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Kaylie Moore

English 2311- Hyb
1st, February, 2016
Chapter 3
Defining Your Communications Objectives
1. What are you writing? -An email to the employees of the company
2. What outcome do you desire? -For the employees to stop smoking to improve
3. Who is your reader? -The employees of the company
1. What task will your communication help your reader perform? Help the reader
understand that the company is charging smokers an extra 15% for health
What is your readers purpose for reading? Readers purpose is to understand
what the companies new policy will be
2. What information does your reader want? What the new policy is and when it will
become effective
3. How will your reader search for information? (Might use more than one strategy)
__X__ Sequential reading from beginning to end
__X___ Reading for key points
_____ Reference Reading
_____ Other (describe)
4. How will your reader use the information?
___X__ Compare alternatives (What will be the points of comparison?) Helps with
companies cost of insurance and the health of the employees
___X__ Determine how the information will affect him or her (or the organization) if
the employee smokes they might decide to stop smoking to avoid the extra cost or
quit the job.
_____ Perform a procedure (following instructions step by step)
_____ Other (describe)


1. How do you want your communication to change your readers attitudes?
(Persuasiveness) For them to think this is better for them and to help their heath
2. What is your readers attitude toward your subject? What do you want it to be?
Negative, we want it to be positive.
3. What is your readers attitude toward your organization? What do you want it to
be? Negative, we want it to be positive
1. Role in the organization - Employee
2. Role as a reader- Employee
3. Familiarity with the subject new policy
4. Knowledge of your specialty 5. Relationship with you - worker
6. Other personal characteristics you should take into account how many people
7. Cultural characteristics you should take into account how long some of the
employees have smoked
8. Who else might read your communication? Corporate and families of employees
1. What features of the context might affect the way your reader reads your
2. What expectations, regulations, or other factors constrain the way you can write?
1. Who, besides your reader, are stakeholders in your communication? The
committee of managers
2. How will they be affected by it? They will be charged an extra 15% if the smoke

C.K. could improve his effectiveness by

1. Setting up a program to help workers stop smoking more employees will be
willing to quit if they have support.
2. Send each employee that smokes an estimate on how much more they will
be paying for insurance If they see it is a drastically more amount they
might consider quitting.

3. Find a way for employees to prove they have quit smoking or do not smoke.
They may be tempted to lie so they may continue smoking and not pay the
extra 15%
4. Allow the employees to cease extra payments if they quit smoking after two
month deadline. That way if it takes them longer to quit, they will continue to
try and stop.

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