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Required reading H: Analysis and Reflection.


Supporting Deep Conceptual Learning With Technology

CITATION: Supporting Deep Conceptual Learning With Technology. (2013, January 15).
Retrieved from

Technology can help educators

train students' focus away from
rote memorization toward deep
conceptual learning by building
on prior knowledge and making
connections between concepts.
Included: Learners versus
students and examples of
technology-enriched deep
conceptual learning methods.


Opposite to surface learning that focuses on memorization, rote

learning, and textual information, deep conceptual learning is a
different approach that allows student learners to use their prior
knowledge to deepen their understanding of new concepts and content.
In the new Common Core State Standards, learners are to demonstrate
deep conceptual understanding of core concepts by applying them to
new situations as well as writing and speaking about their built
knowledge, however researchers argue that achieving this standard in
math and science is much easier said than taught due to the fact that
deep learning is limited to traditional textbooks and lab materials. How
must one obey and achieve this standard if proper technology is not
available? Teachers and their students need access to fitting technology
tools as technology-enhanced learning experiences allow learners to
explore concepts that otherwise would not be presented in class.
Technology has proven to be one of the most effective ways to facilitate
these standard changes in teaching and learning as it caters to complex,
rich experiences that lead to deep and lasting knowledge. Through my
placement experiences however, I have noticed that teachers find it
difficult to expose students to deep conceptual learning as much
pressure is placed on them to successful teach all curriculum subject
content by the end of the school year. I believe that technology can help
break that barrier.
In reading this article, I was able to making connections back to
my learning experiences growing up. Due to the lack of technology
incorporated into my elementary and high school classes I became a
surface learner. As all my teachers taught using a very direct based
teaching approach, much of my success was from memorization which
quickly disappeared from my memory post assessment. However, when
continuing my studies in university, I was able to build deep conceptual
learning as I engaged in hands-on learning that was rich, open-ended,
and digitally integrated. This example affiliates with the written article
as it demonstrates that the content in which learning takes place will
have an impact on how the learner responds. As I became a deep
learner, I obtained better retention of information and application than
when I was a surface student. I strongly believe that deep conceptual
learning is a significant goal in education and is something that needs to
be integrated into all classrooms, in all schools.

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