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University of North Texas

Art Education
Brandan Haag
Courtney Nixon
Vanessa Ontiveros

I. Lesson Number, Grade Levels, Title, and Duration:

Lesson Number: 1
Grade Level: 6th-7th Grade
Title: Kerry James Marshall
Duration: 80 minutes
II. Lesson Rationale:
Students will learn about contemporary artists.
Students will learn how to create compositions for still life.
Students will learn to use Pixlr to create digital collages.
Students will learn to create avatars through Pickaface.
III. Key Concepts:
Control over forced perspective.
Using technology in an art setting.
The ability to critique art.

Develop artist statements.

Defend their work.
IV. Essential Question:
Investigate how artists develop artwork
Understand the process of creating digital collages
Construct written artist statements
Interpret identity through appearance
Discriminate aspects that are important for expressing identity
V. Lesson Objectives:
The student will be able to organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
The student will be able to refine and complete artistic work.
The student will be able to apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
VI. Specific Art Content:










VII. Resources & Materials for Teacher

Digital collage -

Avatar creator -
Kerry James Marshall powerpoint
"Art in the Twenty-First Century" Season One Educators' Guide -
Kerry James Marshall. Our Town. 1995. Acrylic and collage on unstretched canvas. 100 x 124

Kerry James Marshall. Rhtym Mastr. 1999-2000. Ink and design maker on paper. 17 x 11 in.
Kerry James Marshall. Watts 1963. 1995. Acrylic and collage on unstretched canvas. 114 x 135

Kerry James Marshall. Souviner II. 1997. Acrylic, paper, collage, and glitter on unstretched
canvas. 108 x 120 in.
VIII. Resources & Materials for Students:

USB or flash drive

IX. Instruction and Its Sequencing:

Day of the Lesson
Students will be able to make colorful images
Students will be able to show off what they like in a collage
Students will be able to create an avatar of themselves
Students will be able to experiment with computers in art
Guided Practice
Instructors will demonstrate by:
Performing walkthroughs of Pixlr options.
Creating a sample collage in Pixlr.
Performing walkthroughs of Pickaface options.
Creating a sample avatar in Pickaface.
3. Independent Practice
Students will:
Create a digital collage using Pixlr
Create an avatar using Second Life
Save their image(s) at the end of the lesson.
Post their image(s) online with appropriate hashtags.
4. Closure
Students will be asked to:
Include an artist statement to explaining how the multiple identities are expressed within the


Write a statement of the choices you made and why for creating your avatar.

Formative Evaluation
Student progress will be assessed at multiple times during the lesson for progress
The speed of instruction will be adjusted to meet their level of understanding.
Students will be asked if any areas of the lesson need to be explained again or with more clarity


Classroom Management Procedures

Observing students while they work for activity.
Asking if students need clarification on parts of the assignment.
Asking students to demonstrate methods used in developing their images.
X. Summative Assessment and Evaluation:
Students will be assessed by a rubric with multiple requirements and a sliding scale of grading. Students will be
assessed on their digital collage, pickaface avatar, creativity, artist statement, and avatar statement. Students will
be monitored and prompted to meet the expectations for this lesson.


Meets Expectations


Digital Collage
(minimum of
four photos &
three effects)

The student does

not create a
digital collage.

The student does

create a digital
collage with less than
four photos & three

The student does

create a digital
collage with a
minimum of four
photos & three

The student does

create a digital
collage with more
than four photos &
three effects.

(minimum of 2

The student does

not create a
Pickaface avatar

The student does

create a Pickaface
avatar with less than
2 accessories

The student does

create a Pickaface
avatar with 2

The student does

create a Pickaface
avatar with more
than 2 accessories

Artist Statement
(minimum of 150

The student does

not write an
artist statement
about their

The student does

write a simple artist
statement with fewer
than 150 words about
their collage.

The student does

write a artist
statement with a
minimum of 150
words about their

The student does

write a artist
that exceeds 150
words about their

(minimum of 150

The student does

not write a
statement about
their avatar.

The student does

write a simple
statement with fewer
than 150 words about
their avatar.

The student does

write a statement with
a minimum of 150
words about their

The student does

write a statement
about their avatar
that exceeds 150


The student did

not show any

The student showed

limited creativity in

The student showed a

good amount

The student showed

incredible amounts

creativity in the
creation of their

the creation of their


creativity in the
creation of their

of creativity in the
creation of their
Final Grade: ____ x 5

XI. Interdisciplinary Connections:

English 6th-7th Grade
(16) Writing. Students write about their own experiences. Students are expected to write a personal narrative
that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences.
(20) Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly
and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:
(A) use capitalization for:
(i) abbreviations;
(ii) initials and acronyms; and
(iii) organizations;
(B) recognize and use punctuation marks including:
(i) commas in compound sentences;
(ii) proper punctuation and spacing for quotations; and
(iii) parentheses, brackets, and ellipses (to indicate omissions and interruptions or incomplete
statements); and
(C) use proper mechanics including italics and underlining for titles of books.
(21) Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to:
(A) differentiate between commonly confused terms (e.g., its, it's; affect, effect);
(B) use spelling patterns and rules and print and electronic resources to determine and check correct
spellings; and
(C) know how to use the spell-check function in word processing while understanding its limitations.
XII. References & Resources:
Jack Shainman Gallery Inc. (2016). Kerry James Marshall. Retrieved from
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. (2016). Kerry James Marshall: Mastry. Retrieved from
Liang, C. (January 25, 2014). Making Collage Posters on Pixlr. Retrieved from
Fun Photo Editing. (May 5, 2014). How to make beautiful picture collage in pixlr. Retrieved


Knowledge and skills.
(6.1) Perception. The student develops and organizes ideas from the environment. The student is expected to:
(A) illustrate themes from direct observation, personal experience, and traditional events; and

(B) analyze and form generalizations about the interdependence of the art elements such as color,
texture, form, line, space, and value and principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance,
proportion, and unity, using art vocabulary appropriately.
(6.2) Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a
variety of media with appropriate skill. The student is expected to:
(A) express a variety of ideas based on personal experience and direct observations;
(B) describe in detail a variety of practical applications for design ideas; and
(C) demonstrate technical skills effectively, using a variety of art media and materials to produce
designs, drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics, fiberart, photographic imagery, and electronic
media-generated art.
(6.3) Historical/cultural heritage. The student demonstrates an understanding of art history and culture as
records of human achievement. The student is expected to:
(A) identify in artworks the influence of historical and political events;
(B) compare specific artworks from a variety of cultures; and
(C) compare career and avocational opportunities in art.
(6.4) Response/evaluation. The student makes informed judgments about personal artworks and the artworks
of others. The student is expected to:
(A) conduct in-progress analyses and critiques of personal artworks; and
(B) analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions of peers to form conclusions about formal
properties and historical and cultural contexts.
XIV. National Art Standards
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.
Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen

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