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eee eee eee 7 “The History Final Study Guide ‘Seven Articles of the Constitution; “Article L: This explains the role of the Legislative Branch including the House of Representatives, and the Senate, ‘Anticle 2: This explains the role of the Executive Branch which ‘includes the President, Vice-President, and the Cabinet. They are responsible for passing laws. “Article 3: This includes the Supreine Court, who runs major court cases and decide criminal and civil court cases according to the correct federal, state, and local laws. Article 4: This states the fidual States have the power to make and carry out their own laws as long as they are constitutional Article 5: This explains the U.S Amendments and that more can be added, including amendments that abolish others, Article 6: This explains that The Constitution and federal laws have more authority than state and local laws, and that all Laws must follow the US Constitution, ‘Atticle 7: This Article ratifies the US Constitution, and explains the process in which it was created. ‘Declaration of Independence: This documnent was writen by America’s founding fathers, ond was a letter tothe king ‘of England stating that they are meant to be an independent country that goveras themselves. It was edopted on July 4th 1776. ‘Social Darwinism: The belief that natural selection puts some races of humans @s natural majority powers over others. ‘Progressivism: The idea that increases in science, social, economic, and technological advancement is crucial to jmproving human lif. Lincoln's Civil War Goal; He wanted to bring southern states into the union, ultimately to end slavery in the U.S. ‘Coolidge’s Presidency: As a president, Coolidge is known for bringing America into ezonomic prosperity during the 1920's which is now known as the Roaring 20’s, ‘Al Capone: An infamous mobster known for his many criminal acts such as smuggling, bootlegging, murder, and the. He was arrested in 1931 which he was sentenced to 11 years in prison where he would Inter die on January 25th 1947 of cardiac arrest. ol ww: Allies: America, Britain, France, Soviet Union, Japan (WW), Greece, Serbia, Romania, and China. ‘Axis: Germany, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and Jepan ‘Wilson's 14 Points: (Quoted) htp//en wikipedia orghvk/Fourteen Points#The Fourteen Points Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and inthe publi view. IL Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas, may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants. LLL The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions ‘among all the nations consenting o the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance. IV, Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety. stugen Wesnesdey, May 2, 2016 at 10:42:58 AM Pace Dayignt Tina Ossiwors2749

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