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Wheelchair Tennis Weekly Activity Lesson Plan

Class GPE and APE profile description:

GPE: Frequency
Class meets M, Tu., Th., F
45 minutes per class /180 minutes per week
Breakdown of time
Warmup 5 min, Instruction time 10 min, transition 5 min, activity/skill work 20 min, cool-down 5
APE: Frequency
APE inclusion is Monday and Thursday
45 minutes per class / 90 minutes per week, APE teacher with SWD entire class.
Breakdown of time
Warmup 5 min, Instruction time 10 min, transition 10 min, activity/skill work 15 min, cool-down 5

Unit Goal: The student will (TSW) increase accuracy measured by striking a ball 70% using two
Skill Objectives: 1. TSW maintain grip on racket . 2. TSW hit a ball with a backhand/forehand
stroke 70% of attempts .
Use of the Curriculum Deliveries: Wheelchair Tennis Lessons
Name of Curr delivery 1: Same
GPE _X__ or APE ___ or both ___
List Format(s), teaching styles, lesson evaluation
Format: Large group
Teaching Style: Practice/Task style
Evaluation: Track number of strokes performed before rest is needed, Track time in transition to
determine if station times need to be longer, track number of strokes made contact with the ball to
track accuracy and if re-teaching needs to be done.
Brief description of an activity and how you will use the Curr Delivery and Format(s) mentioned here
Zig Zag Tennis

Backhand Stroke
Tall traffic cones 3-4, tennis balls, lightweight racket, beach balls if needed, tennis court
The SWOD will be divided into groups of three. The objective of the large class activity is to have
one teammate bounce a ball to another teammate who sends the ball over the net with a backhand
stroke. The third teammate will catch and return the balls to the feeder. Once the retriever has
caught 4 balls they will rotate to the feeder, feeder to backhand stroke, and backhand to retriever.
When including the SWD in this activity you will set up 3 to 4 cones (let the SWD choose the
number) in a zig zag from the backline to the net. The tennis balls (beach balls if needed for
success) will be placed on the cones. The SWDs objective is to move from one cone to the other and
perform a backhand stroke and knocking the tennis balls from the cones. The SWDs teammates
will serve as retriever and feeder, placing the ball on the cone as they get there and retrieving the
ball after the SWD strikes the ball from the cone.
You can increase the distance between cones or let the SWD choose to have the first ball each time
bounced and allow them to attempt to strike then moving to striking from the cone. You can allow
the SWD to choose the set-up pattern for the cones.

Name of Curr delivery 2: Different

GPE ___ or APE _X__ or both ___
List Format(s), teaching styles, lesson evaluation
Format: One on One
Teaching Style: Practice/Task style
Evaluation: Track number of strokes performed before rest is needed, track number of strokes
made contact with the ball to track accuracy and if re-teaching needs to be done, Track how long
SWD maintains grip on racket before needing rest.
Brief description of an activity and how you will use the Curr Delivery and Format(s) mentioned here
Strike it Rich I
Maintain grip for duration of activity, forehand strike.

Wiffle balls, ropes, cords or thera-bands, to tether the balls, lightweight racket (raqaloon,
Tethering two to three balls to a basketball rim so they hang at sitting height for the SWD. The
SWD will work one on one with APE teacher during class while SWOD are working on a forehand
strike activity with partners my SWD will position themselves with one of the tethered balls to the
front of their chair and perform a forehand stroke to the tethered ball. Set at least two stations up
on different goals and have the student move from one goal to another after a set number of strikes
determined by the SWD.

Name of Curr delivery 3: Modified

GPE _X__ or APE ___ or both ___
List Format(s), teaching styles, lesson evaluation
Format: Small group
Teaching Style: Practice/Task style
Evaluation: Track number of strokes performed before rest is needed, Track time in transition to
determine if station times need to be longer, Track how long SWD maintains grip on racket before
needing rest.
Brief description of an activity and how you will use the Curr Delivery and Format(s) mentioned here
Table Top Tennis
Maintain grip on racket.
Lightweight racket (raqaloon, badmitton), beach ball, large sensory ball, nerf ball, 2 folding tables,
large beanbag, cardboard panels or similar material.
The students are divided into groups of three to four working in small groups on forehand rallies.
The SWD will be positioned at one end of the table with the cardboard place on the sides of the
tables to keep the ball on the table. Placing the ball on the beanbag if needed to keep the ball
stationary the SWD will use a forehand strike to another student at the end of the table to be
returned with a forehand strike. The third/fourth students will replace the beach ball to begin again
after being returned and then rotate to the forehand strike. This will take place for minutes at

which time the SWOD will rotate to the court and a new group will rotate into the table activity.
During this activity the SWD will be concentrating on maintaining his grip on the racket and
resting the racket on the table during group transition times. The SWD can switch ends of the table
during group transition time if they choose.
Inclusion suggestion: Allow the SWD to determine how many rallies each partner must do before
rotating positions at the table.

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