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Teacher Candidate: Kat Marusich

Date: ___________


Part 1: Classroom Information
Grade: Kindergarten

Content Area:

School: Lomarena Elementary

Group Size: 29

Mentor Teacher: Michele Dignan

Lesson Length: 25


Student Context: 20 of the 29 students are proficient in the English Language. The students
SES consists of lower to upper class families who are involved in school and educational
functions (room parents, volunteers, PTA, etc.)

Students with Special Needs

(IEP and/or 504)
Students with Other Needs
(ELL, Behavior, Struggling
Reader, etc. Math)

Identified Needs
8 EL Students
3 EL Students Pull Out
2 Behavior
4 Struggling Readers

Occupational therapy
Seat cushion
-Monitoring throughout
lesson, check for
understanding, picture aids
-English Language
development, check for
understanding, picture aids,
repeated instructions,
-Monitoring, reminders about
correct behavior
-Leveled readers

Part 1: Planning for the Lesson

A: Standards

Key Content Standard:

With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.


Related ELD Standard (must be included when using an ELA Standard):

Interpretive B.6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing
multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through
Interpretive B.7. Evaluating how well writers and speakers use language to support
ideas and opinions with details or reasons depending on modality, text type, purpose,
audience, topic, and content area

B. Objectives
Learning Objective/Goal: The students will (DO __) to (LEARN ___).
Students will identify the order of a story to learn to properly sequence folktale stories.
ii. Language Objective (transfer this from "Incorporating Academic Language"):
Students will identify the characters, setting, and order of a story using story words such as The
characters are, The setting is, Once upon a time, One day, First, Next, Then, Last, and Finally.
C. Assessments:

Informal assessment strategies you will use during class (What evidence will you
Questioning and monitoring
Will hear students talk about the character, order, and setting of the story when asked
Will see students talking with one another and responding to the teacher when asked

Written assessment you will use to determine, for each individual student, to what
extent they have met your learning objectives. (What evidence will you collect?)
There will be no written assessment. The assessment will be to see if students are able to
correctly order the story with a partner. To assess learning I will also collect students verbal
communication skills of who the characters are, what the settings of the story is, and what the
order of the story is. Students will be asked to share these aspects of the story with their peanut
butter and jelly partner as well as with the whole class.
D. Lesson Resources/Materials (e.g., handouts, manipulatives, text pages, special supplies):
Story Map
Images from story (9)
Copies of all 9 images (10)
Zip lock baggies filled with images from story (8)
Sticky notes with the different settings: farm, castle, forest (3)
The Story of Half-Chicken book
Small whiteboard easel

Part 2: Instructional Sequence - Engaging Students in the Learning Process

Introduction (1 minutes): Describe how you will 1) make connections to prior knowledge, tap
into their experiences and interests or use a hook, AND 2) let students know what the objective
of the lesson is.
- Remind students that we read The Story of Half-Chicken on Monday and today we are going to
be reviewing how to sequence the order of the story

Body of the Lesson (23 minutes): Describe step-by-step what the teacher and the students will
be doing during the lesson.

Remind students that it is a kindergarteners job to remember stories and to be able to tell the
characters, setting, and order of stories
Ask students who the characters are and what the setting of the story Half-Chicken washave
them turn and talk with their elbow buddy who the characters were and what the setting was
Tell students, Okay we are going to take a challenge. Who can tell me who the characters in the
story are. Pick on a boy student. Tell that students to call on a girl and have that girl tell us what
the setting of the story is. Students should tell me, The characters in the story are the halfchicken, wind, water, and fire. The barn is a setting in the story, the forest is a setting in the story,
and the castle is a setting in the story.
Tell students, Okay, today we are going to work on the order of the story.


Walk through the order first. Place the first story card and say, Once upon a time there lived a
half-chicken. Tape the Once upon a time card on the left side of the white board under the story
map. Students repeat.
o Say, One day, the half-chicken went to the castle. Tape the One day card on the right
side of the first card. Students repeat.
o Say, First, he met and helped three friends. Tape First card next to the second card.
Students repeat.
o Say, Next, he met the cook. Tape Next card next to the third card. Students repeat.
o Say, Then, the cook decided to make chicken soup. Tape Then card next to fourth card.
Students repeat.
o Say, Next, his friends came to help him escape. Tape Next card next to fifth card.
Students repeat.
o Say, Last, the chicken became a weather vane. Tape Last card next to sixth card.
Students repeat.
o Say, The End. Tape The End card next to seventh card. Students repeat.
Say the order of story together as a whole group starting with Once upon a time, One day, First,
Next, Then, Next, Last, and The end.
Take a challenge. Have one student tell you the Once upon a time card in a complete sentence
then have that student call on a student of opposite gender (call on a boy or girl). Have that
student state the next sequence in a complete sentence and call on another student (call on a boy
or girl). Repeat until all sequences have been stated.
Tell students to sit with their peanut butter and jelly partner
Pass out 1 baggie to each partner group

Tell students, Open your baggies and show me the Once upon a time picture. Point to the Once
upon a time picture on the white board. Check for understanding if students are listening and on
task and holding correct photo.
Tell students, Okay put that image on your left side. Point to correct side.
Tell students, Show me your One day picture. Point to the One day picture on the white board.
Check and see if students are holding up the correct image up.
Tell student, Put that next to the Once upon time picture.
Tell students, Show me your First picture. Point to the First picture on the white board. Check
and see if students are holding up the correct image.
Tell student, Put that next to the One day picture.
Tell students, Show me your Next picture. Point to the Next picture on the white board. Check
and see if students are holding up the correct image.
Tell student, Put that next to the First picture.
Tell students, Show me your Then picture. Point to the Then picture on the white board. Check
and see if students are holding up the correct image.
Tell student, Put that next to the Next picture.
Tell students, Show me your Next picture. Point to the Next picture on the white board. Check
and see if students are holding up the correct image.
Tell student, Put that next to the Then picture.
Tell students, Show me your Last picture. Point to the Last picture on the white board. Check
and see if students are holding up the correct image.
Tell student, Put that next to the Next picture.
Tell students, Show me youre The End picture. Point to The End picture on the white board.
Check and see if students are holding up the correct image.
Tell student, Put that next to the The End picture.
Tell students to practice ordering the story with their partner on the ground
When each pair has ordered the story and told it to their partner, regain student attention


Praise students for completing the task, Im proud of you for putting the story in the correct
order and telling the order to your partner.
Tell students, Now you tell me what the order of the story is. Point to the Once upon a time
card and have students tell what that card is. Repeat with the rest of the sequence.

Homework (if you are assigning homework, what will it be?):

Closure (1 minutes): Describe how you will prompt the students to summarize the lesson and
restate the learning objective.

Remind students it is their job as kindergarteners to remember the elements of a story

Part 3: Incorporating Academic Language

(to be completed after you have planned the content part of your lesson plan)
1. Describe the rich learning task(s) related to the content learning objective.

First, students are going to listen to the teacher as she tells them the order of the story while
placing the corresponding pictures on the board. Then students are asked to repeat the order of
the story with the teacher. Next, students are going to work in partners to put the story in its
correct order. Students are required to know the order of the story as per the kindergarten
2. Language Function: How will students be communicating in relation to the content in the
learning task(s)? Identify the specific function (purpose or genre) you want to
systematically address in your lesson plan that will scaffold students to stronger disciplinary
discourse. The language function will always be a verb. Some examples are: describe,
identify, explain, justify, analyze, construct, compare, or argue.
3. Language Demands: Looking at the specific function (purpose or genre) your students will
be using, what are the language demands that you will systematically address in this lesson?
Key to this lesson: characters, setting, order
Syntax1: The characters in the story are
The setting of the story is on a
The order of the story is
Discourse2: Students will listen to and retell of the story from the teacher, state the
characters and setting as a whole group, tell the order of the story to a partner, share the
order of the story as a whole class, and correctly order the elements of the story with a
4. Language Objective: What is/are the language objective(s) for your lesson? (The students
Students will identify the characters, setting, and order of a story using story words such as The
characters are, The setting is, Once upon a time, One day, First, Next, Then, Last, and Finally.
For example: The students will compare different types of parallelograms using transition
words such as similarly, different from or by contrast. Note: be sure to copy and paste this
into the top of the lesson planner.

Use of a variety of sentence types to clarify a message, condense information, and combine ideas, phrases, and clauses.

Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how member of the discipline talk, write,
and participate in knowledge construction.

5. What does your language objective sound like/look like for different levels of language
learners? Ask yourself, What would the students say/write when using the language
function. Remember to consider the language demands while creating sample language that
the students might use.
Start here!




___ is a character.
___ is the setting.
___ happened first.
___ happened next.

The characters are ___.

The setting is ___.
First __ happened.
Next ___ happened.
Last ____ happened.

The characters in the story are

The setting of the story is on a
____ (farm), in the ____
(castle), and in the ____
First, ____, then _____, next
Finally ____, happened at the
___ also happened in this

6. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach
the specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent
Walk through of correct
identification of characters,
setting, and order
Repeat after teacher
Partner sharestating who
the characters are, where the
setting is, and what the order

Guided Practice
Demonstrate correct order
multiple times

Independent Practice
Set norms for partner

Repeat characters, setting,

and order

Protocols for identifying the

characters first, the setting
next, and the order last

Use student primary language

Rephrase/revoice student

How to order the story cards

in the baggie
Working in partners and
whole group discussion

7. Be sure to incorporate your ideas in #6 above into your actual lesson plan!
Assessment Notes:
* Be sure to incorporate assessment items of your targeted academic language into your

* Be sure to review any assessments you are going to use, and consider what modifications you
may need to make for your language learners.

Part 4: Lesson Analysis

In addition to answering the questions below, annotate (make notes on) the actual lesson plan to
indicate what worked, what didnt, missed opportunities you had, where you collected evidence
of student learning, how you monitored students, and other anecdotes.

1. What was your content learning objective/goal?

2. a) What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students met or
made progress toward the content learning objective? Please complete the chart below.
Teacher Actions &/or Strategies

Evidence of Student Learning

b) Write a narrative that explains the decisions and strategies you used that led to successful
student learning of your content learning objective.
c) What evidence is missing? What would you do to capture this evidence in the future?


a) What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students struggled
to meet or make progress toward this goal? Please complete the chart below.
Teacher Actions &/or Strategies

Evidence of Student Learning

b) Write a narrative that explains the decisions and strategies that may have interfered or
created missed opportunities in terms of student learning.
c) What evidence is missing? What would you do to capture this evidence in the future?


4. Considering student learning, if you were to teach this lesson again, what decisions and
strategies would you change (in planning, instruction, and/or assessment) to teach an
upcoming lesson? How do you expect these strategies to impact students achievement of the
lesson learning goal(s)?
5. Using the evidence of student learning described and observed, what will be your next steps
in future instruction with the class, small groups, and/or individual students?

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