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uss 760 ms a6 a4 103 1864 1880 1900- 1910 1900. 1920 a2 192 1940 1950 1960 19606 Timeline [PRANCE: Abe de1'Epee establishes school fr the deaf in Pars, This at brings Deaf children togsler to farm the Fst sign language community. Freach Sign Language (LSF) fever ae a result “LERANCE: Fst flee “pic” school estbished specially for Dea entdren in Pasi USA: Braidwood set up the first school fo the Dea inthe United Sates it funeioned one and onehal years. ° Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet sets sl or London and met with Clerc" = Gallaaet went to Paris to study = Gallaudet and Clee set sll fr USA. USA: Def school established in Hanford, Massachusetts: “American Schoo forthe Dea ler spreads ASL in two ways: by teaching ASL to Deaf students at ASD and by taining Tone teachers who establish eehols fr the Deaf with instrutin in ASL in oer pars Stamerice Clee is clined totave taught the founders of 47 sthoos for he dea, “FRANCE: Earliest Deaf Associaton USA: the Th school forthe Deaf estblshed, Indiana School or the Deaf (ISD), by Wills ‘Wild atadet of Clee. USA: Gallneder College is established. ITALY: Intemational Congress on the Eévestion ofthe Deaf hel in Milan = Electronic ering ads commercially aval, Expanton of ay programs - Vacuum ibe hesrag ls patente. USA: Height of pure oralism Development of fist audiometers First was eaing is mated, + Stokoe's Sin Language Structure ~ declares that ASL is language. Teal communication system i developed schoo! enrollment. - Day programs enrollment surpeses resident 1964 Registry of nterpreter forthe Dest developed ATTY's developed 1965 =Stokoe, Cstrine and Croneberg publish he Fst ings alysis of ASL In anew dictionary. 1966 -USA: National Theater ofthe Deaf exabished, 1968 USA: National Techical Ist forthe Deaf established at Rochester Intute of Technology. 1960- USA: SEE, LOVE, SEE, Signed English and Cutd Spech developed. 1970 F 1969 - SWEDEN: Interpreter services recognized as right of Deaf people end interpreter waning rogram is established 1970-. -USA: Following the example ofthe Language Research Insite (LR) of Gallaudet College, 19406 ‘many universities and research cers begin studying ASL, including the Salk Inte, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, University of lols - Urbana, MIT, Northeastem Univers, and Harvard Univers. Unforunstly the LR leventully dsbonded by Gallet 1975 - USA: Congress pases PL. 94-142, The Edvaton of All Handicapped Chidcen Act 1981 “SWEDEN: ‘swedish Sign Language i offically recognled as one ofthe tion's mitoryy danguages. - SWEDEN: BiliaguaVbicultrledvation begin in Sweden. 1983 SWEDEN: New curicalum forthe education of Deaf snd Hardof Hearing cilven i sued Provides tht Swedish an Swedish Sign Language be used as langsages of instruction ‘and tha srudents must be given opportnities o develop bilingual invidusls. = SWEDEN: Deaf teacher trining progrns include talsing in Swedish Sign Language 1988 - USA: DeafPresdent Now movement ous the Gallaudet Universi’ earng President and Aesgnates and replaces her witha Dea presides. 1988-- USA: Catching the pit ofthis new movement, seventen schools forthe Deat hire Des Preseat superintendents. Many of tes lst bilingual and beulral approach and reintroduce ASL tothe classroom in these echoels, 1989 = USA: Indiana School forthe Dea established postions fr two blingualPlcultra coordinators ‘whose responsibililes inladed developing a bilinguaVoicuurl ciel, 1990 -USA: Indiana School forthe Dea became the Fist sat school forthe Deaf to recognize ‘tngeaicutural instruction beginning with the preschool program 1991 ~ FRANCE: BitinguaVbiulural education i spproved bythe French Pariment 1994 - USA: Indiana School forthe Dea opent postion for an ESL coordinator to implement stafT ‘raining in ESL theories techniques and procedures. 1995. - USA: Indiana legislators formally reeagizes ASL ae lang

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