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Memory Questions

What are the three types of melodic phrases?

The three types of melodic phrases are those that suggest continuation, those that suggest a
temporary repose, and those that suggest finality.
What are stable tones?
Stable tones are pitches 1, 3, & 5 of the scale.
What are unstable tones?
Unstable tones are all pitches of the scales other than pitches 1, 3, & 5.
What do we call pitches 1, 3, & 5?
Pitch 1 is called the tonic pitch, pitch 3 is called the mediant pitch, and pitch 5 is called the
dominant pitch.
Which pitch is the most stable?
The tonic pitch is the most stable.
Which pitch is the second most stable?
The dominant pitch is the second most stable.
Which pitch is the third most stable?
The median pitch is the third most stable.
Which pitch is used to suggest finality?
The tonic pitch is used to suggest finality.
Which pitches are used to suggest temporary repose?
The dominant and median pitches are used to suggest temporary repose.
Which pitches are used to suggest continuation?
The unstable pitches are used to suggest continuation.
What is a period?
A period consists of two phrases that have the relationship of antecedent and consequent.
What is an antecedent phrase?
An antecedent phrase ends weakly and precedes the consequent phrase.

What is a consequent phrase?

A consequent phrase ends strongly and follows the antecedent phrase.
How are antecedent phrases created?
Antecedent phrases are created by use of either of the first two phrase types; those that
suggest continuation and those that suggest temporary repose.
How are consequent phrases created?
Consequent phrases are created by use of the third phrase type; that which suggests finality.
When speaking of melody, what are antecedent and consequent phrases also referred to as?
When speaking of melody, antecedent and consequent phrases are also referred to as
question and answer phrases.
What is a phrase group?
A phrase group consists of two or more phrases that do not have an antecedent to
consequent relationship.

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