Cultural Literacy 1st Draft

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Kyle Roberts

Laura Knudson
UWRT 1101

Cultural Literacy
What does cultural literacy mean today? Is it defined by the lack of knowledge in one
field or the abundance of it in another? Am I illiterate because of the above average amount of
information I possess in bodybuilding as opposed to the few significant dates or events in
American history? Where is the line drawn between literacy and illiteracy? Is there a line at all or
is it merely the product of years of technological advances and generations of all different
Despite the invisible line of literacy, theres little to go off when asking yourself which
side of that line, you as an individual, stand on. The country relies on its failing education
system to manifest perfect students. When really these students who dont care about the grades
theyre getting are just trying to pass. Grades are valued more than education, and when thats
the case students fail. Does that mean the students are illiterate?
As a child, I always found myself closely identifying with the biggest and strongest men
in the world. Hercules was my favorite hero, John Cena was my favorite wrestler, and Arnold
Schwarzenegger was who I wanted to be.

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