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13 Intervention Meeting

When meeting with student 13, we will be looking at trinomial factoring step-by-step.
Before we start going through the content the student needs to practice, we will talk through
the feedback and notes on their test. I will allow for the student to ask any questions and then I
will explain why the student did not earn full credit on the certain problems. The student will
pull out their math notebook to the lesson on placing the sum and product in an X form. We
will go through the notes one more time and then we will go through example problems. This
student does well when someone shows him how to go through the process with thinking
aloud. I will do 3 example problems with thinking aloud and talking through every step that I
am doing. I will then have him do the same with me. He will go through 3 example problems
that are similar to the ones I did and he will do them while thinking aloud.
While he is doing the 3 example problems, I will stop him if there is a gap in his learning or if he
is missing a step. After he has factored the three problems, I will have him check his answer by
multiplying the binomials. This will help the student to tangibly see why and how factoring

My 3 practice problems:
x2 + 4x 32
6x2 11x + 4
15x2 + 14x 8
-2x3 6x2 + 56x

Student 13 practice problems:
x2 + 12x + 35
2x2 + 9x 5
-5a2 15a 10
x2 + 16x + 60

Comment [ML1]: High Leverage Practice- Providing oral

and written feedback to students: Not only does the student
see the feedback written on each of their assessment
problems, I will take the time to explain what each mean. I
thought about finding other active notes for the student to
participate in, but for this material simple instruction will be
most beneficial for the student because they are able to
learn how I go through each step and what I am thinking
about while I do it. One barrier that I might run into, is that
the student will only be mimicking my work and not actual
developing an understanding of the content so that they
can become masters of the content. This will be very
individual based and that is an important variable that I took
into account. I may change the way I talk through my
metacognition but this student will benefit from direct
Comment [ML2]: High Leverage Practice- Explaining and
modeling content, practices, and strategies: I am relying on
verbal communication and modeling to help the student
with the content. Within mathematic, students need to
engage in practice problems so that one is able to apply the
same method to different problems. This will allow the
student to scaffold their learning and use critical thinking to
use the same method with different numbers. I will advise
the student to practice more of these problems on IXL or
from the homework because repetition can become robotic
for the student. The reason that I thought of this practice is
from personal experience. With being in higher level math
classes, I have learned that the best way to learn and
become proficient at a certain practice is from scaffolding
my learning. That is why I thought of this practice for the

Complete the following problems: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, & 10
Construct the factors for each expression

Name: Student 13

1. 3x + 18
2. x2 + 17x + 72
3. p2 + 8p + 12
4. n2 16n + 64
5. 4x2 16x + 7
6. y2 81
7. m2 - 121
8. 27b2 18b + 3
9. 6n4 + 15n3 9n2
10. The area of a square painting is 81p2 + 90p + 25. What is the side length of the painting?
a. Draw a picture for help
b. Square Area= length x width

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