Public School Board Proposal To Close Hugh Beaton

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GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD EST Park Stet MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ‘Tuesday, May 32016 ‘Board Reom, 451 Park Street West, Winds 7:00 p.m. 10, Windsor, Ontario, Ontario 1 Bdwation Commitee Minutes from 2016 06 05 ached ‘BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES G PRESENTATIONS G.1__NORCAN PROJECT Superintendent Dr. Pyke G2 Secondary Special Edscation Delivery Model ~ Superintendent MeLaughtin G3 On Track to Success United Way ~ Superintendent Fister H-DELEGATION 1. SPEAKER'S LIST 27160 J. REPORTS TO BE RECEIVED ‘Anached 1 Long Term Priority Consideration Report ~ Superintendent Awender ‘NEW BUSIVESS ‘Program Accommodation Review — Initial Staff Report THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE IMMEDIATE COMMENCEMENT OF 4 MODIFIED PROGRAM ACCOMMODATION REVIEW THAT INCLUDES DOUGALL AVENUE PS, F.W. BEGLEY PS, HUGH BEATON PS, JOHN CAMPBELL PS, KING EDWARD PS, PRINCE EDWARD PS AND QUEEN VICTORIA PS, AS SET OUT IN THE PROGRAM ACCOMMODATION REVIEW - INITIAL STAFF REPORT, DATED MAY 3, 2016, and ne ‘THAT THE ABOVE RECOMMENDATION BE PLACED ON THE PUBLIC BOARD MEETING AGENDA OF MAY 3, 2016 ‘TRUSTEE QUESTION PERIOD NOTICES OF MOTION ANNOUNCEMENTS s 92 EF haiperson A Halbert ‘Gonmite Linon © Howl Vice Chairs 1 Sato “Aarinsratve Assan A. Pvia ‘MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF ‘THE GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD HELD ON TUESDAY, 2016 04 05 IN THEBOARD ROOM 451 PARK STREET WEST, WINDSOR, ONTARIO PRESENT: TRUSTEES: — C. Buckier C. Lovell J. Burgess, VIA TELECONFERENCE K. McKinley ‘A. Halberstadt, CHAIRPERSON, Fi VIA TELECONFERENCE J, Sere VICE CHALRTERZON| ‘T Kilpatrick, VIA TELECONFERENCE G. Simko-Hatfeld R Leclair D.Taves ADMINISTRATION E. Kelly C.Howitt, P.Antaya I. Howit T. Awender Lynd D Fister L’MeLaughlin ‘V. Houston S.Pyke ‘STUDENT TRUSTEES: Ain C.Pena-Vallecilo RECORDER: APavia * entered fier the meeting commenced Vice-Chairperson Sartori occupied the Chair. ‘A. CALLTO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Sartori called the meeting o order at 7:05 PM B. ATTENDANCE Vice-Chairperson Sartori noted Trustees Burgess, Halberstadt and Kilpatrick were joining via teleconference. ©. APPROVAL OF AGENDA CA Approval of Agenda Moved by Trustee SIMKO-HATFIEID Seconded by Trustee LECLATR. ‘THAT THE AGENDA OF THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATED 2016 04 05 BE APPROVED. ‘CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES of the Education Commitee Meeting Tuesday, Apis, 2016 Page 2 of 3 E, APPROVAL OF MINUTES E.A Approval of Minutes of the Education Commitice Mecting of 2016 (2 02 ‘Moved by Trustee TAVES ‘Seconded by Trustee MCKINLEY ‘THAT THE MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF 2016 02 02 BE. APPROVED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY F. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NL G. PRESENTATIONS 'G.1_ Math Task Force - Superintendent Dr. C. Howitt and the Math Task Force made a presentation. ‘Please see attached. Dr. Howit shared thatan important moment during this process was confirmation through parent ‘voices thatthe system indeed provides information to parents. Moving forward, itis important to not only provide information but to also involve parents In response to the question, how to accomplish the considerations put forward, Dr. Howit explained ‘thatthe work will continue with quarterly commitee meetings and reports being provided. In response to the inquiry, why considerations and not recommendations, Dr. Howit replied that the ‘word consideration was used because is softer language inthe sense that addtional informaton is ‘coming to assist in working through th complexity of moving forward withthe actions ‘An inguiry was made a to the length of this plan. Dr. Howitt responded that this sa seven year plan, A short term plan will be structured immediately atthe beginning of September and over the ‘next year a plan up to and inelusve of 2022 will be developed. ‘Trustees McKinley an¢ Sartori congratulated and thanked the Math Task Fore tam fr thet ‘work and dedication tothis project. 1H. DELEGATIONS NIL 1. SPEAKER'S LIST NIL ‘NEW BUSINESS NIL MINUTES of he Education Committee Meeting Tuesday, Apri6, 2016, Page 3 of 3 L. TRUSTEE QUESTION PERIOD ‘A Trustee inquired about the inconsistent messaging for parents with regards to A Day inthe Life. Dr. C. Howittthanked the Trustee forthe feedback ad shared thatthe process begins wth parents daring the IK Registration peri, Dr. C. Howitt wil share this information withthe tan ‘A Trustee inquired about interim JK assessment and if professional development willbe offered 1 staff. Dr. C. Howit responded that professional development willbe offered in September ‘community learning day with Early Years Teachers and ECEs, Edvestors will have the ‘opportunity to choose from a several different workshop on this day ‘M. NOTICES OF MOTION NIL N. ANNOUNCEMENTS ‘Trustee Buckler: Robotics Competition taki place on April 8 and 9, 2016, Trustec Buckler: The Western Regional Meeting being held at Westgate PS on April 15% and ‘Tecumseh Visa Blementary on April 16°, 2016. ‘Trustee Buckler: Special Olympics Banquet taking place on April 15% 2016 0. ADJOURNMENT ‘There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM, ‘P. CONVENE INTO OPERATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT ‘Tuntday, Apeil 8 2016 oe Context © REPORT ‘kthomtcs 2014 Greater Essex County District Schoo! Board: A Vision for Mathematics 2015 ~Motion to Convene “Math Task Force” — Math Task Force includes: + Trustees REPORT + Educators nate + Administrators + arents/Guardians © + Educational Experts + Community Partners ae Timeline © REPORT Rematch snd pice ttersure commie tower conan common at cathenne Final epee sertandag trates ae Ad-Hoc Committees © REPORT 8 ch Professional Learning Curriculum and Resources Learning Environment vorsons | Building Reciprocal Relationships = p= System Practices suman? qJ rons Research Briefs © ae The Basics About Back to Math Basics © T. = © J Basic understanding of mathematics is essential, and a necessary function of our schools is to prepare children with these foundational concepts and skills The real challenge for educators is. teaching mathematics that is rooted in, but not limited to, “the basics”. We do this through better understanding the elements of mathematical proficiency. ae The Basics About Back to Math Basics © “if you deny students the opportunity to engage in this activity — to pose their own conjectures and discoveries, to be wrong, to be creatively frustrated, to have an inspiration, to cobble together their own explanations and proofs - you deny them mathematics itself” P. Lochhart, 2009 Rote Versus Discovery: Moving the Discussion Forward The conversation of mathematics proficiency cannot be framed in the context of rote versus discovery because neither defines nor describes proficiency. Rote Versus Discovery: Moving © hee the Discussion Forward ‘O=== Proficiency develops over time, with practice, instruction, feedback, support and opportunity. As educators we must do this through developing each of the strands of proficiency from kindergarten ‘through secondary school. Jag Rote Versus Discovery: Moving the Discussion Forward oa In order to elevate the discourse of mathematics education, our conversations must be rooted in proficiency because it is this aim towards excellence which will facilitate students to excel in their applications of mathematics and position them to realize its boundlessness. Expertise of All © Content is the “what” and pedagogy is the “how” of teaching. Pedagogical content knowledge is a highly specialized skill-set that differs from subject-specific knowledge and general pedagogical knowledge. ‘Ona Expertise of All © We need to remain committed to our adopted core beliefs and demonstrate through our actions as educators that we believe all children can learn mathematics and all teachers can teach mathematics. Expertise of All © Expertise is built through learning, and learning is what sustains, improves and empowers us. We believe in the capacity of all educators. We believe that it is the learner who will become the expert...and we are all learners. a Supporting all Mathematics Learners ‘Through Responsive Learning Environments A responsive learning environment includes three realms: the Physical Realm, the Social and Emotional Realm and the Choice and Voice Realm. ae ‘Supporting all Mathematics Learners Through Responsive Learning Environments Educators look at the space of the classroom that promotes collaboration through group work as well as the space that permits quiet thinking and exploring math. Ne - Supporting all Mathematics Learners ‘Through Responsive Learning Environments| Students feel safe to rake risks in aa class that is supported by positive attitudes and has a sense of community. Students have choice in exploring mathematics by choosing tasks, tools, methods, and partners. Creating International Conversations © ‘A. comparison between nations that examines achievement scores in isolation of the culture and context is incomplete and ultimately inadequate in informing the work of educators. iz JG Creating International Conversations © The results from PISA and other international data identifies the Canadian (Ontario) education model as world leading with respect to critical criteria such as equity, inclusiveness and support for all learners ~ criteria which define our national values. "The Partnership's overall goal isto compare and contrast Canadian and Chinese education n such a way that the cultural narratives of each provide frameworks for understanding and appreciating educational similarities and differences" (shijing Xu and Michael Connelly, 2013-2020). Timeline REPORT users aioe ‘rte seamaton of commis reve commen comnan ata cate Find nego eeranlng earls a Research and Literature Review © REPORT Other Areas of Note * Building Capacity of Mathematical Leadership + The Importance of Home/School Connections + The Seven Foundational Principles for Improvement in Mathematics, K-12 + School Effectiveness Framework Connections + The Need and Value of Instructional Coaches ie ae Timeline © REPORT aasioe thea fomavonot commtoet conten common Fiat report egerrcng ‘saa ‘ofthe heirs la Gathering the Voice of Stakeholders © REPORT Purpose * understand the perspectives of system stakeholders * gather baseline data ‘Measures (triangulation of data) * Surveys + Interviews + Learning Environment Protocols. Groups + Students, Parents/Guardians, Educators Gathering the Voice of Stakeholders REPORT Student Voice * 2162 survey respondents (Grade 4-12) + 61 interviews + Survey data showed that students somewhat agreed with the statements defining proficiency * Interview data demonstrated that students’ assessment of their ability in mathematics was closely tied to performance and evaluations (tests, report card marks, assignments) Gathering the Voice of Stakeholders REPORT Educator Voice + 912 survey respondents (89 Administrators) + 127 interviews (21 Administrators) * Survey data showed that the majority of educators held favourable attitudes toward mathematics and teaching of mathematics, Some are currently engaged in professional learning in math. The majority of educators would like professional learning in math content and pedagogy. * Interview data demonstrated that administrators requested support in mathematics content, pedagogy and leadership of mathematics, learning. Io Gathering the Voice of Stakeholders REPORT Parent Voice + 870 survey respondents + 63 interviews + Survey data showed that parents valued mathematics. The data showed that some parents felt that they could support math learning at home. In addition, respondents valued partnerships between home and school but felt that the home-school connection could be improved + Interview data demonstrated that parents had varying views of the ‘purpose of mathematics which included three main categories: math for life, math applied to a profession and mathematics asa discipline. In addition, most parents wanted help with supporting math learning. Timeline REPORT Ace “imense Fomaton ot cons tovee conus Oo: {0 6 0.:6::.6 nerd ena on. ‘the ue 7 Considerations REPORT [A district-wide, K-12, multi-year model for professional learning focused on deepening understanding ofthe five mathematical proficiencies and focused on Increasing educator content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and cortent- pedagogical knowledge. = Research Based + Differentiated to Meet Teacher Needs + Deeper Understanding of Math Content and Pedagogy for Math Teaching + Aligned to GECDS8 Vision for Mathematics Considerations REPORT ‘A focused plan to bulld leadership capacity in mathematics to include school administrators, central office staff and senior administration. + Ontario Ministry of Education Mathematics Teaching and Learning Working Group identifies that there should be very specific and thoughtful planning of leadership capacity specific to mathematics + The ability ofthe school-based administrator to assume the role of instructional leader and support learnings a significant ‘determining actor in the success of any educational advancement. Considerations REPORT Revise the GECDS8 Math Vision to include new information related to ‘the responsive learning environment and to reflect detalls of the comprehensive plan and monitoring plan. + Aresponsive learning environments identified as ‘one of the Seven Foundational Principles for Improvement in Mathematics K-12 2010, p.8). + An effective mathematics learning environment is determined by many factors and is influenced by all levels of educational organizations. Considerations REPORT Incorporate a “Student-Centered Learning Community” as part of the District Review Process + There is enormous value in educators visting the dassrooms of, ‘other educators in order to engage in reflective conversations about student learning, + There is also great power in including the students, thelr voice ‘and perspectives in this process, Considerations REPORT Develop a system-wide understanding of “teacher expertise” with respect to mathematics and focus the learning from Consideration 1 on building the capacity of all educators. * Effectively supporting student math learning requires al teachers to continue to develop and refine their expertise in mathematics. tls ertical for our schools and school system to support deeper and broader understandingof ‘mathematics teaching and learning forall educators. *+ This learning needs to be differentiated to meet teacher needs and develop further understanding content, pedagogy, and content-pedagogy. Considerations REPORT Specific supports provided for teachers in grade 7-9 focused (on co-constructing understanding of effective instructional practices and assessment practices, and supporting transitions and course sections. “At this stage oftheir ives, students are struggling to establish their identities every doy, ‘through interactions with friends, at school, at home, and in the community. Immersed In uncertainty on several fronts, they need to fee! safe and to experience asense of belonging. They also need to take courses that align with their strengths, interests, and aspirations (Tileczek, 2010).” Considerations REPORT [Educator learning should be supported through the provision of ‘mathematics instructional coaches in the elementary system focused on the work in Considerations 1, 2 and 11. Existing coaches in the secondary system should be aligned to mathematics based on school needs. “+ Mathematical coaches would serve as an on-site resource for teachers to build collaborative professional development addressing mathematical content, pedagogy, ‘and curriculum in an effort to enhance instruction and improve student achievement (Marzano, Walters, & McNulty, 2005). + Research has suggested that school-based mathematics coaches are vital element to support the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning in elementary schools (National Research Council, 2001). + Sustained investment in mathematic coaches is crucial (Campbell & Malkus, 2011). Considerations REPORT ‘Align homeroom and Special Education Resource Room classroom schedules to ensure consistency of math instruction and to allow for extended blocks of time for math instruction. Students returning from the Resource Room will ‘continue to receive high-quality math instruction with appropriate ‘accommodations and modifications in place. + When SERR students return to homeroom with an extended math block itis imperative ‘that high-quality instruction continues. (Differentiated Instruction) + Ensure appropriate accommodations and modifications are in place to enable students ‘to access the learning across curriculum areas and with approaches consistent with those in the Individual Education Plan, these principles need to be consistently applied inall dassrooms. 2i Considerations REPORT system-wide model for early identification of students with math learning struggles should be developed. In addition, a system-wide response to these learning needs should be developed and include appropriate effective, specific, and timely interventions that support student learning, Early identification of learning struggles and the provision of appropriate interventions ‘are essential to create the learning foundation necessary for future success ofall students (Fullan, Hill and Crevola, 2006) + Early intervention is particularly important in mathematics. Gaps widen inthe absence of intervention, + Early math skills are the best predictor of school and career success. (Recent research notes that math is a better predictor than early reading for future language skil). Considerations REPORT ‘Specific consideration should be given to the supports avalable for student ‘populations with historic gaps in achievement. This plan should also give ‘consideration to developing understanding and responses to other learning barriers. such as socio-economic status and lack of familial supports. + *Gopsin achievement con be measured terms of various fotos such os gender ehnocutural ecground socio-economic tatu, spel education needs language profiency or numberof ‘credits accumuloted by the end of prtculrgrode. Achievement gops con abo be éefined according tw combinations ofthese fctors such o gender and special education need or gener ond socio ‘economic sttus, or ethnocutural background and crelt accumulation by ear ond grade Leaning for AIA Guide to Elective Assessment and instruction fr Al Students (2013) + Better understanding of the learning experience of thes student eset to proving the ‘programming and supports that wl ow them tobe successful n thelr learing, 2L Considerations REPORT ‘A comprehensive, long-term, model for data collection and monitoring which allows forthe system to be responsive to math teaching and learning, should be ‘developed. This data collection and monitoring should be transparent and shared ‘with all stakeholders and be used to inform system practices and policy in order to ‘support teaching and learning. Additional consideration should be given toa ‘continuation of the existing Math Task Force to support monitoring. *+ Hattie (2009) is very clear in the need for educators and education systems to know thelr impact. + Decision making that is informed by relevantlocal data and global education research is 2 foundation for progressive, responsive school systems to support the learning and needs of the schools they govern. + Atransparent operational approach and a sense of collective responsibilty towards the learning ofthe students in our care is critical Considerations REPORT ‘All departments should explore existing system practices, supports ar department structures, inclusive of how they work, in order to determine whether they are most effective in providing comprehensive ‘and differentiated professional learning as outlined in Consideration 2. + itis essential that a clear vislon be established if improvement isto be realized Within the education context, this vision needs to be understood and supported across the organization. Leithwood (2003; 2013) and the Ontario Leadership Fromewerk (2013) * Significant and sustained improvements in mathematics outcomes requires ¢ collaborative and comprehensive approach that includes both academic andnon- academic departments reflecting on their role in, and contribution to, mathematics learning in the system. a Considerations REPORT Resources should be developed that support families In promoting ‘and facilitating math learning at home and should be connected to appropriate grade level expectations. ‘+ Family engagement has been identified as a mitigating difference in socioeconomic status and student achievement. (Jeynes, 2007) * Parents and families should receive resources and support on culturally appropriate ways to create home learning environments that foster high expectations for their children’s success in ‘mathematics (Vukovic, Roberts, and Wright 2013) Considerations REPORT Opportunities for partnership with various stakeholders should be explored and leveraged under the premise of supporting teaching and learning and creating ‘conditions for knowledge mobilization both locally and globaly. These partnerships should develop and promote models of reciprocity that support teaching and learning. ‘+ Mathematics achievement isa global focus and information shared among various {groups serves to enhance the learning of the collective. + Schools and school systems benefit from rich, responsive and reciprocal relationships with local and global partners, + Practices that support structures, systems and professional learning tied to the ‘engagement of these partners will serve to enhance the experience of all stakeholders and ultimately benefit students. 24 Timeline REPORT aoe “ite east ox Gatos fatten ntetandg Desa acne Key Elements of Provincial ‘REPORT Renewed Math Strategy *Arminimum of 60 minutes each day of protected learning time for effective ‘mathematics instruction and assessment for students in Grades 1 to 8 *Up to three math lead teachers in all elementary schools, ‘Coaching for principals of select secondary schools to lead improvement in math mong thelr students ‘Support for learning at home through parent resources that provide helpful tips and information on the mathematics curriculum ‘Better access to online math resources and math supports such as Homework Help ‘Math support for Grades 6 to 9 outside ofthe school day Opportunites for educators to deepen thelr knowledge In math learning, teaching and leading, including a dedicated math Professional Development Day to further ‘their school improvement efforts, Final Report REPORT ‘+ Improvement in student achievement comes a a result of focused and intensive learning across a school-district-the analogy of “all hands on deck”. + Ourpurpose as educators is not to count the limited prospects but to inspire the infinite possibilties-our goal Isto educate for excellence! The work begins now! 2b GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM DATE: May 3, 2016 To: ‘The Chairperson and Trustees of the Board of Edueation FROM: = E.Kelly Director of Education T. Awonder Superintondent of Education ‘SUBJECT: Program Accommodation Review — intial Staff Report ‘PURPOSE: ‘As required by the Ministry of Education, the purpose ofthis Initial Staff Report isto recommend for approval, to the Board of Trustees, the commencement of a Program Accommodation Review inthe central Windsor area that has recently been outlined in the previous long term priority report. ‘This Accommodation Review will specifically involve recommendation(s) that will affect the following seven elementary schools: ‘Dougall Avenue Public School F.W. Begley Public School Hugh Beaton Public School John Campbell Public School King Edward Public School Prince Edward Public School (Queen Vietoria Public School ‘RECOMMENDATION: ‘THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE IMMEDIATE COMMENCEMENT OF A MODIFIED PROGRAM ACCOMMODATION REVIEW THAT INCLUDES DOUGALL AVENUE PS, F.W. BEGLEY PS, HUGH BEATON PS, JOHN CAMPBELL PS, KING EDWARD PS, PRINCE EDWARD PS, AND QUEEN VICTORIA PS, AS SET OUT IN THE PROGRAM ACCOMMODATION REVIEW — INITIAL STAFF REPORT, DATED MAY 3, 2016. BACKGROUND: ‘On March 26, 2015 the Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review ‘Guideline (PARG) and Community Planning and Partnership Guideline (CPPG). On January 19, ‘2016 the Board of Trustees approved the new Program Accommodation Review and Community GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM Planning and Partnership Policies and Regulations reflecting the changes of the new guidelines, ‘after consultation had taken place with the community. The approval of the before mentioned Policies and Regulations permits the Board of Trustees to consider and approve the ‘commencement of a Program Accommodation Review. ‘A Long Term Accommodation Priority Report was provided. Enrolment projections, capacity {sses, program needs, the identification ofeaptl issues, etc. re outlined below. Ares that are {denied as under eapacity, having a high Facility Condition Index (FCD, and baving high renewal neds require reduction in pupil places which would entail a Program Accommodation Review. ‘Summary of Accommodation Issues 1 Enrolment and Utilization Figur | outlines the curent and projected enrolment and uilzation forthe seven elementary Schools mentioned above in the central Windsor area grouping of school. The total enrolment of the seven schools is approximately 2630 students and is expected to decline over the next decade. ‘The On the Ground (OTG) capacity of the seven schools is 3617. Overall, there is an excess of ‘marly 1000 student places operating with autlization rate of 72.7%. Figure 1: Enrolment and Utileaton (Oct 31,2015 actual) ‘OTG ‘Viittzation | 2020 | Udlization | 2025 | Utllzation caret |e we | earsmen:| nse | rarsment | 3 “18 wx | 40 | aim | 305 | 1% 8 ao | 409 | 7a%e_| a3] 6 456 74 | 300 [70% | 302 | 56% 2 7h | 308 | 7a [| 3% at 74 | 269 [61% | 245 | 3596 ai on | 377 61% | 363 | eT em | 385 | 59% | 373] 57% TOTAL | 3617 Tee | 2a49 [oe | a3 | oe] ii, Facility Condition Figure 2 outlines the facility condition and some operational costs associated with the seven ‘elementary schools involved in this proposed accommodation review. It must be noted that additions were added to some ofthe schools at various times over the years. Further, the Facility Condition Index (FCI) is the renewal requirement of the facility divided by the replacement cost, ‘multiplied by 100. According to the Ministry of Education, a FCI of less than 5% is “good”, between 5-10% is “far”, between 10-30% is “poor”, and greater than 30% is erucial. 2 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM gure 2: Falliy Condlon and Operational Cost ies] Cnn | aniover 2021 RT ‘Opera | “AODA) out} Compliance 1929 | 90.73% | 96.29% 227,994 | No 2005 | 0.09% —| 35.02%. 370,516 | __Yes ‘2010 | 0.34% | 40.07% 331,493 | Yes 1992 | 25.68% | 43.40% 339,855_| Yes 5.86% | 52.58% 7299,686_| Yes TI1Gh | 93.15% 328273_| No 448% | 78.60% 393,506 No In order to address the program, facility and utilization pressures experienced in the group of schools, a numberof actions have taken place inthe past. Capital monies were provided from the ‘Ministry for new schools in 1992 for Dougall Avenue PS, 1993 for King Edward PS, 2002 for Bogley PS, and a retrofit new school because ofthe ‘Heritage® label for John Campbell PS in 2006. This tremendously helped the aging schools with a significant decrease in renewal dollars being spent on the buildings. Further, these four schools are also accessible and meet AODA standards, Although newly constructed schools often bring increased enrolment, over the years there has ‘sll been a dectine in the area overall. Program opportunities such as English as a Second ‘Language were established in Dougall Avenue PS, Prince Edward PS, and Begley PS. Specialized programming for children with exceptionalities has been established, and growing to ‘accommodate our students in their home school district. Begley PS also has the Arabic Iamersion program from JK-3 that significantly increases enrolment, Parent Family Literacy Centers (PFLC), Ontario Early Years (OEY), and Childcare providers have been situated in the ‘buildings with empty space to provide convenience for parents, while also bringing families into the schools at an early age to witness the wonderful staf, students and programs already existing in our schools. ‘Many of the schools inthe area have open versus closed boundaries. This may help draw ‘sudents from different school districts to boost their student population, however, it also has the ‘opposite effect on other surrounding schools in that their populations are decreased. Accommodation Option Recommended 4s outlined, the prominent pressures facing this group of seven schools are the numberof excess ‘pupil places the facility condition and renewal costs associated specifically with three of the an GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM seven schools in this review. The following option represents solutions that align with the ‘Board's strategic priorities fr the effective and responsible use of resources to be directed at programming that meet student needs. » 2 » ‘The Board will submit a School Consolidation Capital (SCC) business case tothe Mistry of Education for a new 6 room addition to John Campbell PS. Upon “Ministry approval, this new addition would allow a consolidation of the John ‘Caripbell PS and Hugh Beaton PS in district student populations in John Campbell PS. Upon construction of the new addition, Hugh Beaton PS would be closed and ‘considered surplus to the Board's needs. The boundaries would be adjusted ‘accordingly. If funding is not received for the new addition, but due to declining ‘enrolment the student population of both schools decreases enough to be ‘accommodated inthe John Campbell building without an addition, Hugh Beaton would be closed and considered surplus tothe Board’ needs. ‘The Board will submit a School Consolidation Capital (SCC) business case tothe Ministry of Education for a 675 pupil place new school building. Upon Ministry approval, this new K-8 school construction would be a consolidation of the Queen ‘Victoria PS and Prince Edward PS student populations, with the site to be devermined. ‘Upon construction of the new school, Prince Edward PS and Queen Victoria PS would be: ‘closed and declared surplus tothe Board’s needs. The boundaries would be adjusted accordingly. “The final proposed part of the option involves boundary adjustments for September 2017. ‘The students currently attending Queen Victoria PS, Prince Edward PS, Begley PS, and ‘Huzh Beaton (in district) are able to remain until graduation if at the same address. Any new registrations or JK students from September 2017 and forward will adhere to the new boundaries which ae as follows: i) The current Queen Victoria PS boundary that is north of Giles Blvd (both sides) will become part of the Dougall Avenue PS boundary. ii) The current Prince Edward PS boundary that is north of Erie Street (both sides) will become part of the Begley PS boundary. i) The current Prince Edward PS boundary that is east of Moy Avenue (both idee) will become part ofthe King Edward PS boundary iv) The current Begley PS boundary that is east of Moy Avenue (both sides) will become part of the King Edward PS boundary. 30 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM ¥) The current Hugh Beaton PS boundary that is north of Shepherd Street E (both sides) and north of the nearby railroad tracks, will become part of the King ‘Edward PS boundary. ‘Capital Improvements ‘With a proposed closure of Hugh Beaton PS, approximately 270 pupil places would be required at John Campbell PS. There are curently 100 empty spaces at John Campbell PS with a ... i te, Bsbse sk g 5 a Biel Page 8 of 15 42 Nolvae HONE aves T0Ords 19iSiG]|y ALNnoo 3683 Saivsvo|le _§ 3 Fage 9 of 16 Page 10 of 18 Page 11 of 16 Panning map Page 12 of 16 ue ‘Ghatineite Ta Ape 7 1257.25 EDT 2016 ‘Dat fit he 20152016 Yow IIT Hoga Bos Pee avery Dan = Room tps du gov on cx/Paclitylvestor/RoomsasprmodemsumBafide1117 Page 130110 Page of annus 4 Projected five-year facIty renewal needs of schoo! tem and cost) [Year [eost | Torna Package Unis ~Porineter Radiaioo] igh | 2016] — s26z 0] (62090 exer Doors Eure igh —[ 2015] — 5400 ret [CT030 Fangs = Nlwork - Ene Scho fg —[-20ts| — $120,120] [C1020 rr Dor Es {sgn —[-zois] $100.00 Vase fetes ome Ee Teer Dor Harare Ei Tag —[-zois] — 5.70 {placement [C2010 Wal Fishes _Panied Wal Covering -Entre Schoo) aga —[ 2016] — $206.70] Rear [es02 For Frisbes- Teac] Ioan | aors] — $7. 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BiSPg] Tian 2076] — 3567890 Sua) (OBDIOUS Heatrg/Cling water dtibuton systems ~ Hesing Piping Syston] Tuigent_[-zore] — st0.s20| TTA Don, Heating & Coon - Duct Stem - Orgel Baking] Teun | 2016] —s10.20] Dometic Vater Dsbvton- Pumbing Piping Sysare- Orginal Guna] igh | 2016] —s10.8204 [4020 SiandppeSyiens Orgel Buldng] ‘are|— sv] Replacement (0300007 Edwust Seton -Exhavel Fane] 20%s| — $61,500] Page 14 of 18 [osian [ 20%6] — Sea] stax 101001 Srucural Prams ~ Cigna Balding] igh | 201s] —] [Mejor Rapa (810701 Siuctural Frame - Org! Bulg] igh — | zote| — sar.) {six 1630 Underground utes — Sie) igh —[ 2016] —] [episcement [52300 Exrr Door - Fxite Ooo’ Fardeare- Ens Schoo] zo16] — $21.84) Repel 82410 Exterior Walls Bick Wal System - Ene School 2018 Si [Replacement (03001 Ax isbn, Hest. Cootd Cust Sytem - gal Bug] 2o%5| $494 [Repscsment 0539001 Fre An Systems Origa Bldg) [users [-2o1sl — soso] acon [513004 Pubic Address Syetame - Origine! Suldeg] zo1sl — $40,140) [C310 Flor Fishes - Vin For Te = Conference Rao] zois| — $10.20] [Repacoment [3120 Floor Fishes Geran Flor Tog) IMeca [2016] — $31,500] Replaconent C3120 Foor Frishes-PatedSeaed Conca Fao] 2016] — $16,360) Replacement [6950 Coling Fishes - Acoust Te Ceing] jdm [ 2016] $36,220] i [60 tng oed Bauren- Adon 1 Secon 2016] — $116.5) [G30 Roof - exited Btunen Gym Saxton] igh —| 2015] —stt0.04 rt [590 Rooting - Moded Buren Orga ig Se2550] igh —[ 2043] —st.c04 ste [6309007 Somwatr Han gore tow $10,400 Rapa [630300 Stormwater anager] tow $280.09 (08106 Aurtsr Equipment ~ Sack &Breacing Giga Bulag] tow $9.00] Replaconen! C1010 Partitions - Woveabie Paros] low 35100) Reploerert (036008 Grounding Syst Orginal Baa] 579,009 Replaconen 0318080 Ofer Spec Systems and Devices Oval Bang] igh 515 600 Repiacenen! 0371002 Gas Supply Syston Original Duby] Imes $40.00) [Replacenenl 086008 Seouy Systems Orgial By] lie $20.00) otal cost over nex years: $H.062.700 Page 180 16 ‘Summary of five previous years’ enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program, 5 Year FTE Enrolment History ST TEE TCT) * HS) ae ose fo 8 K ws ss 2 35 1 38 38 u 2 6 2 25 40 39 8 2s 3 3 24 s 38 29 ‘ 3% 32 23 “ 39 5 3 35 ra 2 39 6 35 as “3 o Pa 7 rs a 3” aL a 8 a 43 2 37 a Toot = 9 30essatae Enrolment Actual October 31, 2015, i a a a a i a 10 Year Enrolment Projections ee ok ea) as) a ee |) | ae i I OE TaN PRE cB, GAD (Be Sh a wos | en os | | 8 ans aep | os es ean ene ES ig Sls) ae ee a ae oo oe 6 7 2 8 8 ea ag a eo Ia as ae |e saad 3s 9 8 8 8 @ § 7 8 #2 as2 356 sk ak Oa Rat Page 18 0116 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. ‘School Information Profile FW Begley Public Schoo 4093 Assumption Street Windsor Ontario NSA 3C5 Date: April 27, 2016 ~ Fae Profile Site plan and flor plan(s) (or space template) ofthe Schoo! with the date of school construction and any subsequent additions Site plan (page 6) and floor pian (pages 7-9) are attached Date of construction and subsequent addition: 2005, 2033, “cheol attendance area (boundary) map "Map is attached (page 20) ‘Context map [or ar photo) ofthe school indicating the existing land uses surrounding the school Maps attached (page 13) ‘anning map ofthe school with zoning, Map is attached (page 12) Offical Plan or secondary plan land use designations: Residential ‘ie of the school site (acres or hectares) 25 hectares Bullding area (equare feet or square metres) 6812.6 sq metres ‘Number of portable dlassrooms ‘i ‘Number and type of nstructional rooms as well as spelalized classroom teaching spaces (eg, science lab, tech shop, gymnasium, etc) ‘See attached (page 13-14) “area of hard surfaced outdoor play area and/or green space, the numberof pay feds, and the presence of ‘outdoor facities (eg, tracks, courts for basketball, tennis, etc.) 72,685 sq metres of paved area 6,534 eq metres of green space 1 soceer field 2 baseball backstops 1 play structure 2 outdoor classrooms 5l Ten-year history of major fecity improvements (tem and cst) £2005: new schoo! ($10,500,000) 2013: FDK adeition $513,000 Projected five-year faclty renewal needs of schoo (item and cost) ‘Summary i attached (page 15) aren Fat Condition Index FD with deen af what the dex represent 2015 FI= 0.5% ‘Asset Replacement Value “Shudent distance to school in klometres Minimum: 0.02 Maximum: 11.2 ‘Average: 1.14 Percentage of students, under the school board poli that are gible for transportation: 12% ‘not eligible for transportation: 88% Tongest bus rie to schoo: 12 mins shortest bus ride to schook: 3 mins average length of bus ride time: 6.7 mins ‘School operational costs [totals per square foot, and per student) ‘otal coste= $370,516 Costs per student = $751.55 Costs per square metre = $58.69, ‘Nomber of parking spaces on site atthe school an assessment of the adequacy of parking, and bus/car access and egress 57 parking spots (bylaw requires 46) bousbay faiityon eastside of schoo! simall Kis and Rise area which is inadequate for volume of users ‘Weasures thatthe school board has identified and/or addressed for accessibity ofthe school for students, Staff, and the public wit dsabilties (Le, barrier-free) Building i Fully accessible ‘Or-the-ground [OTG) capacity, and surpus/shortage of pupil places | O76 = 598 2015/16 ADE = 481, 117 surplus spaces Page 2 0116: Instructional Profle ‘Describe the number and typeof teaching staff, non-teaching staf, support staf, Kinerant taf, and administrative staff a the sehook: Principal and 05 Vice-Principal Secretary and 0.5 Clerk 35 Teachers Total including: 2 ESL Teachers, 1.5 SERR Teachers, 1 GAINS Teacher, 1 Music Teacher, § Arabic “Transition Teachers, 1 Learning Support Teacher, 0.5 Librarian, 2 French Teachers, 4 Early Childhood Educators 410 Support Staff (2 CrW, 2 DSW, 6 EA's) 15 tinerant ESL Teachers 115 tinerant Low Vision Teachers 35 custodians ‘Describe the course and program offerings atthe school: 2K to 8 English choo! offering standard elementary school programming. k-Gr 8 core instruction ‘Arabic Transition for Kindergarten and Primary K-8 English 3 Arabic Transition Program ESL Programs ‘Describe the specialized service offerings atthe school (eg, cooperative placements, guidance counseling, ete) Coop Placements ~all grades ‘Associate Teachers for the Faculty of Education ‘Mentoring of EA and CYW students by support staff ‘Current grade configuration of the school IKegrade 8 Current grade organization ofthe school (eq. number of combined grades, etc) of straight grades = 12 ‘Wot combined grad locluding $1K/SK classes) ‘Number of out of area students 37 Utilization factor/classroom usage: 5 Kindergarten assrooms (3 shared space) 1 oom for PFLC {1 music room 1 double gymnasium 1 staff room ‘breakfast server GAINS room 18 regular classrooms Page 3 of 16 33 [special use rooms usedas classrooms (2 SERR, 2 ESI) 4 seminar room used asa classroom (ESI) 1 library 1oftee 2 photocopy rooms office conference room ‘Leustodia office ‘Summary of five previous years” enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program ‘Summary provided (page 16) ‘Current extracurricular acivtes Full range of extra-curicular sports. Media Club ‘Band Junior and Senior Choir Library Helpers 0 Gis! Gym Program Page 4 of 16 oH ‘Other School Use Profile “Current non-school programs or services resident ator co-located wit the schoalas well as any revenue from these non-school programs or services and wheter or not it is at full cost recovery None ‘Current facity partnerships as well as any revenue from the facllty partnerships snd whether or not Rl at full cost recovery All Ful Cost Recovery ‘+ Health kids Community Challenge Jumpstart Student Nutrition Program (brealfast and snack programs) arentng and Family Literacy Centre Roots of Empathy Triple P Parenting YMCA K's Cub ‘Community use of the school as well as any revenue from the community use ofthe school and whether oF not itisatfull cost recovery Projected September 2016-June 2016 Schoo! Rental Permitted Hours EW. Begley Hours Sym 1022 Classrooms 400 Other rooms (Library, Lunch room, ete) 400 Total 1822 Projected September 2015-June 2016 Schoo! Rental Revenue Rent Paid by rental groups $540 Covered by the Priority Schools grant 43435 Total $43975 ‘Community Use Overview: Recreational groups use the gym for basketball soccer, broomball and volleyball. kids club ses the brary, classrooms and gym. The federal government used the gym for an election “Avalaility of before and after school programs oF services (eg, childcare) aswel as any revenue from the before and ater school programs and whether or not itis at fll cost recovery None Lease terms at the school as wellas any revenue from None Deserption af the schoo sitablity fr fecllty partnerships 32 and whether or “The school is currently suitable for facility partnerships Page § of 16 55 Sb ‘Guvog TOOKOS ioiMisio ALNNOS XSSS3_aLvaUd ical Page 7 of 16 51 “Sd TWIG INVST 58 “Sd ATs INVES ‘GHVOE TOOHOS LolMLsic ALNNOD X3SS3_HSLVaUD Page 9 of 16 Pane 10 0116 bo Page 1 of 16 vl SAK (Om AN WS WW Panning map Page 120116 ue Page of ‘Chilnatneuie Thu Ape7 125821 EDT 2016 ‘ata refect te 20152016 Year 10686 Pak W Bepley Pble School "iver Data = Roos Summary “hapa go. ancfTellynvenery Rooms sep inde~sumBalsiel 0655 anno Page 13 016 ‘Page 20f2 amo.6 pets 2.go.oncxFecliy inventory Rooms arpx?modensumdisi10656 Page 14 of 16 cH Projected five-year facity renewal needs of school (tem and cost). aaa g SISIEISIS| [Replacement D4030Fire Protecion Specaltes [Replacomen 82030 Extorir Doors 5 Page 15 of 16 us ‘Summary of five previous years’ enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program. 5 Voar FTE Enrolment History aK 3 2B 3 8 K ws 2 5 “ 1 se 33 ” 8 2 a 0 so ss se 3 s 38 st st st 4 62 “6 4% 5s a 5 4s ° “ “6 a 6 3 0 6 so 4s 7 « 2 a 7 ” 8 6 « a st oo oe Ce a ne) Enrolment Actual - October 31. 2015 ms HSL 420 Yeer Enrolment Projections SS KSA a Fn SN Tit OC ES ea eT 2) ses we eo le ssn ea ee eee aso ag aaa at aT 36 SC Uay TA ag ay Res ae ew asi eae 8 PAN SESS gy gs [ay gg TST ioe ag fe 68 6 8 7 @ 8 2 7 on Feri td a Ld Ll A J ea ed eT a ae df) Toul 477s Page 18 of 6 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD School Information Profile John Campbell Public School 1255 Tecumseh Road East ‘Windsor Ontario. N82W 1B7 Date: April 27, 2016 Facility Profile subsequent additions Site plan (page 6) and floor plan (page 7-8) are attached Date of construction and subsequent addition: 1926, 1983, and 2010, Site pian and floor plan(s) (or space template) of the school with the date of school construction and any “School attendance area (boundary) map Maps atached (page 10) ‘Context rap (or air phato) ofthe schoo Indicating the existing land uses surrounding the school "Map is attached (page 13) Panning map ofthe school with zoring, Map attached (page 12) Official Plan or secondary plan land use designations: med use ‘Size ofthe school sit (acres or hectares) 1.564 hectares Building area (square feet or square metres) 6,143.6 sq metres, ‘Number of portable dassrooms il ‘Number and type of instructional rooms as well as spedalzed dssroom teaching spaces (eg, science lb, tech ‘shop, gymnasium, etc) ‘See attached (page 13-14) “Area of hard surfaced outdoor play area andor green space, the numberof play els, and the presence of ‘outdoor facities (eg, tracks, courts for basketbal tennis, et.) 2,332 sq metres of paved pay area 890 sq metres of greens pace Soccer field Pathway around the greenspace Baseball backstop. Outdoor classroom el Ten-year history of major facility improvements (item and cost) £2010: Major cool renovation and change room addition ($10,800,000) £2012 and 2014: repair work on face brick and stone ($30,000) 2015: new concrete shed for FOK ($23,250) Projected five-year fealty renewal needs of school tem and cost) ‘Summary is attached (page 15) arent Feclity Condition index (FC) with a definition of what the index represents. 2015 = 038% Fcl=Valueof Curent Renewal Needs= $32,760 ‘Asset Replacement Value $9,623,350 ‘hudent distance to schoolin Kilometres Minimum: 0.03 Maximum: 4.36 ‘Average: 0.80 Percentage of students, under the school board policy that are Elgible fr transportation: 4% not eligible for transportation: 96% longest bus ride to school: 13 mins shortest bus ride to schoot: 3 mins ‘average length of bus ride time: 7 mins “School operational coats (totals, per square foot, and per student) Total Costs = $331,493, Costs per student = $544.43 Costs per sq. metre = $53.96 ‘Nomber of parking spaces on site at the school, an assessment ofthe adequacy of parking, and bus/ear access ‘and egress. 40 parking spaces (building code requires 37) ‘On street bus bay for large buses Separate bus bay for smaller buses iss and Rie area Allabove are deemed adequate ‘Measures thatthe school board has dented and/or addressed for accessibility ofthe schoel for students, staff, andthe public with disabilities (Le, barrier-free) Schoo! fully accessible ‘Gr-the-ground (OTG) capacity, and surplus/shortage of pupil places O76 =456 2015/2016 ADE = 357 99 surplus spaces Page 20116 bo Taarocional Profile ‘Describe the number and type of teaching staf, non-teaching staf, support taf Rnerant staf. and administrative staff tthe school: 21.0 Currently Teaching Saf, next year 19.5, 2.0 Early Childhood Educator 110 Child and Youth Worker 5.0 Educational Assistants 3.0 Developmental Service Workers 3.0 Custodians Lo Secretary Itnerate Sea: Speech and Language one full day per week Educational Coordinator, 5 days per week Educational Psychologist ~0.5 days per week Social Worker ~0.5 days per week FMI Support Worker 05 days per week ‘Describe the course and program offerings atthe school 3K to 8 English schoo! offering standard elementary school programming {K-Gr. 8 core instruction ‘ERR Gains ist FSL (Core) Music Physical Education & Heath ‘Describe the spedalzed sevice offerings a he school (eg, cooperative placements, guidance counseling, 12) Coop Placements ‘Associate Teachers for Faclty of Education Breakfast Cub and Nutrition Program ESS student candidates ‘Current grade configuration ofthe school 1 grade 8 ‘Current grade organitator of the school (eg, numberof combined grades, etc) 4 of combined grades = 3(6if including the 3K/SKcasses) 4 of straight grade ‘Wumber of out oFarea students Closed boundary schoo! none Page 3 of 16 4 Usilzation factor/dassroom usage: AW/SK Classrooms 16 home rooms. {GAINS classroom 2 Meeting Rooms 3. cYW room 1 sTroom 1 Instrumental music room 3. gymnasium 1 staffroom 2offces 4 reception area “Summary of five previous years’ enrolment and 10,year enrolment projedion by grade and program ‘Summary atached (page 16) ‘Current extracuricular activities ‘Athletics: Soccer, volleyball, basketball, cross country, track, badminton (both boys and gis) Music—band, talent show ‘Class monitors ECO club House League chess Lego/Robotics Terry Fox Run Library helpers Sewing Club Math Club Page 4 of 16 ‘ther School Use Pra ‘Current non-school programs or services resident ator coocated with the school aswell as any revenue from ‘these non-school programs or services and whether or not tis at fl cst recovery ‘Curren facility partnerships as well as any revenue From the Tocity cost recovery AILFull Cost Recovery ‘© Healthy Kids Community Challenge ‘© Jumpstart Student Nutrition Program (breakfast and snack programs) ‘> Parenting & Family Literacy Centre = 8:30am to 12:30pm, hips and whether or not kis at fal ‘Community use ofthe school as well ak any revenue from the community use of the school and whether or not Itisat full costrecovery| Projected September 2015-June 2016 School Rental Permitted Hours John Campbell i Hours Gym 362 Total 362 Projected September 2016-June 2016 Schoo! Rental Revenue Rent Paid by rental groups $2080 Covered by the CUS grant s1e4a Other foes. $185 ‘Total $4080 Community Use Overview: Recreational groups use the gym for soccer, volleyball and basketball. A community group uses the Ibrary for @ parenting program, ‘Availabilty of before and afterschool programs or senices (eq, child care) as well as any revenue from the before and after school programs and whether or tits at full cost recovery Sundowners Day Care and Resource Centre Before and After School - Full Cost Recovery Tease terms at the school at wellas any revenue fom the lease and whether oF not itis at full cost recovery ‘Description ofthe schoo eitabiity for Tacity partnerships “The schoo! is curently suitable for facility partnerships. 4 AL “T@dNVO_NHOF iE GHvOR TOOHOS ToTAISTO |g ik 4 ALNNO X35S3_USLV3¥9 til ae ‘e288: dle pat be «|» EP eRe nips x ' Ele = i i g dy tL. z “gets Page 7 of 6 13 Page 8 of 16 Page 9 of 16 5 Page 10 of 18 Paget of 16 nn Planning map Page 12 of 16 70 Page Lot ‘Glaanaoehthe Thu Apr 7125840 EDT 2016 ‘Data reflect be 2015-2016 Year 00 joi Capel Public Senco! Tayeniry Data = Room Summary Special 8. pec = = pf eds oo. onal iynveron/Ronme ape mode-vundatel-10B00 wns Page 13 of 16 am ‘naps: edu. go. on ca iy Laventry Rooms xpos = 10000, Pod Page 14 of 6 Projected five-year facility renewal needs of school (tem and cost [Event aor Repair 32000 Pedesion Paving -Oihor Was, Sapa & To [Major Rep 52010 Exterior Wal Orgs Bulg Jacement B2090 Exar Doors ~ Orga acement B2090 Exot Doors Orga lacament 5070 Wal Fi Foor Fn Floor Fishes le Alar Syma O Page 150f 16 a ‘Summary of five previous years enrolnent and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program. 5 Year FTE Enrolment History Fo a ” ra 38 K Ea 36 2 30 36 1 a ” * “ 23 2 a2 36 3 « 6 3 » 2 36 33 38 ‘ 2 B 30 3 3s 5 7 Py 2 3 3 5 38 38 23 2% rs 7 o 4% 39 2 2 3 3 a 39 8 2 Teal BALE Enrolment Actual ~ October $1, 2005 oe Le a . 2 6 2 » 2 ©» » » w Teepe pee BOze pay pew a spas 5 os 9 7 a ot 3) wo EI . a le > » 2 27 » eer ae meee) 31S TESST ON Se ee us 0» » 2 2 7) fe ae 7 ee Bom ew at ee a) a WLW wy ee To! Se ee Page 1801 16 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD School Information Profile Dougall Avenue Public Schoo! 811 Dougall Avenue ‘Windsor Ontario. N9A 4R2 Date: April 27, 2016 i Profile | Site plan and floor plan(s) (or space template) of the school with the date of school construction and any subsequent additions Site plan (page 7) and floor plan (pages 9-10) are attached Date of construction: 1992 School attendance area (boundary) map "Map is attached (page 13) “Context map (or air photo) ofthe school indicating the existing land uses surrounding the school ‘ir photo is attached (page 12) Pianning map of the school with zoning, Map is attached (page 13) (Official Plan or secondary plan land use designations: Low Profle Residential (City Centre Planning District) ‘Size of the schoo! ste (acres or hectares) (0.5868 hectares ‘Bulling area square fet or square metres) 5,093.1 sq metres ‘Number of portable dassrooms nil ‘Number and type of instructional rooms as well as specialized dassroom teaching spaces (eg, scence ab, tech ‘hop, gymnasium, etc.) Information is attached (pages 14-15) “Area of hard surfaced outdoor play area and/or green space, the number of play feds, and the presence of ‘outdoor facies (e.g, tracks, cours for basketbal tennis, et) 3,885 sq metres of paved play area Nogreen space No outdoor facies “Ten-year history of major Taclty improvements (tem and cos) 2010: Fie alarm upgrade ($25,000) 2010: Gym lighting upgrade ($15,126) 2011: Heating/Piping replacement ($338,880) 2011: Painting ($28,700) 2015: Chile upgrade ($190,000) ‘rojected five-year flit renewal neds of school tem and cost) ‘Summary is attached (page 16-17) Garret Fol Condon index FC witha eftion af what endo represents 2015 F= 25.65% FC = Valu Current Renewal Needs = $2,265.72) Asset Replacement Valve $8842.330 “Student distance to schoolin Hlometres ‘Minimum: 0.0 Maximum: 11.44 ‘Average: 103 Percentage of students, under the school board policy that are: Eligible fr transportation: 1% ‘not eligible for transportation: 99% longest bus ride to school: 4 mins shortest bus rie to schoo!: 3 mins average length of bus ride time: 3.5 mins ‘School operational costs (totals, per square foot, and per student) Total Costs = $339,855, Costs per student = $1,026.75 (Costs per sq metre = $54.22 ‘Number of parking spaces on se at the school, an assessment of the adequacy of parking, and bus/car access and egress 30 parking spaces (building code requires 36) No Bus Bay No Kiss and Ride area ‘Measure that the school board has lentified and/or addressed fo accessibility ofthe school for students, staff, and the public with disabilities (Le, barrier-tree) School is fully accessible ‘On-the-ground (076) capacity, and surplus/Shortage of pupil places ore = 423, 2015/2016 ADE = 331 ‘92 surplus spaces Page 2 of 18 84 Tnstractional Profle ‘Describe the number and type of teaching staf, non-teaching staf, support staf, tinerant staff, and administrative staf atthe school: 11 Principal 1 Viee Principal (25 VP, .75ESL/ Primary PE) 1 Secretary 3 Custodian 14 Homeroom teachers 3 ESL Classroom Teachers 1 fulltime FSL teacher 1 Librarian / Primary PE teacher 1 Music Teacher 4 SERR/FSL teacher (05 FL, 05 SERR) ast cw 10sw 1A, 2ect hhinerant staf: 11 ESL itinerant teacher aligned to schoo fulltime) ‘Social Work (5 days a weel) Fd, Coordinator (5 daysa week) Psychologist (5 days wees) Speech and Language (5 days a week) SWIS Workers 2.0 days aweek (5 Arabic, LO Arabi, .5 Vietnamese) Describe the course and program offerings atthe schoo! JK t0 8 English school offering standard elementary Schoo! programming. IK-Gr.B core instruction ERR ist FL (Core) Music Physical Education & Health est ‘Describe the specialized service offerings at the school (eg, cooperative placements, guidance counseling, ete) ‘Coop Placements ~ al grades ‘Associate Teachers forthe Faculty of Education Social Skis (provided by the CYW) "Nutrition Program ‘Current grade configuration ofthe school WK-grades Foge 3 of 18 ‘Current grade organization ofthe school (eg, number of combined grades, ete) fof combined grad of straight grade ‘Number of out of area students n Uniizationfactor/classroom usage: 11 Main office area (VP office, P office, secretary area, OSR oie) 1 Daycare area converted into a primary ESL classroom. 2 Karly years classrooms 1 Early years classroom currently being utlized asa suppor staff room / Early years overflow room {Lunch room 112 Homeroom classrooms {1 musie room 11015 SERR Room, 0.5 FSL Room 41 Double size ESL classroom housing 2 ESL classes 41 photocopy room 1 staffroom 1 library 2 gymnasium (including stage) gym office 41ST elassroom 1 custodial office (vtlized by SWIS workers) | mut-use offic / conference room (used by itinerant stat, spec. ed meetings, working with small groups of students) ‘Surnmiary of five previous year enrolment and i0-year enrolment projection by grade and program Summary attached (page 38) Current exiracurticulr activities: Soccer Volleyball Junior Volleyball Basketball Junior Basketball Cross Country ‘Track and Field Band ugeling Cub ‘lub ngpice (student motivation) Pangaea (student leadership) Safety Patrols Primary Gym Club Lego Robotics Cub Chess Cub Aart Club Page 4 of 18 Breakfast Cub volunteers cess Buddies, Talent Show Page 5 of 18 ‘ther School Use Proc Current nor-school programs or sruies resilant a or eolocated with the school as well as any revenue from these nomschool programs or services and whether or not tis at full cost recovery ‘Curent fecity partnerships ax wellas any revenue from the fality partnerships and whether or not itis at full cost recovery ‘All Full Cost Recovery ‘Healthy kids Community Challenge ‘Jumpstart Student Nutrition Program (breakfast and snack programs) YMCA id's Club “Community use ofthe schools wel itis at full cost recovery. any revenue from the cormmunity use ofthe school and whether or not Projected September 2015-June 2016 Schoo! Rental Permitted Hours Dougall Houre Gym 383 (ther rooms (Library, Lunch room, tc) 136 ae Total 519 Projected September 2015-June 2016 Schoo! Rental Revenue Rent Pata by renal groups s2a28 Covered by the CUS grant "$6523 other foes 490 Total $98e1 Community Use Overview: Recreational groups use the gym for basketball soccer, floor hockey and other sport. A community group Uses {the library fra parenting program and another for a youth girs program. “Availabilty of before and after school programs or services (e.g. childcare) as well as any rerenve fom the before and afterschool programs and whether or not itis at full cost recovery SSundowners Day Care and Resource Centre ~ Full ay and Before and After~Fll Cost Recovery Tease terms at the school as wellas any revenue fom the lease and whether oF not itis a il cst recovery Description of the schoos suitability for faclity partnerships “The schoo is curently suitable for facility partnerships. Page 6 of 18 Page 7 of 18 NAY TIVSAOG. fGevos OHS 1omISIG] JALNNOO_X35S3_¥S1V38O| era are I Page 8 of 18 90 D wey 2 Hi i [GREATER ESSEX COUNTY ISTRICT SCH Ri DISTRICT DOVGALL AVENUE Pea 3 Fl Page 9 of 18 A [a [Ainnoo 3583 ¥aLvae5| Page 10 of 18 Lye Page 11 of 18 93 Page 12 of 18 Oo Planning map. Page 13 of 18 45 (Giulananehitfe-Thn Ape 7 12:58:53 EDT 2016 Data reflects the 2015-2016 Year 604 Dougall Avenue Puli School Inventory Dat» Room Summary Page Lf Space Room Summary ris20160T6 v] fone fo00 OTS v]| Change Voor Jom reat [Nomber Pee Tre [Curent Use be Bor JarrRoon, a AYA cet lexiscwe foo ae ee fons Cae vc ]uEC cre po (io) ———"[cssoon. 2 fio [Casson 0 3 Casson, 2 [Cusson. 2 a 2 0 0 04 10 105 JGlassoon___[Clasroom 0 (Cussroon —_[Chssroom 0 [Ciscon —[Cssroon 0 iH [Classen 0 Purpose Purpose Room oO usroom_ 60 5 5 Sei ay Sear RARY PERRO ROT ay a SUNCH Lusch Room [cach ny a eR c a Iatp/efis ed. gov on cu/Fciltylnvestry Rooms espx?modemnimteisit604 ans Page 22 annois utp lief edu gor on caPaclliylnvetory/Rooms.aspxtmode-rumdafiid~608 Page 18 of 16 1 Projected five-year facility renewal needs of school (tem and cost. [Event Prony [Your [east (ier Rapa STO aera Wate] Teg | 26] — S77 [sr Repar[9010 Rot Covengs- Origa Bg] Iv ‘isl $19 [epics C0020" Fishes Cage Ong Bog] Tan | Za] $26.00] Replscemer[C1000 ang - Lockers «Giga! Bulg) IMeion-| 216] 51 Repicerint 090005 aul Eqlpmen Ong! Bulg VAC Par] ca EE Replaerent 090008 Ar nding Unis Origa! Buldng “Spo, Ren & FRY] gh 216] S100. Replscorent [03050 Terminal & Package Uns Orga ig) gh | 216] saa Repacenert[09000orba &nsunenaion Orga Bldg gh —| 216] $2621 Repuceert [02020 ones Weer Devbuon- Oighal Bong DanesKe Wise Fes [eau | 2a] 510 Replcerent [400 “re Protection Specales Origa! Buy) gh] 26] S13. Using Elen Origa usr - Exar RIE] gp —| 218] — $251 [Reploconert| 20400 Play Fes Aa Paved ea | 28] $282 Funchal Eres [F 001 Dawber G ask Oa] BREET a oe | Funconel Everts [F600 Lary Rexouce Genre Oral Ble) tow —[ 2s] $0] Replacement 0200001 Ciled Viner Syst gra deg] gh —[ 16] — $83,001 elaconen [0302009 Ota Hat Generating Sywioms - HealfCaol- Orin Buln -Gyrnaaun] [gh —| 2s] S157 2a |Repiacoment O3C21 Airy Equine - Comical Treatment ign —[ ais] —s20.s0al {Rlaconert 030302 Direct xpanson Sams OX Spt Unt gn —[ 251s] —si6-30] fs (810101 Svea Frame Ogre Bulg] Twn —| 2p —st0.520| ir [6101001 Structural Frame Orignal Buln [High —[ 2015] $109,200) 1 Repa[C2010 ier Si Coburg! BAPE lUgent| zn — sso, 1 Repa [C2040 Sie Develomet - Concets Hasan Rea Wa Iwgn [2016] —st0,920] [eiacerert [62040 Ste Geveopect- Bick & Cone Maso Reinga gh —| zn] —s29.0e [Resiacomor [Ganga Parking Lt - sgt Pved] Iwas | 2016] — 565520] Rsiecorert (82010 Eerer Wale - Seat Replaconaa] Ign [2016] e704] [Rciecenen (050202 igting Ealpment Orga Bulg Eregeney Caria] Tigh —| 206] — 61620] lacenen (O50001 Fe Alam Sstons- Origa! Ore] eot_| ang] —s2t 200} val EDC Pal ens Sos Daa Mees | 206] 40,140] aan [2016] — 2.000] esa | 20] — seo] tew | 206] — 38 ew —| 206] — sean tow —| 26] — 38 tow —| 26] $4101 [Rpiecoment {C3000 Going Fishes - Orga! Bulang] tow —| 16] — $14.56] [Rplecoment {Coco Pings Orga Bulg] tow —[ 2016] — 72007 Page 16 cl 18 96 Tow Low uw Low Low ow ow ow Low Page 17 of 18 5 Year FTE Enrolment History 27 4 2 2 2 et Pa a sea 2 3 4s 4“ 366 a as 39 Tota Enrolment Actual October 31, 2015, oS 3 2015 NRERARASSE RR REE ARAL E RRRRASAR SHE RaRaaaae asanaed agassag aegenee 20 Year Enroiment Projections aYeRaae Page 18 of 18 Ico GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. ‘School Information Profile King Edward Public Schoo! 853 Chilver Road ‘Windsor Ontario N8Y 2K5 Date: April 27, 2016 “subsequent adeitions ‘Ste plan (page 6) and floorplan (pages 7-9) are attached Date of construction and subsequent addition: 1993 ‘site plan and oor plan(s (or space template) ofthe school withthe date of school construction and any ‘School attendance area (boundary) map Map i attached (page 10) ‘Context map (or air photo) ofthe school indicating the existing land uses surrounding the school ‘ir photo is attached (page 31) Panning map ofthe school with zoning, Map attached (page 12) Official Pan or secondary pan land use designations: Residential Size ofthe school site (acres oF hectares) 10522 hectares Bullding area (square feet or square metres) 5,553.4 sq metres Number of portable dassrooms ype of instructional rooms as well as specialized classroom teaching spaces (eg, slence lab, tech shop, gymnasium, etc) ‘Summary i attached (pages 23-24) ‘Area of hard surfaced outdoor play area and/or green space, the numberof play fields, andthe presence of ‘outdoor facies (eg, tracks, courts for basketball, tennis, ee.) 2,397 sq metres of paved play area, 31520 sq metres of green space Soccer field Baseball backstop Outdoor cassroom Jol Ten-year history of major facity improvements (tem and cost) 2010: boiler replacement ($130,302) 2011: gym lighting upgrade ($15,000) 2012: FDK renovation ($88,650) 12012: gym floor refinishing ($15,675) Projected five-year faclty renewal needs of school (tem and cost. ‘Summary is attached (page 15-16) ove Fy Condon der Fl with a anion oF Wa he MGB represen, ZOISFCT= S8ER FCI = Vale of Curent RenewalNeeds = $538448 Asset Replacement Valve $9,208,670 “Student distance to school in Klometres Minimum: 01 ‘Maximum: 820 Average: 0.76: ereentage of students, under the school board policy that are: Eligible for transportation: 13% not eligible for transportation: 87% longest bus ie to school: 7 mine shortest bus ride to school: 2 mins average length of bus ride time: 5mins School operational costs (totals, per square foot, and per student) ‘otal Costs = $299,686 Costs per student = $924.95, (Cost persq metre = $53.96 "Number of parking spaces on site tthe school, an assessment of the adequacy of parking, and bui/ear acces and egress 25 parking spaces (building code requires 39) Bus bay for2 large buses No Kiss and Ride area ‘Measures that the school board has dented and/or addvesved for accesiilty ofthe school for students, staff, and the public wth disabilities (Le, bari free) Schools fully accessible ‘On-the-ground (OTG) capacity, and surplus/shortage of pupil places ore =a4a 2015/2016 ADE = 324 1120 surplus spaces Pave 2 0117 loz. Tnstroctional Profle ‘Describe the number and type of teaching sta, non-teaching staf, suppor staff, inerant staff, and ministrative staff tthe schoo: 110 Principal 05 Vice-Principal 21.5 Teaching stat 2.0 Early Childhood Educator 2.0 Developmental Services Worker {LO Childand Youth Worker 3.0 Educational Asistant 2.5 custodian 1L0 Secretary Itinerant Staff ~ Speech & Language — 1 fll day per week Educational Coordinator 0.5 day/week Educational Psychologist 0.75 day/week Social Worker ~0.5 day/week Describe the course and program offerings at the school 4K to 8 English school offering standard elementary school programming, IK-Gr 8 core instruction SERR ist SL (Core) Music Physical fducaton & Health ‘Describe the specialized service offerings atthe school (eg, cooperative placements, guidance counseling ete) Co-op Placements ~ all grades ‘Associate Teachers forthe Faculty of Education ‘Social Skil (provided by the Cw) "Nutrition Program ‘Community Garden ‘Weekiy vegetable program provided by Forgotten Harvest ‘Current grade configuration ofthe schoo! 1K grade “Current rade organization of the school eg, number of combined grades, ete) of combined grades = of straight grades = 12 ‘Number of out of area students 150 Unlizationfactor/dassroom usage: 2 FOK caisooms {LSERR cstroom, Page 3.0117 103 TSERR/FSLdassroom LFSLctassroom | Musicroom 14 regular classrooms A main office 2 admin offices 1sToffe 2 conference rooms 1 PLC office {photocopy room 2.custodial rooms {staff room library ‘Summary of five previous years” enrolment and 10-year enralment projection by grade and program ‘Summary attached (page 17) ‘Current exiracurcular acitie ‘Sports ~ Baseball Flor Hockey, its) "Music ~ Band, Talent show ‘Classroom Monitors Bus Patrols Social Cub ‘Basketball Club (during nutrition break) eo Club Chess Club Spirit Cub “Terry Fox Run Breakfast Cub sketball, Volleyball, Cross-Country, Track, Badminton, Soccer (both boys and Page 4of 17 lot ‘Other Sthool Use Profile ‘Current non-school programs or services resident ator co-located withthe school as wellas any revenue from these non-school programs or services and whether or not its at full cost recovery, ‘Current faclity partnerships aswell as any revenue from the facity partnerships and whether or not sat Fall cost recovery All Full Cost Recovery ‘© Healthy Kids Community Challenge ‘Jumpstart Student Nuvition Program (breakfast and snack programs) ‘Community use ofthe school a well as any revenve from the community use of the school and whether oF not itis at full cost recovery Projected September 2015-June 2016 Schoo! Rentol Permitted Hours King Edward Hours ym 220 Parking Lot st Total 271 Projected September 2015-June 2016 School Rental Revenue Rent Paid by rental groups $1315 Covered by the CUS grant $3294 Other fees 595 Total $4708 ‘Community Use Overview: ‘Recreational grours use the gym for baseball, basketball and soccer. A local club uses the parking lot fora ‘eighbouring evert “Rvallabilty of before and afterschool programs or services (eg, childcare) as wells any revenue from the before and afterschool programs and whether or not itis at full cost recovery ‘Sundowners Day Care and Resource Centre ~ Full Day and Before and After ~ Full Cost Recovery |" Tease terms atthe school as weil at any revenue from the lease and whether or not tis at fall cost rewowery None | Description ofthe schoo suitability fr faclitypartnershis ‘The school is curently suitable for facity partnerships Page 80! 17 05 abl ed] Sd Qi NY, Guvoa ToOHOS 1omMisIG ALNNOS x3353_U31V3NO Page 7 of 17 loT Gavos 1000s loisiG ALNNOO X35S3_YaLVIuD iB ald ae Page 8 of 17 lop Page 9 of 17 109 Page 100117. jo Pace 11 of 17 Planning map. Page 12 of 7 Ne Page 102 np au go on car cyavennyRoomsaymodesumie-318 anne Paget3 of 7 Wd Page of Inup/iefieda yovonca aly lnvetaryRocransmpxtanode-rumaiht-9918 anni Page 14 of 17 4 Projected five-year fact renewal needs of school item and cost) Event : [Pioriy Year [Cost 0 gir Doar = Orginal Bulking - Door Hardware] edu | —2076| $40,140 Replecoen! 6301} Paint Wloverng Orga Bulg] Mec | 20te| 396,120 Replcaent C302) Foor Fishes ~ rn! ul) is] $13.14 Replecoment DSG2305 Acta Equipment HVAC Pumps] 2018] —— $13,104 Funciona Evers 0s005 Liar Resource Cente - Ongeal Buln 2016 2 Functonal Evers [FOE007 General Purpose Room zo a) ajo Rep [69020 Foo: Fishes - Hardwood - Gyrnaaum & Sap]. iam [ 201s] $7000 [Repiocerer [82000 Exo Dore Entre Bung] Z0%6| — ses. |Repiocerer (0505002 Dect Expension Systens- Spl yen zor6| 1.6 [Repiocerent 0505900 Oe Conmuricatons & Aan Sysiens iomnaion Tecnaiogy Syieal_[wesiun_| 2016] $4600] [sir Repax [cana Paring Lot Ste] ium_| zore] $40.10 Majo Ropai {t0 Paint Walcoveng - gl Bung um-| ~201e] 3105464 [Resiacoment {C100 Fiings- Washroom Azsstres-Orghal BUGig] jum-[ 2016] $55,602 [Replacement 302) Foor Fishes Orgel Suldng- Vin Foor Tie) jm 2017] $08, Replaconent (5306) Conte &stumeraton Original Bulang] zor7| $252.08 Replacement [520407 Paying Fils - Ste] IMecam-| 2017] —— 26.30 sjor Rapes [G204007Piyig Fete - Soot ad Sta] jum 2017] sto. [Replacement [0900001 Chios Wale Systems - Lud Gis] sgn | —2orel —ss20,200] [Replacement [02039 Caing Fishes - Original Bung] Iuecurn-| —20ie] —ss0r,70] [Resiacoment [0202002 Hot Water Boles Orginal Bung Ia [201s] — s1z0.e [Resecement [0302002 Hot Wet oles Orginal Bung) Iwa [oral so. Replscenen! 02010 Pambing Furs Orginal Bulg) Ia —|- 20] —s319,20] Replacenen! 02020 Domest Water Oisibuion- Wate: Hesiea] Ia [20] 20,500] ri [02029 Darssc WaleeDisrbuion = Plunbing Puna] Iwa—|20io] ——s11.24] Fire Proacton Species - Orginal Bul Ia —|~20io] —— 3.597] = Equipment Ia —|~201o] —— $00.55] a Fire Als Bul zoie| $75.20 ssuonent Osmo Pate Ais Sat tg! Sato] Ia [201] —— so. re = oa Ba Iw ~zoiol —— st st BSD Tamia Pecoge Uni Onl Aa] 2010] S005 i] [020205 Aula Equipment - Chemical Feed] zoiel — $12,763 (05020 Austr Equpent - Humes] zo10| $28,000 rt [DSO407 Exhaust Stems — Orgel Bulg Zoro] $4254 [Replacenent 0302505 Atlan Equprent- Stacks & Breecing 019] $8857 [Replat (050408 Ar Honing Unis - Orginal Bulcng -msin schol] Iwa—|--201o] sess] [Replscarent (030100 Ar Handing Unis Org Bung - am 2010] $2304 Page 16 0f 17 NS wa | —20%0] 5 Ia | 2020] ——s,420 ia —| ~aoaol ——e14,er Ina —[ ~20z0] 322.20] IA | ~20a0] ——sta713 INA | 2000] sa0r7 Iwa | 2000] $152,002 Ia | 2000] $1109 IA | 2020] $6046 Ia | 2000] 21,733 Ia —| ~aoao] 3609 INA | 200s] 86,74 INA | 20a] $4209 Total cost over next 5 years: $5:243,112 ie ‘Summary of five arevious years enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program. '5 Year FTE Enrolment History « 2 3 ‘ 5 7 3 Tot | ast | ase ser ao Enrokment Actual~ October 3, 2015 Lap a) o OT Beles ea 2 er * ae a ae K me on) | a t aa eae se a aaa 2 toe ee ee | a 5 2 a a6 aa a a as aT a J G_ ) 5 LOTTA Tat aaa I Tae ae SES a Sa wa A Tool 00mm Page 17 of 17 WT GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD School Information Profile Prince Edward Public School ‘949 Giles Blvd East ‘Windsor Ontario NSA 4G2 Date: April 27, 2016 Feality Profle ‘Site plan and flor plan(s) (or space template) ofthe school with the date of schoolconstructionand any | subsequent additions ‘Site plan (page 7) and floorplan (pages 8-0) are attached Date of construction and subsequent addition: 1919 “School attendance area (boundary) map ‘Map is attached (page 23) antert map (or alr photo) of the school indicating the existing land uses surrounding the schoo) ‘Air photo i attached (page 12) Planning map ofthe school with zoning, Map is attached (page 13) Official Plan or secondary pan land use designations: Residential ‘Tie ofthe school site (acres or hectares) 1.5338 hectares ‘Bulling area (square feet or square metres) 6,928.4 sq metres Number of portable dassrooms ri ‘Number and type of instructional rooms as wells spedlized dassroom teaching spaces (eq. stience lab, tech shop, gymnasium, ete.) ‘Summary i attached (page 14-15) ‘Area of hard surfaced outdoor play area and/or green space, the numberof play fells, and the presence of ‘outdoor facies (eg, tracks, courts for basketball tennis, etc) 2,034.6 metres of paved play area 7.822 sq metres of green space Soccer field ‘Baseball backstop ‘Outdoor classroom 18 “Ten-year history of major fellty improvements (tem and cos). 2006: playground drainage update ($40,000) 2008: painting ($80,000) ‘2010: auditorium ceiling repar ($82,524) +2010: bole upgrade ($150,000) 2011: FOK renovatlons ($188,778) Projected five-year fcity renewal needs of school (item and cost) ‘Summary is attached (pages 16-17) ‘Garrent Facity Condition index (FC) with a definition of what the index represents 2015 FCl= 77.10% Fcl= Value of Curent Renewal Needs = $9,773,946 ‘Asset Replacement Value $12,666,700 ‘Student distance to school in hlometies ‘Minimum: 0.04| ‘Maximum: 820, ‘Average: 0.76, Percentage of students, under the school board policy that a Eligible for transportation: 3% not eligible for transportation: 97% shortest bus ie to school: 3 mins average length of bus ride time: 12.6 mins ‘School operational costs otal, per square foot, and per stadent) Costs per student = $850.44 Cost per sq metre = $47.38, Tomer of parking spaces on site atthe school, an assessment of the adequacy of parking, and bus/car access ‘and egress 19 parking spaces (building code requires 46) On street bus bay on westside of schoo! No Kiss and Ride area ‘Measure that the school board has Identified and/or addressed for accessibility of the school for students, staff, and the pubic with dlsabltes (Le, barrier-free) School snot barrier fee ‘On-the-ground (O76) capacity, and surplus/shortage of pupil places Page 20118 4 Tistractonal Profle Describe the number and type of teaching sta, non-teaching staf, support staff tinerant staf, and ‘administrative staff atthe school: 26 teaching staff {6.5 Support Staff (1 CYW, 1 DSW, 3 ECES, 3.5 EAS) A ttinerant staf 2 administrate staff Describe the course and program offerings at the school: 4K 0 8 English school offering standard elementary school programming. 1K-Gr. 8 core struction ‘seRR st FL (Core) Music Physical Education & Health ESL ‘Describe the specialized sence offerings at the school (eg, cooperative placements, guidance counseling, etc) Coop Placements ~all grades ‘Associate Teachers forthe Faculty of Education Social Skis (provided by the CYW) Nutrition Program ‘Current grade configuration of the school Ke grade 8 ‘Current grade organization ofthe school (eg, numberof combined grades, etc) ‘of combined grades = 7 (includes 3 JK/SK classrooms) of straight grades: Number of outof area students 2 Utilization foctor/lassroom usage: 3 EY classrooms 2 special education classrooms LUST room 1 ESLofice LESL classroor 7 dlassrooms onthe fis floor 1 French room on the ist floor .CrW room 7 dlassrooms onthe second floor 2 French room onthe second floor Page of 18 [20 “T music room on the second floor 1 staffroom with photocopier 1Loffce occupied by Danielle Findlay — Nutrition program withthe Board ‘Sura of five previous years enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and progra Summary attached (age 18) ‘Current exracurtcular activites ‘Soccer ~ boys and girs Volleyball~ boys and girs Junior and Senior Basketball boys and gts Floor hockey ~ mixed boys and gis Badminton —mixed boys and girls ‘Cross Country ~ mixed boys and gis ‘Track and Feld events Cooking club Dance Team Dally dodgeball in the gym during the nutrition break Dally recess program during the nutrition break Homework cub Robotics/lego club Earth Cub/ECO club Beading club ‘Yearbook ub Page 4 of 18 A) ‘Giles School Use Profle ‘Current non-school programs or services resident ator collocated wit the school s well as any revenue from ‘these non-school programs or services and whether oF not itis at full cost recovery ‘Curent Tacity partnerships as wells any revenue from te facility partnerships and whether or not Wis at Rll cost recovery ‘Allare Full Cost Recovery ‘+ Healthy kids Community Challenge ‘= Jumpstart Nutrition Program (breakfast and snack) ‘© Tipe P Parenting © YMCA Kid's Cub ‘Community use of the school as well as any revenue from the community use of the school and whether or not iis at full cost recovery Projected September 2018-June 2016 School Rental Permitted Hours Prince Edward Hours om as Classrooms aaeree “0 (ther rooms (Library, Lunch room, et.) 320 ‘Auditorium [ur Parking Lot 2s Total 21645 Projected September 2015-June 2016 School Rental Revenue Rent Paid by rental groups 31 Covered by the Prioty Schools grant s27476 Other fees: sa Total sa7eez ‘Community Use Overview: Recreational groups usethe gym for dodgebal, oor hockey, baseball and soccer. A yoga group has weekly classes inthe auditorium. A youth theatre company hols rehearsals in the auditorium. A kils club uses the library classrooms and gym. Page § 0f18 “Avalably of before and after school programs or services (eg, childcare) a wells any revenue from the before and ater school programs and whether or not tis at fll cost recovery None ‘ease termi at the school as weil a any revenue rom the lease and whether or not Ris at full cost recovery Total revenue $ ‘Jumpstart Nutrition Program (School Co-ordinator ~ office space) ‘Deserption ofthe schoo stability fr Tecllty partnerships ‘The schools currently sultable for facility partnerships Fage 6 of 18 122 fli Pace 7 of 18 v4 BIGREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. LE: PRINCE. Page 8 of 18 —____ Fell ‘| F i ia | SisTeIGT_ScHOOL BOARD Fale PRINCE EDWARD | Page 9 of 18 126 gI[GREATER ESSEX COUNTY B|[DIsTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PRINCE EDWARD Pave 10 of 18 21 Page 11 of 18 is Page 120118, 124 Planning map. Page 130 8 120 Page 1 of (luienatinelife Thu Ape 7 12:59:21 EDT 2016 ‘Da fects the 2015-2016 Your 1866 Prince Edvard Pode Schoo! Inventory Dee ~ Room Summary Permanent Specs Rm faneane 07a oy Tues ee 76 U]] Charoe Year Raber _ ee De ot Use us a a for aoe a Room 2 for 0 0 [ts |asson a. flor [Cason 2 (8 [Ctsrsce 2 (og aeroon 2 tor = a io 2 a 7 0 2 a7 [Cessroom. 2 08 esroom 2 08 [Sassoon 2 0 = 2 iT = 2 ia 2 i m0 n B___|Chesroom- 0 ir/ Senior oy 9 ssroom /Sesier fs.0 Salar Tor ei 2 psf. eda gov on.e/Fality ventory Roomaampmnede-sumbatsid-1866 ans Page 14 of 18 131 ‘mapas eau gov on caFacittyinventary/Mooms aspx mademeumésfiid~ 1865 Page 2 of 2 anne Page 18 of 18 Projected five-yearfaclty renewal needs of schoo (item and cost). Event ny Year S00 Vis Bik Wal Sona a ara] Sea 00 err Osa Wood and Halwa geal axis] S580 eplceer [R050 Sef owe = ror Doo Hera Orgrl Bulg) axis] $2190) escener [C10 Fags Wor Oral Dung] — ar —[—2%e] — e305 70 elcaor [C1020 Ff Doon = Wood Sng Cow Oral Sag sgh [ ao] — Sa i Etude Coo ar Ose Marva Og! BAG] (EE else (C200 Wl ees “Pt Wa Covng -Oignl Sg) Ia —[ 7 Reiser (C302 Flo Frases Torx - Orga alr] haar [ante] sono lear (0200 Ft Finses = Carpet Ores! Bul righ aors] soa Flores (0200 Ft nes ~ Vey Foor Ties - Orgel Bag] Tian aore] —— sez ican (03020 Fl! Pies Pevoed- Orga AST ors] $5924) ovat S300 Fur Fishes Pardee Cons For Grgral Sing] gh | ~aoval sta] enacenent {0300 CeingFhahes- Spend Acnste Panel Coting- rial Suiting) asm | 201s] $0.20 Fleseon! [67000 Fags Vesroom Accessories Origa! Sing | 27300 Fstocern! SO008 At Ranlng Unis Conta San AU - Orges] BST] | 516.800 secon [OS0205 Andy Eqapnent- HVAG Punps- gal Sula] is] — S100 Temi &Pacage Units Pentre Ogin ung) ign | 20] sara Esha Far Orgl Bg] gr — [re] $81.00 Onl Sa ge — [2005] — sae Iegr —|2018 seo rigs [2015] —sn0200 pacament02120Daneee Wate Disblon -Damesic Vere Cignat Butsng) |Megum | 2015] $8754 pucament[02120 Danese Wat Disbton- Punting Punps-Oiin! ung [righ | a01e|___ 704 bison DSOTO0D Wa Swichowos- Man Daca oa Ooton Panel - OF lens | 201s] stez000 Egg Exp or gig - ign Bag] — gh [aor] — $7370 Fspecent[Os0n0m Using EqapmenExwror Ughing- Orgel Sarg] sors] so2ed CTO rings Frings ond Epon -rgel Surg) ecu | ~a0rs| — $138,500 or [DSO002 et Vt sls - Oia Bulg] os $273.00 ent OSORIO Ughg Exupmert- Emepecy UNG Bala Baaeips- OAT chara zors|__s1s200 Sas Prat Rar ral Iran [one] — sez ston Evrs 10863 ruy Rese Cots = Oral Bulg] a5 30 Functional Evers 1007 Gun Ppees Room Ore! Bo) [ow 12018 [Rapacomer [20003 estnyGharg wr darbiion yt Heatra Png SOT [Crore sn) luge | 2015] sere0c0 eerste tsetse eae hign | zons]__saroo20 mest ter Ditton jn ta bign | aoisl__ sra.a0 SES aor arscn Weng Casing acouoye Be Bes ig Bulag] "eau | 20] 51600 Page 16 1 18 |replacerent 0602001 ranch Wing - bing, Raconnye & Bus Dus Orginal Bung) (Medien | 2015 sora] [sd [60 Undorren Ui - Se] Fgh [20s] —so.s00 HRepeconmet ovoiny Rrra Fel zoie| —$764ee Sia 209009 ing wa SS Ta Heng Pg SaaS = Buideg) luge | zors] sto SHOE Rr Danton, Hoding& Cosing Dad Sais - Ong ATL igh [2016] ——stosza en A Deon, ening & Cai ut es un | s1s|__ suraod [tir Repl (af070 Standard Foundstoss- OrgnalBulg| a TT [sea ator Standen Founders Org! Bulg] igh [201s 3x [Repaceent {63020 Foo Finishes Sheet Vine Ongal Bua] igh —[--aois| $1002 [Replacement {C1010 Parone - Moveste Parton Autorun] ra ET [lor Rep [2900 Cling Fses bod Calin] dun | 2018 za [sud 6909007 Stormwater Management icin | 2015] sto. [Repiacement 6303007 Stormater Managemen] rm ET EST Replscemert [0502001 Fre Alam. lugont | 2ons] ses, [Dsad004 Pubte Address Stone = Ong! Sara] gn —| sore] sere Replacement [0503008 Secrly Systems Origal Suing) oie] seize] Replacement [0509008 IfomalonTechsogy Orginal Ba [gr | 2016] ——s54000 Reslacement (690 Underground Uses Se] figs —[ 2015] 6704400 Replat (C2050 Ladscaning Sie IMeaser | 2015] —— 348.140) cooler Faneng& cass ChinunkFunee-ctentnan ions bagn | zoe] sno [Replacement [62030 Podesta Pain Aephal Paved Waway] [tow —|~20t6| ——sraao0 Replcenent [OKO05 Gruner 6 ten Orga Bua) Tien | ~20r6| ——s. [Replacement {C20100 tro Star Corstucon - Og! Bulg jum | 2016] —— 508: jr Rep (C5000 Cling Friss Lah & Plaster Cling -OngFaT oie] sem Regist (9020 Floor rahe Orgel Suuang- iweb) 2010] 5438 [Resco [SOT Va Free Orga Sing ae Wa] 2016] S500 Replacement (2010 Roo! Covetngs Cpa Suing am [2016] — $483 Replacement (C2020 Parking tals - Apna Paved Suse] zor] $82 Repiaernent [0902000 Other Heat Generaing Sytems- HoaldCooT~ Window Unt AC nt Buta) lw __| zoo] se Resloern[5S00008 Oar Spec Sis and vcs Orga BART ‘aaa 31 ‘otal cost over net S years: $1,749,986 Page 17 0118, 134 ‘Summary of five previous years! enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program. 5 Year FTE Enrolment History ™ % ” ss ” 4 k 8 “ s ss a 1 «0 a 0 0 46 z « a 2 3 3 2 Py “ 2 4“ ” 4 a 3 a a 2 5 a 2 ” 2 a 6 38 Pa 8 6 4% 7 sa Es 0 4 2 a as se a 8 a Tow! 090 Enrolment Actual~ October 31, 2015 ae ERE z ms 0 OM 40 Year Enrolment Projections x _o. oo oO 0 0 © Cee en a ae ee aaa Tes ea 5 Sey a eS ee se) Be es) en) AS wae ee . eo nn 7 § 8 8 ss PRES Re a eee a ee ee ee Tol MEOH Page 18 of 18 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. School Information Profile Queen Victoria Public School 1376 Victoria Avenue Windsor Ontario N8X 1P4 Date: April 27, 2016 fe Fecty Profile a ‘te plan and floor plans) (or space template) ofthe school with the date of school construction and any subsequent aditions Ste plan (page 6) and Floor plans (pages 7-9) are attached Date of construction and subsequent addition: 1921, 1923, 1982 “School attendance area (boundary) map ‘Map is attached (page 10) ‘Context map (or ar phato) ofthe school indicating the existing and uses surrounding the schoo Air photo i attached (page 11) Planning map ofthe school with zoning, Map attached (page 22) Official Plan or secondary plan land use designations: Residential ‘Sie ofthe school site (acres or hectares) (0.9672 hectares ‘Building aea (square feet or square metres) 6,485.6 sq metres, Nanber of portable dassrooms ol ‘Number and type of instructional rooms as wel as specialized classroom teaching spaces (eg, science lb, tech shop, gymnasium, etc) ‘Summary i= attached (pages 23-14) ‘Are of hard surfaced outdoor play area and/or green space, the numberof play fils, and the presence of ‘outdoor facies (eg, racks, courts for basketball, tenis, etc) 3,722 sq metres of paved play area ‘No green space One pay structure 136 “Ten-year history of major flit improvements (tem and cost) £2009: painting ($90,000) 2010: Auditorium celing repairs ($94,563) 2011: FDK washroom upgrade ($18,821) 2011: Structural repair of coal bin ($36,268) 22015: FDK renovations ($221,100) Projected five-year fcity renewal needs of shoo tem and cost) ‘Summary is attached (pages 15-16) ‘Current Fadity Condition index FC) with a definition of what the index represents FCI Value of Curent Renewal Needs = $8,512,140 ‘Asset Replacement Value $13,202,170, ‘Student distance to school in kilometres ‘Minimum: 0.0 ‘Maximum: 8:3 Average: 1.1 Percentage of students, under the school board policy that are: Eligible for transportation: 9% not eligible for transportation: 91% longest bus ride to schook: 18 mins “shortest bus ride to school: 2 mins average length of bus ride time: 7.4 mins School operational cots (totals, per square Yoot, and per student) Total costs = $393,506 Costs per student = $968.22 Cost per sq metre» $60.67 ‘Nomber of parking spaces on sit atthe school, an assessment of the adequacy of parking, and bus/car access and egress 27 parking spaces (building code requires 48) No bus bay No Kiss and Ride area ‘Weasures that the school board has Identified and/or addressed fr accessibility ofthe school for students, Staff, and the public with disabilities (Le, barrier-free) ‘The School is not barlr free ‘Gr-the-ground (O76) capacity, and surplus/ shortage of pupll places oTG +657 2015/2016 ADE = 408 251 surplus spaces Page 2 of 7 instructional Profile Describe the number and type of teaching staff, non-teaching staff, support staff, itinerant staff, and ‘administrative staff at the school: 110 Principal 05 Vice-Principal 23.5 Teaching suff 3.0 Early Childhood Educator 110 Developmental Services Worker 110 Child and Youth Worker 77.0 Educational Asistant 3.0 Custodian 10 Secretary (0.5 Cer full day/3 days per week Wtinerant Saft: Estas, ‘Speech & Language ~ full day per week Educational Coordinator -0'5 day/week Educational Psycnologist~0.5 day/week Describe the course and program offerings atthe school 1K to B English schoo! offering standard elementary school programming, 1K-Gr.B core Instruction SERR ist FL (Core) Music Physical Education & Health ‘Describe the specialized service offerings at the school (eg, cooperative placements, guidance counseling, etc) ‘Queen Victoria Sis par of the Reciprocal Learning Program with Southwest University in China (student ‘teachers vist our echool and work with aur staff) Summer Learning and Recreational Program fr students in grades 1-3 ‘Daycare - Latch key during the school year and full day during non-instructional days ‘Curiosity Club focused on mathematics for students in grades 3-6 Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) work out ofthe school 2 days/week GAINS ste ‘Current grade configuration of the school 1 grade 8 |" Current grade organization of the school (e.g, number of combined grades, ete.) ‘of combined grades *7 includes 3 1K/SK classes) {of straight grades = 10 Page 3.017 ‘Wumber of out ofarea stdents 24 tliztion factor/lassroom usage: 2 Daycare rooms 1 breakfast room 2 gyms, 1 small $3 JKY/SK classrooms 2 Special Education rooms 2 Sensory rooms 41 ESL room 14 Regular classrooms 1 French room 41 Musle room Office area 2 Custodial rooms 4 Staff/photocopy room “Summary of five previous year? enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program ‘Summary is attached (page 17) ‘Current extracurricular actives: Soccer Volleyball Basketball ‘Cross Country (3-8) Badminton (68) “Track and Feld (38) Lego Robotics Cub (7-8) Science Chub (68) ‘Act dub (1-3) Reading Cub (13) ‘rama Clu (al grades) ‘Music Club (4-8) 'BOKS Club (Healthy Eating and Physical Activity sponsored by Reebok (1-8) Page 4 of 17 ‘Other School Ure Profile ‘Current non-scv00l programs of services resident ator co-located withthe school as wells any revenue from “these non-school programs or services and whether or not itis at full cost recovery | None “Current fly perinerhips os wall as any revenue from the Fety partnerships and whether or not ist Full ‘cost recovery ‘Al Full Cost Recovery ‘© Healthy Kids Community Challenge ‘+ Jumpstart Student Nutrition Program (breakfast and snack programs) “Community use ofthe schools well as any revenue from the community use ofthe school and whether or not itis at full cost recovery. Community use ofthe schoo! as wells any revenue from the community use of the “school and whether or not itis at full cost recovery Projected September 2015-June 2016 School Rental Permitted Hours Queen Vietorla Gym Hours 26 Total 216 Projected September 2015-June 2016 School Rental Revenue Rent Paid by rental groups $995 Covered by the CUS grants 1254 $1254 Other foes $105 Total $2354 ‘Community Use Overview: Recreational groups use the gym for soccer, baseball and volleyball. A community group uses the library for parenting program ‘Avaliablity of before and afterschool programs or services (eg, child care) a5 well as any revenue from the bbefore and ater schoo! programs and whether or not itis at full cost recovery ~ Delta Chi Beta Early Chidhood Centre Windsor) inc. ~ Before and After School - Full ost Recovery {ease terms at the school as well as any revenue from the lease and whether or not itis at full cost recovery. lity for falty partnerships The schoo! i currenty suitable fr facility partnerships Page 8 of Page 60147 41 EATER ESSEX COUNTY BIstRIeT SCHOOL BOARD QUEEN VICTORIA Fage7 of 17 NZ (GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. N VICTORIA __] Fage 8 of 17 Wo VOLO NSO. ‘GuvOs TOOHOS LOruLSIO ALNNO9_X3S53_Y1V3H9| oly Sf aa i Poge 9 017 mt Page 10 ot 17 Ws Pace 11 of 17 }tb Page 12 01 7 1 Page 10f2 [eer] 7 anne Page 13 0147 npc ov on e/Feittyinventory Rooms rpxmode-sumdsish2370 Projected five-year faclty renewal needs of school (tem and cost annors Page 14 0f 17 event [Prony Year [lost [Resncornt [1000 Fags Wainer - Etre Sica] 20%] — $106, 50) Replacement {C1020 irr Doors Wood ShgleOoor- Ee Scot igh —[ aor] — 5151 00 Reviserent [£1020 rte Doors honor Door Haraware- Entre Soran righ [aoe] — 3039 [GSOT0 Wal Friahes ~ Pant Wal Goveng- Eri School righ —[ 201] —Baea00 [69020 Fee Fishes ~ Cape Eire Shoo). nigh —| ors] — 5400 Feyiscement [63020 Foor Fishes Vn lor Tis - O° x Ene Sao righ —[ 20] — 40,0 Reslsement (63020 Foo: Fishes Hardwood rife Schoo} igh —| 204s] — Seo Replacement [C3020 Foor Fishes Paned Sealed Concrete Flor Erie ST Inigh [201s] —si6.360 replacement [03090 Ceiing Fishes - Suspended Acoustc Pane Celing- Ente Scho! 2015] _ s100200 Mle eper 02010 aerir Wale rex Wal yet Cre Schl [gn [2013] —s2re.00) [82000 Ext’ Doors- ood and Holow Metal = rire Soo igh —[ 201] — 40,140] epacomen 52090 Err Door = Exter’Ooot Hardware - Ene Shoo} 201e| — $38-20 A Handing Uns - Conta! Sian AU] 2016] — 61580 uy [DS04003 HeatgyChiling water dbuton ayers - Hang Ppa Spans - Ere [seu zor5|__staszo Resiaceren[OS02005 Analy Equipmen- FAC Paes] a ET IZ Repiaceor 103050 Terminal Package Uns - Perimeter Radiators & Unk Vatatrs Erie seeal 2015] _ s408 200 [Replacement [0901002 Gs Supsiy Sion 20t6| — $5031 [elscons DanTT A Dates Nong Giga ol High [2076] — $403 00] acer {ON Exel on xh Fa High [26] — 40,10] ep pment - Slack Greading Orgal Bung] a NE ER Resco Sood Gana aneneni Corel oa) High | 2016] — soso] [Replacement (02070 Punbing Furs - Entre Sebeo High [2016] — $103,100] (C1000 ings = Lack - Gre Scho righ [20%] — 5160.10] [Replacement (0802002 Het Wier Bors - team Bolo] uigent_| 20%] — $309, Domest Vat Distribution Panbing Piping Stans Ere Schl nigh —[ 2016] — $10; Reslacement (0501009 Main Swichoeards- Wan Distibvton Pana luiget_[ 2015] — 152 ‘Branch Wing - Cabling, Racowoys & Bus Cuz] ign [201s] — sto, Feglacoment[D502002Lghing Equpment- ero Lighng- Ente Soa) 2016) $508 ert [D502002 Lphing Eqn exororghing- Ene School). [sgn [2016] $27 300 Replacement [O502002 Lphing Equipment Emergency Lighting - Bary Badkopa- Ene Set) ign | ors] __sse.sta Stuy (ATOTO Standard Foundatona Eni Schon] zo16] $27,300 ape Repair at010 Sandard Foundatons - Entre Sowa]. high [aon Mabe Repair (3020 Flor Finishes - Terrazzo Floing- Erie Schot gn [20g Furcal Evers [F'OBDIS Ubrry Resource Cote ~ Origa Buin] 2018 Furcionel Evers [F10007 General Purpose Room - Oigial Buiing] ew | 2076 Reylacoret (OGDN0U3 Heaingiing water datbulon syste - Healng Pang STS Enbe Scho lugere_| _20ns Pace 15 of 7 went [0366 Boneste Wet Daten Punbing Ping Syne “Ene Sc zor] saz 7 rah Wg - Cabin, Raconaye & Bo Duc gt [sel — see Sic (Repose [630 Underouad UR - Sy Tig ay ponsion Ta] Tigh ig Feths og aS SST Rapconen beIS00¢ Fe Rta Saar Rexiacoment (0809008 Security Systems] i [DSINI6 vomaten Te aan [Rencement {G00 Underground Une - Sie] Roocomer [24001 Fencing & Gtes= Chan AK FAG 4 ee HGR, OTS GRE TOTST hea has [Resacoren (62020 Paring Lote Aaphat Paved Srs] ua [Rlsconant| Gat Ste Gevelopnent- Exon Sas] igh Raisconent 320 For Prishes- WardweedPacuet FSS Span] ig lacent C3020 Poo rises - Vin Fo Tobe 12°12 rite Soho 7 Repscenen [C1010 Paion-Woveabe Parton] ow Relacaret (S207 Paying Fs - Paved Paying FT] — Relcarnt 62050 nceepg Sa Low Stuy 6305007 Somat arsgeret Lew Resoconert {90007 Strat’ Wares Low rant [93010 Rol Cover sag Imes Rersconent 20 Donests Water Oxbiutn Oia BAR] Lew {Gaiz0 Donets Water OsrBasn— Ofna Bara) lew 6 Aalry Eaipart = Chena Feed Str- Oia Bag] TL Rodssonr 10 itr Vasher cess: So] to Reflect C2000 ier Sir Conucion Efe Soo Wa Recent 202 oer Windows - Ee Sood [Resear 1060001 Fre Alon Systems ~ rl rg 5509008 sions Ongral Buty] Rosaconert (ti000 Oe Speco! Sy and Daven OTT BAG] Wa. ‘Total cost over next S years: $10,377,547 Page 18 of 17 15) ‘Summary of five previous years’ enrolment and 10-year enrolment projection by grade and program. ‘Year FTE Enrolment History 2» “6 a” a 2° 2 “ 50 7 3 3° “a a 2° 3 28 oe » a “ a aL so 50 a 8 as 29 a st a oy 8 ey ° 3 23 s oa 4“ 4s 5 “6 3055 ah am Enrolment Actual ~ October 31, 2015, 110 Year Enrolment Projections 5S = Em SY) a | TS 2 ee a eee eT a Sas DSS SIO Owe aa fe aa ss 4 3 ell Um lle SO a aoa ar | ae 6 8 7 = «© 8 m@ » FF 8 ES ae a ae ae 2 we ee eee) a eo SO a SE a i Page 17 of 17 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM ATE: May 3,2016 To: ‘The Chairperson and Trustees ofthe Board of Education FROM: E. Kelly Director of Education T.awonder ‘Superintendent of Education SUBJECT: Long Term Accommodation Priority Report ‘To update and provide information to the Board of Trustees regarding the Greater Essex County District School Board's accommodation issues and concems tobe considered over the next several years. ‘The Greater Essex County Distrit School Board undertook an extensive Board-wide analysis of its school facilities and the way it currently provides accommodation to its students. This analysis, reviews the Board’s historical demographic trends, school enrolments, utilization rates and facili condition. It also highlights possible accommodation issues and concems. In addition, certain accommodation scenarios are presented as possible solutions for the Board to consider. The ‘purpose ofthe study isto assist the Board's future long-term planning and the recommendations ‘in the report do not imply a commitment to these considerations. Rather, each scenario is meant to be considered by senior administration and the Board of Trustees as a possible solution. The long term accommodation plan analysis has resulted in the development of a Long Term Accommodation Priority Report. The Long Term Priority Report is meant to highlight the most ‘immediate Board accommodation concems and provide a high level overview of the issues as well ‘as Board staff's possible solutions. Any future accommodation review process would be conducted ‘according to the Board's new policy and regulation. The final decision regarding these matters rests with the Board’s elected Board of Trustees. ‘The Canadian population grew by almost 12% between 2001 and 2011, while the elementary school aged population (4-13 years) deelined by more than 7% over that same time period. While the Board’s jurisdiction has been impacted by similar demographic trends over the past decade, the area has also been heavily impacted by economic and employment trends. Strong economic {growth in the late 1990's into the early 2000's had a positive impact on the jurisdiction's 1 1% GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM pepulation growth rates. However, those trends were largely reversed in the latter part of the ‘decade resulting in overall population decline between 2006 and 2011 and almost double digit declines in the pre-school and elementary school aged populations. These changes in population, future employment/migration pattems and related enrolment issues, present an ongoing accommodation challenge for the Board. ‘able 1.1: Board-wide Demographle Trends [ara ee Popatin Date awor | 2006 | 2011 | Aivatte | | Abvtate ] 5 These school facilities are aging, situated on small sites and have above average renewal needs, > As of October 31, 2016 this area has approximately 980 surplus spaces and is projected to reach approximately 1,350 surplus spaces by the end ofthe forecast. > This results in along term utilization rate of approximately 63%. > These schools have renewal needs that exceed $50.6 million combined, which is approximately 14% of the total renewal needs Board-wide. : i ebGTETEE Proposed Future Consideration #1 > The Board consider consolidations of buildings that have a high FCI, paralleled with igh renewal needs. ‘Request funding for anew JK-8 elementary school build. School closures anda transition of students to buildings with space must be considered. Request funding for anew addition ata school to accommodate projected shifts. ‘The Board may conduct a boundary reconfiguration with the remaining open schools to equalize enrolments. ‘Overal, capacity could be reduced significantly, resulting ina higher utilization rate of permanent capacity vvvy v 4 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM rlonty #2: Consideration Summary (2016/17) ‘Leamington Elementary Schools Figure 22: Ponty Aree ap (Shan Boundars) ure 24 Priory #2 nvlment ve, Cpscy (2035-0) Rationale: > These facilites ae aging and moving toward relatively high renewal needs. > Currently, this area has more than 360 surplus spaces and is projected to reach approximately '550 surplus spaces by the end ofthe forecast. Portables and portapaks are excluded inthe OTG calculation. If the temporary spaces were included, the utilization rates in this area would decrease significantly. > This results in along term utilization rate of approximately 74%. > These schools have renewal needs that exceed $23.8 million combined, which is approximately ‘7% ofthe total renewal needs Board-wide. ‘Proposed Future Consideration #2 > The Board consider consolidations and/or closure of buildings with empty space and high renewal needs. > Boundary adjustments may be considered to balance enrolments. > A possible request for funding for a new JK-8 elementary school build. > A consideration to request funding for @ new addition ata school to accommodate projected. shifts. > This would be determined in the 2016/17 school year based on increases or decreases in enrolment due to various factors that have taken place inthe conrmunity. 5 \51 GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM peeebb ad Rationale: ‘These facilities are open concept with relatively high renewal needs ‘This area is projected to have between 250 and 500 over the forecast term. This results in along term utilization rate of approximately 84%. ‘These schools have renewal needs that exceed $23.7 million combined, which is approximately ‘7% the total renewal needs Board-wide. vvvy Proposed Future Consideration #3 > The Board needs to consider consolidations of buildings with high renewal needs. > School closures and transitioning students to buildings with empty space must be considered. > In addition, a re-alignment of a traditional JK-8 in one building may be an alternative. > This area has a unique boundary composition which may require a boundary adjustment. > Itmust be noted thatthe increased utilization rates overtime in this area are a result of the ‘addition of the French Immersion program being recently implemented at Forest Glade PS. GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM Priority #4: Consideration Summary (204718) ‘ELBoundaries, specific Enalish Boundaries Rationale: > The utilization rates of elementary schools within pats of west Windsor, LaSalle, Lakeshore, ‘and Tecumseh vary widely, with some schools underutilized and other aeas requiring space for projected enrolment. > In addition, some of the attendance boundaries within west Windsor spevificlly, are irregular and do not properly serve students in their residence area (je. sudents that live in close proximity tothe school). French Immersion Issues: > There are currently five FI schools of concer including Sandwich WestPS, Bellewood FI PS, Giles FIPS, Lakeshore Discovery PS, and Tecumsch Vista Elementary, all of which are cither curently operating over their permanent capacity or projected to require additional capacity, > Giles PS is currently housed in a former secondary facility that ha a large capacity (1,228) ‘and very high renewal needs. The Board has received recent approvals fom the Ministry of ‘Education to construct a New Giles PS elementary facility on a site to be determined. > The Board has received recent funding from the Ministry of Education to construct a New ‘Northshore area dual track JK-8 elementary facility ona site to be determined. > Once the New Giles PS is constructed, the five FI schools will have a combined capacity of| 3,705 with projected enrolment expected to reach more than 4,875 pupils. Resulting in a deficit of more than 1150 pupil places and a long term utilization rate of approximately 132%. Proposed Future Consideration #4: > Itis recommended thatthe Board conduct various accommodation review and/or boundary studies, specifically of French Immersion programs and some Eng programs, within these particular surrounding areas to equalize enrolment and better serve the local student population GREATER ESSEX COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM Amend. Tobe 1.3 Elementary Pane — Projected Earsiment and Utlation fa en eae ea a a Sopa ee eee ee eee oo a Se —- eee ee ee ee tee tee = ee Stee ee tee ee Sore eee ee ee ee ee Hts eee eee eee = Soe ee eee ee ee ee a oS a ra aes Soe ee eee ee ae ee Fs ape eee ee ee ee fee Spee ee ee ee ee ee a spe pete tee tee tee tee = eee ee ee eee —— ee ee get ee tee =e See eee ee a soe eee ee ee eee = a ——— Soe ae eee ee ee ee = ar sect an eeeeebee loo

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