Senior Portfolio College Essay 2

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Lake 1

Alyssa Lake
Senior Portfolio
18 April 2016
College Exploration
In order to prepare for the future, I attended the visit of a College Representative from
University of the Pacific, and interviewed two teachers who occupy positions in the career I am
planning on pursuing after graduation. The College Representative took about half an hour to
explain the general information and atmosphere of the school. The teachers interviewed
explained many of the positives and negatives of their jobs, as well as the practical steps
necessary to attain their position. Attending the College Rep. meeting illuminating many options
for four year colleges, the interview with teachers taught me about the practicalities of my
chosen career, and both experiences helped prepare me for life after High School.
The representative from University of the Pacific was extremely well-informed, and
explained clearly and succinctly about the benefits of attending this University. Starting with
quality of education, he explained that there are around 437 full-time staff members, and 94% of
those members hold a doctoral or terminal degree. This means that there is a high chance that a
majority of teachers I would have would be excellent at educating, and preparing me for my
future career. He also explained a bit about other aspects of the school, such as how it has over
eighty majors and seventeen graduate programs, which makes it a highly respectable
establishment with many great programs. After attending the University of the Pacific
Representative meeting, I believe that University of the Pacific is an excellent option for
secondary education.

Lake 2
Since my aspiration is to become a middle-school English teacher, interviewing two
teachers was extremely enlightening. Mr. Price and Mrs. Velasquez explained their daily and
weekly activities. These include attending school events, working with difficult students and
parents, and finding new and innovative methods to teach material. Their answers included the
education and preparation necessary to become a teacher, including a Bachelors degree and
completion of the BTSA. The descriptions of daily responsibilities and big picture
accomplishments helped give a better understanding of my chosen career. The interview has
helped me to further understand the steps I must take immediately after graduation in order to
prepare for my chosen career.
The visit from the University of the Pacific Representative and the interview with two
teachers taught me an enormous amount about post-secondary education and how to plan for the
future. University of the Pacific is a very strong candidate for my transfer education. It is a
prestigious school which does very well catering to students needs, and would be a great fit.
Attending the University of Pacific Representative meeting helped me to not only see the
importance of secondary education, but also to begin planning for my personal secondary
education. Once finished with a Bachelors degree, I will complete BTSA and take on the
responsibilities described by the interviewees. The Interview with Mr. Price and Mrs. Velasquez
showed me the responsibilities I will take on in the next few years of my journey to becoming a
qualified teacher. Both the University of the Pacific meeting and the Interview with teachers
prepared me to begin working to create a future for myself.

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