Shakerag Lesson Plan Template-Circle of Knowledge

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Stage 1:
SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building
on others ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Teacher: Stephanie Mack
Grade/Subject: 5th Grade Speaking and Listening
Time Period: 50 minutes
Strategy: Circle of Knowledge
Differentiation: Content by Interest
Flexible Grouping Rationale: Students will be grouped by their interest and reading level.
Type(s) of Differentiation
Identify strategies used and modifications made for gifted
learners. (Must differentiate at least one area- content, process or
product.) Be specific.
The content that the students are reading will be
differentiated by interest and reading level.

Method(s) of Differentiation
Identify strategies used and modifications made for gifted
learners. (Must differentiate at least one way- interest, readiness,
or learning style.) Be specific.
Students will research the 7 Habit of their choice.





Students will use research materials written at their reading

level; Accelerated, On, Below.

Essential Question(s): What is the most important 7 Habit? Why?

Knowledge and Skills (Objectives):
Students will explain and support their reasoning for which 7 Habit is the most important. They will build on others ideas and
express their own clearly.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence


What is the most important 7 Habit?

What supports this belief?
Do you still believe that ____________ is the most important 7 Habit? If yes, why do you still believe it? If
no, what made you change your mind?
Formative Assessment: Ticket Out the Door What is the best 7 Habit? Why?
Summarizing Strategy: After synthesizing your initial thoughts, your independent research, and other peoples ideas, what do
you now believe is the most important 7 Habit? Create a speech, debate with a partner, or Imovie to share your thoughts.

Stage 3: Lesson Plan What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the objectives?
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
Materials (preparation,
7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey
distribution and collection
Access to Leader in Me website and reading materials

Instruction Components

Anticipatory Set/
Motivator- connection to
prior experience

Phase 1: Sparking the Discussion (Hook)

Pose the question: What are the 7 habits?
Review the 7 habits with the class.

Procedure-Strategy and

Closure (studentcentered, selfassessment/reflection,


Phase 2: Focusing the Question with Content

Pose the questions: What is the most important 7 habit? Why do you believe that
_________ is the most important 7 habit?
Have the students group themselves according to habit choice. Ask them to discuss their
ideas with their habit group and take notes on key ideas.
Phase 3: Kindling the Discussion
Provide each student with materials to research all the 7 Habits. (Accelerated: 7 Habits of
Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey, On: Leader in Me website, Below: 7 Habits of
Happy Kids by Sean Covey.
Students should read research material and take detailed notes their 7 Habit.

Then, they need to partner with students that have different opinions and they should
debate their opinions using their own ideas and research.
Phase 4: Synthesis Activity
After synthesizing your initial thoughts, your independent research, and other peoples
ideas, what do you now believe is the most important 7 Habit? Create a speech, debate
with a partner, or imovie to share your thoughts.

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