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By: heideahya hall

3rd period

List all 20 cryptids

1. Sasquatch
2. Ahool
3. Altamaha-ha
4. Okapi
5. Beast of bray road
6. Chupacabra
7. Jersey devil
8. Mermaids
9. Jackalope
13.Beast of geveudan
14.Con rit


Complete description

a large, hairy, muscular, bipedal ape-like creature, roughly 23 metres (6ft

7in9ft 10in) covered in hair described as black, dark brown, or dark
reddish. Bigfoot described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large,
low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and
crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla, with a strong,
unpleasant smell. The enormous footprints for which it is named are claimed
to be as large as 24 inches (60cm) long and 8 inches (20cm) wide. Some
footprint casts have also contained claw marks, making it likely that they
came from known animals, such as bears, which have five toes and claws.
Proponents claim that Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal.

Designate each as unconfirmed or confirmed or hoax


Indicate location

North America folklore/canada


Complete description

Look like monkeys with massive. 5 m-wide bat wings. Look more like bat
than reptiles. Catches fish with claw-like hands.

Designate each as unconfirmed or confirmed or hoax


Indicate location

Rainforest in java indonesia


Complete description

That there have been uniform sightings of the creature, in which

witnesses claim the creature is 9-meter (30-foot) long, and swims like a
seal, rather than a fish or eel. They claim the rare sightings are due to
the creature's green skin, allowing it to blend into the surrounding area.

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Indicate location

Southeastern Georgia United States


Complete description

the okapi is a forest-living relative of the giraffe.Although closely

resembling a horse, the okapi has a relatively long neck although not as
long as its giraffe cousins. The forehead, neck and body are brown, with
light tan or grey on the animal's cheeks, throat and chest. Okapi hair is
short, slightly oily to the touch and has a delicate scent. The hind limbs
and upper forelegs have cross-stripes resembling those of a zebra whilst
the lower limbs have white 'socks' with brown lines running up the front to
the knees, where there is a brown band circling each leg. Males have short
hair-covered, rearward-facing horns and both sexes have large mobile ears.
Females are slightly taller than males.

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Indicate location

Ituri rainforest north east central Africa

Beast of bray road

Complete description

purported witnesses in several ways: as a bear-like creature, as a hairy

biped resembling Bigfoot, and as an unusually large (24 feet tall on all
fours, 7 feet tall standing up) intelligent wolf-like creature apt to walk on
its hind legs and weighing 400-700 pounds. It also said that its fur is a
brown gray color resembling a dog or bear.

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Indicate location

South Wisconsin or northern Illinois


Complete description

It is purportedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of

spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.

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Indicate location

Puerto rico

Jersey devil

Complete description

that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like

wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked
tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as
emitting a "blood-curdling scream.

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Indicate location

Southern New Jersey United States


Complete description

creature with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail
of a fish.

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East Europe, Africa, asia


Complete description

jackrabbit with antelope horns. The word "jackalope" is a portmanteau

of "jackrabbit" and "antelope", although the jackrabbit is not a rabbit,
and the American antelope is not an antelope. Also, many jackalope
taxidermy mounts, including the original, are actually made with deer

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North America folklore


Complete description

Ogopogo is a 40 to 50-foot-long (12 to 15m) sea serpent. Lake monster

investigator Benjamin Radford notes however, that these First Nations
stories were not referring to a literal lake monster like Ogopogo, but
instead to a legendary water spirit. The supernatural Nha-a-itk of the
Okanagan Valley Indians is long gone.

Designate each as unconfirmed, confirmed, or hoax


Indicate location

Okanagan lake, British Columbia


Complete description

unicorn is often depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a

long horn and cloven hooves (sometimes a goat's beard).

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Indicate location



Complete description

is an ape-like cryptid taller than an average human that is said to inhabit

the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan and Tibt

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Indicate location

Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet

Beast of gevaudan

Complete description

covered an area stretching 90 by 80 kilometres (56 by 50mi), were said

to have been committed by a beast or beasts that had formidable teeth
and immense tails according to contemporary eyewitnesses.

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Indicate location


Con rit

Complete description

Insect you can crush under your heel

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Complete description

Gentleman of my acquaintance for long time resided in central America

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complete description

Has a snake-like body between 2 and 6 feet in lenth, with 2 claws front
legs, but no hind legs. Have smooth hairless skin covered with delicate
scales. Large head with big eyes similar to the head of a cat. Can grow 6
feet long.

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Love and frog

Complete description

Dont have one

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Pub, American


Complete description

introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970, later popularized

by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, claiming that
there were supernatural events related to the sightings, and a
connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The 2002 film The
Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, was based on Keel's book.

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Complete description

they take their name from a dog-like Chinese demon (Tiangou), the
tengu were originally thought to take the forms of birds of prey, and
they are traditionally depicted with both human and avian
characteristics. The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks, but this
feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which
today is widely considered the tengu's defining characteristic in the
popular imagination.

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Chinese, and Japanese folk religion


Complete description

There can be a territorial pyramid of championships, e.g. local, regional /

provincial, state, national, continental and world championships, and
even further (artificial) divisions at one or more of these levels, as in
soccer. Their champions can be accordingly styled, e.g. national
champion, world champion.

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