10M Case Notes

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Advanced 10M Class notes


These are highlights and pearlsfrom an advanced tutoring class I took some time ago. I
thought some may find these hints interesting and perhaps helpful.
Adding an acute protocol for chronic issues can make homeopathy more competitive with
allopathic care. Typically no protocol is done more than 6-7 weeks without being
reassessed. If aggravations, consider another protocol.
Head injury: Nat sulph or Cuprum 10M
Accidents in general: Arnica 10M
Dental pain: Hypericum 10M
Surgical site pain: Staphysagria 200C
Lupus: Thuja 30C twice per day; Hyper/Ars 200C 4 times per day and Rhus tox 30C every 3
hours if needed as an SOS remedy.
Sleep issues: Coffea 200C; if anxiety is problem: Ignatia 200C
Disc disease: Symphytum 200C twice per day; Hypericum 200C twice per day; Calc phos 3C
twice per day.
Failure to thrive: Calc carb 30C twice per day with Calc phos 3C or 6X twice per day;
Tuberculinum 200C every 14 days.
Birth control illness (BCP, HRT, Depo): Sepia 200C twice per day for 8 weeks.
Female flooding: Conium/Sepia 200C twice per day.
Bloating gas: Lycopodium 200C mixed with Arsenicum 30C
Sjogren's Syndrome: Merc sol 6C once per day
Sexual mania: Fluoricum acidum 200C once per day
Surgery: Arnica 200C night before; 200C every 3 hours post op.
Surgical pain: Hyper/Ars 200C
Surgical pain severe: Hypericum 1M repeated as needed
Surgical complications: spacey: Phosphorus constipation: Nux vom

Rheumatoid arthritis: Calc carb 200C every 3 days; Rhus tox 30C twice per day
Respiratory issues: Kali carb 200C every 7 days; SOS like pneumonia twice per day.
General immunity: Calc carb 200C every other day (like cold season)
Anger/ADD: Stramonium 6C twice per day
Missed milestones: Aethusa 6C twice per day
Asthma attack /wheeze: Kali iodatum 6C twice per day
Allergies in general: Bovista 200C every 3 days
Illness onset: Aconite 200C every 6 hours for first 24 hours
Gagging cough SOS: Ipecac 30C every hour
Diabetes: Nat mur 30C once per day

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