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CEP Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: _Rocky Wood__________________________________________

Level: _Int. Conversation AM_____
Date/Time: _March 4, 2016 (Fri)___
Goal: Ss will begin preparing for their midterm by working on group problem solving
skills. They will learn how to identify necessary background information about the
situation and predict possibilities (good and bad) for the future. They will come to a
group agreement and then justify their opinions and decisions. They will do this with
using modals (might, could, should) and I think, because and the simple future
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. use the modals might and could when predicting future possibilities,
2. use the modal should for making recommendations.
2. using I think.., ..will.. and because for justify predictions.
3. develop and practice the communicative skills of coming to a group decision.
4. develop and practice the communicative problem solving skill of gathering background
Theme: ____Packing for a trip____________________________________
Extensions: ___Group problem solving skills_________________________


Review or Preview

Linking & Transitioning to rest

of lesson:
T will review the homework
assigned by the other teacher

Activity 1:

1.1 Pre-Stage:
T will go over the ppt slide with
the class objectives and explain
what Ss will be doing in the rest
of the class.

The step-by-step
process of problem

1.2. During Stage:

Then T will explain that problem
solving is something that we do
daily but not something that we
normally talk through. T will
have Ss try and discover the




5 min


2 min


8 min

* Ss didnt do
- just move on

* ideas too
- model the example
step-by-step eliciting
as I explain
* task takes too much
- have students
continue with the task
until the end of class

steps to solving a problem in

pairs. T will tell Ss that she
found 4 steps but that she wants
to see how many they discover.
1. Find as much
background information
as possible. What do you
know about (people,
place, thing, history,
feelings, etc.)
2. What will you need to do
to solve the problem?
3. Actually solve the
4. Try and discover any
possible problems that
make result from the
2.3 Post-Stage:
Ss will report back the steps that
they each found and T will write
down all the different ideas.
Then as a class we will create a
process list they can refer to

and then do the

reporting back on
* task takes too little
- have Ss reflect on
the task (what was
easy, what was hard,
how can you get


5 min


5 min

Tangible Outcome & Assessment

Ss will have the S list and the
class list of how to problem
Activity 2:
Modals for:
- future possibility
(might, could)
- making

2.1 Pre-Stage:
T will transition to the grammar
point that will be used in the
lesson. T will first try to elicit
the grammar of modals of future
possibility and then focus the Ss
on the two might and could.
Then T will transition to the
other modal for making
recommendations that will be
used. T will elicit the modal of


5 min

3.2. During Stage:

Ss will practice with a couple
situations (on powerpoint). T
will check for comprehension
and accuracy.

10 min

3.3 Post-Stage:
Ss will report their conversations
back to the class an T will
provide any error correction that
might be necessary.
Tangible Outcome & Assessment
Activity 3:
problem solving
activity: What to

3.1 Pre-Stage:
T will elicit different clothes and
travel items needed for different
types of climates by having
groups of 3 create a list on the
handout. Sections of handout
and possible answers:
- hot and humid: shorts, tshirts, tank tops, bathing suits,
hat, sunscreen, deodorant,
sandals etc.
- wet: umbrella, poncho,
waterproof shoes, etc.
- cold and snowy: scarf, hat,
thermals, boots, mittens/gloves,
winter coat, pants, lotion, chap
stick, sweater, etc.
- general items: toothbrush,
floss, medicine, contacts,
glasses, make up, underwear,
bras, pajamas, pillow, phone,
charger, books/kindle, maps/gps,
After about 8 mins the teacher
will have the groups share the
items they wrote down and then
possibly elicit others that the Ss
had forgotten.


* task is finished too

15 min - T can expand the
activity by having Ss
discuss the process
they went through
with solving the
problem and what
were some of the
concerns they
considered in the
* task takes too long
- Ss can continue the
task after their
midterm in the next

3.2. During Stage:

Ss will be given a schedule for a
2-week trip that they must pack
for. However, they will have
limited space and varied
weather. They will have to go
through the problem solving
steps previously discussed and
use the modals previously
discussed. Ss will be reminding
to keep in mind:
- activities you may do in those
- what the weather may be like
- items would will need to have
with you
3.3 Post-Stage:
Ss will report back what their
final decision was on items to
pack and why they chose those.


10 min


5 min

Tangible Outcome & Assessment

Ss will have the handout with
vocabulary and their packing

Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

T will quickly go over feedback
by going over things they did
well and giving them 2 things
they can work on over the


5 min

* T will remind Ss that their

midterm is next week and
provide them with the topics,
vocabulary, and grammar that
they will need to review
Materials: PowerPoint, chalk, handout 1: brainstorming table, handout 2: trip schedule
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.): See anticipated problems

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