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May 3, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my sincere pleasure to recommend Madison Roland. I taught
Madison in sophomore Honors World Literature. She is a student
who is committed to her education, and her commitment became
even more evident in the second half of the school year. She wanted
to improve her grade from a B+ to an A, and she worked feverishly
to accomplish that goal. As she wrote more, it became clear that her
reading and writing skills surpass those of most of her peers; she
writes with clarity and attention to detail. Further, Madison is
interested in actually learning the material, not just memorizing it
for the given exam; her performance tasks reflect her creativity and
her determination to excel.
I have no problem recommending Madison Roland. I believe that
her hard work and commitment combine to predict a positive, postsecondary future for her.

Anthonette B. Collie
Anthonette B. Collie, Ph.D.
English Department Chair
Locust Grove High School

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