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Vlad Dracula

Also known as Vlad the Impaler or Tepes

Born: The winter of 1431, in the kingdom of Hungary (modern day Romania)
Died: 1476, he died in a battle with the turks, having his head chopped off by
his own men and sent to the turkish Sultan
Job: KIng, Prince

Young LIfe
Vlad Dracula was born in the winter of 1431 as a prince, and soon joined the Order of
the Dragon (this is where he gets
surname). The order of the Dragon was a group of
slavic rulers and warlords to defend christianity. He was young and he participated in a
battle and was captured with his brother and taken to Ottoman.

Getting the throne back

He came back a year later to find his father had lost power, and was also killed by his
elder brother Balteni. Vladislav 11, who was ruling The kingdom of Hungary at the time he
came back, tried to keep the throne but was defeated. Vlad kept the throne 2 months before
he was successfully unthroned by Vladislav 11 and Hunyadi.

To avenge his father, he killed the noblemen who had helped kill him. He buried them
alive and impaled them. He also didnt know exactly who had killed his father, so he just
killed all noblemen, luring them in with parties and killing them afterwards. They knew they
knew they would be killed, but if you refused to go you would be killed anyway.

The Impaler
The reason behind his name was that his favorite way of punishing wrong doers was
to impale them, and in a different language it means Impaler. His cruelness spread across
the kingdom striking fear into his enemies and citizens hearts. He also used other methods
of torture for his victims, including cutting limbs off, strangulation, blinding, cutting off ears
and noses, scalping, sexual mutilation, exposure to wild animals or elements, boiling alive
and skinning, and of course impalement. He would also like to impale his victims with an
audience, and leave them hanging like they were for months. They would not die for hours,
sometimes even days.

What is impaling
What you will need:

Sharpened stick (size of a flagpole but shorter)

A strong stomach
First, take the stick that is sharpened and put it in the rectum area of the victim.
Next, push it all the way until it comes out of the victims mouth. Stand the stick up in a hole
and wait. The victim should live for a few hours, maybe days. This is a very tortuous method.
Ignore the screams.

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