May 03 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 03, 2016

What is the role of attitude in our daily living? Bhagawan, our Loving God
explains and instructs us what attitude we must live with.
Most God fearing people believe
in Karmaphilosophy, that fruits we reap, are a
result of our own actions. Because of our
strong faith in the doctrine of Karma, we readily
come forward to do good deeds, and hesitate
or abstain from doing bad acts. To lose hope is
not a characteristic feature of cultured people.
To suffer from lack of faith and to lose hope is
a weakness; by entertaining such weaknesses,
one will lose all the human strength one has.
Enthusiasm and care will show the way for the
prosperity of human beings. Every individual
with these qualities will surely achieve success
and attain glory in any work that they
undertake. Hence lead your journey of life with
interest and enthusiasm.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Ch 2.

True devotion really means installing the Divine in the heart and enjoying
the bliss of that experience. Baba

03 meI ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swfy vqIry dw,swfI rozwnw izMdgI qy kI Asr huMdw hY?swfy ipAwry
Bgvwn,swnUM swfw mwrg-drSn krdy hn ik swfw vqIrw,iks qrHW dw hoxw
cwhIdw hY[

au`qr:bhuq swry lok,ijhVy Bgvwn qoN frdy hn,krm dI iPlwsPI au`qy

ivSvwS krdy hn[ijhVw Pl swnUM imldw hY auh swfy v`loN kIqy krmW kr ky
hI hY[krm dy is`DWq au`qy,p`kw ivSvwS r`Kx vwly cMgw krm krn leI,J`tp`t A`gy AwauNdy hn Aqy bury krm(pwp) krn qoN prhyz krdy
hn[inrwSwvwdI hoxw,iek s`iBAwcwirk mnu`K dy gux nhIN huMdy[ivSvwS dI
Gwt Aqy aumId Ko dyxw,kmzorI dI inSwnI hY; ies qrHW dI kmzorI dy iSkwr
hox nwl,mnu`K AwpxI SkqI Ko idMdw hY[hOslw Aqy AwpxI dyK-ryK r`Kx
nwl,mnu`K nUM KuShwlI AwauNdI hY[ijhVy vI mnu`K iv`c ieh gux hox gy,aus nUM
Suhrq Aqy kwmXwbI imlxw p`kw hY[ies leI Awpxy jIvn dw sPr,rucI Aqy
hOsly nwl SurU kro[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn 1974,A`iDAwey do)[
BgqI dw AslI ArQ hY ,Bgvwn dw vws,Awpxy ihrdy iv`c krnw Aqy aus qoN
imly AwnMd dw ,AnuBv krnw[(bwbw)[

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