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A Lesson About Poems

Staysha Johnson


Teaching about Walt Whitman (Stronger Lessons)


Classmates will know about Walt Whitman.

Classmates will think about and write down lessons learned from two

different types of people.

Classmates will analyze the poem Stronger Lessons by Walt Whitman.


Writing utensil
Analyzing skills
Listening ears


Tell class about Walt Whitman

I will ask everyone to first take out a piece of paper, split it in half, and

share with your neighbor (or I could split them all in half myself and hand them

I will ask everyone to make a T-Chart

Write on one side Lessons learned by loved ones (DEMONSTRATE ALL

Ask them to think of as many life lessons they have learned from Loved
ones as possible within one minute
After one minute, ask them to write on the other side Lessons learned by
Ask them to take a minute to write down as many life lessons they have
learned from enemies as possible within that minute.
Ask class to circle the most valuable lesson learned out of both sides
(Loved ones and enemies)
After one minute, ask class how many people had more life lessons learned
from loved ones than enemies, and vice versa.

Ask the class to raise hand on who had their most valuable lesson on

Loved ones side or on enemies side

Then, ask if anyone did not write anything down on the enemies side
Read Stronger Lessons (have it pulled up on the board)
Have someone in the class try to analyze it
Tell the class how you analyzed this poem (TPCASTT)

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