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Joanne Wagner, Science, Pre-Kindergarten

Lesson Title: Jack and the Beanstalk (Lesson 2)

Grade Level: Pre-Kindergarten

Topic (Long Term Goal/Concept/Vocabulary)

Introducing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
Introducing growing a plant
Introducing the harp as an instrument
Giant -an imaginary or mythical being of human form but superhuman size.
Beanstalk bean plants grow on a beanstalk, the beanstalk is the thick green
center of the bean plant
Harp- a musical instrument, with a curved frame, and strings. It is played by
plucking the strings with your fingers


Objectives/Standards (List Objectives/PA Standards)

After being told the definitions of giant, beanstalk, and harp, and viewing these
things or their images, TSWBAT make an educated guess about the days topic
to teacher satisfaction.
After watching the Jack and the Beanstalk song video, with prompting and
support TSWBT identify characters, settings, and major events in the fable
correctly 2 out of 3 times.
With prompting and support, TSWBT join in the Jack and the Beanstalk song,
with appropriate words and movements, to teacher satisfaction.
After teacher given instruction, TSWBT to grow their own beanstalk to 100 %
After interacting with the harp, TSWBT identify the harp as an instrument 100%
of the time.
Arts and Humanities Standards
-9.1.3.H Handle materials, equipment, and tools safely at work performance
-9.1.3. B Recognize, know, use, and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts
elements and principles to produce, review, and revise original works in the arts
Standards: PA Core Standards
- CC 1.3 PK.C. With prompting and support, answer questions to identify
characters, settings, and major events in a story

Joanne Wagner, Science, Pre-Kindergarten

CC 1.4 PK.C. With prompting and support generate ideas to convey


Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Pre-Kindergarten

- A.L.1. PK. B. Demonstrate a willingness to participate in new and challenging
- AL.2 PK.E Retain and recall information presented over a short period of time.
- 3.1 PK.A.2 Identify basic needs of plants (water and light) and animals (food,
water, and light).
- 3.1 PK.A.3 Recognize that plants and animals grow and change.
- 3.1 PK.A.5 Name basic parts of living things.

Teaching Procedures (30 minutes, give or take)

1 Anticipatory Set: (3 minutes)
1 Have the definitions for giant, beanstalk, and harp written out on the
2 Pass around beans for each of the students to feel.
3 Pass around a laminated image of a harp.
4 Pass around a laminated image of a giant.
5 Ask the students which fairytale/fable they think they will be learning
with today.
1 If students are not responding to the question, prompt their
1 What story has beans in it?
2 Do you know of a story that mentions a giant?
1 Provide students with the answer if they cannot
guess it on their own.
2 Once students learn that Jack and the Beanstalk is the story of
the day, ask them to raise their hand if they have ever heard the
tale before.
2 Development: (5 minutes)
1 Show students the Jack and the Beanstalk- Debbie and Friends YouTube
i. Allow students to stand up and to participate in the movements
displayed in the video and even sing along.
3 Guided Practice: (15 minutes)
*Depending on the system used by the teacher, independent
practice can happen consecutively. *
1 Have students return to their seats.
2 Explain to students that they are each going to grow their own bean
3 At the teachers desk or a central table have a bowl of water.
4 Next to the bowl of water have a roll of paper towels.
5 Systematically have the students come up one by one or in small

Joanne Wagner, Science, Pre-Kindergarten

6 Give each student a Zip-lock bag labeled with their name.

7 For each student fold a rectangle of paper towel, big enough to fit
across the bottom of the zip-lock bag.
8 Help/assist each student to dip their folded paper towel in the water, so
it will be damp.
1 Once the paper towel is damp (it may need somewhat rung out)
have the student place it in the bottom of their zip lock bag.
9 Once each student has a bag with a damp paper towel in it, pass out to
the students a bean seed (lima beans work well).
1 The bean seeds should be soaked in water the night before this
lesson is conducted in order to speed up the growing process.
10 Have students place the bean in the middle of the bag, near the
bottom, on the damp paper towel.
11 Assist each student in zipping their bags.
12 With students or later on tape the bag to the side of the students
desks or to the windowsill.
13 Explain to students that in the next few days they will watch their own
beanstalks grow.
1 Maybe one of theirs will grow as tall as Jacks!
4 Independent Practice (5 minutes)
1 If possible have a harp in the classroom for students to see and touch.
2 If not possible, hand each student their own laminated image of a harp
and pull up pictures/videos online.
3 Ask each student observations they can make about the harp.
4 Write these observations on the board.
1 Look for observations that are observable or musically related.
*This section can be cut short or extended on an as needed basis,
depending on the group of students.
5 Closure: (2 minutes)
1 Ask a student to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
1 Ask the whole class to stand up if they disagree with their
friends retelling.
2 Ask a student what how they can grow a bean plant at school.
1 Ask the whole class to smile if they agree with what their friend
is saying.
3 Ask a student something they observed about the harp.
1 Ask the whole class to clap, if their friend mentions something
they too observed.

1 Bean seeds
2 Laminated image of a harp
1 One for each student if real harp is not available
3 Laminated image of a giant
4 Paper towels
5 Water
6 Zip-lock bags, one for each student, labeled with their name

Joanne Wagner, Science, Pre-Kindergarten

7 Tape
8 Harp
1 If an actual harp is unavailable, images of a harp, and videos of a harp
can be pulled up on YouTube.
9 Jack and the Beanstalk Debbie and Friends YouTube Video
10 Working Speakers
11 Means of projection
12 Board with chalk or markers

1 During this lesson, objectives will be measured through formative
1 Answering questions
2 Class participation
2 Later on in science class, student comprehension will be assessed more
formally, as their plants grow.


1 Were the students engaged the entire time?
2 Did the students meet the lesson objectives?
3 Was this lesson tailored to each students ZPD?
4 If I were to do this lesson again, what would I change?
5 What is the best system for distributing seed growing materials?

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