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Annotated Bibliography

Common Core Standards: The New U.S. Intended Curriculum

o This source has background information on the Common Core State Standards. It
mentions that the standards were created in 2010, and that math and language arts were
the subjects that were included in these standards. Both standards are internationally
benchmarked, and are more vigorous than previous state standards. I used this source to
read up on background information on the Common Core State Standards. It is related to
some other sources, but it has a lot of information that some other sources do not have.
Adapting to Change: Teacher Perceptions of Implementing the Common Core State Standards
o This article includes a research study on secondary teachers perceptions of the Common
Core State Standards. The study also included the amount of training that the teachers
received, and how comfortable they were teaching with the new curriculum. I would use
this source to talk about how real teachers feel about teaching with the new standards,
even if they are at a higher level than what my topic is.
Navigating the Mathematics Common Core State Standards
o This book goes into great detail on strategies for teachers who are teaching with the
Common Core State Standards. The book breaks down the standards by grade and
category, and this would help teachers further understand the standards better. It would
also assist the teachers in understanding more strategies that they could use to teach
different topics. I would use this book in my project to help explain some of the more
difficult math topics, and how they are being used in the schools today.
Creating Standards-Based Integrated Curriculum: the Common Core State Standards Edition
o As the title mentions, this book mainly discusses creating integrated curriculum in the
classroom. Throughout this book, there were many examples of research and ideas for
teachers to use in their classrooms. I would use this source when discussing how to
integrate Common Core State Standards curriculum with other subjects. Preparing Americas Students for Success
o This website has a very helpful explanation of what the standards are and how they are
being implemented in schools across the country. It explains why the standards are
important, and has a page on what parents should know. There is also a page to read the
standards and look at additional resources. Finally, there is a page explaining the process
of how the Common Core State Standards were created. This website has a lot of
information on different aspects of the Common Core State Standards, and I will use
many different parts throughout my project. Kansas State Department of Education
o This website has all the standards listed out: divided by grad level and content area. It
also has many different resources on the buildings and districts across Kansas. There are
pages on other programs and services that the Kansas State Department of Education
provides. This website is different from other websites because it lists the exact standards
out. I would use this when talking about specific standards in different grades. U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity
o This websites priority is to prepare students for college and careers. There are many
resources and helpful information for parents and educators on this website to help
students succeed. This source is not related to other sources, in that it focuses on
preparing students to enter into the Department of Defense, instead of just college and
careers. Council of Chief State School Officers

o This website was created to give educators resources and tools for teaching to the
Common Core State Standards. There are specific areas for math and language arts,
and other general implementation tools and resources. On the website, there are also
case studies that teachers can use for examples and further resources. This website may
be repetitive to other sources because the resources are for actual teachers, and not as
important for the current project that I am working on.
Beyond Standards: Making Local-Global Connections Within the Common Core
o The article discusses why it is important for students to be aware of what is happening
around the world. In the article, the authors talk about how the roots of the Common Core
are from a global perspective. It also gives examples of how current events in the world
can be used with the Common Core State Standards. I will use this article as a resource
to give examples of how the Common Core can be used to support a global perspective.
Understanding and Implementing the Common Core Vocabulary Standards in Kindergarten
o This article talks about the English Language Arts Standards and how they are translated
when teaching vocabulary to kindergarteners. Throughout the rest of the article, there are
examples and tools for teachers to use when teaching vocabulary to kindergarteners.
This article is like several others in that it lists tools for teachers in teaching the Common
Core State Standards. However, it is very specific to kindergarten and vocabulary.

Additional Resources
1. Website:
a. Citation: DoDEA. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2016, from
b. Relevancy: This website does relate to my topic, as it talks about the College and Career
Ready Standards. However, it mainly talks about how these standards are integrated into
the DoD schools, and those are not the particular schools that I had planned to talk about
in my project. This website is not like any of my other sources, so it could have other
information that is not included in other sources.
c. Accuracy: When reading through this website, I did not detect any biases. The website
was very well put together, and the information seemed very factual. There were no
additional resources listed that I was able to find, but this source seems to be the head
d. Currency: I was unable to find any publishing date for this website, but it seems very
modern-looking. Since this website is published through the Department of Defense, I
would guess that it is constantly updated. Even though there was no date listed, I would
take all the information as if it was current.
e. Authority: This website is published by the U.S. Department of Defense, which is credible
in itself. There are 172 schools around the world that function with the DoDEA, and they
are all accredited. The information throughout this website is written by people from the
f. Purpose: The purpose of this website is to inform the public of what College and Career
Ready Standards look like in the Department of Defense. There is a page that describes
the standards, and pages for media and graduation requirements. There are also
resources for educators and parents, and this website helps inform them about helpful
g. Rating: I would rate this website a 3. It has a lot of helpful information on the topic of
College and Career Ready Standards, but it is mainly focused on preparing students to
be in the Department of Defense. While I think that this department is very important for
our country, it is not the only area that students should be encouraged to enter into.

2. Website:
a. Citation: CCReady: Discover State-Created Tools, Resources and Standards
Implementation Success Stories. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2016, from
b. Relevancy: This website is relevant to my topic because there are many resources and
tools to help implement the standards into classrooms. This website may not be as
relevant to my topic today, but there are many ways this could be helpful in the future.
c. Accuracy: When reading through the resources on the website, I did not detect any bias.
It is written by the Council of Chief State School Officers, and it seems like a trustworthy
source. The information is presented as fact, and no opinion seem to be present.
d. Currency: The website was published in 2014; it is not outdated. Constantly, information
is being updated to this website because there is more tools that are being found out to
help educators help their students. There are newsletters and webinars that are added
currently that teachers can be updated on.
e. Authority: The website is written by the council. The goal of the writers through this
website is to provide new resources and tools for educators to better help the students.
Many states have contributed to the website, so there are many ways that the resources
can be adapted to many different settings.
f. Purpose: The purpose of this website is to inform educators on resources and other tools
that they could use to better teach their students. The authors do not seem to be omitting
any details that are important to the subject.
g. Rating: I would rate this website a 4. There are many helpful tools and resources for
teachers. I think that it would be valuable, especially for teachers who are just beginning
to learn about the Common Core State Standards.
3. Database: Beyond Standards: Making Local-Global Connections Within the Common Core
a. Citation: Conrad, M., Manise, J., Singmaster, H., & Watkins, L. (2016). BEYOND
CORE. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers, 91(2), 52-55.
b. Relevancy: This source relates to my topic because it explains how the Common Core
State Standards are supposed to be involved in the world. This is a unique resource
because it gives exact examples of how current events in the world can be used in the
classroom. It is also relevant because it gives clear examples of how the Common Core
State Standards can be implemented practically in a classroom.
c. Accuracy: I do not detect any biases in this article. The resources listed in the article all
involve Common Core in different countries, global literacy, and government agencies.
The data is presented as fact, and there were no errors.
d. Currency: The source was written in February of 2016. It is definitely current and the
information is up-to-date. There is constantly information being found out about the
Common Core State Standards, but this information is recent enough to still be relevant.
e. Authority: All of the authors of the article are professors at universities around the country.
Two of the authors are involved in education. The article was published by the
Association for Career and Technical Education.
f. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform the public about how the Common Core
State Standards are involved in global education. There are four authors in this article,
but it seems to be written in a uniformed way. The information is written in a clear way,
and that most audiences would be able to understand.
g. Rating: I would rate this article a 4. I really liked the examples the article listed to connect
Common Core State Standards to real world problems. I also thought the article was
written with high-quality.

4. Database: Understanding and Implementing the Common Core Vocabulary Standards in

a. Citation: Baker, D. L., Santoro, L., Ware, S., Cullar, D., Oldham, A., Cuticelli, M., & ...
McCoach, B. (2015). Understanding and Implementing the Common Core Vocabulary
Standards in Kindergarten. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(5), 264-271.
b. Relevancy: This source is relevant to my topic because it discusses teaching vocabulary.
There are many strategies and tools in the article for teachers that would be useful when
teaching vocabulary to kindergarteners. Most of my sources have given examples of how
different areas of Common Core State Standards have been used in a classroom, but this
article is specifically for vocabulary in kindergarten classrooms.
c. Accuracy: I did not detect any biases when I was reading through this article. It was
written from a very factual point of view. There are many resources listed, and the ones I
looked at were mostly educational or government sources. The research was supported
by the Department of Education.
d. Currency: This article was published in 2015, and it is not outdated. Because the
Common Core State Standards are still relatively recent, there are always new strategies
that are being introduced to help teachers know how to teach so that students
understand the content.
e. Authority: All of the authors that helped write this article are professors or assistant
professors at universities. Many of their jobs are involved in education. The article was
published by the Council for Exceptional Children.
f. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform teachers of strategies to teach
vocabulary to kindergarteners with the Common Core State Standards. In truth, teaching
vocabulary with the Common Core State Standards can be a vigorous and timeconsuming endeavor. However, this article give tips and activities to help this
overwhelming task.
g. Rating: I would rate this article a 4. Teaching vocabulary is very difficult, especially with
kindergarteners. This article has many helpful tips and tools to help teachers when
instructing students in vocabulary learning. The article also gives ideas for identifying low
learners at an early age, and gives tools to the teacher to help those learners learn more
vocabulary as well.

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