Portfolio Project 6

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Special Schools

EDU 201 3/24/15

Public Law 94-142

The Public Law 94-142 was passed in 1975. It made
sure that children with disabilities got appropriate
public school education. The law included efforts to
improve how children with disabilities were identified
and educated and how their success was evaluated. It
also was to provide due process protections for the
children and their families.

The I.D.E.A. which stands for the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act is a law that ensures that
children with disabilities get the services they need
throughout the nation. It governs how the state and
public agencies provide intervention, special education
and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible
infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.
Under IDEA Part C, infants and toddlers(birth-2) with
disabilities and their families received early intervention
services. Under part C the children and youth(ages 3-21)
received special education and related services.

An IEP, which stands for Individual Education
Program, is a written statement of the educational
designed to meet a childs individuals needs. If a child
receives special education services then they must have
an IEP. The people who participate in an IEP team are
the parents, 1 regular education teacher, one special
education teacher, representative of the public agency,
a person who can interpret the instructional
implications of the evaluation results, someone who has
knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, and
the child.

John F. Miller
John F. Miller serves the most disabled and

medically fragile students in CCSD. Their motto is:

All Children Can Learn. The age range of the
students who attend this school is from 3-21 years.
The students who attend John F. Miller are students
with multiple impairments which include
severe/profound mental challenges and at least one
additional eligibility category. The eligibility category
includes health impairment, orthopedic impairment,
visual impairment, and/or traumatic brain injury.

Helen J. Stewart
Helen J. Stewart is a school who embraces the vision

that all students can develop the skills necessary to

become participating members of their community. It
provides their student with learning activities to
develop daily living, vocational, communication,
social, and functional academic skills. To generalize
these skills they use a comprehensive CommunityBased-Instruction program. It serves students with
significant intellectual disabilities and other
secondary disabilities who are between the ages of 622.

Miley Achievement Center

Miley Achievement Center is a schools that services

students with specials needs from the age of 3-21

years. This school focuses on students who are
affected by emotional and/or behavioral disorders.
Their mission is to make sure that all the student
who have serious emotional disturbance will benefit
from their education academically, socially and
vocationally. The school believes in children and
their ability to be successful.

Variety School is a school for students who are from

the age of 6-21 years old and it provides them with a

positive, individualized and multifaceted program.
The students participate in full academic vocational
program that includes a motivational behavioral
management system. They prepare the students to
patriciate in a democratic society, be informed
decision makers, and many more things.

Homebound helps general or special education students who

are ill or injured and unable to attend school. The services are
provided for a minimum of 15 consecutive days determined by
a physician. It also employs both full-time teachers and
teachers who are under contract to teach at a CCSD school
during the day and provide services to Homebound students
after duty hours. The teachers go to the students house and
provide one-on-one attention for elementary students and the
ones who are specialized educational needs determined
through IEP. Students grades 6-12 receive direct instruction
via Distance Education utilizing Saba-Centra, independent
study, and Compass Learning.

Least Restrictive Environment

A Least Restrictive Environment is a requirement in

federal law students with disabilities receive their

education to the maximum extent appropriate with
nondisables peers. Also that special students are not
removed from regular classes unless education in
regular classes cannot be achieved. They may not be
removed even with supplemental aids and services.

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