surprised if his scoring numbers
get higher this season.

Dukes mens basketball team highlights

Staff writer

The fall semester has
started and the basketball season
is coming next! Its going to be an
exciting year for Dukes basketball.
After an upsetting lose to Bergen
Community College in first round
last year, the young Dukes have a
fire in their eyes and theyre ready
to take on this new season.

The Dukes play 29
games this season. The first game
is a scrimmage at Montgomery
Community College on October
20th. Although this game is a
scrimmage, its the first look at the
Dukes team for the 2015-2015
season. The Dukes will play half
of their games at home and other
half at the opposing teams college.

This years team has so
many talented players. Although
there will be some freshman
playing, the second year players
will help them adjust and grow as
a basketball player.

There will be some new
players, but there is some returning players to really keep your
eyes on. Here are three names that
come to mind.
Seth Hackett

Seth Hackett is a great
guard. He has the ability to shoot

Khaliq Ford

Khaliq Ford is such an
extremely gifted basketball player.
He pretty much has all of the
things you look for in a point
guard. Ford is a very versatile
player. Not only is he an efficient
scorer, but its also amazing on
chasing down the opposing team
on fast breaks. He has really great
handles an passing skills. Khaliq
finished his last game of the season
versus Bergen Community College
with an outstanding 30 points on
13-19 shooting, 8 rebounds and 4
assists. Thats an amazing stat line.
He averaged 13.2 points per game
on 46.5% from the field. This guy

Markevis Johnson

Markevis Johnson is a
dominate forward. He has the
ability to shoot the ball from deep,
take it to the rack and grab rebounds. It doesnt even stop there.
Hes also a really impressive passer
and has great ball handling ability.
This guy is gifted. He can really
stretch the floor and play anywhere. Johnson can bully people
down low in the paint and drain
the ball from deep. Last season,
he averaged 15.2 points per game
on 42.6% shooting. Johnson is a
really good three-point shooter.
He can drain contested threes and
threes from way behind the arc.
He was 40.4% from long range
last season.

This team is clearly gifted
and has the talent it needs to have
a successful season. And with the
new head coach, Willis Wareham,
taking the wheel, this team could
be something special.

Go Dukes!

The Voice

Fall 2015/ Page 7


With great power comes

great responsibilty; Heres
why you need to vote
Staff Writer

Why do I have to vote?
My vote doesnt matter. YES. Yes
it does. Every single vote matters,
especially if you are a millennial. Unless you have been living
under a rock for the past month
or so, I am sure you have seen and
heard Donald Trump and Hillary
Clinton all over television, radio,
and social media platforms. Im
sure you are aware that Trump
and Clinton are both running for
president but there are probably
several other candidates you dont
know anything about. It is time to
educate yourself on who will lead
our country.

There are numerous ways
you can register to vote. If you
have a printer at your house or
have time between classes to stop
at the library you can go online
and print out an application form
there. The form tells you exactly
how to go about sending it in. All
you have to do is fold the paper a
couple of times and add tape. It

really is that easy. If for some

reason you cant print out an
application, you can always stop
at the DMV and fill one out there.

If reading this article has
helped you realize that you want
to vote, but you have no idea
who to vote for, I can help you
with that as well. There are two
parties in the Presidential election:
Republican (the elephant) and
Democrat (the donkey). You may
find elephants cuter than donkeys
or vice-versa, but these mascots
were actually popularized by artist,
Thomas Nast. He came up with
the idea after Democratic candidate Andrew Jackson was referred
to as a jackass. Nast decided to
use that perception in a newspaper
cartoon where he chose a donkey
or ass to represent the Democratic Party, while an elephant
would represent the Republican
Party. The concept stuck, so please
remember that when voting.

Whats the difference
between the two? To begin, Republicans are more conservative,
as Democrats are more liberal.
This means regarding issues such

Rob Rogers/Pittsbuergh-Post Gazette

as abortion, according to Gallup.

com, 68% of Republicans are pro
life, while 62% of Democrats are
pro-choice. In the terms of social
ideas, Republicans base their ideas
on individual rights and justice,
whereas Democrats base their
social ideas on community and
social responsibility. Just because
there are two sides doesnt automatically mean that every single
candidate on either side believes
the same thing as the other. This
can make deciding that much
harder. You hear people talking
about Trump and Clinton often,
but you shouldnt assume because
youre a Democrat that the obvious choice is Clinton. After all,
you may not stand by her choices,
as they do not represent the Democratic Party as a whole.

Watching the debates
and reading articles might not be
something you like or understand,

Staff Writer

More than
200,000 Syrians
have lost their
lives in four
years of armed
conflict confirmed a report
by BBC News
March 12, 2015.

The same report states that the

conflict began with anti-government protests and was escalated
into a full-scale civil war. More
than 11 million others have been
forced from their homes as forces
loyal to President Bashar al-Assad
of Syria and those opposed to his
rule battle each other as well as
jihadist militants from the Islamic
State. The UN Secretary General

and thats okay. There is a website

that can help. A free website to
help make your decision an easier,
better informed one. The website
political-quiz. The site features an
online quiz that asks you questions
regarding popular topics, such as
Do you support the legalization
of same sex marriage? before
having you rate it, based on how
important this issue is to you
from least to most. There are 10
different sections, varying from
society to immigration. Most
of the sections have about three
questions, but you have the option
to answer more questions in that
certain section if you wish to find
the perfect candidate for you. If
you dont understand the question
there is always a learn more
button to help further explain the
topic to you.

The quiz takes about five


L-R: SOS @ UCF President Hiba Shaban, SOS National Student Director Zana Alattar, and SOS @ EMU President Ahanas Alzahabi at the March 15 Conference in Wasthingon, D.C.

Ban Ki-moon stated in a speech at

the UN in January 2014, What
began as another Arab Spring
uprising against an autocratic
ruler has mushroomed into a
brutal proxy war that has drawn in
regional and world powers.

As a result, this horrific
outcry has touched individuals
all over the globe. The Wall Street
Journal reported on September
12, 2015 that tens of thousands of
demonstrators in Europe rallied to
express sympathy toward migrants
seeking refuge in the region amid
the largest migration of displaced
people since the end of World
War II. According to the Journal,
about 30,000 people converged
in Copenhagen carrying banners
such as Refugees Welcome. In
Hamburg, Germany, more than
24,000 people demonstrated
against xenophobia and racism.
Demonstrators also marched in
London to pressure the British
government to take in more refugees.

These world powers are
not all on the same page as their
protesters. In fact, the president
of Hungary defended his countrys
tough migrant policy in a German
tabloid Bild quoted in an interview as staring, These migrants
dont come from the war zone, but
from camps in Syrias neighboring
countries Lebanon, Jordan and
Turkey, where they were in safety
and thus didnt fear of their lives,
but for wanting a better life.
Hungarys president also stated in
the interview that he could understand the Syrians for this, but
there is no fundamental right to
a better life. He believes there is
only a right to security and human

According to USAID.
gov, the United States remains
committed to helping the innocent children, women, and men
affected by the ongoing conflict
in Syria. The total U.S. humanitarian assistance since the start of
the conflict in March 2011 is now

more than $3 billion. The United

States remains the single-largest
donor of humanitarian aid for
those affected by Syrias crisis,
which has become its biggest humanitarian emergency of our era.

An article, written by
Hannan Adely of NorthJersey.
coms local news, stated that as the
refugees arrive in the country in
the next two years, many residents
of North Jersey will likely meet
people who have suffered and
persevered in the way one family
of Jersey City has described their
journey from Syria.

Hussam Alroustom, his
wife, and two children arrived in
in Jersey City, New Jersey in July
2013 after fleeing Syria in April
2013. In the interview, Hussam
explained how he and his family
didnt have the basics of life. They
had lost everything, so for him
and his family to come to the
United States, he was willing because there was nothing for them
to lose. Alroustom described in

minutes without using this learn

more feature. Once you have
answered all the questions it will
take about 30 seconds to get your
results. These results come out as
percentages, meaning you could
agree 99% with one candidate,
but still agree 2% with another.
This doesnt mean you have to
vote for your number one result;
its more of a suggestion to follow

This quiz gives you a
more general idea on who and
what to research, given the results.
Owen James, a student, took the
quiz and found it, So cool. I
liked the option to read more.

We can continue to
change the world, but only if we
make the effort. The next time
you will have a say is four years
after our next President is elected.
If you dont vote, you have no
his interview a city called Homs
where he and his family lived
before the war.

Located in west central
Syria it was one of the first places
to join the rebellion against the
regime of President Bashar al-Assad, and it was commonly the site
of mass anti-government demonstrations as passive protests were
replaced by armed revolt once
the country descended into civil
war. When Alroustom and his
family would return home after
bombings, he said they would find
shattered windows and blasted
walls, until the toll was so great
they decided to leave. The stayed
with relatives in two other places,
but those neighborhoods also
came under fire.

Its stories like Alroustoms that may have prompted
a national network for college
students founded last year called
Students Organize for Syria (SOS)
featured in a September 16, 2015
article for USA Today to spring
into action taking, the refugee crisis as a call to arms to reinvigorate
their campaign to raise awareness
about the plight of Syrians and the
need to assist them in their quest
for a free Syria, according to the

Moreover, the article
states that SOS plans to partner
with a program called Paper Airplanes this fall, which lets college
students tutor Syrians in English
via Skype. The program aims to
help Syrians pursue a secondary
education in the U.S., Turkey,
Europe and more. If CCC college
students would like to get involved
log onto http://organize4syria.
com/ and click Get Involved.

Page 8 / Fall 2015

The Voice


Lasting love for long distance relationships
Staff Writer
The hardest thing for us is communication. How do we maintain talking every day?

Depending on time zones and situations with school, work, etc. it
can be tricky to maintain conversation throughout the day. Dont
worry about texting the whole day.
Ive learned that instead of trying
to have short conversations here
and there its much more enjoyable to find a time of the day that
you both are free for Facetime or
Skype. I recommend a time when
one or both of you are going to
sleep that way you can fall asleep
Im so nervous about meeting
them even when I know everything about them.

It is totally normal to be nervous.
You probably know everything
and more about him/her and thats
what is scary about the whole
thing. You have to be positive
though, and do not go into meeting him/her thinking what if Im
not or theyre not as amazing as it
seems thus far. Stay positive and
be who you are! This person is just
as nervous as you are.
How can I get over the thought
of them cheating on me since
Im not there?

Trust, trust, and more

trust. Long distance relationships

are all about trust. Remember,
they are in this relationship too.
They committed to the relationship as much as you did. At first
the thoughts will swirl around
your head, but you have to relax.
If theyre out all the time with
people youre not familiar with
and it makes you uncomfortable,
you have to speak up. Talking is
very important.
How should I explain this to my

Take it slow. If you know your
parents wont accept it right away,
wait until you are SURE of the
person you are with. Once you
think its time to explain everything to them theyre probably
going to ask you, How do you
know theyre real?! It is frustrating, but reasonable. Parents dont
understand meeting over the
internet like we do. Its a different
process than theyre used to. If it
will help them, introduce your
significant other to your parents
over Facetime or Skype to make it
real for them.

relationship, or that its not worth

it. But its your relationship, not
theirs. If anything your relationship may be stronger than any
type of relationship theyve ever
had they just dont understand.
You will have people telling you
to get a real relationship but
dont listen to them. Listen to your
heart and do what you want. This
is your potential love.
How do we make the relationship fun?

Plan date nights like any other
relationship! Watch movies with
each other, go pick up some McDonalds and pretend like youre
having dinner together, start a fall
television series together that you
have to be home at 9:00 for every
Thursday or something. Knowing
you have that to look forward
to will make your day so much

Whats the hardest thing about

long distance relationships?

The hardest thing is dealing with
other people. Hearing negative
comments from friends, family,
or anyone else really hurts. They
will try and tell you its not a real

Is naptime the right time for you?

Staff Writer

We are so involved these
days with work and school and
some of us being parents, that we
neglect ourselves the majority of
the time. We run ourselves ragged
without stopping to rest. Because
of this, we might not always have
the time to sleep those recommended eight hours and sleep is so
important to our bodies because
without it, we would not have the
energy to function properly.

This is why napping is so
important. According to the Sleep
Foundation, a short nap is usually
recommended (20-30 minutes)
for short-term alertness. This
type of nap provides significant
benefit for improved alertness and
performance without leaving you
feeling groggy or interfering with
nighttime sleep.

Napping is healthy because it restores your alertness and
mind while also improving performance of tasks both mentally
and physically. Also, a 10-minute
nap produced the most benefit in
terms of reduced sleepiness and
improved cognitive performance.
A nap lasting 30 minutes or longer
is more likely to be accompanied
by grogginess, the Sleep Foundation reports.

Now, there are many
factors to napping and how you


Amanda (Mandy) Riendeau at the Fine and Performing Arts building on CCC campus,
taking a quick break from her busy life to catch a few Zzzs.

will feel afterwards. How long did

you sleep for the night before?
Where are you taking your nap?
All of these factors can play a part
in how you feel afterwards. One
great place to take a nap is in
your car. All you need is a pillow,
a blanket, and an alarm. I always
keep a blanket and pillow in my
car because you can even use the
blanket for a picnic or if it gets
cold. Set your phone alarm for 1020 minutes and you can relax in
your reclined chair or sprawl out
in your backseat.

I interviewed people
ranging from age 16 to 36 and
what I have discovered people who
slept an average of eight hours of
sleep, did not take naps throughout the day and they felt fine, but
those who slept less than eight

hours, felt tired during their day.

About 75% of the people who did
not get the adequate amount of
sleep, refuse to take naps because
they felt they were too busy, but
after hearing that a good nap
can take up to 20 minutes, some
considered napping for the future.

Everybody is busy. Being
a college student is hectic. Between studying, homework, jobs,
and some of us being parents, it
seems like the odds are against us
and we have no time for anything. You can easily take a 10-20
minute break, because what good
are you if you are exhausted to the
point where you cannot function?
For all the stress you go through,
you deserve this. This nap is like
a mini vacation for not only the
body, but also the mind.

Google Images

Is binge watching bad for your health?

Your next episode could be your last
Staff Writer

Cant get enough
of Game of Thrones? TV
Binge-watching is a new craze
to the point of becoming the
norm for television viewing. Two
new studies, one performed by
Harvard University and the other
by the University of Texas find
that binge-watching your favorite
TV show can be damaging to you
physically and mentally.

In a 2013 study conducted by Netflix, a majority of
viewers (73 Percent) defined their
binge-watching as viewing two to
six episodes of the same show at
one time. Netflix partnered with
cultural anthropologist Grant
McCracken to find out why
binge-watching has taken control
of viewers.

McCracken studied
many households across the
United States and Canada to find
an answer about this new trend in
TV viewing. I found that binge
watching has really taken off due
to a perfect storm of better TV,
our current economic climate, and
the digital explosion of the last
few years. But this TV watcher
is different, the couch potato has
awoken. And now that services
like Netflix have given consumers
control over their TV viewing,
they have declared a new way to
watch, said McCracken.

It is understood that
inactivity for long periods of time
can lead to several different health
problems. A study published in
the Journal of American Medical
Association, combined the data
from eight separate studies and
concluded that for every two
additional hours spent watching
TV increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 20%. The
risk of heart disease also raised by
15%. When the data was expanded to an additional three hours
of television watching, the risk of
these diseases, and the possibility
of death increased on average,

Frank Hu, M.D., professor of nutrition and epidemiology
at the Harvard School of Public
Health and a contributor to the
analysis stated, When put together, the findings are remarkably
consistent across different studies
and different populations. This
study also found that Americans spend five or more hours a
day watching television. This is
much more than Europeans and

Australians. In their study, Hu

and his partner analyzed more
than 175,000 people around the
world for which the studies were
conducted between six to ten
years. Also in their findings, for
every two hours Americans spend
watching TV every day, 176 new
cases of diabetes, 38 deaths from
heart disease, and 104 deaths due
to other inactive TV watching
habits per 100,000 people per

Researchers at the
University of Texas recently performed a study on the mental effects of binge-watching TV, titled
A Bad Habit For Your Health?
An Exploration Of Psychological Factors For Binge-Watching
Behavior. Yoon Hi Sung, Eun
Yeon Kang and Wei-Na Lee
asked 316 people between the
ages of 18 -29 how often they
binge-watched TV and then
several questions of their mental
and emotional state, such as how
often they feel loneliness, depression and deficiencies in self-regulation. Their findings concluded
that people who are depressed
and or lonely are more prone to
TV binging and are using it to
suppress these bad feelings.

Researcher Yoon Hi
Sung also agreed with the physical effects binge-watching TV
can have, Even though some
people argue that binge-watching
is a harmless addiction, findings
from our study suggest that
binge-watching should no longer
be viewed this way. Physical fatigue and problems such as obesity and other health problems are
related to binge-watching, and
they are a cause for concern.

Since binge-watching
TV has begun, there has been
very little study into the effects,
short term or long term, of what
binge-watching TV has on the
viewers. Our research is a step
toward exploring binge-watching
as an important media and social
phenomenon, states Yoon Hi

So when you are preparing for that long awaited run
of shows, like Game of Thrones,
think about taking extended
breaks to do something active,
like sports or going out with
friends for a healthy meal instead
of some of the usual junk food.

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