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Taylor Monk

Mr. Ford
Film 1
September 8, 2015
(Revised for censorship)
Thug 1: Hey old man!
[man continues to stare aimlessly down the street]
Thug 1: Hey! Im talking to you!
Man: Really? Its hard to hear you with your foot in your mouth
Thug 1 (to Thug 2): Did you hear what this fool just said to me?
Thug 2: Yo gramps, you lookin to get you headed busted in? Or should I
just pop a cap in yo wrinkly butt?
[Enter high school girl whos been doing the program with the older
Girl: Dont you jerks have something better to do? Like go kill what
brain cells you have left or something?
Thug 1: Stay out of this chick, we got some business with this trash
(Old man glares at the thug but doesnt say a word)
Girl: Oh really? Well so do I, and I would think you have an appointment
with the nearest officer on patrol (pulls out phone threateningly)
Thug 2: I wouldnt do that if I was you, rat

Thug 1: Grandpa, daf** you lookin at? I will beat that look off yo stupid
Old Man: You should leave
Thug 2 (laughs): Oh yeah? And whos gonna make us? You? Yo hot
piece of action over there?
Old Man (pulls out Colt .45 1911): I said you should leave
[Silent stare-down between the two thugs and the old man as the girl
stares on in surprise and horror]
Thug 2 (quietly to Thug 1): Lets get out of here man
Thug 1 (hesitates): Aight fool, but well be back. Oh yeah, well be
back, the boss aint done witchu yet, no sireee
[Two thugs leave neighborhood and frame]
Old Man: What?
Girl: Nothing, I just think its a little worrying you were so ready to
shoot those guys
Old Man (makes sound of disgust): Oh please, spare me the story. Ive
been taking care of kids like those long before you were even born,
Girl: That doesnt make it right but, you know what? This gives us
another wonderful opportunity for something to talk about (beams at
old man)

[Old man grunts, then walks inside. Girl follows after a moment of
[Once inside and properly seated]
Girl: So you mentioned youve been taking care of thugs like those
since before I was born. Would you care to elaborate?
Old Man (under his breath): Not particularly..
Girl: Well youre going to have to tell me something, because Im not
leaving until you do.
Old Man: Fine, but after I finish no more questions, and I mean none.
[Girl nods her head in affirmation]
Old Man: Alright, well, it all started long before you or any of that trash
out there was born. We had been on patrol for 2 weeks without so
much as a peep from the enemy. My friend John had enlisted at the
same time as me, we both agreed that we needed to go do whatever
needed to be done, for freedom and democracy across the globe.
Anyways, we were on another routine patrol, although there had been
recent rumors of a sudden decrease of activity from the VietCong, and
that usually only happens when an army is planning an offensive. We
had no idea. Our patrol was ambushed from all sides. I watched as
John took one to the head, through his helmet but at least his death
was quick and painless, for many of the others in our platoon werent
so lucky. In my rage and fury I pumped as much lead on those bastards

as I could before my M16 got shot clean out of my hands. So I

charged them with my M14 bayonet I inherited from my father. I have
little memory of what happened after that So many bodies. I woke
up staring at the roof of a Huey. I was the sole survivor of my platoon. I
killed more men that day then I care to count, and I dont regret it one
bit. My friends all dead. And why? So we could get pulled out
because the people back home didnt understanding that cutting our
losses meant all my friends had died in vain. Chucky, Rick, Charles,
John, the rest all died for no purpose. No resolution. Do I think we
should have been there in the first place? Definitely not, it was a
political decision from the beginning. However, once the mistake was
made, it would only be a bigger mistake to pull us out, and pull us out
they did. And here I see them doing it time and time again!
Afghanistan, Iraq, why? [voice slow rising] Why is it that our men and
women have to keep dying for no reason? WHY?!? What the hell has
happened to our country!? The government, the public, hell, even
generals in the army and marines and navy and air force are costing
our country good men because theyre just concerned with covering
their rear's. Wheres the honor all gone? Wheres the drive for making
the world a better place gone? The drive to protect freedom, not just
for ourselves but others!!!!!!?????? The answer? THERE IS NONE, AND
THERE HASNT BEEN FOR A LONG TIME. You want to know why I ready
to kill those men outside? Because there once was a time when

integrity and chivalry and respect and generosity and grace were
common characteristics. But no more. No more. So I can no longer
treat this as a place of honest pursuit of happiness. No longer can I
trust any of these sorry excuses for humans..
Girl: Im sorry, I really am. But you cant believe that everyone is
lost. Everyone is corrupted.
Old Man: Why not? Neither you nor anyone has proved me wrong. No,
Im quite sure about this one. Actually, I think its time for you to leave.
Girl: Please, I dont wantOld Man: I said, just leave.
Girl: Very well.
[Girl silently leaves the house]
[Fades out staring at the Old Mans face, which remains stoic, but a
tear traces down his cheek.]

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