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UERMMMC-MAAAI GENERAL MEETING JULY 1, 2016 at Newport Beach, CA A. For Approval of Proposed Amendments to the 2011 Constitution & By-Laws. Discussed and Approved by the 2012-2014 MAAAI Executive Officers at their teleconference meeting on March 29, 2016. 1) Create a Vice-President Position and revise duties of the President-Elect to: 5.2 Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of all currently elected Officers of the Association comprised of the President, President-Elect, [Add] Vice -President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor and Exective Director... Note: The Assistant Treasurer and the Executive Director positions will be filled and appointed by the duly elected President. Articles numbering will change from 5, on) 5.2.3 Vice-President (numbering changed from ~The Vice-President shall in the absence, incapacitation, or disability of the President assume the duties of the President for the period of time the President is unable to do his duties, If the President is permamnently incapacitated, the Vice-President shall take over the responsibilities of the President for the remainder of his term. 5.2.2 and — will remain the same. Will be deleted. 2) To redefine and add 1-year to the duties of the Treasurer : 5.2.5 (changed from 5.2.4) The treasurer ...... The outgoing treasurer shall serve an additional year as an ex-officio treasurer to train and serve as an adviser to the newly elected Treasurer and the newly appointed Assistant-Treasurer. Re-written 2011 CBL should note on its last page and should read as: 2011 CBL Amendments approved at the MAAAI General Membership Meeting held on July 1, 2016 at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach,CA.

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