Edt 313 Oatmeal Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Name: Rebecca McDonald and Chloe Hollinden
Lesson Title: Temperature of Oatmeal
Date: February 09, 2016
Grade Level: Preschool
Circle one:
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: The children were read Golidlocks and the Three Bears before completing this hook lesson. The children were able to tell
us that they knew what type of temperature water they like with their oatmeal based on previous experiences.
Instructional Objectives (1-2)
One/Two Assessed Instructional
Objective(s): The student will be
able to...
The student will be able to tell the
instructor which type of oatmeal he
or she likes. (Hot, Warm, Cold)

Assessment of Student Learning

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data
to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and
We will create an Excel sheet to identify what the student
already knew about the type of temperature water they like
with their oatmeal based on previous experiences. We will
mark down whether or not a child had difficulties mixing the
ingredients together to make the oatmeal.

One Assessed Developmental

The student will be able to mix the
water into his or her bowl of oats.

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
We will compile the data into a checklist to show as a class
that the students learned about the two properties: solid
and liquid, that are observed when making pancakes.

Safety Considerations:
Ensure that those students that are
using the hot water blow the
oatmeal to cool it off a bit so as to
not burn their mouths

Learning Experience
Academic Language:
Procedural steps:
1. The students will be read Goldilocks and the Three
2. During free time, a small group at a time will be
making oatmeal
3. The instructor making oatmeal will show the students
how to add either the warm, hot, or cold water to their
4. Once the students have mixed in the water and have
eaten their oatmeal the instructor must ask them
which temperature they enjoyed
5. This answer will help create a chart of data to show
the class what the majority of students liked.
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
Poster board
Adult Roles:
Monitor students as they add their water to their
oatmeal packet
Help students make a data chart of who likes what
temperature for their oatmeal


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
On Tuesday February 9th, Ms. Hollinden and I completed our first lesson in our Kitchen Chemistry Series. As the students have been focusing on liquids
and solids the first lesson was about making pourage/oatmeal. The students were reading the book Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears. In this hook lesson we
decided to reread Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears. This read aloud focused primarily on when Goldilocks was trying the three different types of
pourage/oatmeal. We had the students focus on the temperatures of the three different pourages. Once the book was read we asked the students which
temperature pourage/oatmeal they think they might like.
When working with the students, because this was a hook lesson a few of them struggled to identify whether the oatmeal, once the water was added to the
oats, was a liquid or a solid. After explaining the difference more thoroughly and slowly, giving examples, the children were able to correct themselves. This lesson
went off without a hitch. It was awesome to see the look of excitement on those students faces that had not had oatmeal before. Only being one or two students
was not surprising. With the location of the school, oatmeal would be expected to be a staple in many of the kids homes due to how easy, effortless, and
inexpensive it is.

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