Ece 260 Biography Lesson Plan

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Your Name: Meghan Arellano

Genre of the Book: Biography

Book Title: Rosa

Author: Nikki Giovanni

Publisher: Henry Holt and Company

Date: November 15, 2014

1. Activity/Lesson Standards: Choose one [Clark County School District Curriculum Standards
K-2 grade or Nevada Pre-K Standards.] To find these go to click on
Resources see curriculum choices on the left. Click on the links and locate the standards you
will use in your activity/lesson.

2. Objectives: Write 1 objective for your activity/lesson from the standard you selected. The
objective must be observable one must be able to see the children perform the objective- list,
write, color, tell, show, select, etc.
Students will be able to identify with and share their feelings with a historical figure from
our recent past.
3. Materials/Equipment:

List all materials needed for your activity.

1. Paper
2. Pencil
4. Procedures: Use numbers, letters or bullets to sequence the teaching of the objectives and
the students participation in the extension activities. The procedures
section should explain the following:
First, will ask the students if they ever heard the word segregation.
Will ask if they ever heard of Rosa Parks before.
Will ask the students during the story what is happening? Why are they doing this? Is this
After the reading, will ask the students opinion.
Will distribute paper and tell the students to write a letter to Rosa, telling her how they
feel about what she had to go through.
5. Closure:

Plan a closure that connects the story and the extension activity.

Share a bit of more historical information about the civil rights movement and how people would
send letters to the White House to end segregation.

6. Assessment:

How will the lesson objectives be assessed? How will we know the
children have achieved the planned objectives/standards???? [Checklists
or rubric are effective.]
Paying attention

Sharing their letters

Students will pay
attention and answer
Students will
participate with the
activity and complete
Students will offer to
share their letters.

Students will pay
attention but will not
answer questions.
Students will
participate with the
activity but complete
half way.
Students will share
their letters after

Students do no
attention nor an
Students do no
participate with

Students will no
refuse to share t
letter because th
have not done th

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