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EDU431 Ashley Zito


Required reading L: Analysis and Reflection.
Title: What is the best way to teach math?
CITATION: What is the best way to teach math?. (2015, July 2). Retrieved from

Old school or new? Teachers debate best
methods as scores fall.

There are many evidence-based facts that represent the

method of lecturing engages students in class
discussions and work overall in the classroom, rather
than integrating new pedagogical ways of teaching. But
on the other than, teachers are throwing in their hats on
traditional lecture speaking, moving forward to creative
approaches of teaching, such as using technology as a
resource tool but a consumer of knowledge. As the
article mentions Dan Meyer approaches his teaching
style to the next level. He goes beyond the traditional
lecture, and note taking and lets students explore the
problems first-hand before he facilitates the learning to
be achieved differently. He states that when he gives his
students a problem to solve, he awaits for the struggle
and frustration on his students face. He does not do this
for pleasure of seeing them fail, he wants to see that
students are actually engaging in the problem-solving
process and then hits them with a step-by-step process as
to what is the main idea of what is being learned
throughout the experiment/lesson. I believe I would
have benefited from this teaching approach, because my
teacher was giving me the responsibility of working out
specific problems on my own, rather than immediately
get the answer from the teacher and not have a
background as to why the equation worked out that
certain way. Why are teachers so hesitate on not trying
new teaching approaches, that could potentially improve
the quality and learning development of students? This
is a constant question that runs through my mind on a
daily basis. Now, as a teacher candidate when I am
teaching a lesson, I want what is best for my students.
Therefore, I research different teaching styles that will
benefit the experiences of the students throughout their
learning process. If I didnt do this, I would basically be
setting up my students for failure. And I do not want that
at all! If that is what teachers are striving for, they are
setting themselves up for failure as well. Whatever a
teacher does, I am a true believer that it reflects on his or
her students. Teachers are role models, especially to
young students. Therefore, overall teachers should take
consideration to the work that they do for their students
in the classroom. Advocates for students in the

education system are not here to tell every single teacher

what to do, but it is to offer insight and constructivist
feedback on what elements can be modified in order to
benefit the learning of the students in the class,
developmentally, academically, emotionally and

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