Winter 2015 Edition The Voice-2

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The Voice
Cumberland County Colleges
Award-Winning Newspaper

Winter 2015

Volume 29, Edition 2

Rowan College at Cumberland?

Staff Writer

For the past several
months, Cumberland County
College has been meeting with
regional four-year universities for a
possible partnership. Our number
one candidate up for consideration
is Rowan University.

While conducting research for this article, information
and files about this process were
provided for faculty and staff via
the Portal. But, when a search was
conducted via the college website
and the Student Portal, information was not found.

I had the opportunity to
interview John Gibbs, Associate
Professor of English, and Dr. Kim
Ayres, a consultant for the college

on various projects. Professor

Gibbs stated his concern of the
partnership with Rowan being a
merger and that the possible name
change of Cumberland County
College to Rowan College at
Cumberland County. Dr. Ayres
clarified stating that this will not
be a merger but a partnership
between Rowan and Cumberland,
but the name change is non-negotiable. Both presented opposing
sides and expressed their thoughts
and concerns on this possible

Q: What are the benefits of Cumberland County
College partnering with Rowan

The only benefit of this
partnership is the opportunity for

transfer students and their ability

to seamlessly transfer credits to
Rowan University, stated Professor Gibbs. There are no other

Dr. Ayres, on the other
hand, stated that this partnership
will allow students to have access
to a higher education in a fouryear university, will be affordable
for students to achieve a four-year
degree, and will give students a
greater choice for a higher education.

Q: Do you believe the
partnership will bring in more
students? Why or why not?

Because these partnerships are new for higher education
institutions, there is no solid
evidence of an increase or decrease

in incoming students, Gibbs said.

Professor Gibbs predicts that there
will be no increase in enrollment
whatsoever, but there could be
a possible decrease. Dr. Ayres
stated, There is not enough data
collected to predict an increase in
enrollment, but the partnership
could possibly attract a new pool
of students to Cumberland.

Q: What will happen
to the University Center and
the other partnerships with the
various colleges and universities?

Professor Gibbs expressed his fear about the University Center stating, Rowan would
either eliminate [the University
Center] or take it over, so that
most of the students would then
go to Rowan for the last two

years. Dr. Ayres commented that

the University Center is a non-negotiable entity and that everything
in the University Center will
remain the same. She also stated
that the colleges goal is to expand
and grow the University Center
and this partnership will allow
CCC the opportunity to partner
with other four-year colleges.

Q: What will happen
to Cumberland County College
if the partnership doesnt go as

Professor Gibbs assesses
that if his information is correct,
politicians in Trenton may cut
off financial assistance to CCC if
we dont do what we are told. Dr.
Ayres states, Everything remains
the same.

OBOC: An evening with the author

Christina Baker Kline, author of Orphan Train

Google Images

Staff Writer

Cumberland County
College had the honor of hosting
a number one bestselling author,
this past October. Christina Baker
Kline was the selected author in
the 2015 One Book One College program. She was on campus
to share her insights on her New
York Times best seller Orphan

Train. Each year the OBOC committee chooses one exceptional

book for the college community
to read. Orphan Train did not

Briefly, the story Orphan
Train is a classic exile story that,
at its heart, revolves around an
elderly Irish immigrant women
(Vivian), who was among the
thousands of abandoned children
on the streets of New York taken
in by the Childrens Aid Society.
These children were regularly sent
by rail trains from the cities of the
East Coast to the farmlands of
the Midwest between 1854 and
1929, in hopes of a better future.
As Vivian remembers her past, she
connects with a younger character
Molly, a troubled teenager seemingly living a life Vivian is all too
familiar with.

Kline, who was born in
England, raised in Maine, and is
currently a resident of Montclair,

New Jersey is an admirable storyteller. Maybe once in a decade, or

even once in a generation, a book
like Orphan Train comes along.
Klines storytelling makes the reader aware of the characters harsh
loneliness, their deepest pain,
but also shows their resilience to
survive. From the first page of her
writing, its clear that Kline is a
contemporary master.

In person, Kline was
as fascinating and resilient as
her characters Vivian and Molly,
specifically the way she spoke of
her personal battle to overcome
cancer. Prior to the presentation
to the general public, English Professor, Sharon Kewish, the OBOC
coordinator, invited the author
to the college for an intimate
meet and greet. A small group
of students, staff, and faculty
enjoyed the opportunity to meet
the author, ask questions about
the book, express their likes as

well as dislikes, and revel in taking

pictures during a book signing.
Following an enjoyable dinner for
the author and the small group of
attendees, campus and community
members were invited to listen
to a free author-led invigorating
discussion on the history of the
novel, the motivations behind the
story, and a question and answer
session for the audience.

Orphan Train falls into
two distinct parts, both with
an underlying common theme,
the reveling of children passing
through a system that didnt have
their best interest at heart during
the 1800s, and simultaneously focusing on the present day. Not an
appealing subject, but an amazing
journey that is simply captivating.
Helen Schulman, New York Times
bestselling author of This Beautiful Life quotes, Christina Baker
Klines latest wonder, Orphan
Train, makes for compulsive read-

ing this is a story of resilience in

the face of tremendous odds and
oppressive loneliness. Meticulously researched and yet full of the
breath of life, Klines novel takes
us on an historical journey where
survival depends on ones own
steely backbone, and the miracle
of a large and generous heart.

This was the 10th year
for Cumberlands OBOC campus
and community wide reading program. The National Association of
Scholars has been studying college
common reading programs to find
out what books are selected, how
many and what kinds of colleges
have such programs, and how
these assignments are integrated
into campuses academic life.
Their analysis show that this is
a trend to pay attention to and
can be seen as a microcosm of
college life that can illuminate the
particular concepts that American
colleges expect of their students.

Is social media really social?


Staff Writer

There are more than 1.49
billion active users of Facebook
in the world as of June 30, 2015,
according to researchers at CNN.
com. This figure works out to be
1 in every 13 people are on the
social media giant, Facebook.
Started in February 2004 by Mark
Zuckerberg, Facebook has figuratively taken over the world. But is
social media really social?

With the rise of such

websites as Facebook, social

networking may be on the verge of
replacing traditional personal relationships for the next generation,
stated Sara Zay of USA Today.
But is it going to help that next
generation socially in the future?

According to Barbara
Greenberg, a clinical psychologist
for CNN, I believe social media
use is fine. It becomes problematic, however, when teens are
looking for balance in their lives
and are texting, tweeting etc. to

the exclusion of other activities

like exercise, seeing their friends
in person and getting out of the
house. There are many non-verbal
cues and social norms people do
not learn and exercise through
social media.

Social media has caused
problems socially since a message
sent positively can be seen as
neutral compared to their actual
intentions and neutral messages
can be taken negatively. This can
cause much social confusion. Also,

people can be more sexual and

aggressive due to the anonymity
of communicating and socializing
electronically. This is seen with
all the dating social sites and the
epidemic of cyber-bullying.

Through a survey conducted at CCC, many students
use their mobile device for a few
hours a day and 90 percent of that
time, its using social media like
Facebook and Twitter.

When questioned about
how much time they spent with

their real friends physically, it was

very little compared to their time
on social media. As the survey
ended, all of the students became
worried about their actual Facebook usage.

A study by Facebook,
Inc. found that users spend over
700 billion minutes a month on
Facebook. That is roughly 1.33
million years. All this time is being
spent but is it truly helping everyone to be more social?

Page 2 / Winter 2015

The Voice

National campus safety awareness

Staff Writer

Colleges across the country are aware of the campus safety
issue. With the number of college
campus shootings that have taken
place, many college students have
become worried about their safety
on campus.

ABC News reports there
have been 31 school shootings
since Columbine in 1999. Many
parents are starting to question
the college security and police
across the country. Most colleges
still havent made any changes, but
at the same time, some have made
major changes.

Not only have shootings
taken place at college campuses,
but also many shootings have
occurred at high schools, movies
theatres, malls, and work places.
Therefore, our country has a safety
issue, period. On the flip side of

things many individuals need to

classroom on Wednesday morning
be careful in how they treat others. armed with a hunting knife after
Bullying has contributed signifibeing kicked out of a study group.
cantly to campus shootings. There Mohammad stabbed people inside
are sexual assaults that have taken
the classroom and stabbed more
place on campuses nationally. Acpeople as he fled the building.
cording to
While in pursuit, police later shot
sexualashim dead.
sault, it is
The four
any type
CCC security director Philip victims are
of sexual
Cecola said, Our campus as expected
contact or a whole is very safe. Our cam- to survive.
pus has never had any crime California
that occurs
or criminal assaults...
the explicclasses two
it consent
days after
of the recipient.
the freshman student stabbed and

According to cnsnews.
wounded those four people.
com, on November 8, 2015,

According to Staying
Faisal Mohammad, a student who
safe on campus, an article pubattended the University of Calilished on in 2012,
fornia committed a campus crime. there are four ways to stay safe on
Police say that eighteen-year-old
a college campus.
Faisal Mohammad of Santa Clara,

1. Know the campus
California, burst into a college
safety offerings: Its important

to know things such as safe rides

and campus emergency phones
are standard fare on most college
campuses today.

2. Provide details:
Offering information about the
services in conversations with
your child. If he or she does like
walking on campus after dark, its
important to talk about staying in
groups and taking advantage if the
safe ride option.
3. Discuss staying connected: When a students college
offers an emergency notification
system (and its very likely it does),
make sure that the student is
signed up to receive e-mails and
text messages.

4. Avoid walking on
campuses by your self: This is
especially important for students
at night. Its really easy to become
very comfortable on campus, to
the point where you let your guard
down a lot.

As far as Cumberland
County College is concerned,
the CCC security director, Philip
Cecola had this to say: Our campus as a whole is very safe. Our
campus has never had any crime
or criminal assaults. Therefore,
our campus is 100% safe. We
dont have a lot of people on our
campus, so it is less likely a crime
will occur. Our campus also has a
safe location.

In terms of CCCs future
goals for safety on campus, Cecola
would like to install emergency
call lines on campus. He believes
we need the emergency lines
available for our staff and students
in case a crime on campus takes
place. In this instance, students
and staff would know they could
reach the CCC emergency line at
any time.

Francisco Ciccio Poblet honors Dali at Clay College

Staff Writer

On November 20,
Cumberland County Colleges
Clay College had the opportunity
to welcome a great artist into their
midst for a night of Surrealism,
which Living with Art by Mark
Getlein defines as, a 20th-century
avant-garde movement in art
that sought to release the creative
potential of the unconscious

Francisco Poblet, the
only student Salvador Dali ever
taught, led a discussion about
what it was like to work with
Dali. He later demonstrated how
Dali and he would begin a surrealist painting (surrealism being both
of their chosen form) and then he
chose raffle winners who received
prints of Poblets work. Poblet said
that anything he has ever created

he has either seen with his own

what I was doing. I told him it
eyes or came to him in a dream.
wasnt perfect so I was trying to

Poblets father and Dali
clean it up. He told me start again!
were great friends, beginning
It had to be perfect.
when they were still young and

Surrealist paintings
living in Spain. This was during
distort the image, showing both
late 1930s Spain under Francisthe literal and the invisible factors
co Francos rule and through his
that an artist sees. He goes on
tyranny both Poblet and Dalis
saying most artists have two or
relatives were being beheaded by
three paintings under each final
Francos army. Both families fled
version. One of the paintings he
to New York
had on display
City and
in the Clay ColPoblet said laughing, lege, Crumbling
roughly 11 years
after Franciscos
...I am still a student. Dali, depicts
birth, Dali saw
I will be a student my Dali with an
his potential
intense expreswhole life.
and decided to
sion and the
train him as his
melting clock,
first and only
which Dali was
most known for (The Persistence

According to Poblet,
of Memory.) Over Dalis shoulder,
Dali was an enigma and a genius.
you can see two small men walkPoblet recalls, Once, I was trying
ing through Hell that are origito fix the shadow on a painting I
nally from the second painting he
was working on, and Dali asked
created on the canvas.

Poblet demonstrates surrealist painting

Poblet went on to
demonstrate how he begins his
paintings. Throughout the entire
time he spent painting he joked
and answered questions. He started by doing a rough outline and
then covering the whole canvas.
The main focal points were
a black sky that became a deep,
dark blue and a woman whose
body folded with the weight of
struggle in hues of lighter blue.
Poblet remained admiringly

Kylee Bagley/photographer

humble about his work through

its completion.

When asked when he
completed his art schooling,
Poblet said laughing, I havent.
I am still a student. I will be a
student my whole life. To this
day, he travels the world teaching
Surrealism and demonstrating
the techniques that Dali had first
taught him.

To geese or not to geese? That is the question

Staff Writer

Winter is here and when
you look around, not a goose is
in sight. All of them have migrated down to the south, but what
happens in the spring when they
invade the college again? It might
sound corny, but there is a real
geese epidemic here at Cumberland County College.

Between them physically
blocking the pathways, to the
deposits that are left behind, geese
can be an all around nuisance
for the majority of the faculty
and student body. You personally
might not have a problem with
them, but just remember that
geese can carry E. coli. and other
diseases, according to the Inter-

Google Images

net Center for Wildlife Damage


Forget about wearing
those brand new shoes. It is not
even worth wearing them in the
land mines of fecal matter lining
the sidewalks. A group of twenty
CCC students and teachers were

given a survey and asked how they

felt about the geese. The majority
of the surveyors answered that
they are bothered by them. They
are unsanitary and inconvenient,
CCC student, Marla Newsom

Not only are the deposits

a problem, but maneuvering

through flocks of geese is a pain.
You are already cutting it close
to when class starts and now you
have to go the long way to class
because the geese are sitting in
your path. Now, instead of being
on time to class, you are a minute

late. Some professors do not

appreciate that and will mark you
absent or late to class and pretty
soon, you can be dropped from a

Geese are very hard to
exterminate from the premises.
They can adapt to almost all
environments, but there are a few
tricks to keep them away.

Wildlife Animal Control
suggests loud noises and dog
silhouettes to keep the geese away,
but CCC cannot do that without
disturbing the peace and destroying our campus by making the
grounds tacky and unpleasing to
the eye.

Because they are wild
animals, we cant really keep them
away, but there can be a better job
done dealing with the droppings.

The Voice

Winter 2015 / Page 3

Celebration of Lights: CCCs holiday tradition

Staff Writer

With the
holidays approaching,
what better way to get
into the holiday spirit
than with Cumberland
County Colleges annual Celebration Of

The Celebration Of
Lights has been going on at CCC
since December of 2002, and it

was started by Kellie Slade. The

purpose of the event is to provide
a holiday extravaganza for underprivileged children in the Cumberland County area.

We call it Celebration
Of Lights because every holiday,
no matter what youre celebrating,
your nationality, or ethnicity,
the commonality is light. They
all have light. So in developing
a comprehensive student life
program, Celebration Of Lights is
part of our repertoire, our annual
tradition, stated Kellie Slade, the
original creator of the event. Each
child is given four gifts. Those
gifts include two toys, a coat, and

CCC/Communciations Dept.

Santa greets his guests at CCCs 2014 Celebration of Lights.

an outfit. Kellie described how the

event goes.

What they do is the
kids come with their counselors.
We have people that work here
at the college that help school
them around from station to
station. The last hour the big guy
comes with the reindeer and the
elves, and we actually give them
a Christmas, holiday, so to speak,
and we help everybody celebrate.

The children who are
selected to partake in the event
are selected by the social workers
in their district. The social worker
gives CCC the names of the
children most in need. The only
information that has to be given
is the childs first name, age, and
what that child would like as a
present. Kellie says that many of
the students at CCC get involved
in different ways.

A lot of our students get
involved through their Spanish
classes. They actually get so many
extra gifts from the Spanish classes.
We put the names in a hat and
Santa chooses each name in addition to the four gifts per child. So
the Spanish classes are a big deal.

Different clubs and organizations


Drama club also gets
involved too. G.L.O.W sponsors
a face painting table, and Student
Senate sponsors a Christmas table.
In the past for Kwanzaa weve
had multi-cultural club. Athletics
gets involved and they sponsor a
Winter Solstice table.

Slade is a firm believer in
the event, and stresses the importance of it.

The event gives you perspective. My son is fourteen and
used to love coming to the event.
I purposedly pick a child thats
closest to his age thats a male and
he goes with me to pick up the
gifts. It gives you the
perspective that even though you
might have a really dismal day
ahead of you, theres a roof over
your head, clothes on your back,
and you have a family. Some of
these kids dont have that and at
the end of day it makes you really
count your blessings.

The event this year will
be held December 9 from 12:30
to 2:30 in the Luciano Conference Center banquet room. The

CCC/Communciations Dept.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus share gifts with their

special guests.

entire CCC campus is welcome to


In order to find out
about how to get involved, you
can check out the CCC portal, any
of CCCs social media accounts, or
you can contact the CCC Offices.
So get into the holiday spirit this
year and celebrate!

Shoppers guide 101 Duke for a day

Staff Writer

With the holiday season
upon us, the sales and specials
begin at our favorite local stores
and online. Technology has taken
over and now offers services and
devices for every consumer. We
have seen great leaps and technologies this year and now we will
tally up the score in our Holiday
Gadget Guide!
Video Streamers Streaming your
favorite shows and videos has
become the new way for people to
come together and have fun. We
have narrowed down the video
streaming devices to the best three
on the market.
Google Chromecast The Google
Chromecast is the cheapest video
streamer on the market at $34.99.
It covers almost all services and
you can access many popular
shows. The only downside of this
product is that it lacks a traditional remote. Instead you must always
need a device nearby to use it.
Apple TV: Apple has taken
its shot at video streaming as
well. Apples counterpart to the
chromecast boasts many services
from Netflix to HBO. Of course
just like with most Apple devices,
they work best when you have a
multitude of other Apple devices. This way, streaming could be
passed between Ipad, Mac and
Iphone seamlessly. The Apple TV
will cost you a hefty $199 for the
64 Gigabyte version.
Xbox One Elite Bundle: After
a slow start at launch, the Xbox
One has finally dropped the
unnecessary Kinect peripheral and
plans to release an Elite bundle on
December 1. Xbox One has con-

Staff Writer

Google Images

verged into a media center. From

it, you can access Skype, Youtube,
Blu-Ray and much more.

This console release will
boast a 1 terabyte hard drive and
be the most polished version of
the console to date. Aesthetically
all things with the console will
remain the same but the changes
are in the details and performance.
The UI is smooth and the apps
are now easily grouped in one area
and can be switched between with
ease instead of the previous clunky
backtracking. With the games still
being sparse between all consoles,
the Xbox One will keep you
happy and occupied with its many

media players and powerful online

support. This holiday bundle will
cost you a hefty $500.
PS4: The Playstation has gone
head to head with Microsofts
Xbox for years. How does Sonys
console rank this year? As far as
graphics, the consoles stand side
by side. The PS4 looks great with
every game and the interface
is smooth as silk. It offers less
streaming capabilities then the
Xbox One but also has less ads
because of it. The Ps4s controller
also exceeds the Xbox One. The
PS4 will cost you $350.

Student senate is
planning to have a day where
students who are attending Lakeside Middle School can come to
Cumberland County College to
see what college is like, or at least
a community college. According
to Kellie Slade, the Executive
Director of Student Development
and Leadership, students: attended two college classes, toured the
campus, participated in leadership
challenges, and learned about NJ
Stars, School Counts and much
more. From Slades point of view,
Duke for a Day is a way to get
middle school students in the
county excited about opportunities at the college. Student senate
wanted to build a partnership with
county schools to help students
realize they can have a purpose.
They want the students of Lakeside to do something meaningful,
in hopes of one day completing
their degree and, in the end,
becoming a success story.

The event is taking
place in the various buildings on
campus, but the main location is
in the gym. The buildings are the
Fine and Performing Arts Center, Academic building, Science,
Navone and the University Center.
The event is an annual event and
it happens each spring term. Slade
is pushing to have the event in the
fall, so it happens year round, and
possibly include another school.

In the past, the students
began to arrive at 9 am. Upon
arrival, they were taken to the
gym, where Slade and former
President, Dr. Thomas Isekenegbe,

greeted them. Then, they were

separated into groups and taken
to two different classes by student

A couple of the classes
they were attending were: CSI Lab
Demonstration; Introduction to
Public Relations; a science class,
and Are You Smarter than a
5th Grader, taught by Professor
Rich Taylor. Inside of the class,
Professor Taylor split the class into
two teams. Who then competed
against one another to answer
science related questions. According to Professor Taylor, Its great
to watch them interact with their
group to come up with the answers. Knowledge is power and the
event expands their knowledge,
showing them all the opportunities
they have to take advantage of.

During lunch, the students listened to different speakers. Afterward, they took part in
group activities, one of which was
a demonstration on the basis of
Fencing from CCCs own Fencing
Club. Then the volunteers asked
the students about what they
wanted to do as they got older,
there was a variety of feedback.
Some students wanted to be nurses, others sought to be teachers,
and of course a few athletes. One
response was, I would like to receive a degree in everything. The
one thing they seemed to share
was a want to spend their first two
years of college at CCC, before
heading of to another college.
When asked what inspired Slade
to name the event Duke for a
Day, she answered, Since CCC is
named the Dukes, it seemed natural, catchy and a way for students
to connect to campus.

Page 4 / Winter 2015

The Voice


Are gender stereotypes harmful?

Staff Writer

The generally accepted

rule is blue
for the boys,
and pink for
the girls.

The moment someone
finds out theyre having a baby a
million and one things go through
their head, but the one most common thought is, I wonder if its
going to be a boy or a girl! Then,
you anxiously wait until that appointment comes where you find
out the sex. The doctors finally tell
you, Its a boy! and within hours
youre painting the nursery blue,
decorating the room with fire
trucks, and buying onesies with
most valuable player written on

Im not saying this is a
bad thing, but what I am trying
to say is that stereotyping children
that quickly may be the beginning
of stereotypes for the rest of their

lives. Rather than conforming to

specific gender norms, we should
teach our children that no matter
their gender they can do whatever
they want and are capable of doing anything they set their minds

An obvious stereotype
involves the colors blue and pink.
Although in society today youll
find the boys section covered in
colors like blue and green and the
girls section covered in pinks and
purples, that didnt start until the
1940s. The colors were actually
reversed before that.

In 1918, an article was
published from the trade publication, Earnshaws Infants Department, stating, The generally
accepted rule is pink for the boys,
and blue for the girls. The reason
is that pink, being a more decided
and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue which
is more delicate and dainty is
prettier for the girl. Weve allowed
the concept of assigning colors to
genders because of products and
marketing. But we dont stick to
what weve grown comfortable
with, rather than allowing colors
to just be colors.

According to, between the ages
3 and 7 a child is at their most
imaginative, adventurous and
emotional stages. The support and

guidance of a parent is one of the

most important essential things
for a child during this time period.
Between these ages, children begin
to mimic and compare themselves
to other children around themselves, whether they realize or not.

Although it may seem
early, your child is learning what
is male and what is female.
Thats why letting them be free
and explore different types of
gender norms is important. If they
do not get the significant support
from parents or adults around
them, they may change their
interest to accommodate to what
they have learned in their younger

Since 2002, the percentage of women graduating
with a degree in computer science
has continued to decrease. The
National Center for Education
Statistics shows that in 2011 the
number of students who graduated with a bachelors degree in
computer science was 43,072. Out
of that number, 35,478 were men,
while only 7,594 were women.

This problem starts at
home, in communities, and at
school. While girls are less likely
to study science and math, boys
are less likely to show interest in
literacy. This comes from the way
we interact with children based
on their gender at a young age,

Will I get shamed for this article?

Staff Writer

Being the new kid on

the block has its challenges, but it
all works out for the best, right?
You have to make yourself known
around the town. Well, Ill like to
introduce you to the new kid on
the block, Internet shaming. Internet shaming has been brought to
the front lines in social media this
year. But, what is Internet shaming? Internet shaming is a form
of public shaming or humiliation
using technology and social media. Internet shaming comes in all
shapes and sizes; it has always been
there. Internet shaming is degrading and humiliating to people.

The latest types of Internet shaming are public, label, and
body shaming. Public shaming
became a trend when parents posted photos/videos of their children
holding signs of what they have
done wrong, basically publicly humiliating an individual or group of
people. Label shaming is socially
labeling a person or a group of
people of the photo/video posted
of them. Body shaming was at its
all time high when Youtuber, Nicole Arbour, posted a video titled
Dear Fat People.

Along with Internet
shaming, there is also cyber bullying. There are several forms of
cyber bulling but here are a few.
Theres trolling, flaming, harassment, exclusion and catfishing. Internet shaming and cyber bullying

work hand and hand with each

other. Whether you want to be
part of it or not, its always going
to be there.

Being part of Internet
shaming isnt always putting up
the post. You can like, share,
repost, and comment on the post.
The only way to combat the problem is to not engage. These actions
will help the user spread the post
like wildfire, even commenting on
it. Whether youre for it or against
it, a social media fight will grab
attention and make the post even
more popular then it needs to
be. The best way to stop Internet shaming is to post positivity

Sometimes when I see a
post I wonder, did you really think
before you posted this? Internet
shaming, in my opinion, needs
to be stopped. I know there is
freedom of speech and everyone is
entitled to his or her own opinion
but social media is not a place to
have tea-time talk.

Social media users have
become sensitive to this topic, believeing anything you post needs
a lawyer to proofread it before
its posted. No one can post what
he or she wants anymore because
the repercussions that follow are
outrageous. With that being said,
anyone can post what he or she
want but most of the time it is a
reaction/payback post which get
people into trouble.

We all go through days
that you feel you can say whatever

you want and no one can touch

you, some people have those
days more than others. You post,
comment, share, and repost but
the repercussions of these instant
reactions are costly.

According to CNN,
Victor Paul Alvarez, a Boston
reporter, wrote a brief news story
containing a bad joke about John
Boehner. The wrath of social
media fell on his head. Despite an
apology, he was fired.

Or how about the guy
who made a joke about a dongle at
a tech convention -- or the woman
who called him out? Or the
woman who posed mockingly at
Arlington National Cemetery? Or
the columnist who cast aspersions
on a boy band stars death?

Ordinary people on the
Internet are being shamed for
what they posted. You cant simply
say whatever you want because
people will retaliate and put you
and others to shame.

I understand that no one
is perfect and that we all make
mistakes, but sometimes the mistakes are based off of inhumane
behavior and that is what Internet
shaming is all about.


says Richard Whitmire, a former

editorial writer for the USA Today.

The concept boys will
be boys or girls will be girls
should not be a valid statement.
Teaching girls that boys pick on
you in grade school, because they
like you, or that boys being interested in theater arent as manly
as the quarterback.

We tell the boys the ins
and outs of dating, but were restricting girls from dating. We give
our girls chores, such as dishes and
laundry versus telling our boys to
take out the trash and mow the
lawn. We shame girls for hooking
up but we congratulate boys for
hooking up. We automatically
assume that girls are only allowed
to be interested in make up and
the way that they look. But what
happens when your son comes
home wearing make up and an
Ulta/Sephora bag filled with the
latest eye shadow or eyeliner?

These stereotypes might
not seem like much, but they
make a large impact on how your
child looks at the world. This
could lead to something very serious. If we continue to stereotype
genders and assign specific colors,
objects, hobbies, and careers for
girls and for boys, we may be
holding them back from specific goals they can achieve in the

The possibilities are endless for future generations, but we
only if we remind girls and boys
that its okay to wear purple shirts,
to enjoy playing soccer, to aspire
to be a scientist or a teacher, and
to treat each other equally.

The Voice
The Voice is the student newspaper of Cumberland

County College and opinions expressed therein are

not the opinions of Cumberland County College.
The Voice welcomes responses to our editorial pages
and strives to present its readers with accurate and
fair reporting. If you should wish to submit a letter
to the editor, request a correction or contribute a
story idea, please email the faculty advisor directly.
All articles and letters submitted to The Voice may
be edited for clarity, professionial standards, correctness and space restrictions.

Staff Writers:

Kylee Bagley
Josh Carll
Tamaris Cooper
Yvonne Curry
Adriana DeBartolomeis
Russell Garvey, Jr.
Makinzi Hinkle
Owen James
Mallory Johnson
Amber Murray
Marla Newsom
Tim Payton
Eliud Rivera
Georgia I. Salvaryn
Steve Turner


Kylee Bagley
Josh Carll
Yvonne Curry
Adriana DeBartolomeis
Jenn Hallgren
Makinzi Hinkle
Owen James
Amber Murray
Joe Parker
Tim Payton
Georgia I. Salvaryn
Steve Turner
Amy Vurganov

Faculty Advisor:
Renee Post

The Voice

Winter 2015 / Page 5


Meet the Band: Silent Culture
Staff Writer

No matter who you are
or where you are in the world,
music is something that we can
all relate to. I had the opportunity
to sit down with one of the lead
vocalists and percussionists of the
band Silent Culture, Jesse Fryson,
and talk to him about their music
and the impact they hope to make
on the world.

Silent Culture came
together when both bands Faith
Beyond Fear and Above The Fall
decided to merge together. Both
bands felt as if their current bands
were lacking. While Faith Beyond
Fear had a full band, they were
lacking in career opportunities.
Above The Fall had gotten the
chance to record in a studio, meet
professionals in the industry, and
even were able to get a single on
the radio. However, they had lost
members which made it nearly
impossible for them to make the
most out of those opportunities.
With the merging of the two
bands, they decided to rename
the band Silent Culture. When
asked about the meaning of their

band name Jesse didnt hesitate to


The name Silent
Culture came about because
if you look around you at the
country and the world we live in,
its become nearly impossible to
speak your mind without it being
deemed politically incorrect.
People have become afraid to
speak the truth out of fear of what
people will think, or that theyll
suffer some negative backlash for
their opinion. Were in this life
together, and thats why we want
to be a voice for the voiceless.

One thing about the
band that sets them apart is the
fact that theyre all Christians.
Many Christian bands have come
along, and Jesse doesnt see that as
a setback.

We are Christians. We
each have a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ and our faith
shapes the way we view things, the
way we think about things, and
the way we act. So its natural that
our faith would also influence the
songs we write. However, we want
our music to reach more than just
those who share the same beliefs as

Even though the boys
are fully committed to the band,
for now the band isnt a full-time
commitment. They have jobs that
they work everyday to support
themselves. However, Jesse says
that their main career goal is to
make it as band, to the band
where it is actually a full-time
commitment. He has high expectations for where he sees the band

Where do I see this
band going? I see this band going
far because I believe with all of
my heart that people have been
waiting for someone to be bold
enough to lead the way. We
are those people. The sky is the
limit for us, and as long as there
is breath in our lungs were going
to continue to make music that
we hope changes lives and impacts
this world for generations to

Band members write the
lyrics from a place of transparency
and with a goal of writing songs
that ANY one can relate to, no
matter what their religious beliefs,
their gender, their nationality, or
even their age. It is our purpose
to write lyrics that offer people
in ALL walks of life, a message of


The members of the local band, Silent Culture.

truth, of hope, and of love. And

if that means its a song thats not
a Christian song, then so be it,
and likewise, if it means its a song
thats about God, that is good too.
We believe it is our responsibility
to be a voice for the voiceless and
as songwriters and musicians,
we make music that uplifts and

inspires and speaks openly and

honestly about this life we live,
and everything that goes along
with it, shares Fryson.

This band will go far,
both career wise, and geographically. We want to travel to as
many places bringing the music to
whoever will listen, says Fryson.

Get your hands dirty @ CCCs Clay College

Staff Writer

CCCs Clay College is a
unique place that allows students
to open up their creativity and run
with it by using pottery and clay
as the main medium.

Clay College is something we should proud of as residents of New Jersey. Clay College
is the only facility in New Jersey
supported by a higher learning
institute. It offers both credit and
non-credit pottery programs and

Clay College is the only
program in the state that offers
an academic certificate in ceramic
technology and it is located in
Millville. Its also unique because it
has a professional gallery exhibiting regional and nationally known
ceramic artists.

Students can take both
credit and non-credit and learn
the process of pottery and the
ceramic arts. The Cumberland
County Colleges Clay College is
located at 108 North High Street
in the Millville Arts District.

Students will learn
distinctive pottery and sculpture
form by using various hand-building techniques. These techniques
include pinch, coil slab and the
pottery wheel. Students can take
classes during the day, in the afternoon and on the weekends.

Clay Colleges credit and
continuing education ceramics
courses are the most popular
courses the institute offers.

Students can take ceramics courses for a multitude of
reasons. The student could have a
career in mind or they could just

Clay College is also
a very festive institute. These
include the making of ornaments
and creative products on the pottery wheel.

Jackie Sandro, director
of Clay College, shared, Its an
incredible creative environment
for experienced clay artists and
newcomers alike. Enroll in the
Clay College and express your
creativity to the fullest.

For more information,
please contact Jackie Sandro,
Director, at or
simply call 856-765-0988.
Artists create glass mosaics during a Clay College class.

be doing it to benefit themselves

by getting out and trying new and
creative things.

The Clay College is a
spacious facility that is equip with
tools that will help you get the
job done. The Clay College is 150
long and is home to 15 pottery
wheels and four kilns. There is a
gallery located at the entrance that
showcases work from the students
and also work from local and
regional artists.

The studio is open every
day and allows students to work
outside of class time. The Clay
College is bustling during classes
and Third Friday, which is an ongoing celebration in the Millville
Arts District.

Clay College offers
students something that several
courses dont and that is a service
learning opportunity. Students
are encouraged to get involved
and assist with the children and

Google Images

adult pottery workshops. Sales

and fundraisers are also encouraged. Students could really benefit
themselves by participating and
getting involved in activities like
that. It gives the students a chance
to create a line of work that other
people can purchase.

Volunteering to help
in the gallery and studio is also
recommended. The Clay College
offers Federal Work Study positions and Institutional work study

Clay College is welcomed to just about all ages. They
offer classes for children, which is
a really great way of letting your
child express their creativity in a
safe and controlled atmosphere.
These classes are for students from
7-12 and no experience is needed.
The youngsters will make five to
seven projects and learn the entire
process of pottery.

Fall non-credit courses @

Clay College
Dec. 4 - Clay Ornaments
Dec. 6 - Cookie Plate Swap
Dec. 11 - Clay Angel or Santa
Dec. 11 - Pottery Wheel
Dec. 12 - Pottery Wheel

Kids Pottery Classes

Jan 30 Feb 20
April 2 - April
April 30 - May 21

Google Images

Jackie Sandro, director of Clay College, working the wheel.

Page 6 / Winter 2015

The Voice


ADHD: Its not an excuse Understanding epilepsy

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Google Images

Students with ADHD can and do

achieve to the highest of levels. They
are the most intelligent, creative, and
forward thinking people.
- Meredith Vicente

Attention Deficit Hyper
Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder
that is overlooked by society and
affects the lives of children and
adults. People with ADHD suffer
from inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Because of
this, time management and organization make tasks more difficult
to complete. Diagnosing ADHD
is challenging since blood tests
do not determine if you have the
disorder and those afflicted with
ADHD tend not to view themselves as victims. ADHD is a real
problem that some people struggle
with on a daily basis.

Someone with ADHD
may be inattentive or disorganized. Hyperactivity, which can
involve fidgeting, being talkative,
or restlessness, are also symptoms
that come along with impulsiveness and being impatient. People
with ADHD also tend to have a
higher metabolism rate because of
all the energy being burned from
the hyperactivity. There are no
cures for ADHD, but there are
treatments to help deal with the
symptoms whether it be through
a medicinal route or a more natural path. Sometimes people can
grow out of the hyperactivity of
ADHD, but they will always have
the inattentiveness, which is just

ADHD is known as
both a curse, or a gift, said
Meredith Vicente, Director of
Disabilities Support Services/Project Assist. Dealing with ADHD
is hard when you are younger because your brain is not completely
developed and having to sit still in
school can be torture. However,
exercise and staying active is a

huge help in keeping energy levels

down. Sometimes, having ADHD
means dealing with emotional
breakdowns, stress, and frustration
with completing tasks. One of the
positives about having ADHD is
that people with it can be more
passionate about things they love,
putting the majority of their energy in the tasks.

Students with ADHD
can and do achieve to the highest
of levels. They are often some of
the most intelligent, creative, and
forward thinking people, said
Vicente. She goes on to discuss
how about 1 to 4 percent of
students have ADHD. That would
be about 60 students here on
the campus, but not all of these
students go to the college for help.
Some of them dont know about
the services offered or they have
already mastered the skills they
need to get by. There is also the
fact that kids might not want to
admit they need help.

There are a few ways you
can help out people with ADHD.
One way is to always be there
for them. Show them that they
are not alone and listen to their
problems while being patient and
understanding. Although ADHD
is challenging and frustrating for
those who suffer with the disorder,
there is no reason to treat them
any different. They are more than
capable of reaching success.

Any student with
ADHD should go talk with Meredith Vicente for more info or help.
Contact Info:
856-691-8600 x1282

In life, people can experience challenging diseases such as
cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimers.
Others deal with a disease known
as Epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by sudden
recurrent episodes of sensory
disturbance, loss of consciousness,
or convulsions associated with
abnormal electrical activity in the
brain (seizures).
explains that, most seizures vary
from brief and nearly undetectable, to long periods of vigorous
shaking. In epilepsy, seizures tend
to recur, and have no immediate
underlying cause while seizures
that can occur due to a specific
cause are not deemed to represent

According to Epilepsy: A
Patient and Family Guide by Orrin
Devinsky, more than two million
Americans have epilepsy and nine
million will have epilepsy some
time in their life. One in 11 people will have at least one seizure
during their lifetime.

Epilepsy affects all age
groups, with the highest rates
of new cases occurring during
childhood and after age 60. It
is slightly more common in men
than women. There are different
types of seizures but the most
common are partial and complex.

Partial seizures last for 90
seconds and are usually associated
with jerks and twitching with the
sensation of pins and needles in

one part of the body. Sight, sound,

and/or taste with temporary muscle weakness can be experienced
after the seizure. Complex seizures
last as long as two minutes and
contain repeated movements with
no purpose such as: lip-smacking,
picking clothes, chewing, screaming, crying out loud, or repeating
words or phrases.

Google Images

So, what causes epilepsy?
Epilepsy states that, Symptomatic
epilepsy refers to epilepsy with an
identified cause other than genetics. The causes include severe head
injury, scar tissue, and problems
with brain development, stroke,
meningitis and others. Other
causes of seizures are missed medications, sleep deprivation, alcohol
use, drug abuse, stress, over-thecounter drugs, and fever.
What should you do if someone you know is experiencing
a seizure? First, you should put
a blanket under their head for
support then turn them on their

side. Remove any sharp objects,

and stay with them until they are
alert. During a seizure, you should
only call an ambulance if its the
persons first seizure, it lasts more
than 5 minutes, or if there are
problems with breathing after the
seizure ends.
For those with Epilepsy,
symptoms can be alleviated with
medication chosen by your doctor.
Like most medications, side
effects can occur such as blurry
vision, weakness, and tired spells.
Although medication can cause
side effects, it is very important to
continue taking it so that seizures
dont recur.

For those who suffer, there is hope. According to
Epilepsy, research on epilepsy
continues at academic centers
and companies throughout the
world. New AEDs help people
with difficult-to-control seizures
and provide alternatives for those
suffering troublesome side effects.
Diagnostic studies are more sensitive, and surgical procedures are
safer and more effective than ever.

Epilepsy is a serious
disorder, but it is a disorder that
should not stand in the way of
anyone trying to follow his or her
For more information on epilepsy visit

Athletics: Theres still no I in team

Staff Writer

Leadership is an attribute
only a few people have. What
defines a leader? Is it the mindset
or the determination to achieve
the goal that each person has set
for themselves and the others
around them? In most instances,
leadership can be found on just
about every sports team. A successful team doesnt win because of
one person. Without the
chemistry and willingness
of the players to contribute, a team will never be

How does one
determine who is a leader
though? Each sport has a
position that normally has
the leadership role. In basketball, the leader is most
likely the point guard. In
football, the leader is most likely
the quarterback. In soccer, the
leader is most likely a striker. Regardless of the sport, these leaders
all share one goal and that is to
win games through determination,
ambition, and vision.

Determination is a
key quality that a leader should
possess. Even in the darkest of
times, the leader of a team should
have an optimistic mindset. They
should never let their teammates
give up. This person knows what

to say and what to do to get their

teammates back in the game and
ready to achieve the goal.

Ambition is also something a leader must have. The
desire and passion to win is what
drives determination. At the end
of the day, sports are all about
winning. A leader will get other
players involved, it doesnt matter
what sport it is, to achieve the ultimate goal.

basketball. He can score, get his

teammates open looks, and also
get everyone involved no matter
what their role is on the team.

Quarterback Tom Brady
is an amazing leader also. He has
the vision to make amazing passes
and he doesnt just target one specific individual. He uses his vision
and gets whoever is open involved.

In soccer, Lionel Messi
is the perfect example of a leader.
There is nothing that guy
cant do for his team. He
scores, gets the ball around
the field, and provides
the best support for his
There is no I in team,
but there is a person who
dictates the tempo of the
game. Every sport has the
person that makes the
biggest difference. This

Vision is crucial for a
doesnt mean the other teammates
leader to have so their team can
arent special or gifted. Every playsucceed. Setting your eyes on the
er needs to contribute for a team
prize is something that is necesto have ultimate success. In that
sary. Goals must be set and the
group of players, they need one
leader is one that makes sure the
person to lean on. An empire must
team achieves them. There is no
have a leader, but an empire also
I in team, but there are indineeds contributions from everyone
viduals that make a big difference
to stay mighty.
within them.

The biggest names in
sports are usually the leaders of
their team. LeBron James is the
perfect definition of a leader with

The Voice

Winter 2015/ Page 7


Human trafficking in the USA

Staff Writer

Sorry Abe, but slavery
is not dead. According to the
International Labor Organization,
human trafficking affects over
20.9 million victims daily, but
the majority of Americans think
slavery ended in 1863 with the
dawning of the Emancipation
Proclamation Act.
org cites that a slave today costs
$90 globally. Thats over 50% less
than your rose gold iPhone. There
are three main types of human
trafficking: sex, labor, and child.
Where is this modern day slavery
happening? In your cities, of
course, and Cumberland County
is no exception.

Human trafficking is
a supply and demand driven
criminal industry. Jamie Bagley, a
local pastor with a PhD in philosophy, has been working to bring
awareness to human trafficking
since 2001. When asked to give a
definition of human trafficking in
laymens terms, Bagley said, The
unlawful transferring/ transporting of people for forced labor or
sexual exploitation. Unfortunately, the demand for cheap labor,
services, and commercial sex
are extremely high across the 50
states and even higher across the

According to, the human
trafficking market generates $150


Center for Missing and Exploited

Children were taken as trafficking victims. You may wonder
what exactly child trafficking
means. When children are sold
or taken into child slavery they
are forced to work in sweatshops,
construction sites, and brothels,
as domestic servants, beggars,
and child soldiers. The United
States is considered a source and
transit country, wherein victims are found and transported
through and throughout America
with relative ease. It is one of the
top destination points for child
victims of exploitation.

Most people who are
victims of human trafficking live
in constant fear of their abductor.
The trafficker carries all the power
in the relationship and brainwashes victims into believing they are

Victims will feel reluctant to accept help because their
trust has been immeasurably broken and they dont think anyone
will be able to help them. Some
even feel as if it is better to stay
a victim because their trafficker
takes care of them. He/she provides them with a place to sleep,
food (minimal), and what they are

Mass shootings in America

abnormally high. also
states that in a 2013 Gallup poll,
Americans ranked the failure of
the mental health system to identify individuals who are a danger
to others as the leading cause of
mass shootings.

Believing those with
mental illnesses can be violent,
Congress passed the 1968 Gun
Control Act, the 1993 Brady
Handgun Violence Prevention
Act, and the 2008 National Instant Criminal Background Check
System (NICS) Improvement Act.
All prohibit the sale of firearms to
those with a mental illness.

According to the Education Week blog, the path to a violent mass attack often starts with
a relatable frustration that grows
through cultivation and study by
the attacker. And attackers usually
experience leakage before they
act, giving indications that they
are planning to do something.

I think this idea of just
snapped really undermines the
importance of ongoing risk management and assessment, Anders
Goranson, a psychologist and
threat-assessment specialist, said
in a lecture at an annual meeting
of the American Psychological

Theres also been a
reason to believe that bullying
can lead to mass shootings, but
Psychologist Dr. Peter Langman
says otherwise.

billion in profits yearly worldwide.

Traffickers use force, fraud, and
coercion to control their victims.
80 percent of human trafficking
victims are made into sex workers.
These women and men are forced
to work in residential brothels,
escort services, fake massage businesses, strip clubs, and as street
prostitutes. It can be hard to spot
victims, and almost impossible to
get them to admit that they are in
fact slaves.

Five and a half million
of human trafficking victims are
children. In 2014, 1 of 6 runaways reported to the National

Staff Writer

Gun violence and mass
shootings have been increasingly
common in the United States.
From Columbine High School
to Umpqua Community College,
mass shootings have threatened
the safety of several thousands of
communities in America.

According to the 11
Facts About Guns article on, there are approximately 270 million firearms
possessed by civilians in America,
and only 897,000 carried by police; approximately 20 percent of
gun owners own 65 percent of the
guns. The article also states that
in 2011, 10.3 in every 100,000
people in the United States were
victims of gun related deaths.

According to the CDC,
the number of violent gun deaths
between 2005 and 2013 (the latest year on record) was 279,976.
That includes suicides, homicides,
and police-related shootings. As
stated on,
there have been 389 mass shooting gun deaths in 2014 and 375
so far in 2015.

ABC News reports that
there have been 31 school shootings in the U.S. since Columbine
in 1999. The rate of people killed


by guns in the U.S. is 19.5 times

higher than similar high income
countries in the world.

CNNs article American deaths in terrorism vs. gun
violence in one graph on
states that during his presidency,
President Barrack Obama has
had to deliver statements on gun
violence 15 times. After a gunman
opened fire at Oregons Umpqua
Community College, killing
nine people and injuring seven,
a visibly upset Obama said the
shootings were becoming all too

The reporting is routine, Obama said. My response
here at this podium ends up being
routine, the conversation in the
aftermath of it. Weve become
numb to this.

Many sources have attempted to figure out the ground

reason behind mass shootings, but

there is more than one explanation.
recently posted an article titled
School Shootings: An American
Problem? The article pertains to
the issues that could possibly be
leading to the increase in mass
shootings and compares U.S.
numbers to numerous countries
around the globe.

According to the article,
of the top 10 countries with the
most guns per capita, seven had
no school shootings. Switzerland
has 46 guns per 100 people, Finland 45, and Serbia 38, yet none
of these countries had a school
shooting in the period studied.

Although America has
far more civilian firearms per
capita than any other country, its
number of school shootings is still

made to believe is love. Most victims do not realize the help they
are able to receive from the proper
authorities and think trying to get
out will do more harm than good.

When educating others
on human trafficking, Bagley
refers to it as, the systematic evil
of slavery that thrives in our culture. He uses personal recounts
of victims to elicit emotional
responses from listeners. In 2008,
Bagley was put in contact with a
human trafficking victim that had
been kidnapped and forced into
prostitution in Las Vegas, where
she had moved from Paraguay
to make money to send home
to her family. After months of
turmoil she escaped and ended
up in North Jersey. Bagley and
other local pastors began taking
up donations for the woman and
were able to send her home to her
mother and five children.

The Polaris Project,
a non-profit that works to end
modern day slavery, reported that
more than 18,000 cases of human
trafficking were reported to the
National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline in the past
eight years. Last year, New Jersey
had 86 cases of human trafficking
reported, but just imagine how
many went unreported.

William Wilberforce,
an English politician who joined
British parliament during the early 1800s, was asked to confront
slavery under his new title. At the
end of his presentation to Parliament, Wilberforce said, You can
choose to turn your head and look
the other way, but you can never
say you did not know.
Reports of bullying against school shooters have
often been highly inconsistent
and impossible to corroborate,
Langman states in his Statistics
on Bullying and School Shootings
report on www.schoolshooters.
info. Of the 48 shooters I studied, I estimate that approximately
40% experienced some kind of
bullying. This means, of course,
that approximately 60% did not.
Even if my numbers are a bit off
due to lack of information, this
still suggests that approximately
half the shooters were not teased
or otherwise harassed.

At the end of Langmans
report, he summarizes his information by stating, The connection between bullying and school
shootings is elusive. Certainly,
harassment may contribute to perpetrators rage and/or depression.

At most, however, it is
but one factor among many that
cause rampage attacks. Even those
shooters who were most severely
bullied, such as Pennington and
Coon, did not target kids who
picked on them. In fact, both
targeted teachers who gave them
unacceptable grades.

Page 8 / Winter 2015

The Voice


May the force be with you . . .

Staff Writer

Were in the middle of a

unique time. The announcement of a new Star Wars
trilogy beginning with Episode
7 was one of the biggest
movie moments in history.
Every week brings new rumors
about what may or may
not be in the film, including
leaked concept art and
images from production.

On December 18, 2015,
the new Star Wars movie, Episode
VII The Force Awakens, will be
released on thousand of screens.
It is easy to say this is one of the
most anticipated releases in the
last decade. Everyone is talking
about it. Did you see the new
trailer they just released?

It has been over ten years
since a new Star Wars movie and it
is generally accepted that the Prequel Trilogy (Episodes 1, 2, and 3)
did not live up to the anticipation

google image search

of their release. With JJ Abrams at

the helm, coming off the success
and critical acclaim of the Star
Trek reboots, many fans are very
excited to see what he will do with
the beginning of this new trilogy.
Star Wars is probably
the most influential film of my
generation, Abrams states. Its
the personification of good and
evil and the way it opened up the
world to space adventure, the way
Westerns had to our parents generations, left an indelible imprint.
So, in a way, everything that any
of us does is somehow directly or

indirectly affected by the experience of seeing those first three


One CCC student,
Eliud Rivera, is looking forward
to a new fun plot, the use of old
school practical effects instead
of using CGI everywhere, effects
that flooded the prequels making
it undearable to watch, and the
hope of the lack of Jar Jar Binks.

I only hope that younger audience members can be as
mystified as the generation that
saw the original. Star Wars has a
reputation and the hype spans

all generations. If Episode VII

succeeds, it could usher a renewal
of big great movies that go beyond
being cash-grabs and become a
lasting part of pop culture, Rivera

On the reverse spectrum,
there a several students that have
not seen a Star Wars movie before
so for them, this will be a grand
new experience. For those of you
in the same crowd, try your best
and watch the Original Trilogy
(Episodes IV through VI) to give
yourself some basis to put the new
movie in context.

As we await the new
release, all different types of fan
theories have begun to pop up
in conversations and online. I was
personally surprised with the conversations erupting during the release of the first wave of Star Wars
merchandise this past September.

How many people believe the new Sith Lord Kylo Ren
is actually Luke Skywalker? How
that the new character of Rey
(Daisey Ridley) is the daughter
of Han and Leia? How amazing

is it going to be to see what such

a small droid, BB-8, is going to
have in the whole plot?

There is so many theories floating around in conversation and online. We will have to
just wait and anticipate what kind
of world and events JJ Abrams
and the cast will bring us on
December 18.

Box Office Expectations

Domestically: $650-$750
Internationally: $1.3-$1.5
Estimations made by Morgan Stanely, June 2015.

Distracted driving: It can wait New Years Eve:

Staff Writer

Distracted driving consistently ranks as one of the traffic
safety issues at the forefront of
many drivers thinking. Each year,
more than 80 percent of drivers
in the annual AAA Foundation
Traffic Safety Culture Index cite
distraction as a serious problem
and a behavior that makes them
feel less safe than they did five
years ago. Federal estimates suggest that distraction contributes
to 16 percent of all fatal crashes,
leading to around 5,000 deaths
every year.

Many distractions exist
while driving, but cell phones are
a top distraction because so many
drivers use them for long periods
of time each day. According to
NOPUS (National Occupant Protection Use Surveys), at any given
daylight moment across America,
approximately 660,000 drivers are
using cell phones or manipulating
electronic devices while driving. A
number that has held steady since
2010. The National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration
reported that in 2012 driver
distraction was the cause of 18
percent of all fatal crashes with
3,328 people killed and crashes
resulting in an injury with
421,000 people wounded.

The average time your
eyes are off the road while texting
is 5 seconds. When traveling at
55mph, thats enough time to
cover the length of a football field
blindfolded according to VTTI
(Virginia Tech Transportation
Institute). Forty percent of all
American teens say they have been
in a car when the driver used a cell
phone in a way that put people in
danger, according to a 2006 Pew
survey. According to UMTRI,
(University of Michigan Transpor-

tation Research Institute) twenty-five percent of teens respond to

a text message once or more every
time they drive.

Twenty percent of
teens and 10 percent of parents
admit that they have extended,
multi-message text conversations
while driving.

Ten percent of drivers
of all ages under the age of 20
involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of
the crash. This age group has the
largest proportion of drivers who

google image search

were distracted. According to the

National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration drivers in there
20s make up 27 percent of the
distracted drivers in fatal crashes.
The Virginia Tech Transportation
Institute found that text messaging
creates a crash risk 23 times worse
than driving while not distracted.

Eleven percent of drivers
aged 18 to 20 who were involved
in an automobile accident and
survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they
crashed. Several high-end cars now
feature head-up displays that
show instrument and navigation
information on the windshield so
you dont have to look away from

the road. Other cars connect to

your phones voice control function, allowing you to place calls,
send texts or search the Internet.

These solutions, however, could make the problem worse.
A head-up displays keeps our eyes
looking forward, but it directs
our attention away from the
road ahead of us. A just-released
American Automobile Association
report found that commonly used
voice-controlled, in-vehicle information systems not only consume
mental resources while in use,
but also continue to distract well

A study by psychologist
Cary Stothart and colleagues,
published this year, showed
that merely being notified of an
incoming message, without even
reading it, can impair phone
users performance on an attention-demanding task. Twenty-nine
percent of survey respondents said
they have used voice-activated
technology while driving during
the past six months according to

Among the 573 adult
drivers surveyed, nearly seven out
of 10 thought their brain was distracted for only up to 10 seconds
when completing an in-vehicle
task, such as dialing a phone number or changing a radio station.
Eighty-eight percent, however,
said they think other drivers are
very distracted or somewhat
distracted when using a device to
talk or text.

Until hands-free systems
can be improved, AAA is advising
drivers to avoid using all the systems offered by phones and cars
so they arent as distracted behind
the wheel.

New resolutions?

Staff Writer

With every New Years
Day is a New Years Resolution
attached to the New Year. Its a
two-in-one commitment deal that
you commit to pursing. The most
common resolutions made each
year according to TIME Magazine

Lose Weight

Get Fit

Eat Healthier

Get Out of Debt

Save Money

Be Less Stressed

There is nothing wrong
with making a resolution but the
problem is keeping it. Making
a New Years Resolution is like
quitting cold turkey on a habit,
sometimes its success and other
times its not.

When making a New
Years Resolution you have to ask
yourself, Will I keep this resolution for more than six-weeks? Am
I capable of making this change
physically, mentally, and emotionally? Would my lifestyle be able to
handle this change?

According to Huffington
Post-Healthy Living, on average,
it takes more than two months
before a new behavior becomes
automatic, 66 days to be exact.

Now, these results can be
shortened or lengthened depending on the persons lifestyle but
how can you healing the common
broke resolution. When youre
considering your next New Years
resolution, commit to something
that will challenge but also benefit

Try to commit to a
habit or goal that will fit into your
lifestyle. Before the New Year
starts, do a one week trial to see
if youre able to make this one of
your resolutions or make a pros
and cons list about your potential
commitment next year.

Here are the top 5 principles, from Huffington Post, into
making a New Years Resolution:
Principle #1 -- Set Goals
with Deep-Enough Reasons
Principle #2 -- Handle Your
Bad Habits Before They
Handle You
Principle #3 Dont Sweat the
Small Stuff
Principle #4 -- Dont Beat
Yourself Up for Having a
Weak Moment
Principle #5 -- Set Yourself
Up to Win with the Micro-Habit

When creating your next
New Years Resolution, remember, this list is for you. No one is
going to go through the New Year
doing your list. This is not www.; youre
making the list for youself not for
anybody else. Youre comitting to
you and reaching this goal.

Dont try to get applause
from the world because the world
will love you for a second and
then forget about you. Make a list
that you will be proud to achieve
and that is for YOU.

Melody Beattie said,
The new year stands before us,
like a chapter in a book, waiting
to be written. We can help write
that story by setting goals.

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