Autism Matrix

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Dana Luck #20

Organizing Needs & Strategies for Intervention Purposes

Complete the graphic organizer to match needs to strategies so your book character can be successful in
1. Name the disability (1 point)
2. List strengths that YOUR character will have in the story. (2 points)
3. List a minimum of 6 different characteristics (2 in each category) for the disability your
character exhibits. (6 points)
4. Align each disability characteristic to two research-based strategies to overcome or
manage struggles directly related to the disability. (12 points) (+ 3 points for details)

Disability: High Functioning Autism

Possibly / Common Strengths: average to above intelligence, compassion for a particular area/ object,
Common Disability Characteristic
Evidence-based Instructional or Behavioral Strategies
Choose 6 characteristics for YOUR CHARACTER
the student can learn to find school success
a)Cornell notes- divide up for easier understanding

1.Writing/Reading Troubles
(Difficulty understanding the big picture)

b)LINCS Table- help but together a better

understanding as well as visual

2. Interest in only certain areas.

a) Interest based group- have the child be in

something that he/she feels talking about.
b)Art/Illustrations- visual learner so things with color
and images the child may pick up on to learn easier

1. Pre-occupied by their own agenda.

Social / School (Skills)

a) cooperative learning- being around others someone
to keep him on track
b) musical attributes- keep constant interest on
something else

2. Prefers to be alone.
(not good with feelings)

a) Response cards- allows child to be on his own and

express answers in his own way.
b) Social Stories- provide story to see other interaction
and possible catch on.

1.Repetitive Routines

Behavior / Organization
a) Visual Schedules
b) Graphic Organizers

2. Not one for sharing.

a) Behavioral contract- incentive to want to share

b)Play Games- interaction with others

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