Brad Marks - Reference

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Faye Rewald B.A. H.Dip.

12 Richview Court, Thornhill, ON, L3T 7S9
April 12, 2016

Bradley Marks was a Teacher Candidate in my Grade 4 and Grade 5 classes

from February 16 until March 11, 2016. This was his final placement during
his Masters of Teaching at OISE. During this time, Bradley proved to be
professional, organized and an asset to our classroom. He developed a
strong rapport with students, faculty and parents.
In the classroom, Bradley was flexible, willing to teach all General Studies
topics. He taught Number Theory and Fractions, Sound in Grade 4, Energy in
Grade 5, Inferencing to both grades, focussed on Legends in Grade 4 and
Historical Fiction in Grade 5. He also taught Media Literacy and the use of
Voice in Writing. Bradley created exciting and engaging lessons which were
well-differentiated and included a variety of learning styles. Bradley used his
initiative and included various technologies to differentiate his instruction,
and to allow for students to be assessed in a variety of ways. He employed
hands-on and student-centered activities, promoting enthusiasm,
independence and critical thinking.
Bradley was easily accepted by the faculty of our school as he demonstrated
his willingness to collaborate with grade teachers in planning, sharing
resources and developing assessments. He went above and beyond
expectations by attending Math Night and school-wide PD Day. He was
helpful in our schools French Day.
Bradleys interaction with students was always appropriate, and many of
them felt that they could turn to him for help and advice. With parents,
Bradley was respectful, caring and knowledgeable, making sure to introduce
himself to them, and capable of discussing their child in a professional way.
The time spent at Associated Hebrew School was beneficial for Bradley,
teachers and students. I have no hesitation in recommending Bradley for a
teaching position as I know that he will take his role seriously and will apply
himself whole-heartedly to all aspects of the role.
Warm regards,
Faye Rewald

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