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Aisha Mitchell

Evaluated and Annotated Sources

Colcord, J. C. 1882-1960. (1919). Broken Homes: A Study of Family Desertion and its Social
Treatment. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
1. She makes many points throughout the book that are still relevant to my topic. Not only does
she talk about the issue of a Broken Home but also some of the corrective and preventative
methods of the time. She acknowledges that this is a real problem that is in need of treatment.
2. This information is focused on women with children where the struggles have been caused by
the father or orphaned. There are many statistics throughout the pages, however there is still a
bias feel to the way the author presents them. You can tell that this is an issue that is near and
dear to her as a person.
3. I realize that this information is much, much older than five years, however I will argue its
usefulness to my topic. This book is able to break down some of the issues that cause children
to be displaced. She also is explaining it when not a lot of people put a second thought of how
to fix this issue or what all struggles came with it. Sometimes we have to understand how a
problem has developed over time before we can truly comprehend it in its entirety.
4. The author is writing this information from her occupational background and experience with
the topic. The book also states that she is the Superintendent of the Charity Organization
Society of the City of New York. Personally, I am not sure if this is to help validate her words or
just to inform the reader. Also being a published woman at the time can speak for itself.
5. The purpose of this book is to not only shine light on the problem of a broken home from a
social workers perspective, but it also talked about ways to address and fix it. There is
research and data presented to back up some of what is being said, but part of it is personal
opinion. I feel that the intended audience is other social workers. It is also a response to some
other ideas and information that was circulating at the time.
6. I would rate this source a solid three. There is a lot of good food for thought and personal
development of my topic with this information. However, because of the date and the narrow
minded definition of a broken home it is preventing me from rating it higher.
This source focuses on what is considered a broken home in the early 1900s and how
to fix it. The information focuses on women and children being the ones that are left behind.
This will come in handy with my research to show just how much the Broken Home and
developed over the years and just how long it has been seen as a challenge to overcome.

National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE. (2006). School as a Safety Net:
Connecting Displaced Children With Educational and Support Services. U.S.
Department of Education.
1. This book offers information about some of the reasons why students can be displaced such
as extreme weather. It also has the tie into the classroom that I was looking for. As a bonus, it
also talks about other organizations that could be beneficial to the school and the child.

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
2. While every school district is slightly different in what they have to offer and how they handle
situations, I feel that this information is still relevant.
3. This publication is from 2006 but is still very relevant. My topic is one that has been around
for years and years. While it has changed over time, in the last ten years they would still be very
similar to what we face today.
4. This book doesnt have a specific author because of the type of publication it is. However, the
Department of Education is a very creditable source for information. Also the other organizations
that are involved are also highly known and familiar to addressing issues that fall within my
5. The purpose of this book is to provide information for Relief Agency staff and volunteers as
well as those involved in the education field. This information is meant to be used as a teaching
tool and as a resource to help them better serve the displaced children.
6. I would rate this source as a 4. It provides insight in what struggles the children might be
facing because of the resources that are offered through the school and other organizations. It
also provides the information from the educators point of view. The information is also current
covers the education part of our topic.
This source was made as a learning publication for school districts to be better able to
serve their displaced children. As a teaching tool, this information contains resources that are
available for assistance as well as how displacement effects life in the classroom. This source is
exactly what I needed for my topic because it ties education and displacement together.

Murphy, J. (2011). Homeless Children and Youth at Risk: The Educational Impact of
Displacement. Journal Of Education For Students Placed At Risk, 16(1), 38-55.
1. Being homeless is a form of displacement. The article covers the extra risks that these kids
are exposed to and struggles they face. The article also notes the traits that follow the homeless
children into adulthood.
2. The article feels accurate. They have done research and it shows in their results and
presentation of findings. However, it is occasionally difficult to know where the information came
from at all times.
3. This article was written in 2011, making it still very current. Homelessness is still a major
problem that can be found across the country. Since 2011, not that much has changed on how
homeless people are viewed and treated.
4. The author has credentials through a university. Vanderbilt is known across the country as
being a respectable school. Since he is associated with the school and the article is about
education, I feel that he has the credentials to speak on the matter.

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
5. The purpose of this article is to inform the reader. He wants to spread knowledge on the issue
of homeless people, especially their children. I feel that the audience is those in education that
face homelessness every day.
6. I would rate this source as a 4. I found useful information throughout this article that allowed
me to look at my topic in a narrower way, focusing on the homeless. But it is just that, narrowed
in on one aspect of my topic.
This source focuses on how being homeless can effect a student from an educational
standpoint and it trying to inform the reader about the issue. The article covers not only
challenges while in school but also those that will continue throughout the childs life. I can use
this information as an in depth example of what a type of displacement can mean for a child and
the exact struggles that they might face. It works with the above source about displacement in
education (often from natural disasters).

Boothby, N., Wessells, M., Williamson, J., Huebner, G., Canter, K., Rolland, E. G., & ... Walker,
V. (2012). What are the most effective early response strategies and interventions to
assess and address the immediate needs of children outside of family care?. Child
Abuse & Neglect, 36(10), 711-721.
1. Children outside of family care is term that I hadnt yet searched; however, the article
information is still relevant. They discuss the different outcomes of various placements. It covers
the struggles that these kids face in todays society.
2. The article is set up much like a scientific article. I couldnt detect any bias, but the article
does focus on the struggles without discussing the success stories. Therefore, it is still one
sided, but it is the side I am researching.
3. The article was published in 2012, making it very current. The situations that they explore
and discuss are all still happening in our society. The policies and practices are the same as
4. This article has multiple authors making it a little more difficult to track each of them.
However, many of them have affiliations with National Institutes and different departments in our
government. Some of these include Displaced Children and Orphans Fund of the U.S. Agency
for International Development and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
5. The purpose of this article is to share information. It is written using psychological terms and
research and therefore might not be all reader friendly. The information is supposed to be seen
as a resource and to be applied to those that deal with the issue.
6. I would rate this source as a 5. It by far contains the most information out of everything that I
have covered to this point. It also lines up with my topic, covering most of the aspects that I am
looking into. This article contains more data and its own research as well.

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
This source examines displacement form a scientific, psychological stand point. It
discusses not only the struggles that displaced children face, but also the policies and laws that
are in place on the matter as well. This I can use because it provides the polices and another
opinion of challenges that I already have in the above sources.

Stats. Fatherhood Factor. Lanchblot Media, LLC, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016
1. This whole website discusses the impact of having a father figure in a childs life. I understand
that it is not directly my topic, but I feel that many displaced children dont have their father in
their lives. This page provides lots of statistics that talk about fatherless children ending up in jail
or abusing substances and dropping out of school.
2. This organization is obviously trying to make an impact and doesnt discuss any of the
success stories or positive statistics. All of the statistics are cited and presented as facts. There
is no discussion about bad father figures and the outcomes of that.
3. This websites statistics vary in date and currency. More than one are too old to be relevant
any more. However, the organization was founded in 2009 making it pretty new.
4.The Fatherhood Factor organization provides tips and advice for active fathers. I feel that they
have the authority to write on the matter and discuss it in depth. Specific authors are not listed.
5.The purpose of the article is to persuade fathers to be active in their childrens lives. The
statistics are kind of set up as a scare tactic. They want the readers to be persuaded that they
are doing the right thing by being a part of their childs life. They want to show that these kids
need their father to show them the right roads to be on.
6. I would rate this source as a 3. I did find bits and parts that I could use, but a majority of is
was outdated or not relevant to my topic. What parts I could use provided insight into possible
struggles that children displaced from their fathers could face. The organization itself has good
information and resources, but I just cant use most of them for my topic and research.
This source is a list of statistics about people that grow up fatherless or lack a good
father figure. They vary in topic and currency. I can use to show how displacement situation all
have different induvial struggles that make it so hard to have one solution or one understanding.
These statistics I can use to bridge the old definition of broken home to the current struggles.

Lips, Dan. Foster Care Children Need Better Educational Opportunities. The Heritage
Foundation. The Heritage Foundation, 5 Jun. 2007. Web. 18 Mar. 2016
1. This article provides statistics and evidence about how displaced children (in foster care) are
affected by the extra challenges that they must face. It specifically discusses how the education
program needs to be changed in order to better serve these kids. It has a breakdown of

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
numerous problems specifically that foster kids must face or overcome when it comes to their
education and educational experience.
2. This author has done his research. He has clearly cited all of is sources and statistics
throughout the page. There are lots of facts listed throughout the page that are consistent to the
other research I have done.
3.This article is a little bit older then I would of hoped, however this only effects part of the
information. Many of the ideas are all still relevant. It is just the statistics that may not be
accurate any more.
4. The author, Dan Lips, has a degree is Domestic Policy Studies and is a Senior Policy Analyst
for the company that runs the website. Both of these things give him credit when discussing this
topic. The Heritage Foundation itself does research on public policy and has been doing so
since 1973.
5. The purpose of this article is to examine the article from a policy point of view. The author is
calling for changes that need to be made so that these students are better served by the
system. It includes numerous tips and ideas that will improve different aspects of the education
6. I would rate this source as a 5. This is the source I found to be the most useful out of all of
them on this page. I felt that it really broke down my topic and discussed it from the same
direction that I was approaching with.
This source focuses on children in the foster care system. It claims that they need better
educational opportunities and why they are needed. It not only states the issues but also
possible solutions. This information allows me to link many of the other displacement situations
together by matching struggles. However, it does offers solutions whereas most of the others
just highlight the issues.

Feldhake, Emily. "When One Size Doesn't Fit All: Differing Outcomes for Foster Children in
Group Homes." Chicago Policy Review. Chicago Police Review, 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 21
Apr. 2016.
1. Both group homes and foster care are forms of displacement. This article shines light on not
only the differences of the facilities but also the kids that might be found there. This doesnt
necessarily support my topic or go against it, but there are parts of the information that I find
useful for understanding displacement differences when the displacement may or may not be
2. All research is sited in the text and in bibliography. The author adds her opinion and makes
sure the readers understand the limitations of the information that she is providing. She tries her
best to make sure that they are understanding what she is trying to share.

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
3. This is the most up to date article I have gathered being just a few months old. However, the
citation and research quoted by the author are older, but within a year of the articles post date.
These facts about foster care can help me update the information that I already have gathered.
4. The author is a staff writer for the Chicago Policy Review. She often focuses and child and
family policies in her articles. The Chicago Policy Reviews mission involves trying to make
academic literate and policies understandable for the public by using real world conversation
text and research.
5.The purpose of this article it to help readers understand the current policies about foster care
and group homes. It also highlights how many kids and their demographics that live in each
system type. Most of the article shares research helping to differentiate them.
6. I rate this source as a 3. When I first came across it I was excited for the information I thought
it would contain. However, I was disappointed. Yes, there was useful information but not the
amount that I was hoping for or the details that I thought the article cover.
This source is about the differences in foster care and group homes. It also summarizes
some of the polices about them both. It is written so that the reader can better understand the
reality of the two and why they both exist and the kids that live in both. This source has allowed
me to better understand how all aspects of the foster care system work as well as some of the
ugly truths about adoption. This information helps me to increase my accuracy when discussing
information about the foster system and goes along with my other sources.

Jensen, Eric. "How Poverty Affects Classroom Engagement." Educational Leadership 70.8
(2013): 24-30. ASCD. ASCD, May 2013. Web.
1. Often children that are unable to live in a normal home setting also struggle with poverty. This
article covers 7 main differences that these kids have that impact their academic performance,
health/nutrition, vocab, effort, hope and growth of mindset, cognition, relationships, and distress.
2. There is a huge list of citations and references for this article with in text citations. The author
does not have a bias tone, but an informed one. Much of his information comes from
psychological and scientific studies on anything from medicine, to stress, to language, and
3. This source is only two years old. Some of the cited information is as old as 1994. Because of
the type of information that is being cited it is important that the most current scientific research
is being quoted due to the ever changing field.
4. Eric Jensen is the founder of Jensen Learning, classroom strategies for overcoming poverty,
AD/HD and other challenges to have a high performing school environment. He claims to be
behind the original brain-based teaching. With this type of background in education and poverty

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
in the classroom, I feel that he has the experience to make the information credible. ASDCs
goal is to find ways to promote the success of each child.
5. The purpose of this article is to inform and educate readers. It is broken down into kind of a
question answer format. It breaks down 7 differences between middle class students and those
classified as to be in poverty.
6. I would rate this source as a 4. The information is easy to sort and clearly interpret as well as
being well cited. In a lot of situations poverty is tied to displacement because many
impoverished families move often, must live with extended family or friends, or become
This article covers numerous struggles with kids that live in poverty when it comes to
being an active participant in the classroom and how to approach and overcome each of them.
7 differences are highlighted and teachers are provided with information that will help. This
information talks a lot about parents influence on the children and their behavior. Some
students that become displaced struggle with poverty and would struggle with the challenges

Mack, Julie. "Decade of Change: Education System Deals with Fewer Students, More Poverty,
Less Control." M Live, 05 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.
1. The article helps to shine light on how society views education and some of the things that
impact that such as funding and number of students enrolled. The information supports the fact
that poverty and displaced children have an impact in the classroom. They can affect the
amount of funding received by the school. The article also helps me see how todays education
has become just that by seeing all the changes over the last decade.
2. The article uses data gathered by the U.S. Census Bureau, however the author does make
some bias claims against legislation that involves education such as No Child Left Behind Act
and Obamas Race to the Top reform. She states that they force superintendents to become
lobbyist for changes within their own districts and how there is not enough money.
3. This news article was written in 2011, so is still up-to-date. The article was updated; however,
it was only half an hour after it was posted originally. In the last couple years state and federal
funding as well as standards has changed across the country causing some of the information
to no longer be current.
4. Julie Mack is a k-12 education reporter from the Kalamazoo Gazette and has a degree in
journalism. She has worked for the Gazette since 1990. Because she has so many years
around all of the education system, she has experience to talk about the influence and how it
has changed in the last ten years.

Aisha Mitchell
Evaluated and Annotated Sources
5. The purpose of the article is to inform readers and to entertain. News and media now a day is
never just about sharing information. The author has clearly shared her opinion as well as shine
light on some of the current struggles in the education field.
6. I would rate this source as a 2. I did find some information that helped me develop my
research, but it also felt very opinionated to me as if the author took it personally. I also did not
intend to discuss information that was specifically about Michigan.
This news article discusses how education in Michigan has changed over the last ten
years. Some of the information that is discussed is aid funded, percent of students proficient in
math, teacher salaries, enrollment, and students on subsidized lunch. The article talks about the
increase in poverty in the classroom, that corresponds to the above source, as well as other
factors that can impact how society views the classroom.

Radcliffe, Shawn. "Meet the New Face of Homelessness: Children and Teens." Healthlines
News. Healthline Media, 11 Dec. 2014. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.
1. Part of my topic discusses the lifelong struggles of children that are displaced. This article
talks about just that. The article talks about how growing up homeless has lasting effects on
mental and physical health. It also points out the fact that these kids are all homeless for
different reasons which is also a major problem with displacement.
2. The author does quote some professionals throughout the article, but lacks a bibliography.
The information is presented as fact, but lacks evidence to combine all of the thoughts tying it all
together. The author talks about a report from the US Department of Education but doesnt list
the report.
3. The article is up to date being only a couple years old. However, the only thing that effects the
credibility of the information would be giant advances in psychology and medicine. The
research has been done and proven supposedly.
4. I could not find any information about the authors credentials. The website tries its best to
help readers grow in health and well-being. The site does have information about awards and
certifications that the website has.
5. The purpose of the information is to entertain. I feel that the website wants it to be
informative, but it lacks citations. The information is clearly presented in an organized way.
6. I would rate this source as a 2. I wish I could rate it higher, however I feel like I need more
citations and information about the author and or website. I like the information and it is the first
time that I have information connecting the LGBT community with displacement and
This source discusses the long lasting impacts that being homeless as a child has. It
also discusses the differences in why people are homeless and other problems that might
parallel. I can use this research to back up how displacement effects a person for their whole

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