Revised Hook

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Name: Stephanie Pieper and Bri Lapetina
Lesson Title: Introducing Water (hook)
Grade Level: Pre-K
Circle one:
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Approaches Toward Learning: A.3 Ask questions to seek explanations, Cognition and General Knowledge: C.7 Communicate about
past events and anticipate what comes next during familiar routines and experiences
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: By asking the pre-assessment questions about their knowledge of water before the topic is introduced.
Instructional Objectives (1-2)

Assessment of Student Learning

One/Two Assessed Instructional

Objective(s): The student will be
able to...

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data

to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and

The students will be able to orally

communicate characteristics of

We will have a chart before and after of what each student

knew and then learned. This will be a KWL chart.

One Assessed Developmental

With modeling and support, follow
typical patterns when
communicating with others (e.g.,
listen to others, take turns talking
and speaking about the topic or
text being discussed)
Safety Considerations:

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
This hook activity will be done as a whole class. This is a
way to get all students involved and to observe what their
previous knowledge about the topic is. This way the
activities following the hook activity will go smoother
because we will know how much the students know about

Learning Experience
Academic Language:
Water, fluid, tension, solid, gas, liquid, condensation, floating,
Procedural steps:
First we will have the students in the classroom brought
together on the carpet in the front of the room. We will say
that we are playing a word game, called a riddle. We will start
naming things like, I drink this out of a glass, I take a bath
or shower in this, This falls from the sky when it rains.
When they guess water we will turn around and look at the
big piece of paper we have on the board. Water will be
written across the top of it. We will write down word for word
what the students say that they already know about water,
and put their name next to what they say.
We will introduce reactions such as: mixing, floating and
sinking, condensation, rust and mold. Briefly describe how we
will do a floating and sinking activity next week.
Next we will explain the characteristics of water, like how it
takes the shape of a container, its the phase between a solid
and a gas, it is a fluid, so you can pour it, there is water
tension etc.
We will briefly describe the lesson about water taking shape
of the container that it is in and how we will do that activity
later on.
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
-Chart paper


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan

Adult Roles:
Both adults (Stephanie and Bri) will be facilitating this hook
and recording down what the students say and also making

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
We ended up doing this hook as a part of a station when the children were doing their centers. It worked out much better to do this in small groups of 3 or
4 because we were able to grasp the childrens attention better. We did a guessing game beforehand and asked them to guess what we were describing. We
said, I drink this out of a glass, I take a bath or shower in this, This falls from the sky when it rains. Most students guessed right away, and others needed
further description, but overall everyone knew we were talking about water. After presenting that we asked each student what they know about water and recorded
their answers. Below is a chart of what every child said. After finding out what the students knew we gave them a sneak peak of what we will be doing in later
lessons, such as floating/sinking objects. The information we were able to record was very important for how we will implement our other lessons about water to
make sure they learn new information.
Student Name
Stduent 1

Did They Guess Water:


Student 2


Student 3


Student 4
Student 5


Student 6


Student 7


What They Know About Water:

Can make Koolaid with it (mix it), people can sink in
Swim in it, When you touch it you it feels wet, can go
under water, boats can float, swim with goggles, you
water plants
You can drink it, you can swim in it, you can put toys
in there to play
You can drink it, skateboards can sink
You can drink it, pour it, juice has water in it, you can
splash it, boats float, it can feel hot
Rain, you can step on it (puddles), you can swim in
Ive been to a water park, Islands have water, its


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Student 8


Student 9


Student 10


Student 11
Student 12


Student 13


Student 14


Student 15


Student 16


Student 17

Guessed rain first, then said water

outside when it rains, water falls

You can drink it, its a light color, it feels cold, it
tastes like water
Comes from clouds, it is in the sink, it is clear, you
can see it and feel it
You can play in water, he has played with water in
the mud, when playing in the mud it looked dirty, has
seen it at home, it is clear
Can swim in it, drink it, its blue
Couldnt tell us about it (maybe shy), agreed to
everything we said about water
You can drink it, swallow it, it feels warm, its in a
Its in a sink, in a pool, looks like an ocean, animals
live in it, it feels cold or hot, sometimes it is too hot
You wash your hands with it, looks white, fish live in
You drink it, it hydrates you, its in a toilet, you can
swim in it
You can drink it, make stuff with it like potions,
makes you healthy, it is clear, it can make you strong

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